tv News RT June 10, 2019 3:00am-3:30am EDT
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saudi arabia faces a massive backlash for imposing the death penalty on a teenage boy who took part in anti-government protests. hollywood picture perfect town in germany to reject a right wing candidate for many. thousands of videos face the chop from you chewed as it continues its battle with alleged extremist content but many are crying foul saying it's just another crackdown on nonconformists.
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morning just 10 10 am monday here in moscow one name is kevin owen and this is out international thanks for joining us for this live world news update them so 1st grossly unfair and appalling human rights organizations of the media are urging the saudi government to stay the execution of a teenage boy for among other alleged crimes taking part in antigovernment rallies where the activists know sounding the alarm and it's not the 1st time the saudi authorities being accused of violating human rights taylor takes a closer look. this is more courageous he is now 18 years old and on trial in saudi arabia and this is him at the time of his alleged crime on a bike in his hometown and with 30 other children cycling around as part of an anti-government rally he was 10 years old with
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a job he spent the last 4 years in jail some of them and solitary confinement the saudi authorities say he's confessed but the teenager denies this claiming he was forced into an admission of guilt off to hours of torture riyadh's decision to sentence him to death is on surprisingly not going down well ridiculous exercise or brutality of starvation state authoritarianism and other human rights abuse case the prosecutor in quite a racist case is not only calling for the death penalty but for his body to be crucified or dismembered afterwards here's a chain year old kid riding his bike and somehow this is a capital offense now you'd be forgiven if you're experiencing some deja vu remember all the indignation over lost his assassination of saudi john this jamal khashoggi the media allege the crown prince was complicit in his murder something the kingdom need to noise politicians called for immediate sanctions against riyadh
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and human rights groups blasted the kingdoms constant violations of well human rights but do you remember how it and did i call the game i like the king. i should get. the funding you can and you have a lot of money. yeah you guessed it minute 3 contracts to the tune of billions of dollars not of course for getting the millions of dollars of oil heading to american shores every day everything made perfect sense for trump and in fact it seems that the shanty case actually helped him dip into the saudi cause. yes they buy a lot from us $450000000000.00 that was you know you had people wanting to cut off saudi arabia they put $450000000000.00 i don't want to lose them out so why are we now on the one hand trumps administration has just all through a top american defense fund called raytheon to couple with the saudis and build
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bomb parts and saudi arabia on the other hand the fate of a minor facing the death penalty for challenging the saudi regime to be reigning in 2nd guess what's next there is no pretense anymore of it being moral and of the trump administration there you the u.s. used to maybe it was worse when their prior administrations where they tried to pretend that what they were doing was the moral thing that's been very clear he brags about the deals he strikes you know selling arms to the saudis we you know just turn a blind eye to the atrocities and that say well you know it's real politik we support saudi arabia because they're on our side is really very honest that he doesn't care about human lives the life of a show. or any other person on death row or any other person who's about to be executed by extra legal means by the saudi royal family to experience these as look
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they buy a lot of weapons from us is made of gold media hype about these new gruesome executions i don't believe that the u.s. government policy makers will change their orientation towards the radio whatsoever this early 0 cash out for us the sense contractors so you really is a strategic ally along with israel in the me is the u.s. control over that resource rich period called the middle east. to a picture perfect town in germany next that's in the spotlight right now over the election of a new man the likely victory of a right wing candidate who's already won the 1st round of voting is and shock waves all the way to hollywood as a tease methanol reports next. welcome to girly wood this is how this little german town of gurlitz at the border with poland is sometimes referred to with hollywood teams frequent guests here not surprisingly luke around me having survived * the allied bombing raids hain war walk to its old town has retained
