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tv   News  RT  June 11, 2019 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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in the poison defend islam song the smiting. on doesn't dance with all the folks and that's wasn't. the headlines this hour leaks messages suggest a corruption case brought against brazil's former president lula da silva was in fact designed to scarborough his reelection and big. parts of the mainstream media mourner rebel i call him the brute force against assad in these few phrases the $911.00 attacks we look at the controversial figure and accusations of u.s. meddling in british politics after the secretary of state. is recorded pledging to push back against q.k. opposition leader jeremy called when becoming prime minister.
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oh good afternoon you're watching r.t. international now a scandal has erupted in brazil after leaked messages suggest a corruption case against the country's former president flew to silver was politically motivated the message published by the investigative news site the interceptors appear to show the judge discussing the probe with prosecutors supporters of looters a silver say the leak does confirm their theory is that the case was a stitch up designed to prevent him from winning his 28 reelection bid when the probe was part of brazil's biggest anticorruption crusade known as operation car wash which saw dozens of high level politicians imprisoned in it's a silver was sentenced to almost a decade behind bars for corruption and money laundering including for excepting a luxury apartment in exchange for state contracts he denies ever owning though and
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the leaked messages suggest that prosecutors themselves questioned the strength of the evidence against him one of the journalists behind the revelations did tell us that they made sure the messages were genuine. me we waited and waited for a response from the prosecutors for them to prove that the messages were genuine that's a very cautious and scrupulous that. when you work with explosive material like this you need to be absolutely certain that what you publish is true the prosecutors and the judge have expressed doubts about the messages they know they're genuine as do we when the leaks have led to accusations that the judge gave biased to the prosecutors with more or not his. lula da silva who served as president of brazil from 2003 until 2010 is still wildly popular in the country brazilians associate him with good economic times when living standards were rising
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now a newly leaked conversation sheds some light on why he is serving a 12 year prison sentence for corruption it turns out that his trial the judge and the prosecutor were in cahoots these are some of the private conversations that took place during the trial with judge mauro seemingly instructing the prosecutor about how to proceed with the case. hasn't it been a long time without an operation you cannot make that kind of mistake now the thing called with a that's a good idea and a prosecutor asking the judge for advice what do you think of these crazy statements from the workers' party national board should with fish to rebut well it is silva has long maintained his innocence he says the entire case was a set up he has named names. on how to political life and all of a sudden i was convicted for money laundering and organized crime it was all a law i settled on when i was by the federal police the public prosecutor's office someone more of who took on the investigation with more i didn't need any proof of
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crimes committed because they all had a plan in mind the plan was to paint the workers' party as a criminal organization with a criminal boss who happens to be made well it seems the new leaks show that little the decision was right here is an extract where the judge is seemingly directing the prosecutor and the prosecutor himself isn't moving his case is a weak. source and for me the contact person is annoyed at having to be nice to see dr property transfer the deeds for one of the x. president's children apparently the person would be willing to provide the information and therefore pawson it's along the source is serious they will say that they were accusing bay's a newspaper articles and for gyal evidence and here is what makes it even more scandalous loyd to silva's imprisonment is what prevented him from running for president last year and take a look at the polls to silva had a pretty solid lead so then also naro who won the election after his main opponent was blocked from running actually promoted judge morrow after he took office i
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salute gary moore the only man in brazil who's proving that we can do politics differently now the judge seems to think he didn't do anything wrong he says that the real crime is that these conversations have been made public it is regrettable that the person responsible for the criminal hacking of the prosecutor's cell phones has not. identified as the source there is no sign of any abnormality or providing directions as a magistrate despite information being taken out of context and the sensationalism of the articles my own as of course those accusations published by the intercept are not true and their origin is linked to a criminal hack even though i don't acknowledge the trustworthiness of the messages realized that they can create some discomfort for some people who are deeply sorry about that leak telegram conversations give the impression that the silver was railroaded in order to keep him off the ballot and there is more to come from me
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and we are continuing our work on the case as we said these are just our 1st reports we have a lot of information we have analyzed i think only one percent of the conversations we will publish materials from these messages. are parts of the mainstream media and the syrian opposition are mourning the death of a controversial rebel i call him who died in a battle in homs province against syrian government forces according to the rebel faction he belong to the rebel fighters role in syria's uprising was the subject of an award winning documentary film the goalkeeper for series youth saying he gained prominence for staging street protests against the sad and the song singing praise about the revolution some of the songs though to espouse values that seemed to go against their use of western countries fighting the terror group islamic state in syria the quarter reports. became the poster boy of the syrian uprising
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or shall we say the voice ringback. oh yeah. and his death in battle against government forces apparently made him a fallen hero in the eyes of the media. syrian football and singer of revolution killed in conflict syrian soccer goalie who became rebel i can dies in battle syrian soccer star symbol of free vault dies after battle. that also route was a former syrian footballer who turned rebel fighter and not just any rebel fighter all know he became an icon of the fight against bashar al assad so he wasn't shying away from speaking the truth here's one of the so-called singer of the revolutions greatest hits judge for yourself.
