tv Worlds Apart RT June 23, 2019 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT
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current best interest in those scores for the same story sharing calls to social benefits on the environment and in both countries we are we actually becoming also a distribution for buses in different ways so in france it was by acquiring a company from us and safe and we could have branded buses on the road but all of the distribution on the some platform now in russia we do the same in russia we now have like 400 bus partners aggregating the supply. deploying the same vision and then adapting to local needs and look in specific cities and say that your enemy is an empty car see the economics of an empty bus see it including environmental economics is very different from an empty car see it as you try to integrate more and more modes of transportation into into a platform i'm going to privilege environmentally friendly ones. i think all of it is pretty much the same for us so we have this campaign that we clearly deploy in
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europe right now as you're into seat so we could be getting on the seat but i think it applies to a bus as much as a car to go back to your 1st comment i mean when i often say like you know the enemy's e.m.t. car we should not forget if you get interested to transport we're reaching a wash in france in germany pretty much all over the world it's done by cars the car is to boost used means of transport if you look at the. car pulling a what we do is actually very very tiny today so the biggest expansion for us not in the next year but in the next 510 years how do we built a better product with more trust more safety maybe a better economy contract between the passenger and the driver to convince more drivers to share very core passengers to seats now you mentioned that cars are still the dominant means of transportation in the bigger cities but i think that's changing and in many metropolitan areas you do see a push. for public transportation and higher tariffs parking terrace for the car
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where do you how far do you think the quest for shared than public transportation can go do you think people will ever in bigger cities will they ever give up car ownership and would that be good for you so i think what you describe is very true in cities when you talk about like very short distances weave in cities and clearly i think eventually you'll see less and less cars in berries you know in the center of the city is just a matter of time now you could. interest all over europe private cars journeys between. 600 kilometers cory's stable going so she the car over the last 20 years as not been replaced by trains or buses because the reason people do score between cities is because the car is the only like universal connector that gets you exactly from where you want to go where you go. to where you want to go and that's where you always find that in most countries
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the western europe and russia i think it's about between 60 and 80 percent of journeys between 10600 kilometers. 10 years or something 20 years ago the 1st victims of blah blah are expansion they usually bus lanes especially. once and i mentioned before the last year you made an interesting it position. company is that something that you plan to do in other countries and what is the rationale of that . the acquisition in france is very very specific to the french and german market to the french and german market. until essentially 5 years ago when the market liberalized to. be created. in france and germany before. companies existed came along market share really shows that you're killing buses because that's a contradictory example. came into force germany and grew market we've we've.
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you know over markets. brazil many other markets where we operate there were buses before we arrived. the reality is we take their market. because people tend to use something else but the. proximity because they find a living from the right side of town know that does the right detour in the country . and we tend to actually work we have bus companies and aggregate bus companies. in russia is a good example i think we had. a difficult start with companies because. there are a lot of complaints from companies about your surface online i mean they that they don't appreciate your business. is changing very rapidly because we had. 2 years ago yes even we had 2 suits but we were. on for
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a competition of core putting and we would. think you dialogue as both companies and i think most of them understand that we serve a slightly different need that we also becoming like a very strong online distribution platform and today we have over 400. that we contracted essentially distributing. so they realize that we bring additional do additional passengers i heard you say on many occasions that one of the biggest challenges for you in growing the markets is establishing the trust between the driver and the passenger that they can actually share that journey together that's it safe from many social studies we know that russia and ukraine the way your growth has been phenomenal the level of social trust isn't one of the lowest in europe how do you explain the success of here. it's really interesting like we. rushed. crain brazil to some extent makes
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a coup. faster with. lower cost of marketing. mix of 2 things it was a mix of probably the transport network because it was a big countries the transport network was not as functional dysfunctional. germany were you have like a very decent system and train system historically. be feasible gaps where you have lots of connections at where you know it's very functional and then from a trust point of view what we've seen in both countries is actually the barrier was you know sons at the rate things we built in the community where you put your food to and then you're right the driver and driver is going to right back the passenger was creating a lot of trust in europe we see that you need to create a bit more formal trust like id checks and very few occasions an online payment. less required in markets like russia and ukraine and you know many people are
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asking whether the. measures the security measures that in this markets were enough because last year here in russia we had a. mentally disturbed serial killer using your service to create fake accounts and to kill a young woman and a mother of 2 children i know that you said that you were going to introduce passport checks in response to that incident but you gave yourself few years aren't 2 years i know fully a long time in this kind of business. was horrible and we don't build the business of it. for us and safety was like the starting point. if you think of how people did he try king back in the days there was no trust layer whatsoever so we created this community where you need to sign up you need to create an account we count your mobile phone number event. all the time and we
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progress into work we do id checks which we did not rule out in response to an event actually because we started i did check in over countries long before and it's just a matter of putting that in place i didn't check so hard to do by the way but you have them for example in india if i'm not mistaken and your had them from the very beginning why it was that the number concern in this. was a challenge because i do tricks not something we can shake and control you need like a. government database that it's not a level playing field some countries are you can do that very easy to some countries it's very complex. unfortunately in countries like russia it's been ruled out and implement. a year ago we launched. cruise to have 3000000 people so 400000 users and we're going to continue doing that the next step is also online payment online payment is going to help to work trust and reliability by the
