tv News RT June 26, 2019 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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donald trump threatens a run with obliteration if toran moves to attack america that says congress sends the u.s. president the clear message that they won't allow it without their approval. of the sale of the u.k. suspends exports of crowd control equipment to hong kong over the city state's crackdown on recent protests that's one of the attempts to resume selling weapons to saudi arabia which stands accused of targeting civilians in yemen. fresh fears in germany over the possibility of islamic state fighters returning home as the government admits it's lost track of scores of extremists who traveled to iraq and syria.
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live from moscow watching all of the international and daniel hawkins review thanks for joining us this hour. now and perhaps his most threatening twitter outburst yet the u.s. president's war in the world he would obliterate iran if iran attacks anything american the threat followed iran saying the white house was suffering from a mental disorder over u.s. plans to extend sanctions on the country this is mr trump's view. but measured did you want to see your tweet message and oh ok with the messages when they're ready to have to let us know. when they're ready they'll let us know very simple to go hear me where they do whatever doesn't make any difference whatever they want to do i'm already have an exit strategy for iran if we're. going to need an exit strategy. i don't need thanks in strategy i have a some u.s.
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lawmakers have reacted strongly to the idea of war representatives from both parties voted to repeal a 911 year old law that would allow a military strike against iran without the approval of congress. this amendment affirms what president knows and believes unfocussed unconstitutional and ending wars in the middle east make america we can not stronger congress must resort to ensure that any military action is carried out constitutionally and last week we watched president shown come within minutes of striking iran and evolving the united states in yet another trillion dollar war in the middle east present trump complained ending costly wars overseas but given the advisors he chose and his recent risky actions he's not living up to that promise now we have members of congress coming forward one democrat and one republican putting forward an amendment to the national defense authorization act that would not allow for any
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funding of a u.s. military attack on iran without the approval of congress the bill would prevent the president of united states from taking action against iran unless there was statutory or congressional authorization for him to do so this bill has some pretty widespread support now us president trump was recently interviewed by the hill and in that interview he stated that he did not believe he needed congressional approval in order to take measures and strike against iran this is what trump said in the interview do you believe right now that you have the authority to strike iran without congress i do i do believe that i like the idea of keeping congress abreast but i wouldn't have to do that this has been a longstanding disagreement if you look at recent u.s. history many military actions by the united states in places such as vietnam or libya have been taken without congressional approval been carried out simply on orders of the president now it's interesting to note that there has been voices
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criticizing trump for the potential of a new war against iran one voice was that of mowbray cooksey is a republican member of congress from alabama and he said that in washington d.c. there seem to be some forces that are pushing for new wars without thinking about the consequences for the military military families and others who are affected by the decisions this is mo brooks. there are a variety of political influences in washington d.c. that love it when we flex american military muscle and they don't seem to care one twit about our men and women in uniform who are risking their lives and sometimes giving their lives well it is interesting to note that recently the united states did come apparently 10 minutes away from a strike against iran apparently there were 3 locations in iran that were to be hit by a u.s. military strike however trump called off the strike 10 minutes prior to it taking place now that was in response to iran shooting down a u.s.
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drone now this drone that iran shot down iran says it was in their territorial waters they were defending the territorial integrity of their country however the united states maintains this drone was in international waters and that it was an unprovoked attack all eyes are now on washington d.c. as many voices around the world are deeply concerned about the danger of conflict between the united states and iran. only the u.s. lawmakers who are unhappy at the prospect of war with iran u.k.'s foreign secretary jeremy hunt has said his country will not get involved in any conflict with the islamic republic and europe meanwhile has also been calling on both washington to show restraint and look for ways of diffusing the tensions have some of the key regional players the american troops the coalition troops in iraq again at the invitation of the iraqi government for the specific exclusive mission of fighting isis we do not want to be
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a staging post foot any hostile action against any of on neighbors including iran franco frattini a former italian foreign minister shared with us his view on the crisis and how it's likely to develop. in my opinion the united states needs europe because europe has a long standing tradition all a leap to go i would say presence in the broader middle east including in many terrain and area and i think the presence of european union and european member states how to been seen always in a better way than america exporting democracy invading iraq and so on and so for european union for sure doesn't want to
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tall to see again their war criminals to its border so i'm sure on days i'm sure europe and member states will be putting a lot of pressure on america and at the end i think america cannot do it and i would add nato would be strongly against indicate or strike against iran so my impression finally the president of united states and we'll do what he has done days ago when he stalked maynard stay away from the strike against iran. u.k. government has suspended exports of crowd control equipment like tear gas and rubber bullets to hong kong this is has been taken in response to the suppression of this month's protest in a chinese city state which saw millions demonstrating against the proposed
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extradition law. but we remain very concerned with the situation in hong kong and i raise those concerns with the chief executive on the 12th of june i today urged the hong kong assaye our government to establish a robust. independent investigation into the violent scenes that we saw and we will not issue any further export licenses for crowd control equipment to hong kong unless we are satisfied that concerns raised on human rights and fundamental freedoms have been fairly addressed that freeze on sales of police equipment to hong kong comes just 8 days after the u.k. was forced to suspend new weapons exports to saudi arabia that's over rears alleged abuses in yemen looking at the 2 cases and so apparent discrepancies here is charlotte dubinsky. it comes just a week after the u.k. government also announced that it would not be allowing any new licenses of exports of arms sales to saudi arabia and to its coalition partners in the war in yemen
