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tv   News  RT  June 12, 2019 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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when you have a certain. u.s. official request the extradition of wiki leaks founder julian assange if sent stateside he could be jailed for 175 minutes survivors of london's grand felt our fire start legal action against u.s. companies these materials it's claimed contributed to the tragedy and almost 18000 people have signed a petition demanding that this league drop criminal proceedings against a german skipper who rescued over a 1000 refugees from drowning in that. good
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afternoon you're watching r.t. international now u.s. prosecutors have made a formal request to the u.k. for the extradition of wiki leaks founder julian assange that's according to media reports citing officials from both countries with more his shot at the big. well that extradition hearing is due to take place on friday we understand from the wiki leaks editor in chief that the u.s. department of defense is due to present its evidence as to why it wants to extra julian assange he's not expected to appear in person but he could appear via a live video link so what's he charged with well there are 17 charges and counts of spying this is because of the publication of classified military and diplomatic documents by the wiki leaks website and also a count of trying to conspiracy to hack a u.s. government computer now if julian assange is found guilty of those charges he could
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spend up to 175 years in prison so essentially this is a life sentence and we can leaks editor in chief says it's just not possible that he will receive a fair trial i do believe that we are going to win this with legal arguments there is no chance the julian will get a fair trial here in the u.k. or in the u.s. of course unless there's a change of reporting that people actually start speaking out we're not talking about a prosecution we're talking about a persecution. julian the soldier is currently serving a 50 week prison sentence that's because he skipped bail and back in 2012 he's serving that at the high security belmarsh prison now in recent weeks has been concerned for his health he was too ill to appear to quote hearing the video that was obtained by artie's rocky news agency showing a songe inside the prison looking incredibly poor and thin to me in
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a soldier's father visited him in prison in the medical world where he's been receiving attention for that weight loss father said that he thought his son's weight had stabilized also expressed concerns about this extradition and julian assange is father says that if his son is extradited then this is the celebrity slope for journalism rich to poor actions you just wrote against somebody who's more suited. to. hold you. through him. you prove you believe reason i. will work with. you joan. rivers back in april julian assange was forcibly removed from the ecuadorian embassy where he'd sought asylum for around 7 years he sought that asylum back in 2012 following the fact that there were accusations
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of sexual assault brought to him by individuals in sweden that were being pursued by the authorities now julian assault has always denied those allegations of sexual assault and he said that they were pretext for moving him to sweden and then to be able to be extradited directly to the usa from there now this all spans form a massive dump of classified military documents that was provided to the wiki leaks co-founder to the website by a former u.s. . private this is chelsea manning since then the u.s. government has a searing julian a source for the fact that the wiki leaks co-founder on the website published those classified documents which showed alleged war crimes being committed by u.s. soldiers in iraq surely the minsky there are genius songe waits his fate his former protector ecuador is refusing to extradite an alleged american fraudster to the
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u.s. ecuadorian president len rayno has personally blocked the proceedings citing national sovereignty reasons humanitarian concerns and also international law we asked we can lease activist clark stoically why the 2 cases are being treated so differently don't point the mysterious very hypocrite always very sure of the morals and ethics of of these governments you know the message that wiki leaks has been publishing in the truth showing that these major. government organizations are committing fraud or committing war crimes and so forth. and you know then. the messenger is going to be the one that keeps going you know walk away the fact is it's all those who are who were so factual evidence. maybe people
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need to start reading the facts of the matter rather go through prison to us. know nearly $250.00 survivors and relatives of the victim to the grand fell to have a tragedy in london assuming 3 us that made materials used at the residential complex it is claimed they facilitate the spread of the devastating fire in 2017 some of the materials are banned from use on u.s. skyscrapers prompting accusations of double standards are comics and the message that foreign lives are worth less than american lives and that it is acceptable to expose people outside the united states to dangers to which people in the united states would not be exposed. that also names cladding producer conic product was highly flammable something that held the ground for fire spread very fast in all the names to the world pull the maker of the refrigerator that is
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believed to have caused the fire and insulation made by seller tax is said to have released cyanide gas leading to further avoidable victims. $23.00 companies have expressed their sympathies but the victims will pull though also noted that 2 separate probes fail to find fault with its refrigerator sela take said it's insulation was just one element of the cladding system used on the
