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tv   News  RT  June 29, 2019 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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from corporation. possible trade between the world's largest economies the u.s. and china after his chinese counterpart meets on the sidelines. of the. objections of nato. is a problem. democratic presidential candidate. televised debates in the us. and
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a video showing danish schoolchildren being taught how to take part in muslim. public backlash the story. nor the jewish. yes. that's a violation of. international law i promised you with me welcome to the program the world's 2 largest economies china and the u.s. are expected to resume talks on a trade war cease fire it comes on the 2nd day of the g. 20 gathering of global leaders. held his meeting with chinese leader. at a very good meeting with president nixon with. the excellent as good as it was going
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to be we discussed a lot of things and we're right back on track we'll see what happens but we had a really good meeting a very very good meeting which. i would say probably even better than expected. potentially a major breakthrough that was the latest. high well it turns out that switching from trade war modes to trade peace mode is a piece of cake that's at least how donald trump puts it you know here and he's been trying to be so friendly to everyone for some reason so let's have a listen to what exactly he said about trade wars when he sat down with the chinese leader. i actually think that we were very close and then we something happened
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where a it slipped a little bit and now we're getting a little bit closer who would be historic if we could do a fair trade deal we're totally open to it and you're totally open to it. paying for his part recalled the of ping pong diplomacy which helped jumpstart u.s. china relations 2 generations ago he was referring to the exchange of table tennis or ping pong players between the 2 countries and here was another point that the head of the chinese government made on trade wars as well. china united states both benefits from cooperation and lose in a confrontation. dialogue better than friction and confrontation although right in the build up to the g 20 and japan the messages sounded absolutely different donald. warned that he would slap additional tariffs on
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$300000000000.00 worth of chinese products if the trade war talks failed and beijing in retaliation warned that their response would be emitted and now the russian president vladimir putin is also having of a very busy day too it's like a real carousel baird on. mon. and others and no wonder that was why both him and merkel looked at their watch together when they were meeting and i can tell you that some of these by allowance really feel more like a get together of great buddies then formal talks and perhaps the air to one meeting is a good example just how look at how the turkish leader was addressing his russian colleagues when they were together. something it was thank you my dear friend mr
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president we've given a new boost to relations between turkey and russia we continue to oversee the deliveries of the s 400 missile system this is important in our country's relations and joint production of missiles. when the ship is for the 1st 2 but it's i would like to highlight the increase of pilots who were trained in 2018 by 16 percent we have investments on tourist roads on the rise last year it was 6000000 russian tourists a record number. the contract for the deliveries of the russian 400 missile defense systems is a big key bit here turkey is a nato member and this kind of deal is unprecedented america is furious and has been looking for ways to block the deliveries but you've heard. the one is telling. the deal is. that everything is on track the deal
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is there to stay but we also have to remember that 2 hours after. together with the russian president he then had a conversation with. message was clear deliveries are still of very big problem for america they are looking for they're looking at all kinds of options when it comes to washington's response to this. speaking to you again later in the day. day one of the summit was packed with high level diplomacy. and moments.
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head of the 20 twentieth's actions in the united states democratic presidential candidates have 2 nights of debates paul from front runners including joe biden. and 20 other candidates took part in the event. took a closer look at what they had to say. so with too many candidates for just one
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stage we have now seen the 1st 2 democratic presidential debates and it was quite a show or should i say shows and among the tactics used to get off to a good start with voters spanish almost. got the persona and the exit poll this to economy. president. most democrats in except probably would welcome be autistic and when it came to the issue of minority rights the candidates outmaneuvered each other with identity politics growing up my sister and i had to deal with the neighbor who told us her parents could play with us because we were black as experience of being in a marriage that exists by the grace of a single. vote on the u.s. supreme court for the last 21 years i've been raising a black son in america and a clear star on the 1st night gabbert often dismissed as a fringe candidate got
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a lot of applause for her antiwar stance and many say that she actually swept a victory in round one we have got to have some presence there is this is how as it were up there long before we came in the end there. well we us and they were the one threw out the artist and now you could declare tells the gathered the victor by one clear metric she took the trophy for the most google searches that night after the dust had settled but that's after she claims she got less time than other candidates and even got attacked by a moderator she says that it's clear bias you were the only one who was essentially attacked personally by the moderators what do you think that was. look at it shows that there's a clear bias now the format of letting candidates just jump in at will certainly made for a rowdy evening one candidate says that he was treated unfairly andrew yeah right is that the talking. as i mean there in my life is the. yeah this is the thing
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where he does all the user talking well you know all the sudden the disease of the number is i was i being like others out there. now the candidate who seemed to disappoint almost everyone was the so-called perfect centrist joe biden he didn't live up to his fighting joe reputation and that taking blows from almost everyone without much of a comeback do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose busing and america do you agree i was 6 years old when a presidential candidate came to the california democratic convention and said it's time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans back and it was then senator joe biden deal that he talked about with mitch mcconnell who is a complete victory for the tea party it extended the bush tax cuts. now despite the smoke and mirrors and t.v. lights the audience seem to actually be concerned about progressive issues it seems that despite the fact that the media is focused on personalities the audience and
