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tv   News  RT  June 29, 2019 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the. headline story. talks. 20. 2 presidents coming away from the summit. to russia. and we had a discussion we had a great actually we had a good discussion. it was really a tremendous discussion. in the ongoing trade war between the. 2 largest economies. also ahead in the program more than 20000 public sector
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workers are. posted on an website showing children being. paid. yes i'm. around the clock across the world this is your r.t. international from the team and myself you know me oh hello welcome to our top story. donald trump agreed to
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a new arms control talks are also reportedly moving towards improved trade relations as well as the annual g 20 summit wraps up in japan. what a coincidence on the last day of the g. 20 summit and also the president of russia vladimir putin and u.s. president donald trump having a press conference almost simultaneously different styles different choices of language we know that donald trump loves simple words we even heard him say something like the lad is a great guy and the great guy himself was a bit more careful with what he was saying but the bottom line is that the 2 leaders are very glad with how they talk to. the meeting was good and businesslike we discussed the whole area of issues which were of interest to russia and the united states we spoke about our economic relations russia sees the american businesses are interested in developing better relations with russia and we had
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a discussion we had a great actually we had a great discussion president putin most so i thought it was really a tremendous discussion i can see trade going out with russia we could do fantastically well we do very little trade with russia which is ridiculous frankly so what exact steps came out or will come out of this good meeting the leaders task their foreign ministers with working on sorting out the disagreements on arms control and this could be the 1st step to possibly signing a new nuclear agreement that is very important after the u.s. withdrew from 2 key treaties in the past 2 decades plus both presidents said that how much the u.s. and russia trades with each other leaves much to be desired and agree to come up with something to boost trade possibly create an intergovernmental panel for this and another highlight. donald trump confirmed during his press conference that he
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is seriously considering paying a big visit to russia in may next year after mr putin invited him for the victory day celebrations on may 9th so good talks productive discussions these are the kind of phrases we always heard for the. previously what followed them was only more trouble between the 2 countries and also antiabortion sanctions by washington followed suit so one of the journalists at the vladimir putin press conference wondered if the russian side brought the issue up during the talks and also whether a lot of our putin possibly asked his american counterpart to make sure that the story doesn't repeat itself and here's what mr putin's response to that was. definitely going to be i was going to us to be. but if they have good intentions we'll reduce them so it's something going as you improve relations with. the movers
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and shakers of the global economy we're counting on donald trump and she paying to do something about the trade wars between the world's 2 biggest economies and there you have it after they met it was announced that at least for the timing there will be a cease far and the talks will proceed we're going to continue the negotiation we agreed that i would not be putting tariffs on the 325000000000 dollars that i would have the ability to put on if i wanted i have a tremendous relationship with president and nobody else would have the deal that we were getting tens of billions of dollars from china coming in another thing that shaped out as quite a big story here in japan surprisingly was the russian contract for the deliveries of russia as advanced as 400 missile defense systems to turkey as a member of nato so this purchase was on precedented and america was. furious when they found out that the deal was underway and what happened here and japan was that
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the turkish president 1st reassured his russian counterpart that the deal was still in place however just 2 hours later he heard from donald trump that it was still a big problem for america and that for them all options are on the table to deal with this situation now the surprise is that donald trump at his press conference for the 1st time ever admitted that washington wasn't treating its allies in turkey fairly right president hurdle one he's tough but i get along with we get along great but what happened with turkey and i will tell you when it's fair when it's not fair he wanted to buy the patriot missile president obama's group said no i'm all for a country but he got treated very unfairly he was told you can't you can't but you know it's the old secret when you can't have something all of a sudden he has of going getting something else and then they were they said 1st they said we'll sell it to you can have it in 4 years then they said we'll give it
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you immediately but he said you can't do it i've bought i've spent a fortune on buying another system similar system from russia that said for this year's g 20 the next one is happening in saudi arabia next year. well for more all the summit i'm happy to say we're joined live by political analyst andreea check the program good to have your company so yes 1st of all your general thoughts on the outcome of this summit before we get into more detailed analysis. no i think the outcome so far is that it positive but to see your reports of said earlier the problem is that all the outcomes some always good whenever a president meets world leaders the president would soon be president xi jinping or of north korea. but a leader of the he's always very optimistic always very positive then what happens
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when weekly one month later is a totally different story so the most important is to keep donald as optimistic as he is. for at least on the year until the next the great meeting between him and president bush it will happen on the. 2022 through 2020 m. so just a word on the event itself just over a decade ago we didn't have the g 20 summit no that's an ever present stay on the calendar how important is it or otherwise do you see it for for global politics on economics. sideline sort of boards and really because. the summit itself is just photo op with your additional nice photos and. holy statements what is important is what is happening at the sideline so we can