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tower and our conic said it would respond in court we spoke to peter her better co-founder of the b.m.a. noise for grand fell he says that multinationals who are found guilty of negligence are likely to be punished the united states stars have a very political and a friendly culture whereby it's a multinational national trample me as guilty often selling product or rich trail product without sufficient safeguards that they will carry those previously be traces of me united states where a building collapse has resulted in damages of around about $230000000.00 to be distributed to the victims residents and the tragedy i believe there's a 2 year limitation period. united states that action must be tremendous but floor 2 years expires otherwise the limitation mark would rule any action outside of their limited jurisdiction of the us so it is
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a necessity to safeguard the legal position and at the end of the day the question is are we individuals it grants loans started so much going to go you got a real benefit for those of their families who are people who are after the break and therefore if that is right then that must be part of a just such a lot. almost 80000 people have signed a petition demanding that this li drop criminal proceedings against a german boat camps in klemp the 35 year old skipper of the levant to rescue ship is accused of abetting illegal immigration that after she personally assisted in the rescue of more than a 1000 migrants they were risk of drowning in unsafe things as they attempt to cross the mediterranean sea to europe. has more details. this is the case of peer clem a german boat captain and hero to some criminal to others she was at the helm of
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the event a boat in august 2017 when it entered the port of lump it was it located on an island between malta and the coast of tunisia the rescue vessel was detained and appears a lawyer now says he may face up to 20 years in prison and horrendous fines but no matter what appears stance is unwavering get a full have witness to what women and children have to face if they are denied safe travel by ignoring the submarine boats of european warships and expelling libyan militias brutal people who shelter refugees from unsuitable overcrowded scraps and beat them up sometimes too late italian investigators have accused her crew of colluding with smugglers with photos leaked to the media alleged in the boat returning to libya's. closed on purpose to be used again by smugglers a date hasn't been set yet forward klemp has dubbed her show trial and many agree tens of thousands of people are back in her in
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a petition calling for italy to drop the charges this however falls under matteo salvini is cracked down they tell an interior minister and deputy prime minister is known for his open and strong until migrant to stop rescue ships that are carrying migrants from docking on italian shores and allowing refugees to disembark it's what he's been after since his appointment last year and he has supporters too it's not as though the italians acted without probable cause there is much truth to reporting that every year of investigation preceded the arrest including video use witness statements don't develop the picture mrs rescuing people from drowning is b.s. propaganda rescue them and take them to germany it is quite convenient to rescue people and leave them in italy greece cetera we have enough migrants we do not want any more she mable the trafficking of people that's illegal she is responsible for the so-called refugee crisis there is a clear split within the e.u.
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over how to tackle the migrant crisis and while they see it undecided on whether to assist or hinder the flow of migrants into europe captain peer klemp could be losing her battle at sea and entre. reef nationality reporting from germany although authorities italian authorities do say that their anti migrant policy is a success rights organizations still say that lives are being put at risk. pretty much a year since the start of the year there have been around 2000 rivals by street with using small boats sailing boats rowing boats whatever they have to cross the mediterranean that's compared to $14000.00 last year. by guns have no say in how or when to leave the traffickers make the decision for them they couldn't care less if the people arrive dead or alive if we do not intervene soon it will be a sea of blood the reason why all dissent in this because there is no agreement to
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that european level for the resettlement of the asylum seekers and therefore easily could have become just the container of all asylum seekers waiting for a maybe resettlement in other european countries the 1st thing is to return to the european level in this stablish clear rules that apply to all member states so the country of 1st arrival we could say doesn't become also and only the only one to receive these people so this this food creates a flow there should be a coordinated approach. but at the moment to europe is not capable of device in any kind of solution. the british internal security service m i 5 is under fire for illegally holding on to bulk data collected on citizens the situation came to light during a case brought by civil rights group lipitor. m i 5 have been holding onto peoples
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day time ordinary people's date on your dates on my data illegally for many years not only that they've been trying to keep their really serious errors secret secret from the security services watch dog who's supposed to know about them secret from the home office secret from the prime minister and secret from the public airing the trial it did emerge the demo i thought i was already aware of the failures 3 years ago with more his. what i might not be a plaque on the door but even google maps will tell you that that building over there is m i 5 britain's domestic intelligence agency and even though its job is to root out the bad guys the agency itself has been accused of extraordinary and persistent illegality in a high court case the case against m i 5 now relates back to
