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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2019 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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i. mean president hassan rouhani dubbed the new american sanctions useless mentally retarded. obliteration of tehran attack. blocks a video that alleges its parent company google plans to modify search results and influence public opinion during elections. the spat between 2 heavyweights france and germany sees accusations of an end. to the french president opposes the candidacy of. the blocks.
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thanks for joining us this evening. with the world split over us around tensions on the pentagon drone incident russia stepped shop contradiction to washington moscow says it has information that the downed american drone which almost direct military confrontation did violate iran's space. when you use you i have evidence from the russian ministry of defense that the drone was into runs in our space and the we did not receive any other evidence. my colleagues vigor and don't call to discuss the significance of the announcement. the secretary statement was part of a trilateral meeting that's taking place in jerusalem between the national security adviser's of russia israel and the united states their talks come on the backdrop of u.s. sanctions and announced yesterday against high level iranian officials washington
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blames them for the oil tanker explosions that took place earlier this month and says that there drone was shot down in international air space donald trump even said that he stopped last minute a retaliatory air strike against iran after discovering that 150 iranians lives were at stake now one official washington is says it will sanction by the end of the week is the head of iran's foreign ministry. and that happened right after donald trump said that he was prepared for talks with iran without any preconditions so this whole situation has led to some harsh words from iran's president who is also facing the possibility of sanctions by the way. how can a person lose his mind so badly and do something so outrageous and idiotic as sanctioning the leader of a country they are suffering from some kind of mental illness the white house is mentally disturbed and doesn't know what's good for it no wise person would do what
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they are doing these days i sense that there is deep frustration and profound confusion inside the white house and run a new thing the memory can will be met with great and overwhelming force in some overwhelming to reach no more don't care room to obama iran of course says that they shot down this drone after it violated their very own air space center on afterwards reiterated that they would defend themselves against any attack on their country's sovereignty so if this information from russia's defense ministry is confirmed it would mean a reinforcement of iran's position as well as damage to washington's credibility in any future talks on these matters in the region nonetheless patrick said that villainize in iran is not the solution it's counterproductive and that there needs to be an independent investigation into the matter so if that goes forward perhaps will be a bit closer to the truth of that happens taking to twitter donald trump has called on other countries to protect their own ships around the strait of hormuz the scene
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of last month's oil tanker attacks and the question why other states safely use the shipping lanes for 0 compensation as he puts it over that seems to contradict his secretary of state's tweet just afterwards. productive meeting with king abdullah these sowed today to discuss heightened tensions in the region and the need to promote maritime security in the strait of hormuz freedom of navigation is paramount but i'm willing to mr a senior lecturer at lancaster university told us washington itself is responsible for the dangers in the strait of hormuz. so what is basically a prank was if we helped with the local dismember i'm going to give up and spend he's going to be there someone has to have that. so that he's putting the international community in the way to do because they're not you possible they're going. to go and brought it to them so that is there the united states didn't. plates in the. united states neglect.
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all these things that this would not have. mcphee is that the situation might lead to war some in the united states could actually benefit from conflict to trying to explain. donald trump and tears on the air i don't really remember any other american president squeezing that many out of us t.v. anchors by whatever he says or saw a trump administration officials have been sending babies and other young children . i have muslim friends who are texting me tonight saying should i leave the country i have a family that the immigrants that are terrified tonight his name was private emanuel meant and he immigrated from ghana a country donald trump apparently thinks produces very poor immigrant i am i don't
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know why the president doesn't know. if they loathe them so much for being inhumane and not giving a damn about people's suffering the story of how and why the president called off the strike on iran must have warmed at least a few hearts in those studios at least a tiny bit they came in they said sure we're ready to go we'd like a decision i said i want to know something before you go how many people will be killed. in this case or any and they said came back. approximately 150. and i thought about it for a 2nd i said you know what they shut down a manned. drone and here we are sitting with 150 dead people and i didn't like it well those who'd been painting mr trump with you know what kind of brush didn't only fall short of shifting their attitude their impression was the usual the president was failing the nation president trump was
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being urged by outside advisors not to carry out the strikes we don't know who they are or why he would share with them people not in the chain of command or in his defense circle north korea is watching all our enemies are watching of course assad is watching and for 7 weeks nothing more provocations there's a price to pay for an action and that says a lot all in all it shows gross disorganization in a president who can't seem to make up his mind even on something as important as a military strike on iraq it was then the experts or columnist stern here's a part of the piece that came out in the atlantic magazine the president's reprehensible behavior makes it virtually impossible for him to bring the country together convince it is necessary and on the basis of that support persuade america's to join the fight not much of a surprise to hear that from a former bush administration member whose job was to make sure nato allies kept why