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a special atmosphere making it a perfect location for historical and war dramas among the blockbusters filmed here inglorious basterds and the grand budapest hotel members of the national socialist party conquered europe to murder torture intimidation and tear that's exactly what we're going to do and so my life began to lobby boy in training. but some no fear that this traditionally left leaning town is about to undergo an inglorious shaved and become germany's 1st to vote a mayor from they'll turn to for germany party. the f.t. candidate said busty envy people had 36 year old police commissioner picked up 36.4 percent of the vote in the 1st round and he has a serious chance of topping the candidates in the 2nd round runoff later this week
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now actors and directors both german and for in calling on locals here too for they to mean the far right as for their businesses i personally think it's a good thing that the c.d.u. was finally voted out it never was and never will be good while they are in power. i don't really know but i think the previous government made too many mistakes. and no i don't think it's right i think the people of gurlitz a smart enough to decide for themselves i think that imposing someone else's opinion for example from america is unacceptable. it's typical for artists because they think differently they can also voice their opinions we live in a democratic country so everyone is free to express their thoughts if they don't live here then they shouldn't meddle in our local affairs we do not tell others what to do they'll turn to for germany party candidate may be leading the polls
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right now but with 6 days to devote to the power of the film industries elite now involved the mayor race here him this town has itself become big screen material life an ocean an hour to reporting from the town of garnets and it's in germany. exactly 47 years ago this iconic image of the vietnam war 1st the public's attention doctors gave the girl in the photograph their kinfolk little chance of surviving the wounds but against all the old she did brutal protracted war claimed the lives of millions though. the jungle napalm timeless rockets over incessant machine gun fire. the vietnam war was in many ways a media friendly conflict even decades later his image is instantly recognizable. because the media records really tell us what really went down in past movie and in these wilderness what can we read from the famous stories and photographs about the
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violence and suffering of the vietnamese and can looking back into the bloodshed of the past teaches anything about the future while i can tell you on this 47th anniversary of the nazi soviet of another speaks direct to kinfolk the survivor of that napalm attack who says her wounds may have hill but a heart is no. after lunch so we get clay around and. suddenly. jail for the children asked us to ryan i saw the airplane get to worst to me so loud and so close i remember as a child i just stood there and then i saw everything i saw the fall bombs. landing like that and then suddenly the fire was everywhere around me
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an my clothes were burned off by the fire and i saw the fire. was over my left arm and a in late late that and i used my right hands i wet it up then day by day i i have to go through with a lot of pain and and trial in ny man and very low self esteem not only just the scar i have from the napalm and a pain from that one day it but my heart was in trouble and.
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thousands of videos are said to be taken from you tube the streaming platforms adopting new guidelines which ban videos that promote the superiority of any particular group this is just the latest move the widespread of all the various online sites in the battling allegedly harmful discriminatory content the nexus of the senior correspondent road goes to have explained it's not quite as clear cut as it seems. you tube has again shuffled about it's hate speech and discrimination policy this follows a sidestep wark to some assault and a back flip today we're taking another step in a hate speech policy by specifically prohibiting videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age gender race cars to religion sexual orientation or veteran status if that was any more vague it might as well have been fog me store
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the cloud it's really that vague videos alleging a group is superior gosh according to that statement the hammer of politically correct judgement is about to fall and later other adam a lovers that see dogs as superior to men. and 20 saying i'm allergic to dogs but i'd still choose allergies over another man in my life. and i started on i love my i don't suppose that couldn't imagine my life without my has was. always very of the mill as i see it comparing an entire gender to a dog could be taken as offensive by both sexes and all those that between and sexual but it does raise an interesting point who the hell are you tube facebook or twitter the platforms for people to chat on express themselves or they censors
