tv Keiser Report RT June 25, 2019 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT
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from a somewhat unexpected saw it's donald trump's been accused of having the ideas but lovers of wool want nothing to do with him a big knitting website claims he spends too many white supremacist yachts and anything that promotes it. we are banning support of donald trump and his administration on robbery we cannot provide a space that is inclusive of all and also allow support for open white supremacy. you have got to be kidding censorship at its best this is a knitting crocheting site why. looking forward to when you guys go broke to make
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a nice trophy or might get well go broke list. why is it always white people who try to whites plain white supremacy your fish really like president is not white supremacy and you shouldn't be so quick to agree to give up your civil rights you never catch us saying ok we'll let you take our civil rights. that brings rather to that thanks for staying with join me for the latest headlines in africa. reversers the kaiser of course but you knew that already hey you know what i think
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we're right again. this is a good show because we get this we get to bash george osborne which is always a fun thing for me to do especially here in the us right can do that without getting. my tookie stacey to be fair and balanced george osborne's mother loves him she thinks he's the most amazing person on earth and in fact the beneficiaries of some of his schemes love him too because they got free money from the british taxpayer perhaps the british taxpayer is not so happy about the rest of the story and we're going to talk about help to buy this is a scheme george osborne when he was chancellor of the exchequer introduced in 2013 march of 2013 you and i immediately did an episode and it's called ponzi lottery and that is episode 4 to 5 and i want to play this little clip where we talk about the ponzi economics of the u.k.
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as they point out in this case of nicholas levine he was running a ponzi scheme a ponzi scheme pays returns to investors from other investors money or their own until rather than legitimate profits no legitimate profits cut to. the ponzi economy that i said this man is like into the ponzi economy he appeared in my eyes is the economy of the u.k. here is what george osborne in his budget while we were in new york he tried to sneak it in he thought we wouldn't notice this but we're here to cover it budget 2013 george osborne pins hopes on housing boom taxpayers well underwrite the mortgage of hundreds of thousands of home buyers and take stakes in a newly built houses in a 15500000000 pound attempt to stimulate the struggling economy george osborne has announced they call this an overtly political move with an eye fixed firmly on
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2015 general election so there you have it that's how ponzi schemes operate when that's how bernie made off operated everybody knew he was scamming somebody but he thought they thought he was scamming somebody else not them right the housing market in britain is a ponzi scheme it's year ago or so so i was born needs a new suckers he's going to inject the housing ponzi scheme in britain with more money that he's borrowing from the central banks ultimately and more carney's being flown into britain to lend george osborne more money from the wholesale market to reinflate the housing bubble newquay as a political gimmick doesn't add jobs no does it grow the economy no it in fact it creates an economy people dependent on gambling ponzi schemes with using their house as an a.t.m. to finance their consumption to drink all day they would give a p. off one p. off their beer people drawing people borrowing people gambling naked and stupid
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george osborne's message is and it does absolutely nothing to grow the economy and we already have a precedent already a government backstopping gambling in the housing market it's called fannie mae and freddie mac. that's the primary reason you have a 2008 bust osborne's looking at the. recent history this is the worst policy ever created in a modern history i'm going to do it i will do it worse i'm going to make it even more risky than they did in fannie mae freddie mac. george osborne to britain island wherever it was the guy co-op cyprus is as i've said a menace oh right i stand by those words george osborne is a menace you know it's funny because on the big point genesis block it says verge of another bailout the chancellor they are referring to is george osborne it was actually me who was brown really was gordon brown was the chancellor they shekar in 2800 bailed out northern rock so right that was he was the chancellor and it was it wasn't on verge it was the chancellor in brink of bailout a 2nd bailout for
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a crisis so he was on the case when they when the genesis block was mined he was also the guy who sold half of britain's gold. that is true wow that guy is famous so the guy is famous so here we're talking about help to buy this is a scheme that was introduced in 2013 to help basically we could basically help builders of properties it was a help to sell scheme and if you could come up with 5 percent of your deposit so also targeting a specific class of people because property is already overpriced and the united kingdom and george osborne who at this time and 2013 is the chancellor of the exchequer and he doesn't believe in free markets he you know free markets would genuinely say well if people can't afford it the price has to come down if you want to sell your property you've got to lower the price and order to find buyers well we call that a ponzi scheme we in fact called it
