tv News RT June 9, 2019 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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remember regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental racism going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. in the stories that shaped the week of the russian and chinese president speak his attempt to dominate international trade they were in russia's northern capital one of the biggest events on the business calendar. for a while the u.s. hits venice we are with new sanctions a lead to all the recording suggests washington is failing to unite the country's opposition against president maduro. just to keep the opposition.
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wants. journalists warn of a threat to press freedom in a police raid the country's national broadcaster following the closure of classified data in the media. german serial killer who murdered 85 patients while working as a nurse who was given a 2nd life sentence on thursday but police suspect he may have killed hundreds more . with the big stories from the past 7 days and right up to the moment of elements as well this is the weekly n r t international a little unwelcome. business leaders and politicians from around the world gathered in st petersburg for the international economic forum this week president putin
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china's xi jinping took center stage at the conference on friday putting on a show of unity and back to back speeches on offering their thoughts on trade relations with the us r t sophie shevardnadze was moderating their q. and a session she joined to our correspondent go to discuss the highlights. but you why wouldn't you need him without any conditions or. did i refuse i wasn't invited to come which is i'm going to go we know what kind of negotiate a trump is he's a wonderful businessman or a fast tom unaids who existing contract and he stops paying by the humans. in the end he gets a deal which is favorable to him it was the same was nafta it was something similar happened to japan what will happen with you. maybe i have announced this question in minority.
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rights you see it's good i'll stop it but it's generally it's good that you hear and asking questions because for years now i was here last year the year before that and this event was always moderated by western journalists this time though when it was you know questions about russian meddling or russian interference but you had many other things to talk about that are very important for this world or the right moment i think we're already had one plenary session that was dedicated to russia settling into the american elections so i don't think it was more us going into that one more time yet and the time passed and we had the reports it was obvious that there's nothing to talk about that was that. there were a lot of things that we could have discussed in terms of china russia cooperation road palko for asia and persecute them presidency they were focused their diplomatic you know my question today what answer me straight forwardly.
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when i was asking them about the trade war because i do believe it is the most important economic topic of today between china and america they were both sort of hitting hinting at the. american side starting war but they wouldn't be playing the americans are a very diplomatic but both of them. pretty much agreed that. they could not be that global world the global economy and free trade with protectionism and isolationism and if you want to weave together in one world that we better do it together you were talking about trade wars that was of course the number one talk but because you were sitting right next to vladimir putin and the chinese leader xi jinping now i just want to play you a segment of that discussion when the leaders. they were quite the metaphorical in the way the answer so peace question let's take it was. but you
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know if you're unhappy with fleas in your fur coat you can simply throw a fur coat into the oven it's that same sea of us natural 30 new chum and she has explained the tariff as if i got to live by station within my station and the question is why does moshe stand and fight economic superiority what you get this ship is a good chinese proverb when the tigers are fighting in the valley a smart monkey sits out of the way and watches how and then. so you see the presidents are not giving me this but it's clear who they're talking about and it's clear that they are not the ones war initiating this conflict when it comes to the economic international battlefield play that's what i meant that were very diplomatic in their answers because both of them are way to brands to actually point fingers at anyone in particular but i think well understand that
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they meant america and they meant that we didn't start this trade for america started and it's best that we need to clean up together because it is not a good thing for the world economy and then we went on to talk about russian sanctions we've got to watch and sanctions are we got to that point a bit later and the line up of the panel was very. this thing as well because we had the leaders of. the biggest country russia the 2nd biggest economy china of course there's no disrespect to the smaller countries but the e.u. members that were there on the tunnel there are perhaps not the most important voices in brussels but still they have something very important to say and it was great to see how you dug into the matter with them they were saying that in many cases. even though they support the common position of the european union.
