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tv   News  RT  June 22, 2019 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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i mean. give me. 10 minutes to spare that's how close the u.s. came to a direct military confrontation with iran. says he cancelled a strike on the islamic republic moments before a launch. said i want to know something before you go how many people will be killed came back said sure approximately 150 and i didn't like it. also this hour an f.b.i. agent accidentally revealed his social media posts promoting anti russian conspiracy theories during an investigation into a synagogue shooting. and they left and in life a scottish student claims he was booted out of class arguing there are only 2 genders. are you what you think i knew what afford to treat things i do it for you if you want to say anything very clear discrimination on the grounds if you make an
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discrimination action pushing the truth genders. you're watching are to international bring you your live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. says he called off a strike against iran with just 10 minutes to spare their talk was meant to be in retaliation for tehran downing a us military drone over the gulf region strait of hormuz. they came in they said sure we're ready to go we'd like a decision i said i want to know something before you go how many people will be killed. in this case the remains they said came back said sure approximately 150 and i thought about it for a 2nd i said you know what they shot down an unmanned. drone and here we are
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sitting with 150 dead people and i didn't like it they canceled strike is the closest the u.s. has been to a direct confrontation with tara since the white house pulled out of the nuclear deal last year iran says the u.s. drone had flown into its airspace by washington insists it was operating over international waters this month washington also blamed to iran for attacking 2 oil tankers in the strait of hormuz iran denies the accusations stating that washington states the attack the u.s. has also been sending carriers and warplanes to the persian gulf and its imposed crippling sanctions on iran well i mean waivers on countries that import iranian oil and his election campaign trump had insisted another middle east war would be a mistake but he has assembled a team known to favor regime change in iran in fact his cabinet appears packed with people who contradict the president's views and explains. so trump has decided not to bomb iran for now he says it's for humanitarian concerns however national
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security adviser john bolton does not share trump's concerns apparently for protecting human lives in fact john bolton has been itching to attack iran for a year or so you want to be must be made aware there will be tangible and painful consequences the attack think required to stop this regime from getting nuclear weapons policy of the united states of america should be the overthrow of the mullahs regime in tehran before 29 t. we here to celebrate in tehran it seems a bit strange that donald trump who campaigned on a platform of not wanting new wars and has reiterated that during his presidency would then go higher john bolton however bolton seems to fit an interesting pattern when it comes to trump appointees articulate one position very clearly and then he hires someone with a completely different stance for example trump seems to be wildly critical of
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china we can't continue to allow china to rape our country however trump's secretary of transportation is elaine chao now elaine chao has more than close family ties to the chinese government she and her husband senator mitch mcconnell have reportedly received millions of dollars worth of gifts from family ties now trump has wildly attacked the banking sector and he's promised to drain the swamp but when it came time to fill those financial posts many of the appointees were former exacts at the financial giant goldman sachs trouble also likes to attack drug companies like to bring a federal lawsuit against those companies very very firm. because what's happening with drugs in this country and throughout the world but in our country it's a disgrace and we can stop it it has become a major crisis with the country facing an epidemic of opioids so who does donald trump of point to. his drug price control regulator well trump's health and human
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services secretary is alex azhar he is a former big pharma president who actually set some of the prices that donald trump slammed now trump has also be mown the military industrial complex and its influence on foreign policy you do have a military industrial complex they do like war you know in syria with the caliphate so i wipe out 100 percent of the caliphate i shall want to bring the troops back home to place one crazy they want to keep the thing you have people here in wa she want it they never want to leave some day people will explain what this is and if you will do have you do have a group and they call it the military industrial complex trumps 1st secretary of defense was a former boeing executive then replaced him with somebody who used to work at raytheon when trump speaks up on twitter about crucial issues facing america it seems like he doesn't seem to notice that some of the people he's appointed to solve america's problems are those who created them in the 1st place caleb oppen
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artsy new york political commentator lou rockwell thinks trump should get rid of war mongers in his cabinet if he wants to avert a tragedy. i can't just bomb cities in iran which is a country that's already proud that we've starving because of american sanctions and shutting down all trade and really strangling them economically and also with medicine as well as food a terrible terrible thing there probably are many many people have died and around we probably will never know that number but it's on the conscience of the people who put these sanctions employees which include of course right of the top president trump so he's if you wants these things not to be on his conscience not to be there as a mass murderer he should get rid of these people and stop the warmongering. and they feel i didn't has accidentally revealed his own social media posts promoting anti russian conspiracy theories that happened during his investigation