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moral police responsible for how and what you say neither apparently all responsibility is yours and if you violate any of the incredibly vague rules you'll get banned no matter how funny you think it is. the stores are the words tourists there say the traffic will hold. tours about all the travelers like please. they are here are 10 things russia excels at and does better than how we do it in america both consume a lot of vodka but as far as manufacturers the us hasn't really brought anything new to the game including adding flavor to it that was popular among russian aristocracy before the us was even a country russians better than americans that is like oh my god so racist someone call 911 dot youtube dot com militant feminist your next these eat. an objective observer can see that man's life is
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nothing but a kind of staggering controlled by his mother too controlled by his wife. women can both think and feel the same time man can. man can either think or feel it does sound too good to be true if they start enforcing their own policies no matter how vaguely well stop hearing about the best country in the world the freest country in the world the greatest country in the world if they were feliz i'm proud of my mexican ancestry but i also am proud of my american nationality how do i balance these 2 things super simple celebrate cinco de mayo because you are proud of your mexican heritage believe that it is mexico's independence day because you have american ness and. let's be honest you true
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overlords didn't update their rules to take down america is great videos but given that the rules are now so ambiguous they can be used to take down anything what challenge even remove the political controversial video stand there i say it anything and she is stablish went. to the morning most of the time this monday coming. up in the program president trump had some insurance to his virtual wall these monies to wrangle in the u.s. border with mexico saying trade tariffs can always be brought but if it fails to stem the flow of migrants. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to. let it be an arms race in this spearing dramatic development only really i'm going to
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resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. you know world of big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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again good morning so president trump may be celebrating his recent border control deal with mexico that limits the number of migrants that can enter the u.s. but he's not above adding a little insurance into the mix. there is now going to be great cooperation between mexico and the usa something that didn't exist for decades however if for some unknown reason there is not we can always go back to our previous very profitable position of tariffs resident troll that is threat of tariffs at the end of may to start monday all imports from mexico were to be hit by a 5 percent tariff rising to 25 percent if a deal wasn't struck next this morning artie's kellam open looks into how trump has got is a virtual war. just recently a column of migrants coming from honduras el salvador and guatemala was stopped after just being in mexican territory for
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a few miles they're saying they can't take us and give his papers but we don't believe in their behavior is not normal it's a sharp contrast to previous attempts where caravans made it all the way 4000 kilometers to the u.s. border with mexico change is now afoot for mexican president lopez obrador he was certainly no fan of donald trump on his campaign trail he knows. the united states government would want us to do the work by blokey migrants from central america who came to live but it seems that he has now decided to assert mexico's sovereignty and follow the white house's leave it to those most in want to have a relationship a reed to rate it a friendship with the people and with the government of the united states this is a position the u.s. authorities president trump the bowl behave very well because they have not closed dialogue now we all remember donald trump's epic campaign promise we need to build a wall i will build a great great wall we're building a wall it's going to be
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a wall that is not nobody's going through my wall and who was supposed to fit the bill and i will have mexico pay for that wall mark my words now a couple of years later there's not much of a wall exactly but perhaps we just can't see it the government of mexico as big this has to sign disagreement because then where's no other way to go our way of those arabs or all the products from mexico and no we had it in between 2 fires at the fire next week on and fire a lot from you know pushing for more control on immigration and this is based really but what our own economy and we think this is just the beginning of this commission battle mr. wrong he's pushing for commercials and immigration at this fame time because he knows that this is good for his reelection on 2020 he's
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doing everything he can to gain and he's going to one again doing this kind of pressure on mexico and mexico just fine in this kind of a deal is really sad. he's about to start filling a huge reservoir the project started back in 2006 and is supposed to benefit the country's economy but environmentalists warning of serious dangers to nearby communities and the region's ecology.
