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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  June 20, 2019 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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the folks in washington immediately came out and said we need to hold hearings were afraid about this we're not so sure about this because they know instinctively that they're going to be disinterred mediated out of existence because you can create a much better free out currency that's accessible all over the world as a medium of exchange with 0 transaction fees so it puts the u.s. dollar as world reserve germany out of business which is great for a big coin. choosing on the international this hour went by confetti minutes with all the latest to see that. just driving the trump administration policy is confusing contradictory and incoherent would be an understatement as members of this administration beat the drums of war the president suddenly. enter the conversation with words to the.
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greetings and salyut asians you know next to hollywood nowhere else in the world has as much self aggrandizing and pompous showmanship for the cameras and capitol hear hill here in washington d.c. but it's when the cameras are off and our illustrious leaders have to put their money where their votes are that you often glimpse their true character and not the facade they put on display for voters in the news media take the recent house of representatives vote republican just a mob just of the democrats only law firms amendment to restrain the brutal reign of domestic surveillance under section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act or 5 voted down 252-2175 votes the amendment saw both republicans and
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democrats joining forces to bury it including mr rush a gate collusion hawk himself resistance leader democrat out of shape i guess he really does trust president donald trump after all i mean why else would he would he give the donald of ministration limitless authority to conduct mass warrantless surveillance on the populace. and speaking of big technology and big government and lots and lots of rhetoric around it it appears that the trump administration's export ban is is actually affecting the business of all things while way as ars technica reports that wow is bracing for a 40 to 60 percent drop in international smartphone shipments and while abusive surveillance and abuse of power in the free markets are big stories no form of abuse affects our lives more personally and dangerously than domestic abuse and hawk watchers it appears that here in the united states the national domestic violence hotline had its busiest you're ever with more than half a 1000000 calls in 2018 so today let's talk about these examples of abuse
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and the lies that surround them the lives we are told and the lies we tell ourselves as we start watching our next. like you know that i got. that we. would. welcome them on watching the hawks i am tyrrel but in terms of a we once again put dialogue over debate as to what the wallace and myself bring you 2 distinct and informative discussions between topics and guess unique to our personalities and political viewpoints starting with my very own busy perception and perspective.
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all right joining me today to bring a little perception in perspective is the host of the big picture holland cook our tea america producer brant your border and live from toronto r.t. america correspondent alex mahela bitch. all right i want to start things off with this latest vote by the u.s. house of representatives representatives against against reining in warrantless buys of surveillance should we be happy that we finally found something that can bring democrats and republicans together and that something is protecting the government's right to abuse the 4th amendment alex i'll start with you what do you feel about this. and what did you expect i mean come on once you give the government a little bit of power not just to take it away the government likes its power it keeps its power when they start moving in a direction like this it's really hard to reel it back unless you're going to radically change things with the government vote for somebody that's radically
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different and i don't see that happening anytime soon in the united states of america there's also the 2nd point tyrrel think about it when i go onto the internet when i get on my phone i assume that somebody is listening to me or watching what i'm typing each and every day this whole surveillance things laws no laws canada united states are you in europe are you in china i have a feeling somebody is watching us at all times and i just practice my stuff when i'm out there the internet the phone whatever it is i keep living my life because the whole thing is you know what i really have nothing to hide so if you really want to spawn me hey i'm here for all the spying you want alex has nothing to hide but we here in the united states we do things in the end usually those things to hide are protected by the constitution which has the 4th amendment of illegal search and seizure which as i've word snowden and many others have revealed you know the pfizer warrant listen a lot of the things that came out of 911 the patriot act things about major definitely intrude on that especially supplies of surveillance i mean is this the
