tv News RT June 18, 2019 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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i. think i. the day moscow time headlining this the u.s. sends an additional $1000.00 troops to the middle east and the growing tensions with iran as a recent report claims the american military is more environmentally polluting the whole country. and use social media platform set up by controversial right wing figure jordan peterson ignites debate he says they won't send any content unless u.s. authorities order it. and the canadian region says people in the public sector can't wear religious symbols of work but rights activists say the new law violates religious and personal freedom.
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however get out today in just midday this said tuesday here in moscow and kevin owen who with the world news updates the next 30 minutes searching some news coming in to tell you about in the world of football a sport 1st off for you a for president michel platini has been taken into custody in france called into reports the former head of football's governing body in europe was detained as part of a long going your best occasion into alleged vote rigging in the 2022 world cup selection qatar of course was chosen teenie has been accused of accepting payment in exchange for his vote mr pertaining to his side has denied any wrongdoing but as it stands so far as lunchtime he's been taken into custody in france we'll get more details on that throughout the day for you bring in our sports correspondent as well to talk a little bit more about it in the coming hours. the u.s. is ordinal 1000 troops to the middle east amid an escalation in tensions with iran
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or shinton says the forces are for defensive purposes to address threats in the region. i have authorized approximately 1000 additional troops for defensive purposes to address air naval and ground based threats in the middle east we have received credible intelligence on hostile behavior by iranian forces and their proxy groups that threaten the united states personnel and interests across the region. it comes after u.s. central command released new images it claims are of an iranian crew removing an unexploded mine from a tanker that was attacked last thursday in the gulf of oman or washington is accusing iran of plotting the attack to it he denies all the claims branding america's statements sabotaged diplomacy kellam opens got more. the u.s. navy has released photos of the incident that took place thursday in the gulf of oman just off the shores of the islamic republic of iran the incident happened and we now have these photos from the united states navy and these photos are in full
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color and they purport to show the same as what earlier black and white footage released by the pentagon also showed they intend to show a centrally we see in the image a speedboat approaching the ship and removing an unexploded limp in mine now this matches the earlier footage and according to the pentagon this shows that iran must be responsible for the attack because they say that the iranian speedboat was on the scene fast enough and removed the unexploded limpet mine with such precision that therefore that proves that somehow iran must have been responsible for the attack this is what we've heard from u.s. officials iran is responsible for the attack based on video evidence and the resources and proficiency needed to quickly remove the unexploded limpid mine the pentagon took the very unusual step of identifying the aircraft that actually took this footage apparently these are still from footage taken from a m.h. 60 our surveillance helicopter that was flying above the scene and apparently
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imagery at lower altitude drones were involved we have p. 8 maritime patrol craft also involved in the surveillance so essentially on thursday june 13th about 40 kilometers or 25 miles off the coast of iran we have this attack taking place roughly at dawn the 1st ship that was hit was a norwegian craft the other craft that was hit was a japanese own petrochemical tanker and apparently the craft from norway that was hit was can to it was carrying a flammable hydrocarbon mixture that it was traveling between the united arab emirates and taiwan and the japanese craft that was hit was apparently hit twice into. 3 hours now the united states has said based on its photographs and video that iran is responsible for the incident however job he'd zarif the foreign minister of the islamic republic of iran says the opposite he says that iran is not
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responsible for this attack and did not carry it out and he cited the fact that iran was 1st on the scene to rescue the sailors and take them to receive medical treatment and he has alleged that it is possibly the enemies of iran in the region that are responsible for the attack in an attempt to derail negotiations that are starting to take place as iran works to preserve its nuclear deal. so american accusations towards the round of failed verse father were much support across the globe specially in mainland europe special advisor to the e.u. foreign policy chief believes it's not donald trump who is in control of u.s. policy towards to run right now but came up with nothing at all she spoke to r.t. sophie shevardnadze the full interview online at r.t. dot com. unfortunately at the moment it seems to me that the us is iran policy houser very clear author and that author is not the president of the united states unfortunately on iran 1 he's actually been led into a very different direction as i said particularly by john bolton whose positions on