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the american public is actually more concerned about platform when it comes time to take on trumped up and r.t. new york and matter which candidate the democrats choose to have to go up against the wheels but publican senator richard plank a chance this. honestly and sort of like a 3rd world country when you have so many candidates everybody running regardless of their qualifications but i think i give the d.n.c. a little bit of credit for at least trying to you know babri woman trans before they were told that the numbers i don't. think that they that most of them said anything that really was was a practical suggestion to real world problems they certainly didn't seem to or excited anyone and i think that's why i went to see gabbert came up and she hit on
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something that is extremely important to the people i think that's why she spiked and she was she scarcely known within the country. a danish had lost a has received hate. on line of a cultural awareness class at a school in the footage and little boy can seem teaching his fellow people thought how he praises the video it was not intended for the public. to go. on. the principal said his call was holding a get to know your classmate week aimed at promoting friendship and mutual understanding he's received angry e-mails though the video is also drawing reaction from a number of right wing politicians. i am deeply shocked at the answer from the school
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principal he obviously believes that danish students can learn about the basics of islam and its teachings by learning all of the muslim prayers in this way they learn nothing about the nature of islam they had some contrasts in views on the story from stephen lawrence the member of the english democrats on the hummus shafique chief executive of the ramadan foundation they spoke to my colleague daniel hawkins. i think in the multi free society should we learn about each is faith so we can have cohesive relationships i could he said societies i think most people would say yes is it important for muslim kids to know about the jewish faith the christian faith in do faith yes i'm vice a versa is one thing be made aware but this is a different thing actually sit in on a new and down and pray and in doing it it's a so my current experts of muslim to take. the the catholic. rituals go to a church it's one thing to teach them and to show them will actually get him to do it that's
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a completely different thing and that's out of order i think the reaction has been where you over the top are these from the usual suspects people who like sean to anything negative and any way that they could attack the islamic faith or the muslim community what we should have been doing was teaching the peaceful side of islam and yes there is a peaceful side of islam we agree but at the moment it's the extremist part that's taken over to celebrate 1st of all or a jewish festival i think that's 5 because it doesn't say you know i don't think our faith where you where you are to. but things were one of only 2 different things in. the sentence it's the school's fault in trying to teach people about different religions it's one thing teach them about what goes on but get him to actively pray that's a violation of their european human rights and it should not be done. so that these very clear issues in the schools reaction they were wrong i just find their irony
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if i may say stephen that you are referring to the european convention of human rights in your campaign to leave the. leader your opinion in so sorry i just couldn't resist saying that i'm on i'm alright just because we don't agree with you on your human rights doesn't mean we don't we i'm gone let's get something just because we want to leave you we want to pull out of your pink or human rights doesn't mean we don't want human rights in england by far what you suggest is we don't know and i would we do just just come down my friend steve and reality is no more we same as a school and still are you at the school. there is sex education why don't you use it you could even mix for that as well lets be consistent and talk up our history i'm not saying my faith is not immune from criticism or challenge but you know if you are targeting just this topic community then this book a bit further and look at all our history we've all got a dark history. business national broadcaster is accused of censoring
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a clip of boris johnson using crude remarks about the french over parts it's a story after the break. you know world of big part of the movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or
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rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want to. let you go right to be this is what the 3 of the more people are. interested always in the waters of. the city. of the program the b.b.c. is accused of censorship after reportedly cuts a clip of boris johnson using insulting language about french people of a brags that the foreign office reportedly raise concerns that it could affect diplomatic relations johnson who's now running for prime minister allegedly made the crude remarks when he was fun site. and that you appear in
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a documentary according to the b.b.c. all judgments were made by the production team and is fully satisfied with the result that was that foreign office denied to comment on the issue. and as our senior correspondent reports there are plenty more examples of independent media bending to the wishes of government. it's every journalist's fantasy to break a story soup big sue monumental that it shakes continents and changes history and sometimes they get close to spying remember that when we found out about u.s. u.k. mass surveillance spying in one way or another on virtually everyone their own citizens included remember the brave journalists who broke that story the journalists who inspired generations to question who stood up to some of the most powerful governments on earth. i hate to ruin it but as it turns out they asked those same
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governments for permission 1st we have consulted with the authorities about everything that we have published media invited them to say with well what a twist last week it emerged that the guardian's deputy editor paul johnson was allegedly personally thanked by the defense and security media advisory notice or gene otis for doing such a stellar job in integrating the guardian into britain's security service operations given how much pride the guardian has in its independence and freedom the guardian is editorially independent meaning we set our own agenda our journalism is free from commercial bias and not influenced by billionaire owners politicians or shareholders they want and it's our it's our their wants is our opinion this is important as it enables us to give a voice to those last minute challenge the powerful and hold them to account it's
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what makes us different to so many of his in the media of the time when factual honest reporting is critical over the challenge the powerful right after they ask them if it's ok and sharon instructions they get literally because they work together in the snowden leaks the guardian reportedly had to give the new york times advisory notices and how to best publish those sensitive leaks what they didn't know is that the new york times is edit them like all strong and prestigious publications that pride themselves on their independence the new york times was already are asking their government if it was ok seeing this in the papers before snowden i think the government still julie guarded every secret nickel nothing could come out after snowden so much stuff came out it was like everything came this mostly stop and ask and i think they now know we see. in