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washington saw it during the iraq invasion although that title doesn't get a mention on the page or here's how a c.b.s. correspondent was the eating into a thought by a former u.s. admiral and the channel's contributor there's a run shoots down another drone military officers so they intend to be ready to retaliate much faster and with fewer estimated casualties but the final go no go decision will still be up to the president we are in an interesting period of this crisis where it's possible the president has. gone back to his military planners and asked for a better option that he might choose to execute any time now or at a later date let me point out though that c.b.s. doesn't say mr wenna filled is on the board of directors of raytheon one of the world's largest arms producers over at n.b.c. one of their experts stated that. is causing long term damage to the credibility of
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america's commitment to its allies and regional security in the strategically vital parts of the world mr a really as quoted as a former us ambassador to bahrain under barack obama but perhaps it would have been worth mentioning another title of his the vice president of mercury consulting one of the company's top clients is guess who the u.s. department of defense so maybe that explains the massive gap in perception a poor immigrant who's suffering at the hands of a racist president versus the lives of $150.00 iranian soldiers special interests will probably always set things straight the media is filled with all kinds of government and industry connected experts so-called experts who actually would benefit from war and and yes the media is very happy to give give them
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a platform because they all kind of benefit together from a from an international conflict there are some sectors of the media that are under singly irresponsible and shortsighted when it comes to middle east conflicts they disbelieve in pouring in arms into the middle east into the persian gulf they think nothing of engaging in a military conflict. extremely reckless and dangerous and it's pushing the u.s. to the brink of war. conservative investigative group project veritas as posted a new probe into google and the way the search engine alters its algorithms the video includes an interview with the whistleblower and a secretly filmed conversation with a company executive. just. over the border and somebody board. member or anything is a great of the. thank you letter which is very much like this. every day all
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these are. the resources they need to be charged with the same thing that exists at least of all. the. you tube base of scituate google's banned video from the platform now shows a blank screen the message stating the video had broken privacy rules just on office seen the film in full. it's a household name for everything searched online it hosts those stupid videos you watch when the boss is not looking and there's a new service coming in 2020 electing the u.s. president at least according to activists from project very to us who say they interviewed an insider from google club the one who works in 2016 the couple did a complete one. what they thought was important for the. comparable one of course this important books are all the work there's a lot of because of there's a lot of
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a sudden burst and some parents are. going to look to it and so we. start mr paulison or users because we don't want to have an i'll call. you sure can search on google but who said anything about finding according to the documents which are alleged to have come from the same anonymous insider the algorithms will move down those results they deem quote unfair and trust me google's algorithms on voting for trump this document is about algorithmic unfairness it reads quote for example imagine that a google image query for c.e.o.'s shows predominantly men even if it were a factually accurate representation of the world it would be algorithmic unfairness . so you did.
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see. your kind of balances out. google secretly adding filters for its search is like a loan shark heading interest points in the finest of prints at the bottom of a 100 page document except google does that in invisible ink but search is by far not the only tool in google's arsenal a web browser smartphones tablets laptops p.c.'s an operating system for phones tablets and smart t.v.'s the world's best seller that as over 2 and a half 1000000000 active users monthly google can tinker with any of those any time at its whim and apparently it plans to do so including to their head of responsible innovation. that it was right. for you. to be taken care of what you. think.
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it is. now how's that for innovation or how's that for don't be evil how's that for do the right thing actual slogans google promises to a bite to proudly but why not play god when it's totally the right thing it's pretty scary they they are also research results to match their definition of fairness because it isn't a matter of a few people saying is with a d. mystere and what they deem isn't fair really their fairness term is kind of a smokescreen like the person was saying in video that like the etc scene is more about their particular political viewpoints google they are published in certain stories dear curating news specifically for the actual goal of not having a particular person in the white house that it's clear election interference what google is doing is way way way more damaging and actually legitimate compared to
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the rush of conspiracy theories that have been floating around. a google executive filmed by project for a task claims that the video is nonsense and says that she has no connection to the projects discussed although admits she did use imprecise language. germany and france are at loggerheads over who will take over as european commission president and common spy among your micron about angela merkel's preferred choice of drawn the ire of a senior german m.e.p. auntie's peter oliver takes a look at the spat. everything is not rosy in the e.u. garden when it comes to finding a replacement for john claudio e.u. commission president fact we're seeing paris berlin certainly bumping heads over this issue angela merkel she has given her full support to her man months for the p.p. candidate for the commission president job he's also a member of the german chancellor's conservative union however. the french
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president he's not happy with the system being used to put forward mr verver at all he says the whole system is biased in favor of the larger parties worth noting at this point mr mcbride of course represents one of the smaller parties in the european parliament his opposition to prompted the head of germany's conservative delegation to accuse the french president of being on t. german i don't see a franco german axis instead i see era vision is mr mccraw on doing everything he can to destroy european democracy well president macron says this isn't the case at all in fact he pointed to the constitution of the european union which said that he was well within his rights as one of the heads of governments of the 28 member states to oppose whoever he thinks is not right for the job. if.