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perhaps the lyrics don't exactly communicate the artist's intended message that's all right though also it was much more articulate about his political beliefs in this 2014 interview that our vision of what we do blame islamic state. but that blame comes with love because we know that these 2 groups and not politicized and have the same goals as us they are working for god and they care about islam and muslims no you didn't hear that wrong the same goals as islamic state and apparently 911 was a great accomplishment to. was good yet.
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there are those in the media who acknowledge it's problematic characteristics but for them a little elbow rubbing with terrorist groups shouldn't stand between him and his rightful page in the history books. some individuals celebrated as heroes make you doubt all stories of heroes in history books others like abdul basset also root not inspire of but despite his flaws make those stories highly plausible he's a true legend and his story is well documented may his soul rest in peace so if these guys got an oscar. abdul deserves a grammy no less as in other. kovar western operations it becomes important to to maintain this sense of plausible deniability it's clearly
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been useful for for the us and the us media to maintain the whole idea of there being moderate democratic forces and among the rebels in syria but clearly most of the groups fighting the government were really extreme islamist groups that's the reality and they're these were the groups that the cia and and its allies its british and french and saudi and qatari and turkish allies were supporting and arming from the very early stages of this conflict. the u.s. secretary of state is facing accusations of meddling in british democracy that after my pump you said he would push back if you call your position leader jeremy corbin became prime minister. it could be the mr corbin manages to run the gauntlet
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and get elected is possible you should know we won't wait for him to do those things to begin to push back we will do our level best is too risky and too important and too hard ones who already happened recording of the remarks made to do with leaders was leaked to the washington post with more on the story his shot at the bin scale uncle sam wants you to know that special relationship could end up on the trash heap if it doesn't like the choices that us brits make the us secretary of state might pompei or has pledged he won't wait for jeremy corbyn to become prime minister to start the pushback against any actions that his administration might take against british jews while those views come amid stepped back to up of anti sematic allegations in the labor party what the us is perhaps really concerned about is that
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a korban government might try to distance itself from the us and pursue a more radical policy when it comes to countries like venezuela called in the call me is hardly who washington sees itself in bed with by airing those thoughts behind closed doors perhaps pompei it was being a little bit more tactful than his own boss who spent last week trumpeting his support for boris johnson or jeremy hunt as the next defacto prime minister. worse i like him i've liked him for a long time he's i think you do a very good job boris and trump on definitely a good fit both have a shocking blond hair and were born in the u.s. making boris if he wins the tory leader ship brace an american slash british prime minister but is it really fair for washington to blatantly push its weight behind
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one or 2 candidates over another of course it's not the 1st time that this has happened the united states supports the courageous decision by one god or the president of your national assembly to assert that body is constitutional powers declare madeira are your syrup or and call for the establishment of a transitional government the u.k. is hardly venezuela yet when it comes to what the us wants it doesn't seem to matter how independent a country is or how rip us to its democratic systems are what the us wants in a special relationship is one where it pulls all the strings charlotte. r.t. london. international affairs commentator johnson still does think the pump is interfering in british politics. it's one thing to criticize so you disagree with another government's policy that's legitimate under international diplomacy to actually
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take action trying to reverse policies. is beginning to become interference works. which is really sinister is he said we should begin to push back against actions taken by jeremy called pushing back as more of the criticism it implies that he's going to intervene physically in british politics and possibly undermine it called him you had to have a government it's not your typical slope don't tell you how to meit was he's trying to organise. we're trying to organize a coup against the british government or put sanctions on the british government or some other worry try and pull pressure between goes beyond criticism we do exactly what he has in mind he just uses that word push back it's actually she's talking about last. christmas. the chinese tech giant huawei has been compared to
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a german firm that made the gas used in nazi death camps the comparison was made as british m.p.'s grilled one of our ways executives but you're saying well we can sure otoh report it would be for. your company. to for been who manufactured. and sold it to the german government during research and will. i think i would not change a different picture. is in the process of building a 5 g. mobile network in the u.k. despite warnings from the us early this year washington blacklisted the chinese firm and google suspended its business ties with the company the u.s. banned the company over claims that its equipment is used by the chinese government for spying and is a huge allies to follow suit jack ross moose a professor of political economy says the comparison a far way to id farben makes no sense. it's kind of an absurd
