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tv   News  RT  June 21, 2019 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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i know. now i know you'll find out. you'll find out you'll find the. tensions mount in the persian gulf as donald trump considers a response to iran's downing of an american military drone iran says it has violated iranian airspace which washington denies. as violence erupts in georgia moscow accuses the opposition in the country of using a visit by a russian delegation to spark the protests 240 people including 80 please spend were injured in the clashes. and facebook is under the spotlight again as a report claims for working conditions at the social media giant the disclosure
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comes by a group of employees with extreme content from the site. for what you see every single day you see pain and suffering and for days in fact in my mind it just makes you think. because you're not doing anything. you're watching r t international bring you your life news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. iran has urged the international community to stop washington's destabilizing actions in the persian gulf it comes after tehran shot down an american military surveillance drone over the strategic strait of hormuz on thursday the u.s. president has spoken out on the incident so i mean republic has made a major miscalculation. well i made a big mistake and i made
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a very bad mistake ok but i didn't really know how i mean you'll find out and maybe you'll find out you'll find. obviously obviously you know we're not going to be talking too much about it you're going to find out they made a very big mistake it's the 1st direct confrontation between the 2 countries amid the current tensions which began when washington acquitting 2015 nuclear deal for ports and tribes words he seems to have indicated it could have been a human error he pointed out that it could have been a general or some other official who made the mistake of ordering for the drone to be shot down i find it hard to believe it was intentional if you want to know the truth i think that it could have been somebody who was loose and stupid our iran is said that the drone did indeed enter their airspace and violate their territory and that they intend to go to the united nations in order to prove this they say that it was in the southern part of their country that this drone entered their airspace
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and that they shot it down for violating their airspace at this point we've got the iranian foreign minister condemning the united states for what he calls economic terrorism the u.s. wages economic terrorism on iran has conducted covert action against those and now encroaches on our territory we don't seek war but was endlessly defend our sky land and waters will take this new aggression to the u.n. and show you that the u.s. is lying about international waters now the u.n. secretary general antonio gets here as is calling on all parties to remain calm and exercise restraint i strongly hope that. the situation will be contained because as i said and i repeat the world does not really need any measure of confrontation in the russian president vladimir putin recently said that an attack on iran would be potentially disastrous which i'd like to say straight away that a military. inflict between the u.s. and iran would be
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a disaster at least for the region it would be an outburst of violence with terrible consequences it's very hard to predict what would happen in the case of military force being used now many observers have noted that it seems that the white house is oleson toward iran has been rather consistent this is how the united states has approached iran during the trumpet ministration threat their neighbors are spreading instability or terror everywhere we go in the middle east it's a rare and or ran around major destabilizing influence in the middle east spread death destruction and we've been trying to do is to get the world to behave like a global nation. now the united states recently sent a 1000 new troops to the middle east region in response to a supposed threat from the islamic republic of iran now on june 13th when 2 oil tankers were attacked the united states blamed iran for the incident however iranian officials rejected those accusations outright and said that it was actually their ships that were on scene to rescue the sailors who had been hurt and take
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them for medical assistance so at this point all eyes are on the middle east region all eyes are on the u.n. where international bodies will be hearing and taking up this issue and all eyes are on washington as a response from the united states could be very possible after withdrawing from the nuclear deal the u.s. imposed sanctions on iran and ended reverse for countries that important oil in response iran reneged on some of the deals commitments taker and drone incidents happen in one of the world's most important oil routes the strait of hormuz tehran has threatened to close it if sanctions prevent it from selling oil a top iranian national security official told us iran has never attacked anyone but is ready to repel any u.s. strike. all have rules. you can find out trump statements always different for example statements from yesterday and today he also contradicts white house officials such political matter is devoid of logic and common sense we do not take
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seriously his threats and contradictory statements but in the end it must be noted that the islamic republic of iran is not iraq or afghanistan we are a big state and have strong popular support both during the present but also parts townships the islamic republic has been standing firm and never attacked anyone and will not do that if we are attacked the aggressor will regret it at the same time we strive for peace and security in our region the policy of sanctions and the economic war launched by trump against the iranian people will not yield any results this is a hostile policy that will be defeated as a result. while donald trump is flexing america's military muscles in front of iran that it had to go and document shows the u.s. military believes a nuclear war in the world is winnable and could be a good thing more on that later in the program. the russian foreign ministry has accused the georgian radical opposition of using
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the visit of a russian delegation to mount protests $240.00 people have been injured including 80 police officers during a huge demonstration in the capital which the country's interior ministry labeled a massive coup police use rubber bullets water cannon and tear gas against the crowds who tried to storm the parliament they were outraged after a russian m.p. was allowed to address the house and warning you may find the following pictures to start bring. was.
