tv News RT June 13, 2019 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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i know now. now. i. directly accuses iran of being responsible for attacking tankers and destabilization this situation in the middle east. u.s. extradition request for julian assange to the whistleblowers fate could be decided to hearing on friday. a new alliance of euro skeptic parties in the european parliament have announced that they oppose the extension of russia sanctions.
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are joining. us. said the washington believes iran was behind the attack on 2 tankers in the gulf of oman during a press briefing. threat to international peace and security with details. well the u.s. secretary of state is placing blame for the incident regarding to oil tankers he says that the islamic republic of iran is responsible and that that is the position of the united states this is what we heard earlier from mike pompei oh it is the assessment of the united states government that the islamic republic of iran is responsible for the attacks that occurred in the gulf of amman today these unprovoked attacks present a clear threat to international peace and security a blatant assault on the freedom of navigation and in an acceptable campaign of escalating tension by iran now 2 oil tankers were involved along with $44.00
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crew members that were on board those oil tankers the incident took place near the strait of hormuz now at this point we're hearing that one of the vessels of the front all tear was described as quote on fire and adrift and we have photos that have been appearing on social media of the flaming vessel the burning ship now front line which is the oil tanker company that owns these oil tankers it has confirmed to russian media that there was no oil spill caused by the flames now furthermore we understand that there were actually 11 russians on board of the ship and that the ship the oil tankers were sailing under the flag of the pan of panama and the marshall islands now the u.s. navy reported 2 distress signals in the morning as this was taking place iranian media is reporting that it was an iranian vessel that was 1st on the scene and it
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has essentially reached the scene and rescued all 44 of the crew members who were involved in the incident they are now getting medical treatment in iran now we also understand that some media is reporting that a tarp yto was responsible for hitting the oil tankers whereas other. media is saying that this was a mining incident that the vessels hit a mine now folks will recall that back in may there were 4 oil tankers in the united arab emirates that were hit and that unnamed state actors were blamed for it after investigation we now see washington blaming iran for this incident that just took place and we understand that a u.n. security council meeting is scheduled for later today to discuss the incident so all eyes will be on the u.n. security council as they begin the meeting and we now have my pompei are saying that iran is to blame for the incident people will be wondering looking for more
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information a lot of quick developments here a lot of nervousness in the international community in response not just to this incident but in response to pompei i was announcement. the u.k. home secretary has handed us extradition requests for julian the songs to the courts which will consider the whistleblowers fate hearing into the matter for friday so did with the reports from london. what is a dark day for and his supporters as the u.k.'s home secretary sajid javid has just signed an order paving the way for your innocence to be extradited to the united states now he himself said that he was pleased that you're innocent just behind bars and that justice will prevail in this procedure you're very pleased that the police were finally able to apprehend him and now he's right you behind bars because you cade law i want to see justice done all the time so we could have a legitimate extradition request so i've signed it but the final decision is now
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with the courts well it must be noted that the final decision is for the courts and the courts alone of course the united states does want your innocence for 17 indictments under the espionage act for publishing and the liver and classified communications and documents all related to the iraq war and the war in afghanistan but also concern. and even indeed hacking government computers and publishing these secret documents now the platform of which was used to do this is wiki leaks and the editor in chief in days says that you're innocent will not receive a fair trial i do believe that we are going to win this with legal argument there is no chance the julian will get a fair trial here in the u.k. or in the u.s. of course unless there's a change of reporting that people actually start speaking out we're not talking about a prosecution we're talking about a persecution welcome to the scientist serving a 50 week sentence in the u.k. as belmarsh prison that's a high security prison here in the u.k.
