tv Going Underground RT June 22, 2019 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT
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before you get to the prescriptions you talk about the power of capitalism to transform human societies this recent phenomena this is to absolutely the driving force for human progress i argue historically has been the free market they've been to specialize in an exchange it's the opposite actually if exploitation it's people freely entering into mutually advantageous relationships economic relationships from which they get societies where that was allowed to happen very very rarely did that happen until until recently flourished but most people who ever lived were poor precisely because the parasitic elites at the apex of society prevented the free market from coming into play some readers might be surprised though that you attack the jacobins and at the same time many would see it is the real exponential progress economic progress is made up of the english and french revolution well i argue in the book that actually the french revolution is a disaster of human history for human progress this is temptation you were
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marionettes the parasitical you know it was not a talk mantra net was representative of one crash it parses you can eat but the people who took over would just as bad when it came to telling people how to live their lives and it's no coincidence that france for most of the previous 1000 years had been the economic superpower in europe since the french revolution of the previous 10200 years will say france has become an economical state run it's often argued by historians that modernity and human progress is a consequence of what they call the enlightenment the 18th century like and so it is to some truth in that but the enlightenment a bit like an also gives rise to what you might call rationalism and you see this particularly in france and in russia the homes of the 2 most dramatic revolution are people's far from actually delivering human progress the revolution in france and the revolution in russia actually arrest human. aggress catastrophic to see
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sure winston churchill would be saying he needed the industrialization and the russian revolution to win world war 2 against the nazis imagine if instead of replacing the russian parasitic czarist regime with bolsheviks they had replaced it with a constitutional system of government then i think you would have seen russia take off and take off and have a far less bloody 20th century history if it is military well that was really india and china because china of course had a more violent revolution than the indian revolution of india independence revolution well since it's very interesting if you look at those 2 great asian powers china and india when they simply exchanged outside parasitic elites for their own homegrown centralizes they didn't take off it's only really since the 1980 s. in china and the 1990 s. in india when they liberalized internally and stopped trying to have their own politicians and bureaucrats run their societies from the top down that they've started to take off arguably the reason it's taken off so much better in china than
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india is the structures that were built way mao when you talk about the great progress because this book is not about this is not as a mystic book as it's very very optimistic is very optimistic but surely most of the human progress that's been made realize it was just 6 of the based on governess china doesn't actually no it doesn't say that matt meagher was the mao is a very bad thing in terms of china taking off china throughout its foreign parasites in the one $940.00 s. it then made a series of catastrophic blunders in the fifty's in the sixty's in the seventy's under mao who tried to organize trying to buy top bankers like it's only in 198879 often when china stopped trying to run china from the center that's when china takes off it's no coincidence that the great economic success stories of our time the united states with its sublime constitution that disperses power between states china since 1000 some china india more recently the. these are taking off as great
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economic success stories great blocks because they've begun to decentralize economically the one part of the planet that has started to centralize economic decision making of the past 30 or 40 years is the one part of the world economy that is doing relatively badly and that is the european union and no doubt that's why a majority of people in britain voted for break that but surely when you talk about the united states we think of the constitution you call it supply we know thomas paine when it comes to russia and china and india hugely influenced and there are independent struggles by karl marx you just mentioned the european union tony benn jeremy corbyn these are characters that forwards the centralization of europe and regionalization what is the difference here between what the history difference is in this book and say something that jeremy corbyn might come up with i think maybe superficially a lot a lot of the analysis and in common take someone like thomas piketty thomas because
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he is has written the french economist has written about how at the moment we see what he regards as inevitable emergence of a an economic oligarchy but where picotee and coburn and co would argue that what you need is state fit state intervention to disperse power i would argue that in the past when you try to attack on a donkey with a form of redistributive populism you actually end up playing straight into the hands of the emerging oligarchy colbert is no he had to develop what i think anyway i think that will blairite that goal with this of course it's a long time as you've been on this show and that was before the vote. what do you think about the fact that so many in media in this country so which people would call elites believe it wasn't the people of this country of the voted for brits it was the russians that manipulated to vote and this is a serious accusation made by award winning journalist you mentioned in the i think part of the problem. here is that detachment between the professional opinion
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formers in this country the commentary of the people who write columns for newspapers some are some of them are very good but a lot of them are completely detached from the rush the country and so they can't quite believe that a majority a 1000000 strong majority would vote for something that they regard as a complete anathema to their worldview and so many of them are not just offended by the decision of this country to leave your opinion they they they need to try to explain it to rationalize it away so they look for some sort of external force to blame they might blame a foreign power they might claim that they believe somehow chichi i think the truth is that they've got psychological problems of their own in coming to terms with the fact that they're not actually in touch with a country about which they are pine and they're not really that representative of mainstream britain now one key passages in the book is about the goldstone to the nixon shock as you call it what would happen to a politician today if they well rex it is one thing if they argue against the