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into a synagogue shooting in california with all the details his ellipse. oh the unbounded online world with all of its shady hidden corners you never know what you may stumble upon think of a synagogue shooting tragedy and an f.b.i. agent spreading anti russian conspiracies as parts of one single story weird one home well here's the story a couple of months ago a young man opened fire in a california synagogue killing one and one being 3 sheriff says police were reviewing an open letter he posted on line on the last day of passover bloodshed in the middle of shot services the complaint alleges that burnished took one life and injured 3 other people including a child the f.b.i. put special agent michael j. rod on a mission to dig into the crime eventually the application for a search warrant against the shooter was published online there were screenshots
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from an online platform called a chan known as an ultra right community the shooter was an active user and even reportedly posted a pre attack warning there a way special agent broad didn't just observe it turned out he actively posted on a chair and presumably for the sake of the investigation mr rodd screenshots revealed his platform id and a bit of flicking through the web archives revealed to the f.b.i. man wrote way more stuff than seen in the screenshots a lot of these posts look like they were from some of the staunchest russia hating conspiracists i believe that the shooter did post on here but there's also more i've been here all day there are at least 2 others that are posting in a bot shill like fashion to promote this this thread would never have made the 1st page where i found it this morning think there is outside involvement likely
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russian this was posted by one of the shills that. knew of the shooting prior notice screenshot is that 20100 that correlates with ukraine and western russia if you do the math when someone trolled the user that appeared to be f.b.i. agent rod the reply was no not must not stop attacking the border and slighting this thread sloppy job putin. or there you have another exchange. it's balls let putin know your psyop worked but you did up with your english i presume you were chosen because you said you could talk speak and type like american this makes you wonder is this the new guideline at the f.b.i. get supremacy a store any other folks the agents are after to buy your russian bots are everywhere rant on laws and you'll get to the bottom of anything when you have the
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the political leaders or the directors at the top who designate a priority then in order to get a promotion in order to really climb the ladder if you want to become a boss or a special agent in charge you are going to have to fall in line with those priorities unfortunately any time they have a priority they put so much emphasis on that priority date it often leads to abuse it's because they put so much emphasis in priority on organized crime so it it doesn't matter what the priority as they essentially kind of lose their ability to be more balanced in more critical thinking and they go with that priority and it just was a needle that flip flops and it actually often causes mistakes in abuses when they do that. we've asked the f.b.i. to comment on the story stuff far we haven't received a reply. a 17 year old scottish student claims he was kicked out of class after
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arguing that there are only 2 genders he secretly filmed being told off by the teacher i am stating what is a national school of thought a policy. not every policy is scientific muddy and you can come out here and say that i'm not being inclusive so much so i didn't see research i said what you just seeing you as not being inclusive it will cost you what you think and i know what that authority thinks i know what the authorities point if you want to say it isn't clear very clear that you make no discrimination on the grounds of videos you make in discrimination i'm simply saying there are 2 genders male and female anything else is a personal identification from saudi but you chose to make an issue of making a point which is contrary to policy the local authorities say the video does not show the full context of the exchange aberdeenshire council added that it wants good relations between different groups in schools and an inclusive and vironment
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for all it is important to understand the context of any video clip taken without a person's consent in our schools fostering good relations among different groups can be a real challenge but our aim is to support a fairer inclusive environment for all we broke down the story with our guest. i think from what we've seen obviously the people was was fairly challenging but i think it's within the bounds of reasonable debate and i think the teachers are actually quite stern and dismissive and maybe there is more to the exchange than was in the video but i think it's healthy and right that people's and teachers should have a robust exchange of views think it is wrong and disruptive to video a private discussion between the pupil and the teacher that is deeply unfair to the teacher and it is deeply destructive i think the teacher was wrong to throw the boy out of the class and i think the boy was wrong to video the exchange however it is
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a fact that there are basically 2 genders are these morally wrong that anybody who says that should have any trouble from any public call for it say in the united kingdom or elsewhere where there are 2 genders male and female but there are people who have variations of both server example intersex people have a combination of both male and female chromosomes hormones and genitalia so it isn't strictly true that there are only male and female i'm not concerned about the science of brain gender or anything like that i simply say if you wish to transition from a man to a woman you own your body you have the right to do it but actually there is an issue of rights here if the teacher is right then what do you suggest to gays that the policy of the council is that you cannot say that there are only 2 genders and if you say that that is something that should be confined to the home absolutely