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and that was for skipping bareback and 2012 now this is a video filmed inside the belmarsh prison by an inmate and it was a tame by artie's video agency ruptly and as you can see he looks somewhat i'm a c 8 and rather skeletal there in the belmarsh prison now last month during a sonorous actually moved to the medical ward there and his father earlier this week said that you're innocent is recovering from a dramatic weight loss during his time in the belmarsh prison and indeed the ecuadorian embassy of course journalists aren't was thrown back into the public eye back in april where he was forcibly removed by british police from the london's ecuadorian embassy where he was actually seeking political asylum and he was holed up there for almost 2 and a half 1000 days which is the sum of almost 7 years in confinement when it isn't just the united states that want your innocence 1 we're also hearing that swedish prosecutors want your innocent for sexual assault allegations made against him
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something that your innocence he himself them in need denies he also believes it's a pretext to then extradite him to the united states to the. real imbalance in the extradition treaty between washington and london. i think that any extradition counsel whether. for the from the crown or from the defense is going to understand as in many other extradition proceedings particularly one that's high profile like mr sawyer that politics is going to come into play i think it's shame i don't think that it should come into play in any extradition proceeding i think that an extradition hearing should be based solely in the in the resulting decision either for or against extradition should be based solely on the law but i also believe that that's a naive approach and i do think that politics will factoring in post $911.00. the
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u.s. and u.k. . entered into an expert titian treaty that provides for a lower. standard of proof that the us passed a my to have someone extradited so it's much easier for the us to have one extradited from u.k. to the us than the other way around and i'm not familiar with any other extradition treaty that the u.s. house where that floor standard where that even standard is between the 2 bilateral states that's present to the u.s. treaty. human rights watch says a british government report whitewashes sonti arabia's role in yemen's humanitarian crisis the british foreign office report states that the companies in yemen and how the devastating impact on people's lives but it only mention saadi arabia one of
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the saudis in the war in connection with the alleged use of secret prisons amnesty international alleged the use of secret prisons in areas under the saudi led coalition's control there was no reliable process for inquiry into detainees held at these facilities. human rights watch and riyadh's actions in yemen could amount to war crimes and accuses the u.k. of turning a blind eye the reports most striking weakness is on the yemen while acknowledging the many civilians killed in the conflict it ignores the saudi led coalition's responsibility indiscriminate saudi led coalition air strikes in yemen have hit hospitals funerals weddings markets civilian homes and even a school bus killing and wounding thousands many of these attacks maybe work rhymes . since 2015 britain has sold 4700000000 pounds worth of weaponry to riyadh which
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makes it one of the biggest exporters of arms to the kingdom the issue of weapons exports to the sound it has sparked heated exchanges in the u.k. parliament we have requested comment from the british foreign office we await their response the sardo coalition began its bombing campaign against 23 rebels in yemen which we had seized as terrorists back in 2015 saudi arabia insists it's doing all it can to reduce civilian casualties but the u.n. describe the situation in the country as the worst mom made humanitarian crisis on the planet warning you may find some of the following images upsetting.
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the bomb has a kill the cholera epidemic the number of people who are in hunger because of the blockade. or an office is trying to obfuscate or hide from the british people the fact that they are supporting the. action saudi arabia and its allies in its war on the people of yemen the united kingdom just like the united states has strategic interest in the region they want to protect. dictatorial monarchical governments and order to secure natural gas resources and the people of yemen fighting for their liberation . to their foreign policy go. ok more news coming up for you after this short break .