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that followed a decision by the court of appeal here in the u.k. that said that those arms sales had been a norful again citing possible violations when it comes to human rights now despite that decision by the court and despite the fact that the government says it will look at that decision the prime minister to resign made the u.k. government will look to appeal that decision we continue to operate one of the most robust arms export control regimes. take our responsibilities on arms export licensing very seriously we're disappointed that the court found against the government on one ground and we will be seeking permission to appeal this judgement so 2 cases of possible human rights violations let's took a look at the 2 together now let's start with hong kong 3 weeks of protests tear gas being used rubber bullets being used accusations of police brutality and dozens
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injured but not a single person killed as a direct result on the other hand you have the conflict in yemen which the saudi led coalition is involved in at the moment and what we have a close to 100000 deaths over 4 years the majority of them many say are civilians so what's the difference between these 2 different scenarios on the ground well some would say what you really need to do is to follow the money and when you look at what the worth is of those sales to hong kong it's apparently only around $1800000.00 pounds to the u.k. economy on the other hand in yemen arms sales since 2015 are worth more than 4700000000 parents it's a huge difference and some might question whether it's easier to take the moral high ground when there isn't much of an impact to the u.k. economy and that's what this comes down to a not really a stance when it comes to human rights violations. reem political analyst chris
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fiery for more on this thanks for joining us so good to have in the program today there's a surprise you at all the u.k. governments by its own volition suspended these exports to hong kong in light of these alleged abuses by police. not really because what's happened since donald trumps the visit to britain. maybe not the riot act but he's certainly pressure on the british to back him up in relation to his call war with china and the british having until then resisted this juice if we jumped into line as is the norm and backing them back in the americans up so i see this as a consequence of a shift under pressure from the united states under pressure from donald trump to back him over the trade in cold war with china and that fall forward through i have to say that of course that britain's record regarding china is one of never really
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challenging challenging though so we might be seeing something of a new departure the situation with the arms sales to so days very different because the decision of the hong kong was one made by the british government in the question of the arms sales to saudi and it's called which in our eyes in the war against yemen this forward a court case where it was brought by the campaign against the arms trade and enjoy all charity who succeeded in that court case in getting an end to these arms deals murderous arms deals and we have to be very clear that what we're talking about here is not just in the case of hong kong c.s. gas and other equipment what we're talking about in the case of saudi arabia yemen is britain supplying the means to carry a murderous air war both the armaments and it's important to syria those the people in the ground to users on its other direct our air personnel or can. tractor's
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mercenaries so there is a very great difference between the 2 and there is a difference as was packaged in the scale of money involved and what we have here is the british being forced to the british government force to seize these arms sales to saudi arabia and the others but not one to one iota because the amount not just the amount of money involved but the cool surely a ship between saudi arabia and britain the british government the british elite and royal family do you think the u.k. is going to enforce some strict you know licensing standards on arms exports following the ruling specifically against arms sales to riyadh no i think it will try and challenge it as to reason is said in the clip i think we're going to try to find a way around those it's interesting there's no more mention of the british military and civilian personnel involved for instance in the drone attacks inside yemen they're not now under underwear jordan i think the british will do everything they
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can to overturn the court's decision and or to find a way around it because this alliance with saudi arabia is fundamentally important to the british to bring great britain p.l.c. they will do everything to maintain it even at the cost of 100000 yemeni date. speaking broadly in terms of response to process riots the response to them by riot police obviously there are there is the sort of the wrist protests in multiple countries but in terms of for example if you take france where you know there have been widely documented cases of excessive force by police against they get. their eyes targeted their faces that cetera. perhaps a slight discrepancy that the suppression of protests in france didn't get the same kind of response as the violence in hong kong. absolutely and i mean i think we should remember that france is only 22 miles across the english channel british governments have done the same face with similar challenges as the 7 you now have
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to think back into the 1980 s. the time of margaret thatcher in the miners' strike when the police were on wished against the miners in quite a vision of the vicious way so they're not who complain about macro disciplining his own working quietly on poppy population but i think you also have to add something here that you know britain along with western governments is very selective about those that it seeks out i mean you know for instance it was very quick to not just condemn violence in venezuela but to recognise the opposition leader when he himself presents not so quick when it came if you recall the arab spring in relation to egypt not so quick with some of the things that have been going on in algeria in in sudan and else. elsewhere you know so very selective and of course taking those judgments in terms of britain's own interests but also they are all an alliance of the united states and relations in
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particular to venezuela which i think is just simply trillion behind as always britain troon behind washington chris farmer a political analyst thanks for your take today here not international good to have you on. thank you or to stay tuned with us we're going to short break back in a few moments though with the latest headlines.