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see the president on president putin. being out of the we are. all sorts of me ticks the place at the fringes so that this issue is well this important to a call center a. political leaders. all over the wall to talk to each other you know including meeting slaves but except now happening at the bridge you saw all these things and. from that point of view that's the point isn't it it's a gathering and bringing together of so many world leaders that if you're doing bilateral talks it's so much effort so much expense to try and get 2 leaders together you've got quite a lot of them and you can talk things can be discussed and rapport can be built. yes and also for that optimism that we talked about this somehow embarrassing for
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our for someone. like president around to actually come and leave the empty hands so at least here will be like we so there are. but i'm sure the new are. treated that there are better than i think you can both but of course the u.s. ditched $23.00 days before are we can be cynical about it but at least they're talking we can say at least that it's a bar there is a possibility that something positive will log on to him. from these agreements i don't know really how much are sure going stupid as the united states are for all these the agreements. all these homes that were destroyed by the western and but it was a good by the u.s. side obviously but it shows no other choice of 2 both to try its
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burst for the sake of its own people and for the sake of the whole 2 to actually touch our little bush you know it's 32 are legal. but all these important issues one interesting aspect donald trump dropped more talks with north korea in fact going to the d.n.c. for on shake with kim john and you think he's trying to steal some of the limelight there as the g. 20 comes to a close did he succeed by doing that. again i was just i think going to say about this president don't bake some of the. book something comes loose minds and he tweets he makes decisions he said the votes but as well as the earliest 5 that sort of policy is a bold good idea the same thing kiddo i mean of course it would be great to me to see that is a best juicing growing up there on the get him
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a good time again for the camera of the old will they succeed to really to move forward to push forward the obese agreement between or between north and south korea between north korea and united states i'm not i'm not sure again if the united states wants to do it that is the there is a can do is look all the doors are open this is one thing that that we have to remember from china from russia from north korea you name the company to open a lead they're sort of willing to negotiate with the united states it is always the u.s. which backs up and it starts to push towards our either of our economic. superiority in order for for i hate to say it hate to say to use the word but for its bitterest interests ok andrea thanks very much for giving us some time on a saturday we've been speaking to undress wilczek political analyst life on the
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program thank you so much day one of the summit it wasn't a pact with high level diplomacy well on friday but there was also a fresh air of emotion and awkward moments thrown into.
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these suspicious or vulnerable 20000 public sector workers are at risk of islamic radicalization in france according to a parliamentary report artie's polis leader is following that story. it's a shocking as it is revealing a report on radicalization in the french public sector carefully put together by 2 french parliamentarians and now garnering quite a reaction from the media and politicians so what exactly does it say in total $29039.00 individuals are considered by the government as radicalized suspicious or vulnerable under different. factors the most radicalized of the prison and maybe call 6 has while it's a case in and justice are considered relatively safe less than half
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a percent of the army for example has been radicalized and then there are gray areas like sports and public transport where they say it's too difficult to determine exact numbers and yet still the report is disturbing with certain media outlets some politicians calling it shocking and demanding that the french president emmanuel takes action. the report should serve as an electric shock and finally force in menlo micro to end his own could silence and reaffirm the place of secular friends has made a promise and reality is telling him to act should public service agents who are thought to be radicalized be dismissed this is one of the 2nd proposals the reports offers they should close office mosques and cut ties with arab countries that sponsor of radicalization we asked people here in paris whether they believe something should be done to i feel in security. and public
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places i see it more and more so you see. one of the logs. she wish was i don't think they're doing the right things i don't think putting cops in schools or putting cars in the trees will help you anyway i don't know it's image may share which you're taken to stepford to give these i don't think they're doing it the right way i don't think they really do. it's the causes of what's. pushing people towards this kind of radical acts and well we should point out that last year the french government announced a national plan to prevent extremism folding a series of terror attacks a rights lawyer in the country we spoke to says the nation needs to clearly understand the dangers of radical islam we of course after the terrorist attack that we have in france there is a fear a legitimate fear of what can happen again so police are sions philosophers sociologists lawyers all thinking about how to manage to situation and
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make sure to avoid new terrorist attack the thing is that when you read this report there is an idea that the bedrock of terrorism is reservation so if we want to make sure that there we have terrorism again we have to fight radicalism it could be a good idea but the program is that we don't have. a clear definition of what is radicalism we have to pay attention there is a lack of knowledge about what is the reality of islam today among the story still to come a danish headmaster faces a right wing backlash after a video of school children being taught how muslims pray it's the internet.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon shore and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. globalization period that we had is that the be a new globalization period there will be network driven i predict that america will become a subscription service like netflix you all subscribe to america and they have
