tv News RT June 25, 2019 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT
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are broadcasting from our studios in moscow this is r t international squad. 2 congressmen one republican one democrat have tabled a bill to block any strike on iran without the approval of congress came on the same day the donald trump posted a threatening tweet against iran. anytime bahraini anything american will be met with great and overwhelming fools in some areas overwhelming will mean obliteration and that was trump on twitter talking about possible obliteration in response to iran if they were to attack the united states harsh words well it is interesting to note that recently the united states did come apparently 10 minutes away from a strike against iran apparently there were 3 locations in iran that were to be hit by a u.s. military strike however trump called off the strike 10 minutes prior to it taking place now that was in response to iran shooting down a u.s.
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drone now this drone that iran shot down iran says it was in their territorial waters they were defending the territorial integrity of their country however the united states maintains this drone was in international waters and that it was an unprovoked attack now it's interesting to note that now we have members of congress coming forward one democrat and one republican putting forward an amendment to the national defense authorization act that would not allow for any funding of a u.s. military attack on iran without the approval of congress the bill would prevent the president of united states from taking action against iran unless there was statutory or congressional authorization for him to do so this bill has some pretty widespread support like rand paul and mitch mcconnell this is how the legislation has been described. last week we watched president schoen come within minutes of striking iran and involving the united states in yet another trillion dollar war in the middle east president trump campaigned on ending costly wars overseas but given
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the advisors he chose and his recent risky actions he's not living up to that promise now u.s. president trump was recently interviewed by the hill and in that interview he stated that he did not believe he needed congressional approval in order to take measures and strike against iran this is what trump said in the interview do you believe right now that you have the authority to strike iran without congress i do i do believe that i like the idea of keeping congress abreast but i wouldn't have to do that this has been a longstanding disagreement if you look at recent u.s. history many military actions by the united states in places such as vietnam or libya have been taken without congressional approval been carried out simply on orders of the president now it's interesting to note that there has been voices criticizing trump for the potential of a new war against iran one voice was that of mowbray look see is a republican member of congress from alabama and he said that in washington d.c.
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there seem to be some forces that are pushing for new wars without thinking about the consequences for the military military families and others who are affected by the decisions this is mo brooks there are a variety of political influences in washington d.c. that love it when we flex american military muscle and they don't seem to care one twit about our men and women in uniform who are risking their lives and sometimes giving their lives all eyes are now on washington d.c. as many voices around the world are deeply concerned about the danger of conflict between the united states and iran well despite widespread fears of a conflict with iran there are some in the u.s. who could actually benefit our comments. donald trump and tears on air i don't really remember any other american president squeezing that many out of us t.v. anchors by whatever he says or saw trump administration officials have been sending
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babies and other young children. i have muslim friends who are texting me tonight saying should i leave the country i have a family of immigrants that are terrified tonight his name was private emanuel meant and he immigrated from ghana a country donald trump apparently thinks produces very poor immigrant i am i don't know why the president doesn't know. if they loathe them so much for being inhumane and not giving a damn about people's suffering the story of how and why the president called off the strike on iran must have warmed at least a few hearts in those studios at least a tiny bit they came in they said sure we're ready to go we'd like a decision i said i want to know something before you go how many people will be
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killed. in this case arabians they said they came back said sure approximately 150 and i thought about it for a 2nd i said you know what they shut down a man and. a drone and here we are sitting with 150 dead people and i didn't like it well those who'd been painting mr trump with you know what kind of brush didn't only fall short of shifting their attitude their impression was the usual the president was failing the nation president trump was being urged by outside advisors not to carry out the strikes we don't know who they are or why he would share with them people not in the chain of command or in his defense circle north korea is watching all our enemies are watching of course assad is watching and for 7 weeks nothing more provocations there's a price to pay for inaction and that says a lot all in all it shows gross disorganization in
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a president who can't seem to make up his mind even on something as important as a military strike on iraq it was then the experts or columnist stern here's a part of the piece that came out in the atlantic magazine the president's reprehensible behavior makes it virtually impossible for him to bring the country together convince it is necessary and on the basis of that support persuade america's to join the fight not much of a surprise to hear that from a former bush administration member whose job was to make sure nato allies kept why washington saw it during the iraq invasion although the title doesn't get a mention on the page or here's how a c.b.s. correspondent was the leading into a thought by a former u.s. admiral and the channel's contributor there for run shoots down another drone military officers so they in turn to be ready to retaliate much faster and with fewer estimated casualties but the final go no go decision. will still be up to the
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president we are in an interesting period of this crisis where it's possible the president has simply gone back to his military planners and asked for a better option that he might choose to execute any time now or at a later date let me point out though that c.b.s. doesn't say mr winter filled is on the board of directors of raytheon one of the world's largest arms producers over at n.b.c. one of their experts stated that. is causing long term damage to the credibility of america's commitment to its allies and regional security in the strategically vital parts of the world mr really is quoted as a former us ambassador to bahrain under barack obama but perhaps it would have been worth mentioning another title of his the vice president of mercury consulting one of the company's top clients is guess who the u.s.