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way because you have a financial commitment that you will get to the core as a passenger but enables better tracking so today i think we have you don't users. moderation of the community. in the case you mention they should the person who was found because we can track back so there was no fake account. he created his account. phone number we were registered in a different name so in a way it was if they build something yes and you know it's something we can we be able to track and that's why you do sound overwise you would not be found but but perfect at the end of the day you've been improving and improving trust and safety to some extent people that's because like you when he's good enough never have you . back after that incident because it was widely publicized on russian social media and i know from personal stories that many of my friends are now much more has it and about. service as opposed to let's say bear or taxi service so all
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these services where do you think. you interesting meet your bread like. before we launched in india for example. air b.n. b. you had some cases and so on i think at some point it's on point you cannot perfect information where you live or think so what we've been. doing is how do we keep on improving and adding layers and layers without like forcing people to go through everything because overwise it's going to be a problem if you ask people to give like that passport an id and so on it never works we have to take a short break now but it will be back in just a few moments. or
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you know world of big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's taught for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. it's hard to take some from somebody if you know have some to replace. the want to do this interview today i don't use market in that they take me. there for years and it's area. so how can i tell you stop selling drugs if will has some
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to put the money in it back. then just me all the way in life it's almost been basically mccullers peaceful for us all or. do you guys have a secret me security positions i've been in that. day jack me again. you see people get all their cars and i'll see you coming in the herd and they seems like they'll hurry up and run into the house like they don't want to they don't want to talk to your get your mail or anything like that. i just want to go. and do the. right just try reading. me now and now it seems some give me.
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welcome back to worlds apart. see your. car before the break we were talking about the sharp growth in this country 70 percent per year if i'm not mistaken and that naturally the trucks a lot of attention. a few years ago the russian authorities already and they were going to tax the ride sharing services and it was. after the intervention of the french finance and the economy minister that this initiative put on hold you seem to have a pretty strong state for a private french company don't you. think is right sharing is often confused or pooling. of semantic but you have right sharing as
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a right sharing which is what. those companies are doing and you have core putting which is private sharing the core and sharing of cause between cities. in most countries. some level of regulation and then we worked on improving the regulation to define what he's putting in and most important you would you call sharing so what is the definition of you sharing the cost of the journey you would do anyway so in europe i would say we're pretty far in the process you know washoe it's a process we started like a year and a house and 2 years ago now i would sort of in a regulation. taxing the money you would essentially sharing the cost of driving your vehicle is nonsensical because there is no profit being made so it's always been or. it was always understood the whenever we talk to regulators in russia. i really want a regular. defined i really want to go back to that issue but before we do that. i
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have a sense that you do have a certain protection of the state authorities but. at least. some kind of environment distinguishes you from other companies and my suspicion is that because you are a major french star can i ask you straight do you think you have any backing and from the french authorities when it comes to the russian regulation because there are many attempts to undermine your business here through courts through complaints through appeals to the prosecutorial office but you've always been spared as you said you are now part of a major government efforts you drive the legislation and that hasn't happened in russia way too often when business is directly involved in crafting something like that we know driving it obviously has been doing it in several countries to you it's pretty logical that you get involved i mean for the regulation to to make sense. the relationship with the french government we have known actually i mean
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we have the same relationship we have in every country right now is drafting like a new. you we have to spend a lot of times explaining what we do and what we don't do should be regulated it is normal business everywhere but you're not feeling any support any particular. perception is. there and it's true in most countries and i think one of them is the extra of what we do you know you talk about 20000000 people using the services. it's extremely hard people save money. on the environment. and social benefits because you people meet and so on so. please feel lucky that we do something that makes sense for society make sense of the environment we're people in cities and save me. and yes it helps you because it's common sense whenever
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regulations being built i think we have. every country that sensible and realize that it would make no sense to you to prevent people from doing something like that the question is more like how do you define the boundaries of was call sharing what's not called sharing which is what we would be building right now you long argued that this is not a tax a surface service therefore participants particularly the driver should not pay taxes given that the euro branching into. in france and potentially elsewhere is that still a valid argument because for many of your interviews i get a sense that you actually want to be a platform a marketplace for both paid and on paid services how do you make sure the well being seamless for your consumers are not also being used as a means of tax evasion. sure when we do buses it's a very different matter so when we do buses in false it's
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a professional sort of these. transport and in that sense it's taxed as in the transport company when we do core putting the score putting you have a driver sharing a cost which means the number of passengers you can carry is limited the maximum amount you can passenger is limited and then you even core putting on the supply side was providing the right we have to complete different business is today to the point where even in france it's 2 separate companies one is. just something in russia where we going to work with like professional suppliers providing a bus service on the other side of the car putting service which is do you. see the difference between the 2 biggest always there are people the texas service in russia is a pretty american service there are always people who are trying to gain and to get an unfair advantage do you always see. extremely clear and then it's down to define in a very good. but markets where it's well defined and she's very simple just like.