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iran date back way way way or you know further down sort of back the line you know in the bush 2 administration even earlier. yet of course we'll continue to track the potentially huge story on the ongoing tensions in and around the persian gulf and the ramifications of it as the military buildup continues but aside from all the side of it is hardly ever talked about in fact the pentagon's military adventures around the world in the way they affect the environment around us not just in war zones a study revealed that the u.s. military produces more greenhouse gases that entire countries like sweden or denmark most emissions are directly due to defend sort of consumption of. jet and diesel fuel the whole court has got more. forget single use straws and plastic bags there's a much bigger problem wreaking havoc on mother nature its war the pentagon's wars to be exact
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i . 59000000 metric tons of greenhouse gases that's how much the u.s. defense department spewed into the atmosphere in 2017 alone brown university says the d.o.d. is both the largest oil consumer and institutional polluter in the world there are entire countries that don't emit as many fumes portugal finland and sweden to name a few how is that possible well the u.s. military does have a presence in over 150 countries it's 560000 buildings worldwide make up 40 percent of its greenhouse emissions the rest is from military operations which in 2016 used up 86000000 barrels of fuel that's in afghanistan pakistan syria you get the picture and it's not like americans are electing people who understand
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wars environmental impact the department of defense must do more than simply acknowledge or take piecemeal action to address climate change while it increasingly threatens in homs own military's infrastructure and operations even the pentagon itself says it's worried about climate change the facts of the changing climate are a national security issue with potential impacts to department of defense missions operational plans and installations the top brass might say they're concerned but their words certainly are not matching their actions in fact the u.s. military budget may see its 5th consecutive year of growth in 2020 despite spending more than the next strongest military combined the d.o.d. is not cutting back it's actually preparing for more military ventures and considering u.s. iranian tensions are escalating in the persian gulf there are few signs of any turning back. the last 4. major national
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security threats that both have all of them identified. as being one of those huge threats and yet it soon activities are leading to exacerbate there is this serious threat to global security i didn't answer which is crime and yet rather than doing anything serious to tackle the problem literally expenditures do seem to be oriented towards crewdson global insecurity climate change and many of the whites. in stanley reported just a bit later for you poland's to get a 1000 extra troops albeit taken for their contingent already in germany they took the program will see what might be behind the wheel location. controversial psychologist and author jordan peterson has launched a free speech platform called think spots and it's got one key principle that's no
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censorship the alternative social media site will only remove content if ordered to do so by u.s. authorities and while it hasn't even launched yet it's already caused a bit of a stir as artie's polyploid her explains. if they won't 7 let you in the club just to set up your own that's the philosophy behind a brand new anti censorship social media platform that's hitting the web this summer i think spot will be an intellectual playground for censorship free discourse that's according to its founder controversial academic and bestselling author jordan peterson the canadian professor is a divisive figure hated by the left and dariya fide by the right earlier this year he was snubbed by the most intellectual of british institutions cambridge university he was supposed to have a visiting fellow ship that this sort but that offer was rescinded after a backlash from star students this was jordan peterson's response to the decision
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at the time what do you think it says about free speech in britain that cambridge university made an announcement this week saying they were going to invite you to speak i don't think it says more about the nature of the universities in general than about free speech in general i mean i don't see all that my decision been taishan has compromised more free speech ability because i have so many platforms on which i can discuss my ideas according to peterson's latest video think sport will be a subscription service where controversial creators will be able to monetize their free speech once you're on our platform we will take you down and list were ordered to by a us court of law that's the idea so we're trying to make an anti censorship platform one of the b. to test is of the site will be anti feminist you tube or call benjamin his you tube