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it. seems wrong. just don't all. get to shape out. and gain from it because the trail. find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. we are in a strange situation where everybody is making a lot of noise about military action against iran but nobody in the part of that alliance actually wants to do it there's no desire for it so do you hope that iran makes
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a mistake. somehow and then does it some kind of confrontation and then the iranians will be forced to come to the table you know begging for some kind of solution on american terms but you know i think that is dreaming that's a pipe dream. welcome back a new alliance of the euro skeptic parties in the european parliament have come together to form a book called identity and democracy they will be the 5th largest group in the parliament with around 10 percent of seats they've also now announced that they intend to oppose the extension of russia sanctions on his riff and. we have been hearing about the nationalist alliance in the european parliament for quite some time already and on thursday in brussels the leader of france's national rally magnet then announced it officially saying it is
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a drastic change to the political chess board of the european union identity and democracy or shortly aidid that's the blocks name will unite the right wing parties from 9 european countries common direction common goal to take power from brussels and give it to the country members capitals for that very reason they are often referred to in the media as you are skeptics shortly after the new born party presentation its core chairman who is also known here in germany as the federal spokesperson for the alternative for germany a right wing party presented one of the features of the parties who are us that is definitely too different from the european union sanctions against russia make no sense let's take a listen we oppose the extension of sanctions they did not think the actions of russia we can extend them for another 10 years it will not change anything it came less than a week after the russian president vladimir putin said that russia is dreaded to
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move towards the european union but the you should take the 1st step if the use policy towards russia changes will not only welcome it will take reciprocal steps this also applies to the country or sanctions we were 1st to apply after the certain restrictions on us then you alliance will take 73 seats in this 751 seat european parliament 10 percent compared to 5 percent in the last previous significant change 8 makes it to feast largest alliance in the palm and which makes the chances are very high that the party will be successful in pushing forward its policy and we indeed are going to see the changes then talked about there are many lawyers of. all the major issues. in the. we have about 25 to 30 percent of us skeptic parties and only the core is 10 percent or fraction and we had a lot of allies with whom we cooperate so yes you are stronger to see people see
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you bring all over all over europe. bring them to become more u.s. so we have a elite of brussels that has lost contact with a growing but the reality of the member states. people want to get control back they want to so the government. is saying actions are not very popular among the people in europe they want not to extend they want partnership with russia instead of a new cool war and as long as the issue on the table in brussels and all of the federal states germany about i don't this nation states and europe we just haven't politicians come and put pressure on. us national security advisor john bolton says reports of disagreements between donald trump and his top aides are part of a disinform ation campaign carried out by the likes of russia china and iran and also branded us journalists who write such reports as stenographers of these
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regimes north korea iran and. venezuela russia and china pride too. so information about the administration and to say that the president his advisors are divided and things like that the stenographers of these regimes in the american press immediately pick it up. come on mr bolton in case you've been living under a rock the past few years u.s. president donald trump doesn't get along too well with the rest of capitol hill close to 30 of his team members have either resigned or were fired and since he got into office his term has been haunted by a cascade of information leaks by insiders saboteurs and trump hasn't always been on the same page with the rest of the administration. you think north korea remains a nuclear threat yes but the president said he doesn't it's not what he said i mean i know i know personally we did it and there is no longer
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a nuclear threat from north korea. i had a very good talk with president putin is. that looking at all to get involved in venezuela he was apparently ready to leave after the airport but the russians talked him out of that is that right that's right now it could be because the trump is in a tory asli divisive figure by nature could be because he's flip flops so much that he's policy u. turns were created into actual flip flops well you know he's sometimes difficult to keep up with and you know after all he doesn't have to be a bad thing a clash of ideas challenging each other on policies is synonymous with democracy isn't it i read a news 3 times due to how unbelievable it is that the russians in other bad guys spread this information about a divided opinions of u.s. president and his closest aides seriously when the president and his inner circle
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have different opinions it is a sign of the democratic process in the country doesn't washington defend this value with such zeal so yeah it could be a good thing except it probably stops being one when things move from the realm of professional to personal to go to work for a man who. is pretty on discipline and doesn't doesn't like to read doesn't read briefly. reports doesn't doesn't like to get into the details of a lot of bricks to listen didn't have the mental capacity needed he was dumb as a rock and i couldn't get rid of him fast enough he was lazy is how we already know a lot about the discord in the tribal ministration from former tribe it ministration officials i mean let's face it what did north korea did to sow discord in the us what could be his wayward view it doesn't make any sense the white house is now want to appear to be fragile they're now facing