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department of defense so maybe that explains the massive gap in perception a poor immigrant who's suffering at the hands of the racist president versus the lives of $150.00 iranian soldiers special interests will probably always set things straight the media is filled with all kinds of government and industry connected experts so-called experts who actually would benefit from war and and yes the media is very happy to give give them a platform because they all kind of benefit together from a and international conflict there are some sectors of the media that are donder singly irresponsible and shortsighted when it comes to middle east conflicts they disbelieve in pouring in arms into the middle east into the persian gulf they think nothing of engaging in a military conflict as extremely reckless and dangerous and it's pushing the us to
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the brink of war. conservative investigative group a project very task has posted a video shedding light on the way google manipulates search results it includes an interview with a whistleblower and a secretly filmed conversation with a company executive burrowed modest political. cartoons but never bothering somebody but. they were deceived it's a great the future looks like let her see it here even if you don't like the security because it will be so easy for the police force feed it would be charged with the same techniques 6 weeks. ago. i think i see. you tube which is owned by google has taken down the video but it can still be seen on the project veritas website or he goes down off comments. it's a household name for everything searched online it hosts those stupid videos you
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watch when the boss is not looking and there's a new service coming in 2020 electing the u.s. president at least according to activists from project very to us who say they interviewed an insider from google club in 2016 the couple did a complete one. what they thought was important for the. important. role the work. because of there's a lot of. bruce's. got a lot to learn so we. start policing your users because we don't want to have an i'll call. you sure can search on google but who said anything about finding according to the documents which are alleged to have come from the same anonymous insider the algorithms will move down
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those results they deem quote unfair and trust me google's algorithms on voting for trump this document is about algorithmic unfairness it reads quote for example imagine that a google image query for c.e.o.'s shows predominantly men even if it were a factually accurate representation of the world it would be algorithmic unfairness could be time to. slow. down or balances out. google secretly adding filters for its search is like a loan shark adding interest points in the finest of prints at the bottom of a 100 page document except google does that in invisible ink but search is by far not the only tool in google's arsenal a web browser smart. phones tablets laptops p.c.'s an operating system for phones
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tablets and smart t.v.'s the world's best seller that as over 2 and a half 1000000000 active uses monthly google can tinker with any of those any time at its whim and apparently it plans to do so including to their head of responsible innovation. that it was good. for you. to be taken care of what you. think. it is. now how's that for innovation or how's that for don't be evil how's that for do the right thing actual slogans google promises to a bite to proudly but why not play god when it's totally the right thing it's pretty scary they they are also research results to match their definition of
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fairness because it isn't a matter of a few people saying they d. mystere what they deem isn't fair really their fairness term is kind of a smokescreen that the person was seen in video they like to etc seen is more about their particular political viewpoints google they are published in certain stories to curating news specifically for the actual goal of now having a particular person in the white house that it's clear election interference what google is doing is way way way more damaging and actually legitimate compared to the rush of conspiracy theories that have been floating around the google executive filmed by project veritas has reacted to the video she claims it was selectively edited to distort her words. germany and france are at loggerheads over who will take over from her as european commission president artie's bitter over reports. everything is not rosy in the e.u. garden when it comes to finding a replacement for john claude younker e.u.