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a law that was passed in the u.k. in 2016 the investigatory powers act back then the new legislation was sold as something that would create transparency in the wake of the snowden scandal which had revealed that the u.s. and its allies including the u.k. had been collecting vast troops of public data but the investigatory powers act quickly became dubbed the snoopers charter privacy campaigners claim it simply legalized the practices that snowden had exposed and introduced intrusive new powers. there is however a government watchdog that's meant to oversee the u.k.'s sweeping surveillance laws and according to documents revealed in court that watchdog the u.k.'s investigative powers commissioner has delivered a highly critical assessment of m i 5 in particular over m i 5 storage of
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hacked public data in one letter presented in court m i 5 acknowledged that possible data collected by m i 5 was being stored in ungoverned spaces there is a high likelihood of material being discovered when it should have been deleted in a disclosure exercise leading to substantial legal or oversight failure back in may britain's home secretary sajid javid revealed that compliance risks had been identified with how and why 5 handled data the report of the investigatory powers commissioner's office into these risks concluded that they were serious and required immediate mitigation the commission also expressed concern that m i 5 should have reported the compliance risks to him sooner the court case which is ongoing also revealed that the government watchdog would be subjecting m i 5 to far greater scrutiny from now on comparing it to
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a school being placed on special measures which is the government's equivalent of the naughty step. reporting now you're watching our table back with more. thank. you so. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected.
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so when you want to be president. some want to. get it right to be close this is what the 43 of the more people are. interested in the why is it the. last question. welcome back now the russian investigative journalist yvonne colon of has been released from house arrest with all charges against him dropped he had been accused of illegal drug possession with intent to distribute in what he claimed was a trumped up case over his journalistic activity officials in are saying that the
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evidence was read some and found to be invalid gold and of was met by cheering crowds of supporters. i hope the investigation will continue and no one will find themselves in the same situation i happen to be in for a little. research thanks a lot to room for think you know a new term to come to terms with what's happened since it wasn't. what he was detained on thursday with police officers claiming they found drugs on him and that is flat he said though the evidence had been planted in retaliation for his investigative journalism and the offices to spectate of framing him have been suspended russia's interior minister has started an investigation into the detention and has asked the russian president to fire 2 high ranking moscow police
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generals over their case. arrest sparked a widespread public outcry in russia many journalists and other public figures rallied in support of him accusing the police of misconduct there were protests in front of moscow police department and 3 of russia's biggest newspapers run the same front page 2 with the headline we are even calling off. but despite his release an unauthorized march in support of color in office currently taking place right now in moscow many of the participants are russian journalists there are reports of several arrests the rally was planned before calling off. and organizers say they are no longer people turn up and though they are present themselves an unauthorized protest in support of calling off. the sunday. independent political analyst alexandra bruno says the way governor case has been has been played out does have a number of positive takeaways. it is definitely
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a victory for civil society but it's also a victory for clean government i'm happy to see that the people responsible have been put under investigation and most importantly the civil society and media were able to express their opinions and support for the goal not really in the west in particular where a lot of. propaganda against russia is presented and prepared. we are often told that the media in russia is very. controlled by the state and censored so i think this case is perhaps not very good for a girl enough it's a very important case in helping to show that perhaps the media in russia is much freer than we believe. now the new york times is officially stopped publishing
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political cartoons it does come just over a month after a strong backlash against the cartoon featuring a blind president donald trump led by the israeli prime minister in the form of a guide dog one of the paper's longtime contributors broke the news. i'm afraid this is not just about cartoons but about jordan and opinion in general we are in a world where moralistic mobs gather on social media and rise like a storm or party should party there in his post or so stress that without humor we are all dead the new york times issued an apology soon after the offending cartoon was published the disputed image of donald trump and many many at yahoo was their work on tonio and to nez back in may he hit back over the controversy claiming the backlash was fabricated. the backlash was made through the jewish propaganda machine which is anytime there's criticism it's because there's someone anti
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semitic on the other side and that's not the case meanwhile the decision of the new york times to abandon political cartoons to cause uproar on twitter. the n.y.t. really did fail this time decision not to run political cartoons by a white c opinion is spineless we need political humor now more than ever 4 years ago the new york times it was all just c surely now they're no longer publishing cartoons new york times are not threw out to be with the bathwater yes there is a terrible lapse in judgment to print that cartoon so pod guys and have a keener i freak regis lee offensive cartoons john and art from completely the political cartoonist and author ted rall believes that not being able to laugh at politically does does create a serious problem for society this is a pretty despicable series of events i mean 1st of all i don't think we need to throw on tonio the portuguese cartoonist under the bus there really is but it's