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a reelection very soon in 2020 and boldness trying to help trump cover is behind by claiming others are responsible for discord and not those with and why of course the message being that you know john bolton's looking for pretext to go to war somewhere he's a very devious man he likes to write. the shanghai cooperation organization is gathered for a summit in the capital bishkek there around can he became leader of pakistan last year will attend plans to meet with some of his counterparts including but a mere putin brought his departure he gave his 1st interview to the russian media since coming into power in 28. you have. developed cooperation with russia. between our defense forces there has always been meeting i think our defense personnel have already met and so yes we will do to deepen our
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converse. contacts. most of the fifty's sixty's seventy's was spent in the cold war the reason we were india was close to the soviet union and pakistan was close to the united states so we were in different camps. things have changed india is also friendly with the united states and by this time is also friendly with the u.s. so we no longer have the cold war situation and so it's refreshing that we have developed in our contacts with russia and they're developing all the time 1st of all tension with india decreases so we do not have to buy arms because we want to spend money on or no human development but yes we are looking for. exchanges we develop more gaunt we prove our trade russia is. energy surplus country apologist than has shortages
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and energy and so we hope to talk on those areas we already. but also apart from defense we want to also improve our trade in other areas with russia we hope our 2 delegations will soon go to russia we will invite the russian trade delegations. give opportunities to invest and by gets done. your watching our team to national really appreciate you company this evening if you can join me at the top of the i'll have updates on all top stories. when lawmakers manufacture consent to instill public will. when the
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ruling classes protect themselves. in the final merry go round be the one percent of. the time we can all middle of the room sick. from the real news. what is it going to coin is magic and the new type of digital currency the centralized digital scarcity chancellor bring a 2nd bailout for a bank that's called the genesis blog for reason to coin a civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny it's just a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history and this is columbus discovering a new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance
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in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing on to the moon with max and stacey. so you're using that brings this fear into the series if we could just let josie marino walk away and say we decide. it's a treat to still post to a very special farewell party and by god as. we walk along the path of the day but this time to go back to the punchline and thanks for putting one sister to the body. with the red carpets the only thing i didn't enjoy was my eyes. my then seen.
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playing golf yes some. might have wanted something. new for the church. of the local which is based on what. you own what one would you would clean slate there's just a total digital shift of the. lucas on. but there we were thinking. that you would like the right. now for. sure for our family. so who is christopher manny well i grew up in several small towns throughout the midwest game from a good christian family. and joined the national guard and eventually college and along force. i did 13
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a half years work in the street here everybody who was in my p. knew that they could trust including the street people. you know a lot of people don't realize but i was a single parent reason to chance farai places retraces guy. and were returning next and my kids are of a different race today we are going to go through the autopsy report of dad's radio why couldn't you just talk to the fact the matter is that's only to try to do and the attack was so quick and so violent you know i kept pushing off and he just kept texting what was going through your mind at that point. just to houston if you don't think. we've got a 14 guards shot. and 15 gursharan. there's no stiffening. for a bird or bird gunpowder particles on the skin surrounding any of the entrances so
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. that fire was not what that strike and this as a quest for manning when he shot the said this at a fair bit of rock song balance travel that our. band he had a friend on the right side of the. scout this may come home to. face that press for may have. been one of the top point poured out of fire are. meeting with the district attorney we were provided with photographs of christopher manny the day of the incident. there were no visible injuries to his head his neck his face shoulders his back there was a very small abrasion or a laceration to his thumb. there was a. where you said you don't know if you think you can see i don't even know what i was. told. right i mean they're all in there no never you got here or so these little bits. you know if you've been struck. instantly and i remember touching
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my head and i really felt like my brains i mean oh. i remember an officer touched me on the shoulder and i said how bad is it i can lift my brains porno and he said no you've got smarts you got sprucing you've got some issues but your brains are intact. to police to organise conducted a comprehensive internal investigation into the officer involved shooting a gun tray hamilton and red arrow park on april 30th 2014 based on the comprehensive internal investigation i signed an order terminating christopher manny from his employment with the milwaukee police department earlier today.
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in this case is your man either produce this individual as though you were a criminal suspect even though the officer sofer reported that he thought he had mental problems upon his approach the training to deal with it mentally ill people tells you. again absent them behaving in so many sitting fashion objective the putting your hands on them is almost the worst thing you can do and finance as officer christopher manning or in jazz by not following proper police training and protocol it's important to keep in mind that i ruled that the officer violated our core value of competence and i fired. the d.a.'s jobs to assess criminality going up there are not going to. have to have to travel. and i was very surprised at the decision to terminate christopher manny didn't relate to the shooting it only related to the fact that he felt that the after search was improper.
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