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well good luck fidel i think. now i just said that i think we should still. try to divert. it's not just cause for the people at the to get it done. but. both things over and what was in the story collection in the central asian country because it started the poll is guaranteed to elect a new leader for the 1st time since the breakup of the soviet union so there's no official results through yet exit polls suggest that the interim president will get a about 70 percent of the vote he goes down office in the capital of kazakhstan for us. this monday kazakstan woke up to decisively find out who's going to lead the
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country in the next 5 years and well i should say there have been no surprises there the all time favorites of the race yes the interim president and the appointee of the previous president because sims are much is the leading in the race with some the 70 percent of the votes now again these are not the official results just yet we're expecting those close to the evening here but i mean still even with such exit polls with the numbers they're giving it's highly unlikely doesn't look like any other candidate has a viable chance of getting that top job now to just to give you an idea as to who this man is he has been in the upper echelons of power in this country for quite a while and before running in this election he used to chair the senate used to chair the upper house of the country's parliament now as he caused his ballot as kissinger might the kind of cost his ballot with and the i should say quite
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beautiful interiors of the opera house here right after that i got a chance i got the opportunity to ask him what he envisions for the country and he's what he told me are wrong because our strong there are so many challenges to situation there on the war that is becoming increasingly tumultuous so we believe that here in cost on we need to avoid recession and pitfalls we need to meet our challenges that come from outside or uniform inside but anyway we i believe they're due to the we work with almost the people of cover star and we'll be successful parents we will all account this is the 1st presidential election in this country in which the previous leader did not run news a little kindness or buy of skipped this race and so it means for the 1st time since the fall of the soviet union kazakstan will have a new face and. new leader so it is
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a big deal and really figures that show i mean they speak for themselves more than 70 percent more than 77 even percent of the voters of the people who were allowed to vote took to the polling stations on sunday this amounts to some 12000000 people as for the what does the future holds for this country assumes i'm not the kind of seems to stick to the policy line maintained by his predecessor at least his actions so far as the interim president indicate so but of course it's only the next 5 years that are going to show what really future holds for kazakstan. you know that's it for the newsroom for now tell us what you think if any of the stories by like us on facebook are falling out on twitter of course here most of this monday is kevin oh insane thanks for watching and have a great. you
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know the 2017 the german newspaper developed published an article claiming that the european union have lost 30000000000 euros as a result of its very anti russian sanctions. particularly affected eastern europe many polish farmers went broke and even committed suicide. sometimes i can't account for hours and hours of volunteer time i would put out a plan or put on the political round on the. cornish is a suggestion. on the flood the young team to have to. get going and just start doesn't on the kind of a no harm police think it doesn't in let's say in the army and the poor defenseless
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and welcome to cross talk or all things are considered i'm peter lavelle on this edition of the program we discuss what drives the russia china relationship critics claim it is a marriage of convenience proponents say otherwise it is the pivotal relationship of the 21st century. and some real news i'm joined by my guest dimitri bobbitt he's a political analysts we spoke nick international and in london we cross the markets papadopoulos he is the editor of politics 1st magazine hard gentlemen cross-talk rules in effect that means you can jump any time you want and i always appreciate only go to markets 1st in london we had in st petersburg over the last few days
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a visit by the chinese president sealed some deal new trading deals with russia at the same time we had this gathering commemorating the 75th 75th landing at normandy which 2 events of the last few days will be remembered most in history go ahead marcus well anyone who forsake and naziism who all who falls against imperial japan should be commemorated and should be celebrated its however ever since the end of the 2nd world or unfortunately in the west's instantly american influence and history has really reasons because if so on some another planet and suit is a bit spank that will suit the cat and it's on the beaches of normandy which is absolutely incorrect it was only decent lowball suit was won and lost is on. the eastern sunset band marks in 88 percent of the total was one casualty so let me put
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it in a novel way of every 5 german soldiers killed it was also for kids fighting against the rendon mates and it's the sacrifices of the great army that enable naziism to be discrete it's be destroyed and peter you and i would not be having this discussion in cost or without the sacrifices of the soviet union exactly exactly well that's absolutely true also i would like to make it clear why the xi jinping did not come to france 1st they were not invited because it was supposed to be at the prime ministerial level for some reason this year and 2nd in 2015 when russia and china commemorated they were victory days in may and in september there and off kluge tremendous suffering you know the 2 nations that lost most during.
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