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you can collect as a driver which is defined. as an example. if you make more than $45.00 pounds per mile. making money you need to be a taxi driver as a transporter you make less than $45.00 pence per mile then you sharing the cost of motoring says. free market. is very very clear let me give you one interesting example from the south of russia recently when there blah blah car customer arrange a ride within the cities and when he showed up by the meeting point he was shown into a diesel locomotive the service provider charged him a certain amount delivered this service but i think that's a beautiful example of what you would call intern modality but. it's questionable both from taxation and security point of view. when you work with the governments
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how do you think they should throw is the question of whether their societies are ready for the kind of shared billeted that you want to provide. the example you give i mean i would say we also have like your example of people who manage somehow to bypass the platform and so what we do is we should we were building a. road after that the concept of actually sharing platform where drivers share the ride. we know it is the concept of the. marketplace we can all go and shake every car so essentially we built a good meteorite things and we built them to see you. so in that case the president is going to say it's not a car and then we can. give you one that bring in the additional modes of
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transportation you do not limit yourself to a car we do but knowingly which is very different from. what you describe is more like an outlier type story out of. your foray into russia began in the acquisition of a ukrainian company arrived in the midst of 2014 of each happened to be a very difficult and traumatic year for both russia and ukraine if you had to do that all over busy again what do you have taken the risk. yes because we. are ukrainian company or russian company time it was that was not to be. a small platform but something 3000 people. in ukraine we're actually doing or putting. in both countries so it was important for us was to prove a point you can work in. we can work in ukraine. take
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time machine and we were just in europe and that was the 1st time we. universal. company taking off was the proof that it was universal and pretty much everywhere we want we found some cultural changes it's pretty universal there are cars everywhere cars are more everywhere and if you built they could good product and good quality service you can and power people to share the car at the terror you made that the ukraine and acquisition. that the ukrainian company as far as i know was involved in some trans border rides do you still do that. between russia and ukraine. across borders. but back then it was no drink going to the very tiny it was. like 30000. have only 45 i mean people go back and forth there all the
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time and there's actually a huge demand because according to official ukrainian figures around 3000000 ukrainians. are doing their regular bases between the 2 countries and the traditional modes of transportation are hinder it because of the political situation do you think you should actually is there a business opportunity there for you or you would be more sort of politically sensible in this. country except maybe countries like belgium across borders very don't you for us to stick to the. like he's very. close border speaking about politics there was another interesting case. involving blah blah car this time in ukraine a while the driver and the passenger got into a heated argument about politics and the driver of a certain point decided that the journey is still being. allowed the passenger by
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the side of the growth i wonder if there is any attic what kind of blah blah you're supposed to have in the cars sport of. the adventure part of the social experience so the reason you have blah blah blah blah blah is the birth of the name black car is moved of the time of the better car you're going to have discussions. again 99 percent of the time people tell us and we have lots of that we. come back and reached for his experience because. these 2 also got in. perhaps maybe. i'm story though i mean i do a lot of right so i do a lot of. people have different opinion you know world where you live. your social media whatever you would be and you believe that everybody
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is the same way i think it's quite refreshing actually that you take a car people have different political views different view of the world that you don't even realize exist because on your facebook feed they don't exist anymore for some reason we bring people. to meet. your destination because. people that's. transported which is discussing and. yeah but i mean if one of them living in the other in the middle of the 4 is that it's a liability for you as well is it not. people in the forest because of their argument i think most of the time. i guess we would not have. the success we 20000000 people using it again the. amount of the service is a big plus. minus. always going to stories
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beauty of life and people were people disagree on stuff and discussion on stuff now you are a customer service does and people left on the road because they disagreed on the argument. they made friends. transport a new transport company does that for you. good in that sense. and we have to leave it there i wish you all the. thank you. again same place thing. time here i don't want the part. where.
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we came here where did you work before you came here when you lived. in many us states capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution and most of the time the victims' families they are very much in favor of the death penalty there are some people because of what they did have given up the right to live among us some even proven innocent after years on death row and how many more exonerations as a kind of tape before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about. some time osho as well like a honey pot and everyone believe that it was all on stable and on the reliable and
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russia but they thought that every one was great over there russian businessmen who want to do business in the west because they feel that some could take everything away from them in russia it's now it's the opposite they have businesses outside of russia was snatched less has frozen the old log now the student whine about. my objection to banks that is not that i like to hear you but it without the mollifying influence of the e.u. the brits are going to be exposed face on head on to people like boris johnson and jacob smog who are who are the certifiably insane. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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