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in many cases they're against the anti-abortion sanctions and this is not the way to go right but actually i wouldn't agree with you when you're saying that the voices don't really matter in the e.u. because the sanctions they're actually reenacted the latter so their voices do matter if either of them like i point out voted against the sanctions that the sanctions will be off so that was a very important point. to ask them and i mean you could tell that their hands are tied and they couldn't say that we really want the sanctions to be off that we are part of the european union but that's like the usual answer that you european representatives give and i mean we can understand them right because they're not in a position to go against the whole union but they're very clear about the message that it's crazy that even the people who are actually putting these sanctions in place. in 5 minutes are looking for ways to trade somehow with russia and this is
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devil standards that shouldn't be taking place and it is better for everyone involved for the sanctions to be off and i believe it's very important that you were able to get this kind of answer from them. to other global news there are some relief for the citizens of venice way last their crisis there continues to drag on thousands have crossed into neighboring colombia to receive humanitarian aid with the border reopened after 4 months on shutdown because lumbee an authority say more than 30000 people moved across the it was clinton's back in february at the venice whelan president nicolas as opposition leader along why do prepared to allow the u.s. by a q military in aid into the country meanwhile washington is kind of what caracas is not letting up new sanctions were slapped on one of venezuela's state owned oil
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companies on thursday but it seems the u.s. is still unsure about the future of president maduro a leaked audio recording suggest the usa could be if the it is finding it difficult to unite the fractured venezuelan opposition into. force. brings us. mike pompei always been caught making some comments about venezuela that were not intended for the prime time viewers apparently he's not sure who would replacement dural if his regime change efforts are successful. just to keep the opposition as devilishly difficult momentarily. everybody is going to really do something to. make president of the. people who believe they're the rightful heir. pompei i was pretty clear about the fact that this discussion was not meant for public consumption so we got a favorable response i was. this is what america's top diplomat said at the united
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nations when the lights were on and the cameras were rolling now we have a new leader. in venezuela who has promised to bring elections and constitutional order back to venezuela and security back to the region we cannot delay this critical conversation which has the world's attention for the sake of venezuela and the region we must support the venezuelan people and do so right now the mike pompei o isn't too concerned about what happens in venezuela after the current leadership is overthrown now let's not forget that the us meddling in the country's internal affairs is motivated purely by selfless humanitarian concerns about the people so after regime change there are 40 plus contenders who will then fight it out for power now does that remind you of any recent events in current history take for example the us invasion of iraq dick cheney said that it would go well my belief is we will in fact be greeted as liberators but there's been nothing but
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chaos and civil war in iraq since the usa invaded there are 288000 deaths so far and counting and dick cheney wasn't completely clueless listen to what he said in 1904 once you got to iraq and took it over and took down saddam hussein's government the money going to put in place for take libya hillary clinton was delighted to hear that gadhafi had been put to the sword we came we saw he died but now even barack obama admits that toppling the libyan government didn't come with a game plan for what happens next what he considers his worst mistake as president probably failing to. plan for. the day after. what i think was the right thing to do in. the intervening. libya but who needs planning right after all the people of venezuela would probably love to have their homeland go the way of iraq and libya nothing says freedom and liberation like having regime change followed by civil war and thousands of refugees fleeing for
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their lives it confirms something that we you know long suspected but you know now it you know is out in the open that the opposition is so internally divided washington you know would take over the figures like marco rubio favor a radical regime change scenario which involves the effectively destroying the existing the institutional structure that has been built in venice when the you know in the words of john bolton that to open up venezuela's busy oil sector to us and you know to really return but as well to the pre 999 status quo where it was a reliable ally in the region and you know a reliable agent of the u.s. in opec to maintain a low while prices as the u.s. diplomatic cables themselves acknowledge. it's another headline stories concerns over press freedom have reverberated across the street following a series of police raids the 1st on
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a prominent journalist and then on the country's national broadcaster a.b.c. the cases are not linked police say this week searches are based on the loser of classified information. the criminalisation and crackdown on national security journalism is spreading like a virus these songe president is already having affect journalists must unite and remember that courage is also contagious this police raid against our partners at a.b.c. is an attack on press freedom which we at the b.b.c. find deeply troubling the australian federal police rate race serious concerns about freedom of the press they could have a chilling in fact on the right of journalists to carry out their jobs the scene might be expected in an authoritarian country but not in a democracy both stories were released over a year ago with the help of leaks the a.b.c.'s afghan files were revealed in $27.00