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thing that's going to bring is it sad to see so many democrats and republicans alike kind of throwing what they tell us on t.v. aside the morals they claim to have in the the hatred of trump on the democrats but will give more lists you know surveillance and then on the republican side it's all we hate buys a war and when they go after carter page and paul. metaphor will vote for him here until about trump him self you know trump on the stump when he was the candidate was squatting about being surveilled since he's become president it's only more so and as alex alluded it's a slippery slope the loophole having ben it's ok to surveil people here if they're in touch with people elsewhere and i think we're being a little naive in general because the genie is out of the bottle all this stuff you see in the jason bourne movies we should assume and i think rightfully that there's stuff they're not telling us about what they're doing i don't want to know all the black bag stuff and frankly i feel
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a little safer because it's out there but you're right about the political hypocrisy and i don't want to disagree too much with alex but i think when when this snowden situation kind of brought itself about i felt the same way as i don't have much to hide so why do i care if i'm being surveilled and also to how it's point i wasn't that surprised i've seen i mean this day i think we all have they essentially had a playbook that is exactly what snowden said you know and on the on the political aspect of it both left and right it's about expediency for these politicians they don't want to lose their job and the last thing they want is an opponent coming up to 2020 or whatever election and say hey you know so and so they voted against protecting this country from foreign entities this by being surveilling american citizens so that's all they're concerned about is watching their own back and keeping their job remember they named it the patriot act who is going to vote against that i want to move really quickly over and talk about was expected to see
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this 40 to 60 percent drop in international smartphone shipments and they're saying it's due to the export ban that the trumpet ministration put on them you know brant you work a lot of boom bust i want to run this to buy you should you know should we really i mean what is the waterway think should we really be shaking in our boots over this cell phone company at the end of the day that you know over the. technology you have i mean it is u.s. companies because to me it seems like government getting involved and saying look the free market kind of sorted out of people want to go buy it if they don't they don't there are a couple of things like i don't want to pretend that walk away is a honest broker completely ok it's a it's a chinese china's biggest company so they're growing leaps and bounds we need to enemy that was beyond just the chinese government so i think that's probably where the trump administration really targeted them but i want to be clear with something there is a little bit of course because the chinese companies are known for taking american appeaser from around the world and basically taking that is how they do things was
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it right to arrest their c.f.o. and probably not and also let's let's be clear about something once these trade disputes and everything are done while way it's going to have a bigger market share than they ever had been i don't know about you but i didn't know a whole lot about walk away before this whole thing blew up and so now i really want one of their phones they seem pretty cool they've got a lot of good stuff autumn and so i think and i think their c.e.o. said something to the same factors like we can pay for this type of publicity sure that 40 to 60 percent that's a lot of because intel google they're going to have a hard time getting their their software and their chips out to them right now but eventually this is all there is also interesting to see this new frontier but i want to hit this before we run out of time as according to the numbers the national domestic violence hotline saw this 3 percent rise in calls online chats and techs you know for people calling in saying i'm in an abusive relationship and you know that kind of thing i want to ask you that i'll start with you alex what do you
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believe is responsible for this is that a rise in violence or rise because of me to another such things a rise in victims finally feeling empowered to call when they're in these abusive relationships. of this is be to their own it honestly it's i mean women have been abused historically we know that oh i think we've all met somebody that high. gone through this in their lives the me too movement has helped women come out and tell what's going on behind closed doors this is a very important they one problem that we have up here in canada is the fact that as you know we have a lot of large immigrant population this country is now freeing those women and allowing them to express their issues that they're having at home and to tell our legal force meant to here you know this is what's happening to me so canada is actively trying to basically create bridges for the immigrant population having police officers that speak variety of languages that's very important here just basically community reach out this is all a part