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his vocal critical dogwood the situation got very heated they were the same response and then the crowd good out for another story still sticks and both ends with thrown from the side of the crowd special forces fired rubber bullets and deployed to gas. as dawn broke police appear to be in full control of the city center but the opposition has announced a new round of protests tonight there say saw an attempt to storm the parliament building an estimated 5000 demonstrators rallied against the participation of a russian delegation during a session in the house during the event one of the losing deputies sat in the speaker's chair further angering protesters georgian authorities have called on the demonstrators to refrain from illegal acts several protesters were reportedly detained. the georgian president has accused russia over what happened saying the protests benefit nobody but the kremlin she's now cut short
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a visit to belarus to return home russia at the same time has condemned the actions of georgian officials during the protests and the statement the russian foreign ministry accuse them of using the protests to so anti russian sentiment protests erupted after russian m.p.'s are gig of real of open essentially a session to promote orthodox christianity tensions flared between russia and georgia following the conflict in south a study out in 2008. part testers are now demanding the interior minister resigns he says he's ready to do so if needed but demanded the protests stop at the same time we spoke to a former acting president of georgia a nazi she believes the government into b.b.c. has been fermenting anti russian sentiment. the russian border and relations are really very difficult and sensitive for you against a site and most of the population now receive the same message the russian m.p. in the chair of door gen. is that something which is just creating
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a problem what stability of the 3 or something which is the just independence and sovereignty of that country and it was easy to predict from the side of the government. excellently and be livable how i'm competent and the government and it's absolutely sure for me that the government did enough people improvement of crushing georgian relations during the last few years so there was no any kind of positive in this the direction 2 of political parties. themselves as a pro western and right now 2 years they seem. to say so you see a plane upset people in their political goals and to just strengthen the russian. exist in the serious part of the georgian population to only what could be blamed for the east and shouldn't be absent and be irresponsible.
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government and stupidity of this government. facebook is under fire once again after a report by the technology website the verge through the spotlight on the way it treats staff and also details the death of one of facebook's moderators at his workstation the revelations were made by staff from a facebook contractor in florida called cognisant who are paid to filter extreme images that appear on the site they disclose poor working conditions among other issues a warning you might find the following accounts to start being. all what you see every single day you see pain and suffering and for days it in fact in my mind and it just makes you angry. because they're not doing anything the army of contractors working for facebook worldwide contains about 15000 employees contractors describe having to work through as many as 200 graphic videos
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a day including footage of animal cruelty and extreme violence soft claim they are forced to work in unsanitary conditions suffering from bed bug infestations they also faced bodily waste at work stations on a regular basis as well as numerous verbal and physical fights another concern raised was sexual harassment cases facebook itself says it handles all challenges related to the working environment it will inevitably be employee challenges or dissatisfactions the cool our commitment to this what kind of partners the employees into question when the circumstances warrant action on the part of management we make sure it happens facebook has already come under pressure to clamp down on what it allows online one incident in particular was the circulation of extremist content after $51.00 people were killed in christ church massacre in new zealand earlier this year meanwhile the social media giant and the contractor have vowed to introduce changes including salary boost and health care for staff we
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put the issue up for debate. i think i think facebook take need to take more responsibility for their contractors this is as much about the law around working conditions in a particular offices and around the responsibility that facebook takes for its supply chain the the issue here is actually treating them better giving them better working conditions paying them more and and possibly keeping on top of the supply chain and making sure the cognizant aren't cutting corners and giving them enough budget to run it smoothly so that they don't have to cut corners in terms of freezing it is a matter for the internet companies this case for free schools to. sufficient resources for the race but the other. is 2 first we need greater cooperation between social media companies so for example google may have a much better if you shoot intelligence. video contained because of its experience
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reduce. cities to share technology we trace groups and the 2nd thing is to create greater transparency so to allow for an external body to go into facebook all the. it's process in terms of moderation i don't think the technology is yet sophisticated enough to be the solution quite yet and the moderators themselves can identify the type of content that needs action to be taken and action has been taken in some cases it hasn't been taken in all instances and we need to understand what the level of investment is where the thing the things are falling through the cracks whether that is the cognizant and what it's reported to facebook what it's passed on to the authorities we need to have a password or a more quick tip means of doing this but we're not going to get away intel or technology improves dramatically we're not going away from the need for human moderators the moderators need to be able to work very very and with great really