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during an expose possible war crimes bias trillian special forces in afghanistan based on classified defense documents while the home of a nicholas smith hirst the political editor of the straightly a sunday telegraph was rated in relation to a story from $28.00 she disclosed a government plan to expand its spying on australian citizens that article relied on secret correspondence between ministries obtained from the whistleblower. and really in radio hosts revealed up the government is now also investigating how he obtained all authorized data that boats filled with refugees trying to reach australia then fordham said the focus of the probe is not on him but its source. about an hour after we shared the information we were told that the department of hama pays will investigate this disclosure i was told by a phase that i'm not the target of this investigation it's about the people who were supposed to keep this stuff confidential well last year we know it's truly
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a widened its scope for reading media organizations related to leaks of classified data and honestly in free speech activists we spoke to thinks it's more alarming not the government is targeting those behind the leaks instead of those allegedly committing crime. scientific tools a very dedicated and what message not see them stopping but this very dangerous thing this generous wants and said. this is whether this was before las vegas the genesis question won't necessarily go to jail for the sources that they are have used in terms of people's lives they are very much at risk which is the agenda behind these arrests of these investigations the particular release of the files has been something you know some of the dissolution ends and for those in the. u.s. trained military to sense the revelation of this yes and also to be the grace fence
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rather than actually seen it on the s.a.'s knitting prime's the issue has been more than those revealing of those crimes committed to tackling the big day in celtic's town that's getting its 1st new president in decades we were reports on the landmark election after the break. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. what is it called in. magic internet money the new type of digital currency
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decentralized digital scarcity chancellor. of 2nd for bankers call the genesis blog for reason to coin a civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial death any it's just a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history of this columbus discovering a new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing on to the max and stacey. again voters in cassocks the cuffs their ballots in the election that will produce the
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country's 1st new leader in 3 decades the exit polls are indicating not the nation's interim president has a considerable lead at this stage with the details on what we know of. 2 independent pollsters have given their prognosis have given their 4 custis to who's going to be the next president of kazakstan and well both of them give an overwhelming lead to the all time favorite of the race to ca of the 2 pollsters give them just about a 70 percent lead so well it does look like a landslide but well just to give you a an idea as to who this person is well he's the appointee and a protege of the previous president of kazakhstan nursultan nazarbayev and it does seem that a lot of people that the majority of kazakhs they put their trust in the in this candidate and well i had a chance to ask him a question to ask him what he envisions for his country if he indeed becomes
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president here's what he told me they're wrong because our strong there are so many challengers who situation the wrong the war is becoming increasingly too mild heroes so we believe that hearing goes down we need to our words reduce and pitfalls we need to meet our challenges come from outside or uniform in sorry but any way we are believe there due to the we were raised almost the people are cover star and will be successful parents we will all account now just to give you an idea as to how big of a deal this election for the people of kazakstan is on those that are by it has been the president of this country since the fall of the bewas aside yeah it's been that long and this is the 1st election he hasn't taken part in so really the 1st new face at the helm of this country in decades and now it is really the numbers as to how many people showed up to cast their ballots they speak for
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themselves it's the number of the the show the people who have chosen to spend their time and to cast their ballots has been that over 77 percent and it amounts to 12. 1000000. people hate people here now i mean i started to rain again so some luck i have today but well this is the latest as to who is going to be the next president. ok moving on to a quite incredible court case this week a german nurse who murdered 85 patients was given a 2nd life sentence on thursday neil's whole go earlier said he was endlessly sorry back in 2005 who was caught tampering with a syringe pump on the ministry being a cardiac medicine without cause that led to a series of investigations he was initially convicted of attempted murder in 2008 and sentenced to just over 7 years in prison then 2015 a judge sentenced him to
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life for 2 murders and also 2 attempted murders maria fanaa was on his latest trial . oldenburg festival hall this is where court proceedings had to be held the regional court hole was simply not able to accommodate all those people who wanted to attend and massive trial huge public attention the case raised many questions but gave a few on servers and one of the biggest questions was what is the exact number of people that mr her girl killed we heard from many including the main geology of the process that it is still unclear this is he entering the room packed with people he's caused so much harm to someone who is supposed to relieve the pain and prolong life but instead brought death to his patients this is where news her girls started playing his german version of a russian roulette oldenburg clinic working as a nurse here for 2 years studying 999 mr hurdle would pick up