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what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want. to be right to be close it's like the 43 in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the. city. as german government says it's lost track of around $160.00 islamic state
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supporters who traveled to syria and iraq to join the ranks of the terror group admission from the interior ministry which came in response to a freedom of information request has led to fears that some surviving fighters may be trying to return to germany with a story here speech one of the. the best estimate suggests at least a 1000 people left germany to go and joy and isis and following a question from a member of the bundestag to the interior ministry it's been revealed that in 160 cases those identified as extremists have disappeared without a trace occasionally such individuals could have succeeded in escaping and all disappearing in an attempt to alleviate fears of isis terrorists living among german society the federal government has said that they are convinced that it would be extremely unlikely that anyone who had traveled to join isis would be able
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to come back to germany and live or noticed however the m.p. that 1st raised concerns says she's not convinced considering the surest fragmented protection of the easy external borders it is particularly worrying that the federal government has a patent taken no further measures to prevent the uncontrolled reentry of isis militants 2 thirds of those who have left the country have german citizenship this presents another issue what to do with those who want to return to germany well in the case of isis supporter. he's currently being held in a kurdish jail his lawyers are suing the german government they say has a responsibility to bring him home from our point of view the federal government is constitutionally obliged to bring fabien back to germany it has not fulfilled this obligation for political reasons the lawyers maintain that there is a german constitutional obligation for the government to protect the fundamental rights of their citizens even when they are held in foreign nations and his younger
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brother who's location is unknown traveled from the central german city of castle to syria to join isis in 2014 their father says he was a should be and would be released if berlijn requested it however he believes the germans turning a blind eye to the sea. the german government would prefer it if my children on the other islamist would just disappear forever here's the thing it isn't that easy for the german government to intervene even if they wanted to and there is no indication that they really do germany currently has no diplomatic relations with syria and the federal government here doesn't recognize the kurdish y p g group who is holding gary hart in the case of the at least 160 people who travelled from germany to join isis and remain unaccounted for or lynn doesn't know whether they are alive or dead whether they remain in the middle east or whether they've come back here and if they've come back here whether they pose any potential threat
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to society the german government and the security of the secret service intelligence services seem to know exactly how many people left germany to go to syria and to iraq and to try with one of those armed groups and suddenly they say now we lost track of them germany seems to have been sleeping officially they didn't say a lot about this and certainly they have no real policy about this this is nothing that's happening now and that discussion is being put forward through the media are through the facts on the ground they will be forced to do one thing or the other eventually and our society is not really aware and cannot really imagine what these people are might be up to we need a public discussion about this without stigmatizing without being a racist or big but the german society and the politicians have to be more realistic about the threats. top dutch engineering university has triggered
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a massive debate over workplace discrimination so after establishing an academic recruitment policy exclusively for women men will only be offered a job if no suitable female candidates can be found out of truck female employees. fellowship at eindhoven university of technology will boost research funds 510-0000 euros the spend on research and mentoring institution hopes to fill around 150 positions over the next 5 years in and to correct what i know of and calls a gender imbalance. we attach great importance to equal respect and opportunities for women and men we are aware that we're suffering from an implicit gender bias we're now using the fact that plans to expand our academic staff considerably in the coming years can be used as a means to make a big step forward in one fell swoop we discussed the move with media commentator gina loudon and political activist kate smith where. inequality it's
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a self like reciprocating process inequality inequality breeds inequality because if young women don't see women in positions of power doing the jobs that they might want to do it slows their progress through without women at the top it's harder for women to break through so they're just taking this opportunity when it comes to discriminating specifically against men that's one problem i have with this but secondly and i think perhaps even even more more imperative is the fact that from this point on if a woman has a high powered job at that particular institution everyone's going to know that she had special advantages to get there honestly right now when i see men in positions of power i think most of them are only there because the system is totally set up to favor men i don't look around even you know the government big companies working with around the world when i see their their their board of directors and it's white guys white guys white guys white guys i don't think i bet those are the 10