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great reels. so i think to the solution for now would be to facebook to this month's much more. money. into the home of the recent protests facebook needs to be investing fall more in the technology to assist some of these moderators and you could pixelate out places you can do certain measures to make it more pleasant for all the employees are having to do this moderation. coming up in the program a police recording reveals the ecuadorian embassy it was eavesdropping on join a song that started more after the break. most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the 1st one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice or the biggest raid in truth to
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stand out of the news business you just need dance the right questions and demand the right answers. question. what is it calling the coin is magic internet the new type of digital currency the centralized digital scarcity chancellor i'm bringing a 2nd for bankers call the genesis blog for reason because being a civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny it's just a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history and this is columbus discovering the new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing on to the max and stacey.
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welcome back to the program the u.s. military claims the use of nuclear weapons could create decisive results and restore trust strategic stability that comes from a document recently made public but was then classified artist on a quarter picks up the story. bombers submarines and ballistic missiles the pentagon's triad of nuclear warfare usually atomic weapons are considered a means of deterrence but now classified documents suggest the war hawks in washington may have other ideas using nuclear weapons could create conditions for decisive results and the restoration of strategic stability specifically the use of a nuclear weapon will fundamentally change the scope of a battle and create conditions that affect how commanders will prevail in conflict the 60 page document came out in early june only to be classified a week later by the pentagon it's a surprise it wasn't
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a secret to begin with the fundamental principles underpinning washington's nuclear operations are laid out for the world to see and they don't exactly correspond to some of president donald trump's past talk of nonproliferation between russia and china and the us we're all busy making. hundreds of millions of dollars worth busy of weapons including nuclear which is ridiculous and i think with that leader i think we're always going to be the leader we have to be the leader i think it's much better if we all got together and we didn't make these weapons so i think that's something that could be a phase 2 after this is done but then again trump himself hasn't been very consistent on nuclear posture either he called for talks with both the presidents of russia and china just last year to put an end to a so-called uncontrollable arms race several months later trump accused russia of developing missiles prohibited by the 1987 i.n.f. treaty although moscow denied violating the agreement signed to specifically
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prevent an arms race the u.s. withdrew the united states will therefore suspend its obligations under the n f treaty effective february 2nd and it's no secret the pentagon's long been on the anti russia bandwagon in 2018 its nuclear posture review accused russia of producing more non-strategic and i n f banned weapons. but a recent article by the american federation of scientists about d.o.d. exaggerations pointed out something interesting that the nuclear posture review contradicts itself their own statistics indicate that russia had between 3 and 5000 nukes in 200-922-4000 in 20112000 or less in 2018 exaggerating the threat from russia only justify spending more money on weapons that can annihilate humanity and with the risk of nuclear war at a tie if since world war 2 there's no time for war games these seeming double
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standard is to present trump as someone who is reluctant to go to war the document i believe was a message unit was in fear not only to probe the current belligerent rhetoric oh the troubled ministration but his will to buttress his foreign policy which is aggressive aggressive in south america aggressive in the middle east aggressive in. asia. the russian presence annual q. and a session collected over 2000000 questions from the general public on american spent about 4 hours answering more than 80 questions on various subjects including international issues. if the american side shows interest we are always ready for dialogue or what we see what is happening in us domestic politics the president will always look back on the race he's in right now
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some in the american establishment are speculating about our country's relationship trying to find problems and telling lies if you. will be sure we're going to use if we. went to paris and said he would not talk to the separatists representatives of these unrecognised republic how will they resolve this issue but a modern history doesn't provide a single example of a conflict which was resolved without direct dialogue between the sides we need political will. and we did it everything we've seen presented as evidence that russia is responsible for everything doesn't suit us we think it is insufficient evidence it doesn't say anything we've presented our version of events but unfortunately no one wants to hear it until there is a proper dialogue here we won't find any answers to the questions about the plane crash and the deaths of the people on board which remain open it this is