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a part and parcel of one thing and that's something i mean that we should be looking at globally you know we hear we're strange things coming out of the u.n. i don't know if you heard this today the u.n. was talking about artificial intelligence like your syria or your alexy it's a female's voice oh that's against women i mean come on let's not be ridiculous what's going on here is something that is deep seated it's something that is dark we know also within our native community our aboriginal community here in canada people aren't talking they need to talk and me too has freed women to a certain degree and i hope it just keeps moving forward until we don't really know what it will be more at risk i think it's disturbing it is we talk about women in this but let's also not forget that men are also victims of domestic violence and a lot of people realise this is one in 4 men of experience some form of physical violence by a partner one in 25 men have been injured by a partner one in 7 men and been victims of severe physical violence by handsome apartment 5 men in the united states have been stalked in their lifetime those are actually big numbers yes women's numbers are much higher but it's still one to many
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no matter what when you talk about domestic violence why we have about a minute minute left why are men so afraid such as they find men are very ready afraid to admit they've been in the best of by social media it's got something to do with it because things that didn't used to get talked about are out there now just this pass. weak acting defense secretary patrick shanahan had to withdraw stuff comes out now i don't know if you have showtime i just saw the preview ready for this roger ailes bio pic russell crowe is roger ailes naomi watts is going to be gretchen carlson on this show her getting her bottom in the executive suite stuff comes out got about 30 yet i was going to to your point about men i mean i think it's still a little bit of masculinity machismo type thing i mean sadly i feel that's a way that men still feel is that it makes you less of a man to be abused and this is a big issue in the gay community as well as it is i'm not i didn't pull the stats off hand but it is an issue that they face quite a bit as well and it's just
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a shame thing sadly and the same way with women it's that you know when we go right now we were here talking about toxic masculinity it's coming out it is it is i think i would hope that all people who matter don't be afraid to call out domestic violence we're going to most of your gender i want to thank everybody who came on the show today alex mahela bitch in toronto canada holland coast of the big picture of bridgeboro producer to america thank you all 3 for joining me today a fascinating discussion all around all right as we go to break off watches don't forget to let us know what you think at the top cover the facebook you tube and twitter and see our poll shows that are. coming up top of the wallace welcomes us into the gallery was. sarah month and rachel blevins stay tuned to watch the.
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birds. were there but sir. margaret. everything is that you. just fit into the commercial good. mathematics to move. them and you finish it oh my gosh before. god said. any. new donated. skin or. anything. like open an investigation in. the new 7 wonders of.
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we had one man 3540 years old. it was destroyed in the water. some 30 fisherman well destroyed later it was never. understood something that he learned and then to the more i saw him and i remember most of us he was stubborn and. i believe that this is one part of the therapy is. a lot of the charm of the world absurd to really harsh things that happen in life.
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in. the u.s. bureau of labor statistics released its $28000.00 american time use survey this month and it showed that 84 percent of women and 69 percent of men spent some time doing household activities such as housework cooking lawn care what they call household management from 2003 to 28000 the share of men doing food preparation and cleanup on an average day increased from 35 percent to 46 percent but while men are doing more women aren't getting to do less we're actually still doing more and fact the study showed working women spend an average of 2 hours a day on childcare which is 5 minutes more than the year before you know what has gone down working women's time for leisure and sports in fact we are averaging 15
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minutes less time exercising and relaxing than we did in 2003 all while getting even less sleep and in the u.k. bear maker brew dog had to pay approximately $1200.00 to a $27.00. world software engineer in wales for what they call destroy direct discrimination and breach of the u.k.'s equality act of 2010 see as part of a celebration of international women's day brew dog released a discounted parody beer called pink i.p.a. in burdocks tweet they said we've created a bear for girls and it's pink because women only like pink glitter right hash tag sarcasm what show that enough is enough with their types so it was all in the spirit of what they call exposing the sexist marketing techniques used to target women particularly within the beer industry so in order to get the discount brew dog required him to say the words i identify as a woman at a bar which he saw as humiliation and apparently the judge agreed to $1200.00 and
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that means the struggles real for unbiased cheap beer in cardiff wales finally this week swiss women celebrated the 20th anniversary of their historic 1991 women strike in switzerland that led to a constitutional amendment that implemented legal protections from discrimination and gender bias in the workplace. i'm here to search for women through the right of us women from the least i want to all to have the same name is it isn't that all women the rights we're also thing that means in terms of the fight against discrimination in switzerland and on all day you're talking about it's 20 percent difference in the salaries of women and that is that's a critical point it's been. so let's appreciate the art of walking the walk and step into the gallery. joining me here in the gallery to discuss sleep barrett equality is our team