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presented himself in front of the european people and they had said we want him to be the president of the commission the no problem but he presented himself as head of a list in germany nice try but no i know how much germans are attached to the constitution and rightly soon we have a european constitution and treaties also what do these treaties say the president of the commission is chosen by the leaders of the council and he is confirmed by the parliament just like the germans i love the constitution so we headed for a situation whereby if the $28.00 heads of government of the. member states can't agree on one of the candidates that's being put forward it's pretty much anybody's guess who will take over when he steps down on the 31st of october now they translate last week at a european council summit to get a consensus that didn't get warm there there's going to be another emergency council meeting on the 30th of june that's this coming sunday what happens
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essentially is the heads of government they have to agree on who they would like to see be the commission president that then gets put to the parliament they vote on this if parliament agree that person becomes the next e.u. commission president however we're quite far away from that position at the moment . and as demons are nervous about their future as an international conference on middle east peace opens in bahrain the u.s. is proposing a new peace plan for israel and palestine but only the economic aspects are dominating headlines. economic growth and prosperity for the palestinian people are not possible without an enduring and fair political solution to the conflict one that guarantees israel security and respects the dignity of the palestinian people . however today is not about the political issues will get to those at the right time at 1st glance the economic section promises prosperity for palestinians the
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project $50000000000.00 into middle east economies the u.s. says the move will poverty life quality and create millions of jobs but the plan seems to amid key political sticking points. and this is the main issue for palestinians the link to political part of what's been dubbed the deal of the century hints to a less than bright future washington wants a new palestine have no army serving the nation and a vast part of settlements will be controlled by israel a major point of concern palestine isn't even attending the conference and is strongly criticizing the plan. first lift the siege of gaza stop the israeli taft of our land resources and funds give us our freedom of movement and control over our borders and space territorial waters that cetera then watch us build a vibrant prosperous economy is a free and sovereign people thousands of palestinians are taking to the streets of gaza to protest against the plan to misstate is burned u.s.
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flags in the american presidents portrayed was marked with the words deal of the devil demanding a complete boycott of the bahrain conference of former palestinian education minister someplace i don't just simply doesn't care about palestine's interests but former israeli ambassador to the u.s. down the aisle on thinks the deal is a chance to finally reach peace. but the main concern is the surge would leave the fact that the army is bypassing the wishes of the palestinian people is bypassing the u.n. resolutions and is imposing the american and israeli reason for peace in which the palestinians will be seduced to accept a formula in which there is no state they would really be built over. the occupation that has lost the 4 years on and absence of the palestinian people the palestinian leadership makes it difficult for any plan to exist where the palestinians were the main part of most of the event but absent so it is ludicrous
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for anybody to feel the. americans are in any we're going to be a workable trump comes with the kind of out of the box approach this is a breath of fresh air and i. think all of us should give peace a chance we should take what is possible now in this. summit or workshop i think is very important because it's going to really infuse in a lot of hope into the region and the palestinians need a lot of economic projects in investments we cannot get into a quick solution it has to be somewhat gradual and in order to be gradual i think it economic based is could help a lot and then bring in the political arm as well. the state of emergency has been declared as a massive fire engulfs a petro chemical plant on the southern tip of spain black smoke billowing across
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the factory near gibraltar people been evacuated from nearby homes and roads in the area closed the authorities say they have no information on the chemical composition of the fire but have now added this in their opinion no reason to believe it's toxic plant own estates no injuries have been reported we'll bring you any developments when they come in. facebook's head of communications has spoken out to dispel the rumor the kremlin had a hand in briggs it nick clegg formally served as the u.k.'s deputy prime minister so the full analysis of the social media giant state uncovered no evidence russia had meddled in the campaign in 2016 do but he has a story. the narrative in the mainstream media has been crystal clear over the last few years the twists the turns of bragg's it's the tribulations of the ultimately votes have been played on many things but what keeps we're hearing
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high time again russian it's a fear. the idea that the majority of brits could actually vote to leave the e.u. in the referendum 3 years ago was met with such but forment i mean it just wasn't possible of course without someone else pulling the strings and rusher is and remains. a target to blame democracy is it risk from the malicious and relentless targeting of citizens with disinform ation and post lies dark adverts from an identifiable sources to live it through the major social media platforms we use every day much of this is directed from agencies working in foreign countries including russia the kremlin has long aims to undermine european integration and the e.u. in addition to its aims to sow confusion and undermine confidence in democratic processes themselves making brags that