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super national institutions against fractional banking basel the go leverage is for banks let alone the i.m.f. the european union in these big organizations that come under fire in your book i'm all in favor of super national corporation but what we need to do is return to the principle that governments that we elect to run our nation states are accountable to the voters within those nation states and anything that they've done to try to avoid that democratic accountability through the ballot box and through the reps the link between taxation representation we need restored i suspect that actually if you did this right if you went into a general election either as a center left candidate or a center right candidate and argued that it's time to not just take on the banks but actually take the central bank as i suspect you would have middle britain sharing with you now see i think many people recognize that as the thing to do it centrism it's. more to do with the with the kind of politics we now have in this
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country whether it be corbin whether it be the right of the conservative but do you think any of the candidates understand the principles of your book as to how britain can have a successful and prosperous future i think they do i think they all appreciate that once we've left the european union the success of this country in terms of increasing output in the next generation the generation before that depend on north only managing while our relations with the e.u. once we've laughed but actually opening ourselves up to the world we we see every tens of millions of middle class people joining the global economy in china and india in indonesia in asia even now in sub-saharan africa whether or not our children have a higher standard living than we do depends on our ability to trade and engage with them it's good to have good relations with europe too but there's a bigger world out there that was god's will thank you after the break the
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militarization of britain's post crash education system will these british children grow up to 5 illegal wars as britain this week announces the deployment of royal marines to persian gulf for a possible the american war with iraq british m.p.'s chair and to teresa mayes legacy as the frontrunner to replace boris johnson is branded a racist and a liar the prime minister's questions well the simple coming up to him going underground. we had one man 3540 years old. it off the struggles in the water. some 30 fisherman well destroyed later in this left. understood
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something that even going to move ahead. and that many of us thought my feet will stop when and what the machine. i believe that this is none of the therapy is off. tomah said absurd really harsh things that happen in life. when i often say like you the enemy's e.m.t. car we should not forget if you could interest to transport the corys to boost used to mean of transport now if you could that car putting a what we do is actually a very very tiny today so the biggest expansion for us not in the next year but in the next 510 years is how do we build
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a better product with more trust more safety maybe a better economy contract between the best of the driver to convince more drivers to show break or more passengers systems. what politicians do you should. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to express an injury. or somehow want to be rich. which is going to be for us this is what makes all 3 of them more than people that i'm interested always in the waters of our. first sip. welcome back is the slate clean for those who will replace drazen as u.k. prime minister because some journalists appear to forgotten that those that are seeking the top job all supported tourism a's alleged cruelty to britain's most
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vulnerable years gerry corbin shadow housing minister referencing the manta rays m h o's to be her chief of staff accused of ignoring warnings about britain's worst post world war 2 tower blocks 3 successive ministers were written to over total of 21 times over 4 years by the all party group on fire safety urging them to act to make sure we have void another fire following the lack of house fire the last of those 21 letters was written a month before the grand full tower fire and no action was taken what does the prime minister believe those ministers should have done when they received that expect advice but for tourism a inquiry run by a judge previously overruled by the supreme court over alleged social cleansing is arguably kick the whole issue into the long grass the whole question of what has happened in the advice that was available is
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a matter that will be looked at in the 2nd phase of the public inquiry and as for the dangers right now u.k. labor leader jeremy corbyn question may on mitigating any imminent further instance of alleged corporate manslaughter of the relative poor the 2013 coroner's report into the deadly like no house fire recommended sprinklers should be retrofitted to all social housing currently only 32 out of 837 council tower blocks above 30 metres have sprinklers 2 years after grenfell 6 years after the coroner's report will the prime minister now accept the recommendation and set a deadline for all highrise blocks to have sprinklers retrofit. tourism a said he got his facts wrong i think he has inadvertently said something that doesn't quite reflect what the tarnas report said what the coroner's report said was that landlords should consider putting in retrofitting sprinklers it did not
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say that every building should be retrofitted so no mandatory sprinklers will be one legacy of resume what about another which was supported by those seeking to replace at the end of her career will the prime minister take time to reflect that her creation of the his austin environment led to the interest scandal to a catalogue of errors in immigration decisions to people feeling unsafe in their own homes to an atmosphere of distrust and suspicion and to xenophobia which is damaged our relations with our european neighbors gerri willis she apologised to resume appeared to blame not herself but accommodation of a labor leader who defeated winston churchill and the revolutionary liberation movements which won independence from brutal british colonial tyranny what may be behind the issue in relation to the problems that some members of the interest generation have faced was the fact that when they came into the u.k.