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a tragedy and we mourn its victims such tragedies are unacceptable to. you you can watch the q. and a session in full of our social media pages. backward or an embassy in london spied on wiki leaks front men join a songe after a lone marano became president that's according to police recordings of alleged extortionist who tried to get money from a songes team by threatening to release the material the group consisted of a spanish reporter and 2 computer experts their information hall included video and audio recordings his medical reports and even legal documents as long as a lawyer asked them where they got the pictures of the documents and the alleged extortionist said it was from someone on the inside they also said the embassy had microphones and the recorded material had apparently been handed to the ambassador where he thinks editor in chief believes the ecuadorian authorities were gathering
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the surveillance for the us who are to use that we may when we met the extortionist and want to get the surveillance and. they admitted they knew that this was indeed they were orders of the ambassador the ready only one to do that was it was ready an order to the people. who used to get to see. the ongoing series of this is called of persecution or worse yet you should something else. just days after a song was forced from the amnesty and april footage from inside the building was leaked to the media he's now currently serving a 15 week term in the u.k. as a high security prison for jumping bail in 2012 that's when he start roughage calling rape act allegations in sweden which has denied arguing they were pro-tax to extradite him to be u.s. the u.s. has indicted on 17 counts of spying for publishing classified documents and one of
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conspiracy to hack a government computer if extradited he faces up to 175 years in prison back in 2010 release military and diplomatic cables leaked by former u.s. army soldier chelsea manning detailing alleged u.s. war crimes in iraq the editor in chief of wiki leaks again believes the u.s. charges go against journalism. and we do not know what long. crime is being ready set up what was your. experience in the. month is what you see indictment against the muslims are you spoke to on the indictment do all of those who are going to be going to be serious to you and texting and so to have been accepted so we're really sure all the rules we just all sort of the very damaging of it all inside the special report the world war 2 of the united nations. recently condemnation of for the role of the united
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states you know the kingdom sweden or basically making a lot if you will that's a news wrap up for now but i'll be back at the top of the hour with the latest extending our. good food descriptions sound up even for the owners so how to choose the pet food industry is telling us what to feed our pets is really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out that food may not be as healthy as people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these problems
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it's a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets less treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making a $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research. just driving the trump administration's iran policy is confusing contradictory and given incoherent would be an understatement as members of his administration beat the drums of war the president suddenly injects themselves into the conversation with words to the contrary what is the world thing. that they are owed to the birds or has to go a bit harder for the future but so. what are going. to
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protest it is the county. just to show you the letter to the. consumer i'm going to move look i'm going to manage to finish it oh my gosh go from home this will lead. to a god since we. need. to move the unit. econet miscarried or to. give. it. a look over the system definition in a head in a 7 hour news and. live . live.
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live. live. live. live. live. live. live live. live . live. live.
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live. live live. live. and very well might continue watching on since last. elizabeth warren's poll numbers are up is she emerging as the progressive as alternative to bernie sanders and will her steady grind on the campaign trail pose a threat to democratic front runner joe biden we're taking a look on this edition of. them to politicking i'm matthew cook in for larry king former vice president joe biden remains the clear front runner in the race for the democratic nomination for
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the presidency not only is he well ahead of his primary challengers some polls actually show him beating donald trump in key swing states but something interesting is happening in the fight for 2nd place in the primary among the democratic candidates some polls and a few editorials show senator elizabeth warren gaining on sanders and suggest a cooling toward the vermont senator this as political analysts expect senator warren to perform very well in the upcoming democratic primary debate in florida so will that progressive ring of the party embrace warnitz sanders expense and what threat is she to joe biden for the democratic nomination let's talk about that with katrina vanden who will she is the editorial director and publisher of the nation and a washington post columnist she's in new york city welcome to the program thank you so there's a lot to discuss but 1st your publication the nation endorsed bernie sanders for president in 2016 are you expecting the nation to endorse him again.


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