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this is a free speech issue peoples have a right to free speech that people where you agree with him or not has a right to freedom of expression and that what he's the right he was exercising in that school class should be a place where ideas are expressed with their challenge where they're refuted critique supported amp. that's what a good school is a good school is a place where ideas are contested. a worse a phobic provocation that's how moscow has slammed 2 days of large scale demonstrations in the georgian capital 240 people have been injured including 80 fleece officers more than 300 have been detained russia will now ban passenger flights between the 2 countries next month what happened in georgia yesterday is nothing but a rusa phobic provocation the decision to suspend air service as explained by extremist and he russian threats in georgia and might be directed against our tourists we cannot seem different when anything threatens the lives of our citizens
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the demonstrations 1st broke out on thursday evening after russian m.p.'s sunday coverdale of was invited to open inter-parliamentary assembly in the parliament to promote orthodox christianity the head of the assembly has also called the protest a provocation by nationalist and radicals during the session the russian m.p. sat in the speaker's chair that incident sparked outrage from the opposition and the georgian people but governor rell of claims he has the right to take a seat there as he was invited by the georgian side to do so. but. as a president of the assembly i have the right to take this seat in any country where the assembly session is held in this case the place was offered by the georgian side the session was invaded by radicals who shouted threats to our lawyers we tried to continue but more radical activists showed up with cameras and posters with anti russian insulting goods we decided to finish the session in the hotel nearby radicals tried to storm the hotel they attacked members of parliament
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including me when we tried to leave. them the speaker of the georgian parliament has resigned following the mass protests authorities have called on the demonstrators to refrain from illegal acts protesters are now demanding the interior minister resigns over his handling of the situation as well he says he's ready to do so if needed but demands the protests stop at the same time. the georgian president has pointed the finger at russia over the incident saying protests benefit nobody but the kremlin but here is sergei govern a lot again who believes this accusation is simply wrong because you basically fusion georgia is one of the largest trade partners of russia look at georgians work in russia russia would not be russian protests into parliament assembly of all the doxy was used as it's a big international forum with a lot of international guests from europe asia and africa making it so much easier to attract attention easy i believe all of this is the racist stereotype in the wake of protests to take power so that if a u.s.
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congresswoman has ignited a firestorm after comparing detention centers for migrants to nazi concentration camps that started more after the break. what is calling the coin is magic and the new type of digital currency decentralized digital scarcity chancellor. of 2nd for bankers call the genesis blog for reason to calling it civil disobedience a source of optimism because i can control my own financial destiny it's just a new way of coming to consensus it's a game changer in the human history and this is columbus discovering the new world this paradigm shifting technology that transforms economics and finance in a heartbeat the apollo 11 landing on to the max and stacey.
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join me every thursday on the elec so i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics or business i'm sure i'll see you then. welcome back a u.s. congressman has received a barrage of criticism after comparing detention centers for undocumented immigrants on the mexican border to nazi concentration camps but all xander are causing a court is refusing to back down. the united states is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly why they are there
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concentration camps. people across the u.s. political spectrum slammed the comparison holocaust remembrance groups say she needs to educate herself on the issue and one post even invited the congresswoman to his country to see real concentration camps. i am formally inviting alexandria casso cortez to come to poland where i don't hitler sets up the worst chain of concentration camps the world has ever seen so that she may see the scoring political points with inflamed rhetoric is unacceptable in our contemporary western societies and to take something that happened in history where millions of jews have died and equated to something that's happening on the border she owes this nation an apology a o.c. concentration camps assured slave labor supply to help in the nazi war effort even as to protect the of the life inside the camps have to assure the ultimate goal of extermination through labor or learn about concentration camps although she faced
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a wave of angry comments she isn't the only one to use history's darkest moments argue a pro political point. it is estimated that 6000000 jewish people were murdered in german concentration camps during world war 2 by comparison more than 50000000 babies have been aborted in the united states since 973. i'd like to see the president and the congress invest tens of billions in new level energy i would point to the fact that it took roosevelt many many years to get america willing to go into world war 2 and fight the nazis or we have an enemy though different but perhaps very much devastating in
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a similar way. even as ation of carbon dioxide is just like that demonization of the poor jews under hitler government is actually a benefit to the world and for where the truth. donald trump you are the president of all citizens of this country you must not inflame the hatred of some at the violent expense of others we've seen jews subjected to persecution. look at the ortez. when she said concentration and she knew that everybody would be thinking about it she knew were what she was saying how explosive. it is but she's an attention seeker. she knows how to play the media and she knew perfectly well that when she brought up the topic of concentration camps she would be on television everyone would be