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a ponzi scheme also in 443 where frankie boyle where he said he's cause osborne's help to buy scheme like eating toilet paper episode 451 mitch firesign he called it the biggest ponzi of them all that's the name of the episode so we said that in 2013 there was a little bit of pushback let's say from the british who did not like that we called it a ponzi scheme so cut to 6 years later because what you want in a journalist or opinion shows is to question authority question punch up not punch down and we punched up we looked at what the scheme was and that it was probably a ponzi scheme because they were taking from one group of people the taxpayer to basically feed the scheme that is the ponzi of the of the property market here 6 years later u.k. government blew billions on help to buy scheme that enriched home builders and
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drove up home prices taxpayers on the hook when prices sink new report warns this new reports is from the actual guy. from an office the national audit office they find that the u.k. government's flagship help to buy equity loan scheme launched a stance of glee to give cash strapped 1st time buyers a leg up onto the property market has dished out billions of pounds of publicly subsidized loans to relatively well heeled homeowners who were perfectly capable of buying their 1st property without need for outside help asserts a new report by the national audit office writes ponzi scheme it's a ponzi scheme that took from the poor schmoe ordinary taxpayer and gave to a group of well heeled investors we're going to go over the some of the details what they found is that actually there were like m.p.'s that use this scheme
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whereby the taxpayer gave them 20 percent of their deposit so it's part and parcel of one of many scandals were reported royal bank of scotland stealing from $30000.00 of their own customers and they have their g group didgeridoo group to give it to their own selves here we have a part of this game for him to buy we have the all the scandals at barclays lloyds r.b.s. h.s.b.c. their money laundering for mexican drug cartels so we've you know now tell me tell me fine viewer what point was the be you responsible for you k. bankers jobs born and gordon brown. flagrantly ripping brits off and bankrupting their company home oh dancer is they weren't this is why i've always my objection to brands that is not that i like the you but it without the mollifying influence of the e.u.
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the brits are going to be exposed face on head on to people like boris johnson and jacob reese mog who are who are certifiably insane. same so we're going to go over some of the details in a 2nd but in terms of our theory at the time $2132.00 days after george osborne introduced this george osborne was the chancellor of the exchequer than any introduced us policy and we called it a ponzi scheme one of the things that you need for a ponzi scheme is new entrants and one of the things that you need in a ponzi scheme is it's hard to taper ponzi as we've said so here is what the national audit office says the u.k. regulatory body. gareth davies head of the n.a.o. warned that the biggest challenge the government faces will be to wean property market and the homebuilders off the scheme with as little disruption as possible while still being able to meet its goal of 300000 new homes being built by the
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2020s but many home builders are by now completely hooked on the public funds with companies such as persimmon depending on the scheme for around half of their sales that is the definition of a ponzi scheme where you know what it to be in fair balance we have to say the like the m.p. that received the government the taxpayer subsidized equity loan he thinks it's great he thinks this wonderful he thinks is the opposite right upon the exactly and that he thinks it's like make sound sense that he is given this money so you have to say it because u.k. to honor the u.k. regulatory dictate her off tom we must say that the beneficiaries of the ponzi scheme are happy to be beneficiaries of the ponzi scheme ok that's fair and balanced great ok i've got to get off my back so the report which used figures supplied by the ministry of housing communities and local government found that
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only 37 percent of roughly $210000.00 people who have so far benefited from health to buy would not have been able to afford property without it since the scheme is not means tested anyone can apply and qualify for the loans including people earning more than $100000.00 pounds a year who reportedly account for 4 percent of the total borrowers one particularly egregious example is conservative m.p. peter boon who went 2016 use the scheme to buy a new constituency home purchasing the 175000 pounds home and his wife's name with a 35000 pound equity loan. from the government so again only the propaganda at the time or you know the the happy people the beneficiaries were how they sold this to the public was that we're helping all those poor people were helping out the taxpayer you know it's tough economic times you know the banks have
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been bailed out now we're going to help out bail out the people well actually only 37 percent of those people who did receive the loans actually needed it the rest were very you know upper middle class and they get to keep their complaining that knife stabbings are up and i have crime is up shootings are up so the societies in decay right piers morgan is like. oh. so much. so i look at the causes ok george osborne oversaw a financial chernobyl on your watch and you applauded him and took the money ok now don't complain to me now about the stabbings ok that's called jose. which is a new word i just made up and then finally you know again we're saying this is a ponzi scheme the property market is the ponzi scheme that keeps the stability
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whatever stability remains in the together so here we have the final conclusion in this article while helped to by may have had a limited effect in terms of making housing affordable for 1st time buyers who were genuinely priced out of the market it has proven to be effective at sustaining the u.k.'s all important housing bubble by jacking up the prices of new build houses resulting in even less affordable housing since help to buy was 1st launched in 2013 average u.k. house prices have increased by 35 percent from 167000 pounds to 226000 pounds exactly as we said back in 2013 we did reese. some you know warnings from the government for saying that but the price if they were given 2025 percent we said prices will go up by that much if your government's just going to give and of course they did pricing out more people destabilizing the economy now it all comes out of washington and also well we're going to take