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america correspondent sara montoya soca and rachel blevins and scottie nell hughes from news views here is catching up on her sleep. ok i'm sorry. i was working. to say that study is the most accurate study i've ever heard accurate do you think you know looking at this you know it was we have more opportunities we work harder we're getting more things done but at the end of the day we're giving up something really important and that's and that's leisure time and sport something that men haven't lost they still get the same amount scottie 7 tell me do you think this shows the more men help around the house the more time we have to pursue our careers. it means it's more time for us to make some money i've got to know if there's i do think men have stepped up as fathers and their roles within the house even in marriage and has been
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a wide there's not those traditional roles but that doesn't mean that i think women are saying ok now i get more time me time actually i think it means it gives more time to give back to the family to give back to society to get involved in more volunteer work i can guarantee we're pretty you know we're not getting as much sleep but my biggest fears have that is down the road what is this toll going to be on the women how long we live how happy we are and what tolls this has on our relationships because in the end i don't think it's a get sort of size that suffers or asleep i actually think it's our friendships with others is what really suffers because i just don't have time right now to be a good friend sometimes that's come up a lot what do you guys think is that seems to be there is this you know that me time that self care for women do you feel like as we get married as we have kids we have these things that we're giving some of that up for success i think you it comes down to kind of a routine lifestyle sometimes that we get wrapped in whether it's work and exercise
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or whatever it is we do that isn't a lot of me time especially somebody who's married now that i share my time so sometimes i think friendships do suffer a you know living far away from friends especially when you live far away and you don't have enough time or you don't really make the time because you just want to enjoy it when you're off work when you're not exercising when you're home just relaxing away at the whether it's with your significant other your husband or wife or family or kids and we put so much time i think sometimes working overtime for work and not saying no to things that it's harder sometimes for us to be able to manage and balance that and it's a constant problem. when i think especially in an industry like this when we're constantly working to get better we put so much effort. every day into work i mean this isn't a job where we just come in and do the same thing every single day and it's really boring and there are a lot of women that have jobs like that so by the time that we make it to the weekend or to getting time off we're so exhausted that we're just trying to catch
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up on the regular everyday things versus actually going out and socializing or playing sports or something like socializing and actually doing things that levy but that's part of the thing is not having women having other relationships with other women or women outside of relationships outside of say their marriage and their kids and all of that so important and that was one of the things that came up with this west women strike is that it was very unified of class structure and you had people who were very far right and very far left marching together on equal footing and it's one thing i think this was did really well is that they didn't let their sort of political ideologies get in the way of this is something for everybody let me start with you again scotty. are we busy holding our ourself back from these things in life getting these things in life because we get caught up in party politics or you're right i'm last year the sign that and sort of doing that do you think that holds us all back from from coming together. to have us that
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that's exactly right i mean there are women who are republicans are women who are democrats and they're women across the board it doesn't matter play the party the key is that we are women same thing with and when you're talking about things about equality and gender pay those issues should not be something that is defined as a republican or democrat issue it's something that we could actually find common ground on the fact that says hey listen equal work equal pay it's not hard that's just a good thing you know good and versus bad right 1st is wrong evil versus i guess good again evil versus angelic that's not a political discrepancy that's just being a human and that's being a good human versus a bad human and i think it's on issues like this that we should be able to find common ground but unfortunately when political parties get involved then obviously people to their poll are. polarized place is what you guys think absolutely i think we're going to see more of that here in the united states with women putting aside political parties or even economic status even if it's not something that they