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comment because you know i.g. farben product was designed to kill people whereas you know holloway's product is designed for people to communicate i don't know how you kill people whether with with the phone network you can take somebody by association you say i mean you know you don't say that huawei kills people but by associating them with a company that whose product did do that you know you make it sound like well you're guilty by association this attack. while way and all of the chinese companies are actually here is really about this big fight between the u.s. and china over who's going to dominate technology in the next decade the trade war is beginning to slide into an economic war as the u.s. goes globally to try to wean its allies away from any kind of economic relationships what china. that had t.v. sandwiched in gangs in u.k. jails and using a threat of violence to get prisoners to convert to islam that's according to our
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latest report we'll have a look at that in more detail just after the break. you know world's big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. make this manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling
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classes protect themselves. with the famous merry go round only the one percent. nor middle of the room 6. 1000000 real news. welcome back and i'm listening gangs in u.k. high security jail is to forcing prisoners to convert to islam with threats and beatings that's according to a new ministry of justice report. all the prison is to scared of us they know they're only going to 3 of the dail sunday no there will be broad this waiting that stop them there is an underlying pressure for people to convert and
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join the gang the tactic they use to befriend someone when they come in if they don't convert they will then start spreading rumors about them that the person is a snitch so that they will be ostracized then the beatings will follow. once we go to a category b. prison or so you could buy to resign if i said i didn't want to be a muslim i need to watch a show in case someone stab me it's very dangerous to denounce islam it'll be nice to be true to myself while the study was conducted at 3 top security prisons and found that muslim gangs use violence and threats to push prisoners into conversion the report says that forced conversions are becoming increasingly widespread in high security jails and knowledge due to a number of factors such as social isolation deprivation of liberty and also the need for protection well there are almost 13000 muslim prisoners in british jails at the moment about 15 percent of the total jail population and then in march of
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2017 we knew that there were $186.00 terrorists being held in british jails 90 percent of them were muslim 3 so-called jails within a jail were also set up to how this problem is in the midst inmates i guess debated the issue raised. certainly in prisons gang culture has always existed what happens here is it's a loose label of a muslim we are now touching ourselves with someone not being converted forcibly converted they're actually drifting towards the brig a group of people who they feel more aggressive and if they coexist with that maybe well i've worked in prisons david if you have a governor is an intervention have you worked would like to have work in prison but i'm going to have an opinion on line terrorists well done but that doesn't divert from the simple truth in this report and the truth in this report is that muslim goings are causing great trouble inside mike sigman security presence and that the
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people at the top of the muslim gangs are convicted terrorists honest not going to be solved by diversity and the snow going to be caused by reaching out to them it's going to be cause it's going to be solved by making sure that the terrorist ideologues are taken right out of it where they cannot spread their poison it's really simple and money every way we have a little it will be able to dive is a little bit of its thing david we need a multi-dimensional approach the more vulnerable individuals diversity actually does work with them reintegration is a model that the government has been working in the prison system if you isolate no but if you isolate will go in and out of the bottom of that kind of system when they go back into society the transition is that much more difficult my point also one muslim i think that the label is very easily given most muslims would argue that these kind of individuals who forcibly convert people which is against their own faith they're actually not very muslim if they were muslim in the 1st place they wouldn't be locked up in prisons i mean if they're not muslims they seem
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a bit they seem to be unaware of it rather don't they they seem to think they're muslims the court system seems to think i salute the department of justice thing i think that's exactly what they are i'm suggesting essentially a british get more for these end of it individuals that's what's worked successfully in the in the states. where there would be one tylenol and there was all and i think we need to have realized something with david we have elected not work situation we don't have the money to build these maximum prisons and what has guantanamo really achieved it's made sure that those interned have never committed any more crime once they get out of prison they could be even worse in college shouldn't be going to is the important thing is we have changed people in prison we have brought them around we do have the counter-narrative we have the individuals we have the interventionist practitioners and very well informed scholars who have been able to change people's mindsets that actually cost a lot less than building what he sees is what i resonate or not i'm going to acknowledge the other side of my own all i seek to do is to protect innocent