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they were not given documentary evidence of their immigration status and their country's going to gain independence they were not given that documentary evidence of their status this week's hugo of poll claims that tories are choose the next u.k. pm or arguably less colonial they don't mind giving up ulster and scotland if it stops jeremy corbyn but if the leader of the scots nationalist in westminster is to be believed the frontrunner boris johnson might eject scotland from the u.k. for different reasons does the prime minister the green with the front runner set to succeed or that the scottish people out of their ministries that should be pleased to get to was and exterminated tourism may seem not to agree with the sentiments published in a right wing. magazine once edited by boris johnson but it is of course scotland where britain has cited its nuclear weapons and in a week when reports emerged of a possible u.s. air strike on iran's civil nuclear program some asked what would people think of
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beijing in moscow struck the fast lane submarine base north of glasgow there's certainly no doubt that london is more in line with washington than any other capital perhaps a bottle of eve of the tensions in the persian gulf so who will fight another middle east war and who will britain recruit for a future u.s. war as war school a new film exposes british government recruitment tactics targeting children as young as 7 its director mick dixon joins me now make welcome to going underground tell me about the film how it suggests that by stealth the government is militarizing britain's youth and that's 7 to 11 year old something to think about i suppose now there are reports the troops are going to the persian gulf again but it's interesting you say by stealth isn't really by stealth it's all out in the open they have these plans to have a coherent strategy for encouraging people to support the military in this country is all there so we're open but it comes across in a way that looks as though it's benign it looks as though it's just fun and games
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but it's calculated from what i can say to encourage not only the country to support the military when they do do things like take on the wrong whatever reason but also now to encourage young children ever younger children to be supportive of the military and to be proved in the military as to why this is 7 to 11 year olds i mean the un committee on the rights of the child say that vulnerable groups of children and so on should not be targeted yeah and yet you're talking about presuming you're referring that is using gauge when review 2011 to. in place shortly after the financial crisis and the bailouts of the banks to get vulnerable children. i don't think you can say that they're. they're targeting vulnerable children however is what you put out a number of reports recently and one of them says actually there is
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a quote where he says we're looking at households which have an income of less than 10010000 or less a year so that's the way i phrase it it's clear that's what they do is i've always done it so $11000.00 school visits is a statistic used in the film and in fact david tory leadership candidate. pops up michael gove be a systems which the defacto u.k. subsidised britain rise of the moms when they see very proud of running education road shows 213000 young people have seen mergers they have 845 brand ambassadors or and bass just teaching this stuff they say they're there to inspire the next generation of engineers it's not about. 7 year olds with ideas of going to the persian gulf to fight war i think that would be great i think it would be wonderful if those resources continue to be put into creating the next gen generation of
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engineers but creating them to do things that are positive for our country and world can i say this and this is the figures that coming out went to a meeting with. and pay on the issue around yemen and they put it in if i can say this stopped the exports of goods from this country total is $500000000000.00 pounds per year of that $20000000000.00 the manufacturing 20000000000 is. ok so that's a 5th of a 5th if you want to work out the stats that that 2xb6b is what we're selling to ourselves so it's. funded by us. is not essential for our economy it's a myth now a 100 new cadet units have been set up a target of 310 by 2020 and yet some of these m.p.'s are against the military
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government they've they voted against to strengthen the military government did you find that they teach all this new military those the as you cover in the film the increased vulnerability to p.t.s.d. alcohol abuse suicide posed by particular child requests because unlike many countries in the world we still we still train children to be soldiers so there's 2 questions in complicated but the 1st one is the military couple so there's nothing wrong with the military covenant in the terms in which it's written it's the military cover that sets out to tell troops and their families and members of the armed forces that we support you we care about you said military cup and. one level . actually says promises to support troops in housing and welfare and all sorts of other things ironically on the other side of this the military or the
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whoever organizes the budgets for things pushing all of welfare for troops to the charities and the charities then feeding off of the. the issues that you see in these images here affects the p.t. p.t.s.d. can have a solid yes so the charities a building in a numerous industry feeding on the issues the problems the really extreme effects of war on al a true these pictures are from comic books that you that are being produced. tell me a bit about you know. from the very outset of making this film as an independent producer of a kind of. unknown mainstream film i knew it would be very difficult to distribute