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think may benefit them a lot just the fact they're standing up for other women i think could make a big difference and maybe they'll take after this latest purchase i think it's important to find common ground especially nowadays one party lines and everyone is so divided especially when you live in cosmopolitan cities alike washington d.c. new york l.a. all of these cities san francisco that are so divided i mean even even here being just around politics breathing eating it every single day people who stop being friends over police and instead of being able to agreeing and respectfully disagree we divide and i think this is important to find this common ground like the swedish did because in the end we're all one in the same. move because it's going to make one can make one point on this record i think we're missing on this here's the thing a lot of this gender pay grab comes from the fact that women have a hard time going in and fighting for themselves i will go in and fight hard for anybody else but when it comes to myself i back off i don't want to create trouble
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but i'll fight for any of you you want me to go in and fight for a raise or if you don't have that same problem men don't have that same problem and it's much you know and that's that has nothing to do with politics that has that just has to do with a society and just to our personalities are and i think that's something that you know the swiss might have be able to have better conversations with but until we you know it's not like we can march or walk into our boss office right down to hey i want you to release the salaries of all of us and let's look across the board nobody would do that and walk into their boss's office and say that unless they're expecting a pink slip within the next few weeks setting on their debt be some men. but i think those you know it's simple things like that that don't have anything to do with politics and more just has to do about who we are what our personality traits and what might be identified with different genders as to who they are. well i don't want to run out of time before we get a chance to talk about unbiased beer because that's really important. so there's
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a story about this guy walks into a bar wants to for a dollar for your o.b. are not the 5 euro beer even though they're exactly the same and one just has a different label series gets $1200.00 fun fact do you guys know that there was a $2800.00 study in the current drug abuse reviews that showed that men who drink beer regularly saw their own levels decrease also fun fact that same study found that women who drank excessive amounts of beer their testosterone went up so. we got a minute 30 seconds scotty should gender specific discounts be allowed. and let me just say this i think tequila probably makes the testosterone go for men because if you buy the logic you think that they are a bull in a china shop. abs it's across the board but you know here's where it comes out fair razors why do women have to pay more for razors and i think that the major injustice forget the beer it's all about the body hair. a couple minutes ago and
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for your waxing for every man i will pay more and if we can make sure that every man in america is wax i'm just saying it's so sure and videotape it to yes'. it's true i think i think it should be fair across the board i mean these gender discounts ladies they all and what's a difference of your i want to get a beer pay the extra dollar yeah it is why are you even going out to the bar if you are going for it if you are right and you made an extra $1200.00 off a ventilator and i'm going to leave him alone every time i mean maybe there are some the women alone if you really want to paint a pair yes i don't know i want to date you over is that they are going to talking about you know beer and equality and all of that things gotti nellie hughes from news viewers who thank you so much for joining us and also sarah montecito and rachael blevins artie correspond thank you so much for the new narrative in the gallery. well that's our show for you today remember everyone as my co-host tyrrel
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ventre always says in this world we're not told that we're left enough so i tell you all i love you i'm top of the wallace keep on watching the hawks and have a great day and night everyone. thank. you. democracies do not deport human rights defenders over there peaceful expression democracies do not rule over millions of people for another people you know for decades on there is a larger context here and that context starts with the fact that israel has been
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occupying palestinians for 52 years and that occupation itself has deteriorated the most basic ideas of what a legitimate democratic government looks like inside of israel. came here where did you work before you came here when you live well death row and then many us states capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution but most of the time the victims' families they are very much in favor of the death penalty there are some people because of what they do have given up their rights as live among us somebody even proven innocent after years on death row but how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about.
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trump isn't ruling out a nasty campaign so wrong following a us drone being shot down in the strait of hormuz fed by the escalation that comes as europe makes a null states effort to save the wrong nuclear deal. governments and friends knew all to saudi arabia off the court of appeals rules their previous exports broke the law the case represents a significant victory for the scientists who say that reality is using british made weapons to devastating effect in yemen also this hour. i. was a cannon and tear gas they use.


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