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british citizens from the consequences of radicalized muslims coming out of prisons and doing the things that we've seen from 2015 actually by the way on westminster bridge and other parts of the u.k. and we i want to see all that stopped and the way you do that is it's not a point it's not about pastors it's not about preachers it's support the strongest security imaginable and that's what we need. meanwhile the u.s. supreme court has refused to hear the appeal of a prisoner. giving no reason for the decision. he has spent the last 17 years in detention without charge according to associate justice stephen breyer the prisoner may never be free. it is the real prospect that he will spend the rest of his life in detention based on his status as an enemy combatant a generation ago the yemeni citizen has been a kuantan emotions 2002 he denies fighting for the taliban and al qaida as well as
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being a sahm of bin laden's body guard his lawyers call his detention unconstitutional or the guantanamo bay prison was created almost 20 years ago it does house 40 prisoners at the moment most of whom have never been charged and made numerous allegations of torture back in 2008 the u.s. supreme court though did rule that prisoners can challenge their detention in federal courts although most appeals have failed we spoke with ramsey has them he's a law professor at the city university of new york he represents our way and he says there is no evidence you have a force against the u.s. or its allies. he has not been charged with any crime let alone convicted the u.s. courts that have looked at his case so far have found that there is no evidence that he ever took up arms against the united states or its allies that point is not even disputed so the fact that the government has still fought tooth and nail to
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keep indigo on top of her 17 years in the courts have signed off on that really speaks the extent to which or reflects the extent to which both the law and the government have become cruel and inhumane in these cases but what is remarkable is that justice briar has written a statement which happens very rarely in these sorts of procedures to indicate just how rageous mr ali's situation is the reason that he remains at guantanamo today and many others like him are free is that he has the misfortune of being the citizen of yemen and not a citizen of the united kingdom france australia saudi arabia or another car a government that enjoys strong ties with the united states it's really all politics it's got nothing to do with security or anything that mr ali is even alleged to have done he remains an innocent man isn't kuantan a more after 70 years there are 40 remaining prisoners in guantanamo today $26.00
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of them are yemenis. you're watching aussie thanks for the company this off the new all programs continue here just off to. join me every thursday on the alex song i'm sure i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports this list i'm showbusiness i'll see of an. officer. to get up off the ground serve begin to pay him down to. hurt them freeze on the sounds of. me grown man like wrestling essentially. through his or her own. wish to do away from the officer. of his group. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the web in one's midst and then when it
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happened on 3 swung as observations didn't hit them i never saw any contact between the 2 any kind went back to where they were so the officers back here there try again 15 feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his gun and he bit on 3. guys are survival guide book station just like all the stores simply have all the service. he should still there are you going to get it back. oh heck no. repatriations came forward at the office 7 years. ago with a separate watch kaiser board. reading is a sell you taste. to tell a great story an equally great messenger or watchers and according to
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a new investigation by the intercept in the rain in group an opposition to to ron has done just that created the perfect messenger in order to push for regime change in western media so perfect in fact even the white house used the messengers work as a source back in 2018 his name is has met a lobby and he is according to his bio an arabian activist with a passion for equal rights but according to a sana iranian a high ranking defector from the movie mujahideen a colic or m e k he is not an activist nor is he even real live or a person irani exclaimed to the intercept as a lobby as a person run by a team of people from the political wing of the m e k they write whatever they are directed by their commanders and use this and use this name to place articles in the press this is not and has never bad in a real person. wow welcome to the next level of fake news my friends fake
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journalist what isn't fake however the list of prominent news outlets for the featured a lot of these work as a writer he or if the intercept is correct it has been featured in a range of right leaning publications and as i mentioned earlier us president donald trump white house the other subs mortaza hussein reports that last year one trump was looking to justify tearing apart the iran nuclear deal the white house claim that the nuclear deal had allowed iran to increase its military budget when pressed for a source to back up that claim the white house passed along an article published in forbes by a writer named has met a lobby so it's big news being reported by fake activists now influencing real life policy i think it's a good time to start checking the sources and watching the hawks. the older you get the better like you are really this would certainly.
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be a part of a lot of. the like you like i got. the be. re-educated . to tell. the world live on the watching lark sorry i'm sorry robots are up and i'm tapping. the so the enemy k. . is this organization and for those just joining us it's a has been listed as a foreign terrorist organization by the u.s. state department from 1970 all that 2012. though now most of what its activities said is considered nonviolent obviously it's writing articles most of the consider political activism lobbying towards the overthrow of the reigning government so hence what.


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