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commission president fact we're seeing paris berlin certainly bumping heads over this issue angela merkel she has given her full support to her man lunsford the p.-p. candidate for the commission president job he's also a member of the german chancellor's conservative union however. the french president he's not happy with the system being used to put forward mr verver at all he says the whole system is biased in favor of the larger parties worth noting at this point mr mcbride of course represents one of the smaller parties in the european parliament his opposition to munford verba has prompted the head of germany's conservative delegation to accuse the french president of being german i don't see a franco german axis instead i see era vision is mr mccraw doing everything he can to destroy european democracy or president macron says this isn't the case at all
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in fact he pointed to the constitution of the european union which said that he was well within his rights is one of the heads of governments of the 28 member states to oppose whoever he thinks is not right for the job. if munfordville presented himself in front of the european people and they had said we want him to be the president of the commission is the no problem no matter what he presented himself as head of the list in germany nice try but no i know how much germans are attached to the constitution and rightly soon we have a european constitution and treaties also which is treaty say the president of the commission is chosen by the leaders of the council and he is confirmed by the parliament just like the germans i love the constitution so we headed for a situation whereby if the $28.00 heads of government of the. member states can't agree on one of the candidates that's being put forward it's pretty much anybody's
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guess who will take over from john claudio when he steps down on the 31st of october but now they translate last week at a european council summit to get a consensus they didn't get one there's going to be another emergency council meeting on the 30th of june that's this coming sunday. what happens essentially is the heads of government they have to agree on who they would like to see be the commission president that then gets put to the parliament they vote on this if parliament agree that person becomes the next e.u. commission president however we're quite far away from that position at the moment palestinians are outraged over the latest u.s. peace plan that story more after a short break this is what international. you
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know world big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. make this manufactured to send to the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the flames merry go round lifts only the one percent. normal middle of the room sick. leave.
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or welcome back this is our team international president trumps son in law has unveiled washington's latest plan to solve the israeli palestinian conflict spoke at a peace conference and. economic growth and prosperity for the palestinian people are not possible without an enduring and fair political solution to the conflict one that guarantees israel's security and respects the dignity of the palestinian people. however today is not about the political issues we'll get to those at the right time according to the white house the project would pump $50000000000.00 into the middle east countries the u.s. says the move will cut poverty help life quality and create millions of jobs but
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the plan also includes some more controversial points which have been leaked by the israeli media washington wants to see the creation of a new palestine without an army drusilla would be the shared capital of israel and palestine and israel would retain control of jewish settlements in the west bank meanwhile palestinians have some very different ideas on how to resolve the conflict. 1st lift the siege of gaza stop the israeli theft of our land resources and funds give us all freedom of movement and control over our borders and space territorial waters etc then watch us build a vibrant prosperous economy as a free and sovereign people. thousands of palestinians have rallied in gaza against us planned demonstrators set fire to american flags and the us presidents portrait was marked with the words deal of the devil get both sides of the story we spoke with a former palestinian government minister and an israeli diplomat. the main concern
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is the survey live the fact that is bypassing the wishes of the palestinian people is bypassing the u.n. resolutions and is imposing the american and israeli reason for peace in which the palestinians will be seduced to accept a formula and which there is no state and they would really just simply be built over the israeli regime and the occupation that has lasted for years on an absence of the palestinian people the palestinian leadership makes it difficult for any plan to exist where the palestinians were the main partners of the event their absence so it is ludicrous for anybody to feel that the. americans are very easy in any way going to be workable trump comes with a kind of out of the box approach this is a breath of fresh air and i think all of us should give peace a chance we should take what is possible now and this. summit or workshop i
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think is very important because it's going to really enthused a lot of hope into the region and the palestinians need a lot of economic projects and investments we cannot get into a quick solution it has to be somewhat gradual and in order to be gradual i think an economic basis is good. a lot and then bring in the political arm as well. a massive fire has engulfed a petro chemical plant on the southern tip of spain plumes of black smoke can be seen billowing from a factory near dr brault are now the cause of the fire so far and known people have been evacuated from nearby homes and roads in the area are closed as well no injuries have been reported so far of course we'll keep across the situation for you. australian public broadcaster a.b.c. is suing the police after