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highly debatable whether his cartoon was anti-semitic or not and i think this portray him as an anti-semite despite the fact that he repeatedly has denied it is really egregious and something that many of my colleagues probably should have spoken out against to me to months ago and now you have the new york times firing its own syndicate i mean the editors who ran the cartoons are still working at the new york times and the and now they're firing to cartoonist who had nothing to do with the cartoon in question so i mean i've never heard of a political cartoonist getting fired over a cartoon that he did not draw so the new york times has literally declared nuclear war against my art form they've decided that all the traditional editorial cartoons that depict a strong opinion about the events of the day will no longer appear there when we can't laugh at ourselves when we can't poke fun at our political leaders we've got a major problem on our hands politically. what i'm missing some pictures from hong
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kong because police there have he's take escorted cannon and pepper spray against protesters well. to late voting on a controversial bill after tens of thousands took to the streets the bill would enable the semi autonomous region to extradite suspects to mainland china but activists say that would see too much control to beijing and encroach on hong kong special status they fear it would enable politically motivated extradition china argues the bill is necessary to prosecute crimes committed by home kong residents on the mainland shops banks and enterprises to give their employees the day off to protest on wednesday she saying many people did turn out to do just that and on sunday over a 1000000 people in hong kong protested over the same issue. so
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that's how things are looking today here in our see we're back again at the top of the hour. so who is christopher many well grew up in several small towns throughout the midwest. good christian family. and join the national guard and then eventually college into law enforced. i did 13 a half years work in the street here everybody who was in my p. knew that they could trust including the street people. you know a lot of people don't realize but i was a single parent raising to jetstar a i place as a street racist guy. and were returned to mexico and my kids are of a different race today we are going to go through the autopsy report of dad's radials why couldn't you just talk to the fact the matter is that's only to try to do and the attack was so quick and so violent you know i kept push him off and he
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just kept texting what was going through your mind at that point. just to use my film. we've got a 14 guard shot. and 15 gursharan. there's no stiffening. or a bird or bird gun powder particles on the skin surrounding any of the entrances so . that fire was not what that strategist says a quest for manny when he shot the said this at a fair bit of the proxy game balance trial that our. pantry had a friend on the roof out of the. crowd this may come toyota kind of face that press or may have. been one of the top 2 point board out of fire are. meeting with the district attorney we were provided with photographs of christopher manny the day of the incident. there were no visible injuries to his head his neck his face
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the shoulders his back there was a very small abrasion or a laceration to his thumb. where you said you don't know if you think you can see i don't even know what i was. told. right i mean they're all in there no never you got here or so they said. you know if you've been struck. instantly and i remember touching my head and i really felt like my brains i mean oh. i remember an officer touched me on the shoulder and i said how bad is it and i kind of left my brains pouring out and he said no you've got smarts you got sprucing you've got some issues but your brains are untapped.
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market police department is conducted a comprehensive internal investigation into the officer involved shooting a gun trade hamilton and red arrow park on april 30th 2014 based on the comprehensive internal investigation i signed an order terminating christopher manny from his employment with the milwaukee police department earlier today. in this case as your manager produce this individual as though you were a criminal suspect even though the officer sofa reported that he thought he had mental problems upon his approach the training to deal with the mentally ill people tells you. again absent the behaving in so many sitting fashion objective the putting your hands on them is almost the worst thing you can do and finance as officer christopher manning sierra in jazz by not following proper police training and protocol support to keep in mind i ruled that the officer violated our core
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value of competence and i fired. the d.a.'s jobs to assess criminality going to that are not going to. have to have to travel. and i was very surprised to have the decision to terminate christopher a manny didn't relate to the shooting at all. related to the fact that he felt that the after surge was improper. that the chief made the decision based on this officer not following procedures in order to move the ending trey's life and i think that was a good decision. 6 but he still wants his officers to face criminal charges. good evening ladies and gentlemen far police commissioner i am here today on behalf of my police to present the eligibility of the appointment to police officer we stand here before you as a diverse and not proud.


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