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it so all along lots of different ways that we can use it use the film and the things we've learned through it to engage with the public and children in particular so what we're doing now with the support of quite because britain meeting and funding is producing a comic book stroke graphic novel version of one thread of the film which will then be incorporated with i learning results with the interact with materials and such as far as you know right now i mean it's a figure like $12000.00 veterans sleeping rough in britain that that kind of statistic is not going to be part of the teaching materials as soldiers go into britain schools to interest interest in the things which is going to britain's goes to. become full you're going to get p.t.s.d. or your legs blown off when you join up with us they're all rolled tentative steps but this is another thing that seriously shocked me and that's. when i
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discovered that figure of 11000 military visits to schools year if from forces while i was working with quite because and forces watching veterans for peace and these organizations that are putting in an enormous effort to help educate people as to the realities. so this was quite good i asked them how many visits to you ken . quakers who have a very small department but it's working very hard to manage to do about 6 or 10 pieces there's no telling it's all 10 the number of the visit was not up to 6 or 10 the number of visits the veterans for peace managed to make to schools in the time that i've been with them is one hand counting hands counting if that.
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this is what we're up against at a time when we are having break hillary pulls from the main news media which is so it's no secret that children are having to find food in being outside schools at a time when teach is having to fund their school resources then selves at a time when that the u.n. making reports on human rights violations in schools in education with young children this government all these governments since 2008 have been able to find 100000000 pounds to promote military ethos in schools ok these are no kind of random figures this is true that's where the money is going why and of course it's all just about school you do mention video games and the singer joss
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stone was criticised for her rendition of a song we now know from the cia and pentagon they've been involved in hollywood films and in changing plot lines but what about the popular cultural propagandizing of major nations rose up until say the falklands and beyond the falklands said definitely the 1st gulf war up until then the way that the military. actually integrated all parts of society was understood and respected and we kind of did. recognize and work together with that whatever there were things going on that were questionable but it wasn't like a publicist t.v. business or you know a p.r. company engaged to think of ways to circumvent opposition to the humanity the reality for all causes and now it is it's
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calculated it's a calculated part of. again this gets a bit political but part of the kind of neo liberal push towards a corporate type alison. thank you and that's it for the show will be back on monday with child homelessness having surged by 80 percent under the concept it's 2011 housing is a human right with the u.n. rubble toward adequate housing at the start of the 41st session of the un human rights council and feel that he would address social media even. you know what i i don't want to talk to a communist news agency forgive me you'll have to find someone to.
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we have to. oh. 6 2 i think i think now is the time they're able to fight. it's an indication of how important most movements all. indications are we have a left move towards we are definitely winning it because we had the people they had people in power but we aren't them us. quick now for those italian the want to keep their savings or put it into because you can escape to confiscation of the government or the bad again the whoever runs the country over there and you will preserve your wealth and jurisdiction that respects your sovereignty as an individual and respects your wealth don't live in a country that's just going to rip you off blindly.
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paradise with some ground and into a ground experimentation feel with an agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants there's no question otherwise why would the chemical company workers themselves be geared up and suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in day you have many of these people one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power.
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minute starts how close the u.s. came to a direct military confrontation with the running before donald trump changed his mind and counseled the strike u.s. president reveals he's putting both slow and new sanctions on tehran and said i want to know something before you go how many people will be killed came back. approximately 150 and i didn't like it. f.b.i. agent accidentally reveals his social media posts promoting anti brushing conspiracy theories through an investigation into a synagogue shooting. and a lesson in life a scottish student claims he was booted out of class for arguing there are only 2 genders.
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