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a different position my question now is tell me why i should publish and give me a really good reason otherwise i'm going to publish oh they're proud proud of their sort of the pendants and kind of freedom never wants to shy away from pointing the finger and laughing at government sponsored media c g t and is the most high profile component of china's rupert murdoch the expansion across the world whose goal in the words of president xi jinping used to tell china story well in practice telling china story well looks a lot like serving the ideological aims of the state what went wrong with our jazeera and how can it be fixed the guardian of your knowledge is iraq model in journalism isn't it ironic that the end of the day these old timers poor scorn on state funded outlets yet behind the curtains take orders from the very elite they claim to challenge sure sure it's for national security but facts are facts if you
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go asking for permission to publish a story you really aren't as free and independent as you think. italian government has prevented a rescue ship from docking on the island of lampedusa with the dozens of mike went on board the captain of the vessel has reportedly been arrested earlier she's sharply criticized the way italy's coast guard dealt with the situation but lets the san francisco during the last 24 hours the 3rd is didn't take care of us around and didn't take responsibility for the people on the vessel. because the guard and the customs authorities the period they have come back in board and have asked us to be patient a little longer so a charity which as the ship says it has been caught up in a political game while rome has it reiterated that migrants are attempting to enter the country illegally artie's policy clear has one story. what migration is against
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this in europe and becoming the new taste for your city's hardline migration policies roman says it will not take these migrants in and it has reached out to the netherlands to become involved and to intervene and this is because the ship is saving under a dutch flag on thursday the dutch foreign ministry said it was preparing a statement and a response through diplomatic channels but it did issue a statement which should state that it takes responsibility as a flag state but this does not mean that it will take over the mind witnessed at the same time getting these interior minister said he was becoming a straight. i have objectives a fine of 50000 euros for the ngo the detention or seizure of the ship the arrest through the expulsion of the crew and the removal of migrants from italy on board if these conditions are met i'll be happy there is a question about holland because they say they don't care that is their ship and we like the same way. those who are not in total to international protection need to
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be sent back immediately on arrival at european borders without a clear perspective for such a structural solution the netherlands will not participate in a measure as for the disembarkation italian authorities have also reached out to germany and songs in germany because the charity that is involved in putting this support school together is based there but then as of yet hasn't given a response and france neither has come forward and said that they will be involved now it's worth pointing out that the i stress for the court did recognize italy's right not to accept these migrants at the same time we're hearing from the migration commissioner there says he's closely involved and is trying to coordinate between member states to find a solution in terms of where these migrants should go one state to some bach the solution for people on board is only possible once they are disembarked i hope that it will in this particular incident will contribute to switch resume lucian for the
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person some board if you countries are clearly divided over this issue the ship has been in the mediterranean sea for the last 2 weeks and earlier sutil brothers will hold onto the land but there are still 40 remaining migrants on old. news i'll be back in around 30 minutes time with updates to stay with us. christchurch matter if it's crisis and they share. the risk of natural disaster just like malaysia. other neighboring countries. even japan will have the problem of you say a group of substances which are developing software that governments and international organisations do not. believe the.
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when lawmakers manufacture consent instead of public wealth. when the room in classes project themselves. in the final merry go round the lives only the one person. doing all middle of the room signals. the loans the real news is the world.
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my good thing and it is the. men against murder me really we talked about when your resources that we talked about mom smiles of brothers sons you know different situations this or the streets because it's hard to take some from somebody if you don't have something to replace so i'm going to tell you stop selling drugs if we all hear some of it was the money in a box how can we tell them we don't want you to be dealing with violence you know if we're going to be the ones this going to make sure what are they going to have some protection. this job is a job that you loved all every useful is the you can get up every day and go there
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with a smile on your face up to you she. want to be able to wake up like yesterday to go to work now when you're working a job where you're doing sounds attitude all day then you webs off you you're given a merit to because you're given us to live and they're happy you're happy happy life have you wife the same thing is happy customer happy happy joy. i'll be going to this interview today at the old use market i have my resume on me for them hoping that i will be able to be successful in this industry today that i would be able to make good money and gain a new responsibilities in life from my so from my future. yes sir. i do but it's at the other store. whichever one could i can just take a bus if you want to. because i think that. they're.
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the ones. that. shipley will be getting a call back. for an interview that i have come to today and. i'm hoping that they take me. just let me know this is my family right here you know where the key you know he said by. this young boy right here he was off to change change his life this is brandon this is my god sex money murder the blood started work with him he changed his life and
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these are brothers that i trust the type of things that we've been doing trying to take our stories and share it with people and let people know that is life past mistakes letting people know that people can change current situation then had to be a final destination feel good to be able to stay in here aka crazy but i can also stay here as dr to somebody who is going to keep on fighting against injustice keep on fighting you know again the way that our young men are going to prison the way to begin gun day on the way to be losing their lives in the streets.


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