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channel sagal and of a cat was recently downgraded after he made offensive comments about raping a brit. politician he was also banned from crowdfunding site patriot last year olds right poster boy milo yet not police suffered the same fate for jordan peterson and his community patriotic as actions to block these prominent commentators was the final straw doesn't look like moving to an alternative provider an alternative commercial product provider that's out of or bailiwick out of our control is going to be viable critics argue that an anti censorship platform could in practice turn into a safe place for extremists and the person who most publicly to test the platform is somebody who's not only joked about raping somebody but then doubled down on it saying well if i was junk enough maybe i would you know this is this man is very
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dangerous because i mean he's interest very much overlap with mine and i mean huge student of you and many others that you and pizza is interested in but because he has that learning and speak some sense this is a good american but very to support the creation of peterson's think spot say that western society need somewhere to exchange ideas without fear of reprisals and clampdowns the major point that we have to defend and cultivate prioritize wedding gaging and the robust discussion in public life is that no situation anywhere as an adult is free of risk in that we enter into these things to try and get something out of it it's hard to argue with the numbers alternative thinkers like jordan peterson and the rest of his self-styled intellectual dark web have attracted millions of subscribers that suggests that audience is all gagging for
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their free speech barrows not to be gagged. a controversial burner wearing religious symbols has been passed in the canadian province for some people would. in the public sector lawmakers have called the move the right to have secular public services and separate state and religion the legislation will affect government employees police and teachers for example will apply to muslim headscarves jewish skullcaps and other various symbols last minute changes to the bill also included the instruction of inspectors who will be tasked with ensuring people abide by this new law but some in quebec of criticized the move for violating basic rights. the prime minister has once again suggested the quebec values are incompatible with fundamental rights the 16th of june 21000 is a very said date that has just entered the history books of quebec a date that will forever mark a vision of quebec that divides rather then brings together that excludes rather
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than includes that stigmatizes rather than reconciles will there be police officers going after people to check if they have religious signs we don't know it's not clear we didn't even have time to analyze his modification clearly they did it in a very undemocratic way for small thought so this was supposed university lecturer dr laura and travis park truong he's the leader of the canadian nationalist party. down the rabbit hole we go because what is religious and what is not i tend to believe that politics and religion are intertwined necessarily to a certain degree and at the end of the day when you say wedding rings could be seen as a religious symbolism the next step after that should be the apparel people wear not just talking about face veils but the dresses women wear or their clothes men wear and what this is really pointing to is
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a code back that is known in canada to be fierce about protecting their identity and that is why the combat voters voted in a nationalist populist government with the ca q and right now has the premier mistily gallagher himself says they're getting exactly what they voted for. well the problem is whenever you're prevented from doing something that you feel that you should have the right to do or that something that's so important to you on a very fundamental level like some people as many muslims say about their religion you are really setting it up for a lot of clout i think both demonstrations and likely physical clashes because people believe that their existence is on the line and they feel that they are justified to use any means necessary to fight for what they feel is is their right so if anybody feels that their rights are being taken away from them then we can
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expect there to be as i said i think physical punches and it's going to all be under the rubric or the guise of islamophobia they're going to say it's a blatant attack against a particular group and when you're fighting for that cause this has you know potential ramifications globally where people say oh we thought canada was such a welcoming diverse country but it seems that at least part of it back is islamic phobic and who knows what kind of repercussions we can expect moving forward when people from other countries might decide to make a statement beyond a simple protest you want you know it's international law you may day 17 moscow time coming up a mental health crisis that has to be addressed a police commissioner speaks out about a series of suicides in the ranks of you'll find.
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what is calling the coin is magic a. new type of digital currency decentralized digital scarcity chancellor. second for bankers call the genesis blog for reason calling it civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial death any it's just a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history and this is columbus discovering a new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing. to the max and stacey. join me every thursday on the alex simon short and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you.