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a potentially appealing target the accusation is that this interference mainly came through social media so it was targeting people with information warfare via twitter facebook you tube and even here at r.t. . now despite the it wasn't us gov denials from russia and a lack of concrete evidence the line that russia flooded social media with pru leave messages have continued but clegg facebook executive the former leader of the u.k.'s liberal democrat. that x. deputy prime minister an all round mr nice guy has said clearly russia didn't do it what a shocker there's apps you know evidence that it happened in the british referendum we have no evidence of
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a significant attempt by outside forces now clegg who is an ardent remain supporter isn't the 1st to categorically rule out russian interference into the brakes it referendum last year youtube to be looked at all advertisements with any connection to russia and we found no evidence of our services being used to interfere in the referendum and actually this isn't the 1st time that facebook has said that there was no russian interference last year it was slammed by bush m.p.'s for claiming exactly that m.p. said facebook just didn't carry out a detailed enough investigation and demanded that it tried once again well it uncovered something pretty stark are you ready for this because it was a whopping 71 pence yes that's right just enough to buy your favorite chocolate based snack so if that shit isn't behind believe vote what is according to
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nick clegg it's pretty simple i'm afraid the roots to british era skepticism go very very deep and candidly of the last 40 years have been much more influenced by traditional media than they have by the new media or courts the question now is how many denials rebuttals or more investigations are needed for the mainstream media to stop fixating on russia being the force of the fever breaks it is actually to do something different to look at their own media and to question their own role in that result. ski party. story and public broadcaster a.b.c. is suing the police after a raid on its sydney headquarters this month officers seized documents detailing alleged crimes by australian soldiers in afghanistan and a.b.c. once those files back so you basic rights were violated. a.b.c.
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either asking the court for their cool ration the warrens was invert the 3rd world technical grounds that underline the fundamental importance of investigative journalism and protection of confidence from sources the so-called afghan files late last year by former military lawyer david albright detail crimes such as the killing of unarmed man and children a full court hearing of the race is expected as early as next month police are defending the raid on the grounds of national security. this warrant relates to the alleged publishing of information classified as an official secrets which is an extremely serious matter that's has the potential to undermine australia's national security. we spoke to greg bond's he's president of the australian law is alliance and says that media freedoms aren't properly protected in his country place in australia when it comes to runs on journalists rights on was was always so but the national interest is at stake and frankly it's nonsense i think the usual here is
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that this is designed to parish are destroyed and journalists are dated term the truth about what happens in a strong military facilities or within australia the bigger issue of course use the lack of protections for people in australia when it comes to freedom of speech and freedom of the press we don't have a human rights we don't have a human rights legislation in australia and so what we're saying is that security state there used to be spies spy agencies employees agencies have an enormous power when it comes to trying to close down our investigations by journalists or information that i don't want reveal to the public. if you thought the report but an end to the whole russia collusion narrative think again the host of hollywood a listers have released a video that urges the public to study the document the stars among them have to robert deniro a certain that it shows both meddling and collusion. in 2016 the
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russian government attacked our democracy they unify years in the presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion they hacked e-mails spread lies and social media and made hundreds of contacts with the trump campaign all this a part of a massive covert operation to help donald trump become president these people live in a world of make believe robert deniro has convinced people that this man who was raised in greenwich village who the father of an artist all of a sudden is a tough guy he's a tough guy or a member of the mob or or a real tough guy this is an artist he's a he's a very he's a whatever i do think that robert dinero rosie perez they even came who they're 6 going to get to the bottom of this robert deniro no bob mohler and some of the best prosecutors in the country today they don't know robert de
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niro's. the 22 in the u.s. presidential election getting closer the american president has come under attack from a somewhat unexpected side has been accused of having does but lovers of well want nothing to do with him a big missing web site claims that he spends too many white supremacists and is now anything that promotes. we are banning support of donald trump and his administration a maverick we cannot provide a space that is inclusive of all and also allow support for open white supremacist .


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