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talking about c.n.n. interview. was even more. if you listen and you're cortez's the original comment because that featured. a wry it was a african american political activist journey in which she acted explicitly said all oh we have concentration camps and then we're going to have the death camps or a holocaust is just something you use as a or a rhetorical trick in order to try to beat people in the political are. serious attempts to recover from 8 years of conflict it seems a new war is brewing over wheat and u.s. funded think tank claims the crop will prove a decisive weapon in the country it comes as farmers battle fires engulfing wheat fields across the country's north east the region now in a serious bread basket and has been has historically been
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a key source of food for the capital but now this and 2 other provinces which together account for nearly 70 percent of the country's entire week production mostly lie in the hands of the kurdish led opposition the us backed forces say they will ban wheat sales to damascus but claims it's just a strategic move for the region. it is not a political decision to impose a siege on the mosques not at all it is a decision to keep the harvest of the region for local consumption the kurds say the fires were started deliberately but haven't pointed the finger of blame all damascus claims the kurdish side was responsible for some of the dollar from the damascus center for strategic studies believes the kurdish ban is an attempt to force damascus to safeguard their autonomy. in these here early in one of the best years in the reigning. government
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sources talking of more than 1000000. in this year corbis forces if we want to contour all. season maybe they were they will make business for the sailing. to the talkie from one side. we made to approve trains this year in government to be an official to be very busy and be able to get benefits from this is very dangerous orientation anyway i go it is working for sweden that the government gives the farmers very good the price bought and we are noticing in these here that there is some hands we don't know is behind this started to firing the farmers and worried the wheat because they don't want the farmers to give the wheat to the government because i think that the considering that the wheat is one of the factors of the national security of syria
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. that's a global news update for this hour but don't forget you can always head to our website artie dot com for the details on all those stories and many more. we came here where did you work before you came here when you lived. death row in many us states capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution but most of the time the victims' families they are very much in favor of the death penalty there are some people because of what they did have given up the right to live among us some even proven innocent off 2 years on death row and how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about.
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it when i often say like use the enemy's e.m.t. card we should not forget if you could interest to transport the cars to boost used to mean of transport now if you could that carpooling or what we do is actually very very tiny today so the biggest expansion for us is not in the next year but in the next 510 years is how do we build a better product with more trials more safety and maybe a better economy contract between the best of the driver to convince more drivers to show they called more passengers for symptoms. that are owed to the birds or. go behind or the feel good but so. far good. service is the people it's. just it should be the mother ship it. to simulate it because we. couldn't
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manage to finish it oh not bush because. the media. has him in the. god since when. can a man i. mean don't hate. the security of. the line you. need to the kind of open system definition in. and in yourself in the news.
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i-max kaiser this is the kaiser report exhibit due to happy days are here again summertime is upon us and the news gets great every single 2nd of every single day i can't believe how great everything a stacey max in the last episode we were talking about germany falling apart and deutsche bank which is basically all of europe in fact now we're going to talk about italy but 1st i want to set up the whole global situation with a tweet from 0 hedge and i was talking about investor gunlock and he said that before each of the last 3 recessions one market pete 1st japan then europe then emerging markets now it will be the united states so that's really quite interesting here is the japanese market crash recession here's the european market and then the u.s. interesting look at perhaps we could be seeing the u.s. head. into global recession yeah i remember looking at the chart by good
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lack gun black and it goes all the way back to the beginning of my wall street career and during these recessions or times when i took years off like ok so the 87 to 90 hit that was the japan peak then i was in paris for 5 years then you had a period of growth up until all the speak of europe then i went back to the south of france for 5 years that i met stacy then we had a period of growth now and we're saying that the american peak will hit so it'll be time for a 5 year vacation again. i'm not sure where but somewhere but this is. take our pick call and say adios well into the sunset i think we're done well this is in the you know the context of all these guys like unlike selling all their equities they're getting out. i'm buying bonds predicting a huge recession because if the u.s.
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obviously is in its own space like it's beyond all of the emerging markets europe and japan and terms of where their stock prices are now over to italy which of course has had catastrophic economic story happening there and we've been again covering this for 10 years the european central bank has managed to keep it afloat by buying all their bad bonds some of their rate some of their bonds i believe at negative interest rates even and italy and yet you know if everything is so hunky dory italy proposes tax savings hidden in safety deposit boxes as total retail deposits hit fresh all time highs the italian people they have a lot of cash and they've been putting it into their savings accounts and more importantly in italy they put that into safe deposit boxes salvini is propose.


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