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a break and $1.00 way to come back oh we're going to continue with a much more so. good food description. even for the owners so how to choose pet food industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us and was necessarily good for the pet. may not be the best people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these problems it's a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple
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problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets streets corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making it a $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm asked as are time now to return to our conversation with david margan of the margan report it's a must read report don't forget to read it david welcome back and that script be back oh already so david margan tell us about the red pill conference that sounds
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intriguing. as it is i think one of the most it is in my view the most diversified conference in the world i mean this conference takes in what you might call xscape in the matrix from every aspect i can think of so you've got education you've got health you've got legal you've got financial. and you know 2 or 3 things i probably left out but there's a lot in there that questions basically everything i mean if you look at the concert start of education and how this whole system has been tried a bit indoctrination system rather than a real education system i mean i was probably the last in the public school system not me personally but my age group from where i lived at the time had fairly much classical education and we were really were given ideas about critical thinking and logic reply logic to you know our answers and then asked to ask questions that type
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of thing. i'm going to digress here max for it's real brief moment i lived through the barrier from most for more ne'er the different radio my life and i went to this solar expedition exhibition up in the far north northern california and ralph nader was there. and i didn't remember much of a speech except this he said that his father was very big at the family dinner table asked these questions and one question he asked one particular time of him but his brother was wasn't whether you do in school today and they continued he says were you taught to think or were you taught to believe. and that resonated with me max always thought you know that's the kind of sums it up in a nutshell so the health thing i mean what's going on with. the medical practices as we know them in the insurance industry kind of running the whole thing and you know i mean on and on it goes so my bottom line the max as steve stacy
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asked me is i think is that event that if you have ideas that you are questioning you should actually to read till it's only in one area even if it's only the health or even it's only the education or it's jillian and the law or what your services rights are or for finance there is a lot of finance i mean there's a fair amount robert kiyosaki there almost every year that he does from an overall monetary review of how people are taught absolutely nothing about money in school and everyone you know has to get out of school early living right away teach about money and so he goes there is still a query about that and he does a great job so i would. recommend more ighly it's fairly well attended i would actually think from my perspective that you see even a greater attend this because of the caliber of the people they have speaking and the subject matter cuts it only going to figure out my view or right let's stick on
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this theme of the matrix of cars that's a famous movie and it's about a parallel universe that is exists powered by humans that are living in go a gaap as living as batteries and can a reaves trying to escape the matrix east they got read tell by meow and you know we know the story and we live however in an increasingly more matrix like an environment i'm thinking about for example now we have the deep fakes on you tube and other outlets where it's becoming virtually. impossible now to say differentiate between a fake kiana rude reeves speech or of barack obama's speech or trump speech both the video and the audio thanks to artificial intelligence thanks to cheap access to computer processing any kid in their basement can create these deep fakes
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there's a question about nancy pelosi recently there was a video out was it real was fake so you know we're going very much into the direction of the bay tricks where the reality is programmed by those who are giving us little scooby snacks little bits little likes a little have a discount on a hamburger were heading into the matrix and people as we saw in the movie most people enjoy that they don't want to deal with reality they want to be on opiates they want to be drugged out they want to be they they don't want to be conscious they don't want to be educated we've gone past the event horizon on this one as well david morgan i mean i sounds great it sounds scintillating and i'm sure it'll be a lot of fun but this fricken society is setting into a dystopian nightmare with drugs artificial intelligence and deep fakes and fake news and fake markets and fake prices it no do you think there's going to be any
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kind of a pushback at all well there's a lot of pushback with the different speakers and different readers as i outlined education medical financial legal and there are people who are activists and they take this to heart in their wake you know other people all the time we met you been instrumental in a member when i 1st met you on the internet and honestly with your great since you grew stacey you know i was addicted for probably one week. probably was similar to a new group of 20 or 30 videos years because everyone who had to mexico. approaches the financials. system and makes budget you know financial terrorists and all this is they're happening so you know that's a little bit of humor there it's not the end of the world we see in this repeat i mean if you go to frederick bhatia in the book the law i mean this stuff is not unique to our generation this stuff has taken place over and over again people