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a raid on its disney headquarters officers seized documents on the alleged war crimes by australian soldiers in afghanistan a.b.c. wants the files back a.b.c. is asking the court for their cool rationed the warrens was invited to several technical grounds that underlined the fundamental importance of investigative journalism and protection of confidential sources the so-called afghan files leaked to last year by former military lawyer david mcbride to detail clay of crimes such as the killing of unarmed men and children a court hearing over the raids is expected next month police are defending the raid on grounds of national security this warrant relates to the alleged publishing of information classified as an official secrets which is an extremely serious matter that's has the potential to undermine australia's national security we spoke to greg barnes president of the australian lawyers alliance he says the case highlights the lack of protection for journalists. place in australia when it comes
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to writing some journalists writes always who although i cite the national interest is at stake and frankly it's nonsense i think the issue here is that this is designed to polish destroyed and journalists their day to tell the truth about what happens in the strong military facilities or with the mr and the bigger issue of course use the lack of protections for people in a struggle when it comes to freedom of speech and freedom of the press we don't have a human rights we don't have proper human rights legislation in australia and sort of what we saying use the new security stuff. that is the spies spy agencies in place agencies have an enormous power when it comes to trying to close down investigations by journalists or information that i don't want reveal to the public . now that there's a for me i will be back in about 33 minutes with another look at the news there with his art international.
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good food descriptions sound up even for the owners so how to choose the pet food industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us and was necessarily good for the pet turns out may not be. people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these problems it's a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to fairy simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets
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streets a larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because they're already making a $1000000000.00 on it and there's no reason to do that research. credit cards are financial for vinyl john today was all about money laundering 1st to posit this question the 3 different. oh good that's a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up here maybe something to do something going to america something overseas or the cayman islands or do we do all these rights are complicit in the kleptocracy who decide to deal with all it's a murder to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we've got a nice luxury watch for max and for space the old beautiful jewelry and how about the cookbook called luxury automobile again you know what money laundering highways . watch kaiser of course.
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hello and welcome the cross-talk where all things are considered peter lavelle parts of jared cushion his deal of the century have been made public and the reception has not been good focusing on aid and infrastructure the deal is silent on the most contentious political issues and for all intensive purposes the long proposed 2 state solution appears to be dead is the deal of the century dead on arrival. across talking the deal of the century i'm joined by my guest peter ford in manchester he's a former british ambassador to bahrain and syria and a senior official with the u.n. agency for palestine refugees until 2015 and television we have amir oren he is
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a defense and government commentator also in tel aviv we have yossi melman he is a senior israeli security writer and commentator hi gentlemen cross-talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate let's go to ambassador peter in manchester. how what's your reception of questioners a deal i mean it's clear with our audience here that this is the economic part of it where other parts are going to be released in short order but it's it's very difficult to conceive having an economic plan of this magnitude we don't know where the money is going to come from we don't know who's going to pay for it we really don't know who is going to benefit from it if it comes to fruition but how can you have a plan like this without a political framework to move forward because there's a military occupation of palestinian lands i mean how can you talk about infrastructure when you haven't dealt with that issue go ahead peter. absolutely i don't think this plan is. if you read $96.00 pages
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plan it reads like a real estate prospectus for thumb utopian maybe one of donald trump's real estate development or a new golf course where the palestinians perhaps would have jobs with cad even greenskeeper is looking after it for the israelis only the territory. plan is no serious at all and we have to ask ourselves why we're even discussing it in thorough serious on every level even on its own terms and economic blueprint it doesn't make sense. nothing important. like control of movement how can that possibly happen to you know movement from where to where what what is going to be the palestinian territory which is going to see all the utopian development it's not serious
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ok the same question to you i mean you're in tel aviv what is your take on questionnaires deal of the century as they're calling it. well i'm afraid if you wanted to have a real conflict on this show you're not going to have any because you can choose your term amateur dealer tons charlatans whatever you want to call jarrett question or a just bring blunt and the others they are really no experts on the middle east and it's a pity that the united states which brought forward people like george boult szell and henry kissinger and jim baker is now at the hands of people like donald trump and his associates they understand nothing about diplomacy and nothing about the middle east it's even insulting it's like trying to give someone a buck shish.
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