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guys best qualified to run this company as a woman in a male dominated field who has managed to do ok despite discrimination that i've definitely heard as many women have i would still rather i would still rather fight and win then have a participation trophy which is what this is tantamount to yeah you know you've got you've done great but maybe you deserve to do brilliantly maybe you deserve an even better job than the one you've got maybe you deserve a better salary than the one you've got i think when i look around there are lots of women i know who have overcome obstacles but i don't feel like you know they've overcome obstacles but have they really read. their full full potential no you would have gone much further if you hadn't had to spend so much time and energy overcoming these obstacles but but i don't think that we do any groups anything in playing identity politics especially where we're shutting down an entire group of people just to give something to another group of people i think it sends a message that those people somehow weren't competent or nothing could earn it and
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i think that's very dangerous for women i think it's very dangerous if you're talking about you know hiring a doctor for a hospital i don't want to go to hospital and and look around and not be a doctor but this is an academic institution and much as i love reading scientific research papers i've never woken up in the morning i must have 600 milligrams of scientific research paper or i'm going to die this is not the kind of job which cannot possibly be left open for 6 months in fact it's very very common that these kind of academic positions are left open for a lot much longer than that but k k what if what if the research they're doing is for example on cancer or something and it's it's now postponed for 6 months how many people are going to die because that research didn't get out there in time because we were all obsessed with making sure once special group was equally represented i say let the best people are not hold on a minute and let me answer that let's have the positions and i believe that women will be equally represented in that group because i think women are perfectly competent to get there we know when it comes to academic research that it's really
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really important to have a wide base of people doing that research and there are lots of instances actually in the past where we've seen research being done by all male groups and when we look at the research when it's published we realize that it's not as widely a political as it could be because it's failed to take into account female viewpoints and female experiences so you know how many lives are being lost because research into all sorts of aspects of human life is being undertaken. and often now that i just stayed sued now for boom bust. parts of shared questionnaires deal the century have been made public and the reception has not been good focusing on aid and infrastructure the deal is silent on the most contentious political issues and for all intents and purposes the long proposed 2 state solution appears to be dead is the deal of the century dead on
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the globe uncovering the world of business and finance and the embarked upon us all under a new breed oh and i'm christiane washington here's a look at what's on deck today. pharma is back in the spotlight as a major merger it's now official abby has scooped up allergen and a blockbuster boon at a mash of the adam best trading they're standing by to break down the deal and to sift through some pertinent pharma stock was stocks on choppy waters as present company are set to meet at the g. 20 in japan later this week where he'll are hoping for progress towards
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a resolving trade and terrified our correspondent alex mahela that is on hand to help us sort through what lies in store for markets going forward and finally as we see global markets in are uncertain territory one precious metal regain that shine tutorship of euro pacific capital will be joining us to begin to gauge recent terror and what's causing the global got a panic show to those who let's go and dive right in. drugmaker abbey announced it will acquire botox maker allegan for about $63000000000.00 gaining control of the biggest name in medical as that x. in order to reduce its reliance on key arthritis treatment humira ad be has been under pressure to diversify its portfolio as humira the world's best selling drug posted its 1st ever drop in worldwide sales this year as at base competition from cheaper biosimilars in europe under the terms of the deal they will pay point 866 of its shares and $12030.30 in cash for each share of allergen marking
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a 45 percent premium on allergen share price this deal comes as the latest in a string of acquisitions by the pharmaceutical industry as they. again consolidating earlier this year bristol myers purchased sell a gene for $74000000000.00 and eli lilly bought locks on college e for $8000000000.00 this is not atypical of big pharma for the last 3 decades 2 radically different couple spending activities and in a vs r. and d. have jostled with each other for preeminence brands saunders the current c.e.o. of allergan and legendary deal maker grew out again when he was named c.e.o. of forest labs 5 months later he sold for us to act avis for $25000000000.00 activists then acquired al again for over $70000000000.00 and took on its name with more on this transformative acquisition if you welcome back adam mesh c.e.o. of the adam mesh trading group so adam this is certainly a big day for allergen in 2016 allegan had attempted to sell themselves to pfizer in a 160 below.
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