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reboot reset comes back but if you look at least from my perspective it is a pretty studied one max usually the powers that be remain the powers that be even though there is the perception that the exit che's the reality is that they haven't changed much it's just that they're given a longer leash and people feel freer and more control their lives and has everything but the leash still on them they just haven't felt it yet they're right fail in the last in the last day as so there are rumor now is a 3 rate cuts coming up and at the same time right dahlia biggest money manager in the world things may dumping aggressively it and that running for the health what kind of background suppose think about this are the elites in the report and get now this flaming dumpster fire of a stock market slash economy they haven't. absolutely i mean being a commodities guy for so many years you want to sell in the strength there still
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strengthen the stock market so deleo sell in a strength getting enough pretty bow to top bid throughout the throughout the sector and then these move in the bond market where you're almost guaranteed to make a profit because as we all know when interest rates come down bond prices go up so you move from stocks to bonds capture that you know next 12 or 3 cats to take place and where it doesn't there i don't know ultimately there will be a run the goal because ultimately as we talked earlier in the program or maybe the 1st segment the bond market is the key to the kingdom everything revolves around interest rates and this is something that is controlled by the mainstream by. natural powers that be but can't be controlled forever at some point this is like wait a minute there's so much of this stuff out there how valuable can it be and there's so much of this out there that cannot be paid back i'm going to exit i'm going to get mine before everybody else does and there's a run to the exit starts look out right now david margan f.-i correct me if i'm
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wrong but i believe it is to be a test pilot so i want to pick your brain about something there's a controversy out there the boeing $737.00 max and you know this is cause a lot of hand-wringing and consternation in the era not expense that's what's the background here is boeing got a problem here. do i mean i remember the test field i mean we would have certain things that would happen would be grounded so in other words you can fly the test vehicle until we you know engineering figured out what the heck was going on and the best in the do in these type of situations stars a person concerned beat in the aircraft industry from the test side for so many years is you know admit it find a problem and resolve it. well that's always difficult to do and at these types of corporate problems try they try the route of covering them up at 1st and they tend to get deeper into it on the getting back to the red pill
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copper so well where is it when it well was it hard for connecticut the previous year was a spokane wash near before that it really was a kalispell montana and the next one i think is going to be in colona british columbia i think that's a tentative location at this point in time and when yeah there panel folks up there they're looking at the kind of taken you know a whole graphic a whole. the whole picture and then getting. what is there via oh is some of the emerging themes down the next year or 2 to give us a path out of this out of this out of this mess as you see any any kind of path out david. well as a tough one facial in and on he will 1st of all i think the overall right theme ready is to not or see i mean we hear about all the time but if you took it for
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take it from a broader scale to about tech knoxy it's about you know we will program these computers that know better than us a tick in all human knowledge and they're going to help our lives be a lot better and as he said from you know i don't put words in your mouth x. but as i agree with you that we're basically in a society where so many i don't know what the percentages could basically be bukoba and to just go along the mainstream and anything that you and i see is fake news which is inaccurate but that's their belief system and it's very very strong as i think they're going to separate the people that disagree will never take the red pill and live in the blue pill land and that's the society that they want so people like you and i that are pushing back are going to be marginalized as much as possible if the internet is hard to do yet we see it happening with google and. book and you tube all push back on us because we are putting out either fake news or worry hate speech or all these other things so it's real war the war of ideas
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and news does the more powerful than freedom speech or freedom of an idea but the old adage and i'm still idealistic enough there's nothing more important than an idea whose time has come so i think one way or the other we're going to get to the truth i set off at the end of my weekly perspectives there's nothing more powerful than the truth not your truth not my truth the truth and we get there a lot of the stuff may reset on a. more important basis i mean basically if you have a financial system is built on truth we have a whole different world that we have right now i feel like i'm being a red pill but david morgan assyria. been wrong about everything david margan thanks for being on the cons report match my pleasure thanks for having me oh already that's going to for this edition of the kaiser apart with me max kaiser and stacy herbert on thank our guest david margan of them are again report they
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