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a patient could be any race so done there any age or health condition or social background to make an injection that would cause complications so that later mr hurdle could calm and quickly and professionally revive the patient getting everybody's admiration he's calling us at the clinic or so impressed with his skills that they even gave him a flattering nickname resuscitate rambo without of knowing that the person they praised. was in most of the cases behind the patients complications in the 1st place not all of mr her goals victims who were able to survive many of them died the clinics personnel suspected nothing until the statistics came out showing that the number of deaths in the clinic almost doubled since mr hurd who joined the team but instead of investigating the cases henri paul to their fears they simply decided to get rid of the nurse but before they gave him
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a very good recrimination letter that he wrote here to this hospital in the neighboring town of delman horace to mr her go get hired here and. these deadly game continued for another 3 years until he got caught in 2005 how did this all happen we have been able to talk about that with so many people and all of them almost agree that there reason a complex of reasons behind this terrible situation it's not only the system of hospitals and and. people who are working in those hospitals but i think it's almost a problem of each person just to look away don't want to see what's happening we have some true problems the perpetrator who is completely without feelings and empathy and then we have a culture of looking away if people had paid more attention to the information to the details from things would have been different. successive canadian government
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have been responsible for a race based genocide against the country's indigenous peoples according to a long awaited official inquiry which concluded monday the findings of the investigation into the murders and disappearance of operational women were made public at a certain morning attended by prime minister just and trudeau and while he conceded that many mistakes have been made his initial reluctance to use the word genocide caused the anger in the audience here many decades indigenous women and girls across canada have disappeared suffered violence or been killed. and our justice system has failed. this is an uncomfortable day for canada. well the report which is in title reclaiming power in place took more than 2 years to write the inquiry heard more
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than 2 thone isn't witness testimonies and so used to be abuse of indigenous people stems directly from counted as colonial past well it also argues that they struggle to find legal redress due to difficulties navigating the criminal justice system the report states that the disappearance the deaths of thousands of indigenous women have likely gone on record some estimates put the number of victims over 4000 for the period between 19802012 the 1200 page document includes numerous accounts of victims on the relatives we picked walnut perhaps captures the scale of the problem. i was hitchhiking and this was literally just a month and a half before my sister loretta was murdered she was texting me she was like what are you doing delilah this is not just one operation a woman or girl this is being considered a national epidemic there's
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a whole bunch of really you know problematic criminal activity as regards to indigenous women and girls and it's been on addressed for all of these decades until this inquiry on a light on it i am calling on all canadians and in fact other countries around the world to put political pressure on both our federal government and all of our provincial governments to to do something and to actually investigate state actors who are complicit or directly involved in the murders exploitations and disappearances of indigenous women and girls this state has done nothing about it so they've been very complicit in the ongoing sexualized violence and murders of indigenous women and girls but canadians haven't been able to put all of those pieces together until now. that is our news are up out for now but if you're a fan of listening to podcasts all go r t on sudden clyde house you covered find
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all our programs there interviews debate shows everything in between season. welcome to max kaiser financial survival guide. to your pension account. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. watched kaiser report. you know to go 2017 the german newspaper developed published an article claiming that the european union have lost 30000000000 euros as a result of its very anti russian sanctions.
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particularly affected eastern europe many polish film as went broke and even committed suicide. because of all the good. stuff doesn't go on to. get us and then let's see in the. middle. on the. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic to follow only closely i'm going to exist i
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don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. so max in our journey from genesis block to the moon we've gone through many things and in 2017 we enter the culmination of the block size war and basically the user activated saw fork will win the day but we also find that
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initial coin offering jumps on to the scene in 2017 and i'm going to start with the initial coin offering that i see 0 story because this was a huge story and 2017 more than $5600000000.00 of capital was raised and 2017 according to measure x. from token data team this compares to $1000000000.00 of traditional venture investing in block chain startups in the same time frame and in a mere $240000000.00 raised by token sales in 2016. guys are this is the kaiser report i'm preparing my initial point offering of the i.c.a.o. for the new crypto sensation merchants fischer matic and so many bankers are jumping off buildings and jumping off beers about of the world is being crushed by crypto so americans fisher magic you can fish with the bankers i used to dead big i
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