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watching us international today next police in new york city are urging action after a chain of suicide deaths among offices in the latest case a 29 year old officer killed himself right outside the precinct where he worked he is the 3rd death by suicide then in the city's ranks in the last 2 weeks the police commission is now describe the situation as a mental health crisis that has to be addressed. depression is real and people need to understand that this is that ok i don't feel i don't feel myself i feel down i'll bring myself out of it sometimes it's a downward spiral that unless there is intervention from the outside it's not going to stop and something bad is going to happen you need to talk to someone. you know
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one nonprofit organization that collects data on police says the number of officers who killed themselves exceeds the number of deaths. it also says the numbers have been on the rise since 2016 policeman told us they simply face too much pressure in the u.s. . police officers are the single most treasured tested men and women on the planet everything they're doing is criticized by the public their personal problems are being criticized by their off families and ball then their behavior on both calls which is a mixture of both personal and private or private and professional actions are being criticized by the command staff the public doesn't understand the pressure that the street cops have that for the 1st responders do and that goes all the way it's up to the detectives but for the most part it is it's a basic concept that these men and women are in a daily pressure cooker from every single angle of their lives and they have no
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they have no escape from that. as mentioned earlier the bullets in poland is preparing 6 sites across the country to accommodate a 1000 extra u.s. troops that are being relocated from germany moscow express concerns the move reflected aggressive intentions but as maria for national explains today some think it's washington's way of exerting pressure. and meeting across the pond suddenly became news for germany when the american president pledged to send his polish counterpart more u.s. troops from their neighbor we have 52000 troops in germany. and germany is not living up to what they're supposed to be doing with respect to nato and poland is after you graduate you thank you very much strategically 1000 soldiers less than germany and a 1000 more in poland makes new big difference so what was the may tave i think there are several aims to what trump is doing one of them i think has to do with
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putting pressure on germany so he wants to play the polish card against the germans trump is trying to put more pressure on germany that germany is paying more for the military budget that can 2014 only to member states promise to meet the guideline of spending 2 percent of the g.d.p. on defense within and. decade halfway to that deadline it's clear berlin will likely fail and that's driving washington not it's not yet clear when or how the american troops stationed here in germany will relocate to poland but trump's mere hint about them crossing the border was enough to put berlin on high alert and that was the purpose and it worked we heard from parties usually on opposing sides of the political spectrum for germany's own sake we need to finally in a significant and permanent way that reflects our global commitments increase defense spending. making sure the military is ready for the future is
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a question of solidarity with our e.u. and nato partners it's hard to say where they don't go further than words the recent poll suggests that the german public is deeply divided over a defense spending increase but it seems donald trump sprats backed by steps like they want to really kate u.s. troops from here to poland leave little choice some welcome this pressure after older lean made these commitments before trying became president this has nothing to do with the american presidents but with our responsibilities to our soldiers and to europe and credible burden sharing but others disagree they see or germany will see its biggest military budgets rise since the cold war by more than 5000000000 euros that's according jungle mirco but even that falls short of what nato and trump want somehow he's changed that for make america great again to make nato great again that we're going to make the europeans pay more for their defense
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what they never what they never point out of course is defense against whom they say nato is not directed against russia although everybody knows that nato is directed against russia even though i don't think anybody honestly believes there is a russian territorial threat to any of these countries every new member states is a part of the whole war machine you just need to represent and you have to overcome these war machine because these war machine all these dinos out is other of history what we need is to reduce the troops at the border to russia to bring the troops home the old slogan of the peace movement is actually an adequate but defense spending is not the only bone of contention between washington and the lean on just one of many aspects that separate poland from germany.
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result applause and contracts for one tariffs and sanctions for the other and soldiers shifted from germany to poland is the most recent of these punitive measures but unlikely the last. in japan victims of a 948 sterilization program or appealing a government compensation office saying it didn't cover the gravity of the harm the victims suffered the law which was suspended in 1906 allowed the government at one point to forcibly sterilized disabled people to prevent hereditary transmission of diseases but compensation was only off of april this year last month then a court rejected victim's demand for more money because of the statute of limitations of past as he spoke to a relative of
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a victim who told us about the torment her sister in law had been through over it. so know when you suppose my sister who was star lies when she was 15 years old while susan thought great of junior high school until the age of fatty she often suffered from abdominal pains when i 1st saw of really big scar that was when i knew something was very wrong in the old records i found it was written that my sister underwent forced sterilization due to a hereditary developmental disability however she had an intellectual disability because of an overdose as these are should receive when she was a baby i don't believe my mother in law gave consent of the operation because the disability was not inherited.
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to you supported the chief judge declared that the old eugenics rule was unconstitutional he also showed it was impossible for us those who suffered from forced on ice ation to demand an apology and compensation from the japanese government back that i feel is their parliament's lack of interest in the problem affected our trial and that we couldn't get a good result of the 20 victims who filed the lawsuit it's only my sister and one of the women who have managed to obtain official records relating to the star lies ations the others don't have them it was a member of the japanese diet that introduced the legislation that means the government is responsible for the matter i think the japanese government should offer a proper apology to the victims. but our time in japanese history will thank you for watching this they always warn
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a website or 2 don't call 247 before the headlines or including the latest in the world of sport as well which is are a breed. confused this hour kevin oh and thanks for watching. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. a. little. little.
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