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offered you a value proposition to keep your subscription alive. hello again the head of 2020 elections in the united states democratic presidential candidates have held 2 nights of bruising debates joe biden and bernie sanders on the elizabeth warren were among the 20 candidates took part yet 20 are to keep up and take a closer look at what they all had to say. so with too many candidates for just one stage we have now seen the 1st 2 democratic presidential debates and it was quite a show or should i say shows and among the tactics used to get off to a good start with voters spanish and this is almost. got the persona and the exit poll is to economy this president to. be one of the most immigrant places
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in except probably would welcome be honest and when it came to the issue of minority rights the candidates outmaneuvered each other with identity politics growing up my sister and i had to deal with the neighbor who told us her parents could play with us because she because we were black as experience of being in a marriage that exists by the grace of a single vote on the u.s. supreme court for the last 21 years i've been raising a black son in america and a clear star on the 1st night sigebert often dismissed as a fringe candidate got a lot of applause for her antiwar stance and many say that she actually swept a victory in round one we have got to have some presence there is this is how as it were up there long before we came in the end there yeah well we us and they were going to afghanistan now you could declare told to gather the victor by one clear metric she took the trophy for the most google searches that night after the dust
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had settled but that's after she claims she got less time than other candidates and even got attacked by a moderator she says that it's clear bias you were the only one who was essentially attacked personally by the moderators what do you think that was. look at shows that there's a clear bias now the format of letting candidates just jump in at will certainly made for a rowdy evening one candidate says that he was treated unfairly andrew yeah right is that the talking. as i mean there in my life. yeah the sort of thing where he does all the user talking like you know all those other monkeys of the number is i was i being like the others out there. now the candidate who seemed to disappoint almost everyone was the so-called perfect centrist joe biden he didn't live up to his fighting joe reputation and that taking blows from almost everyone without much of a comeback do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose bussing in america do you
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agree i was 6 years old when a presidential candidate came to the california democratic convention and said it's time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans back and it was then senator joe biden deal that he talked about with mitch mcconnell who is a complete victory for the tea party it extended the bush tax cuts. now despite the smoke and mirrors and t.v. lights the audience seem to actually be concerned about progressive issues it seems that despite the fact that the media is focused on personalities the audience in the american public is actually more concerned about platform when it comes time to take on trump. r.t. new york. ok so this story getting a lot of debate in scandinavia this weekend a danish head muster has received hate mail folding video emerging on an anti migrant website in the footage
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a muslim boy can be seen teaching his fellow pupils in the school how he praised the video was a part of the not intended to be made public. the reality. of low. the principal said his school was holding a get to know your class mate week aimed at promoting friendship and mutual understanding now the video has drawn a reaction from plenty including a number of right wing politicians here for i am deeply shocked at the answer from the school principal he obviously believes that danish students can learn about the basics of islam and its teachings by learning all of the muslim prayers in this way they learn nothing about the nature of islam well we got some contrasting views on the story from stephen morris he's a member of the english democrats party and also mohammed schiff chief executive of
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the u.k. ramadan find and they spoke earlier to my colleague danielle hawkins. i think in the multi society should we learn about each is faith so we can have cohesive relationships i could he said societies i think most people would say yes is it important for muslim kids to know about the jewish faith the christian faith the hindu faith yes i'm vice a versa is one thing be made aware but this is a different thing actually sitting down or kneeling down and pray and in doing it it's a so mark i want experts of muslim to take. the the catholic. rituals go to a church it's one thing to ciccio and to show them well actually get him to do it that's a completely different thing and that's out of order i think the reaction has been way over the top alleys from the usual suspects people who like sean to anything negative and any way that they could attack the islamic faith or the muslim community what they should have been doing was teaching the peaceful side of islam
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and yes there is a peaceful side of islam we agree but at the moment it's the extremist part that's taken over to celebrate a festival or a jewish festival i think that's 5 because it doesn't say you know i don't think our faith where you watch it but things were one of only 2 different things. actually very different really sent in the school's fault in trying to teach people about different religions it's one thing teach them about what goes on but get him to actively pray that's a violation of their european human rights and it should not be gone. so that these very clear issues in the schools reaction they were wrong i just find their irony if i mr stephen that you are referring to the european convention of human rights in your campaign to leave the. leader your opinion in so sorry i just couldn't resist saying that you on your right just because we don't agree with you on your human rights doesn't mean we don't we i'm gone let's get something just because we
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want to leave you we want to pull out of your pay. call human rights doesn't mean we don't want human rights in england by far what you'll suggestion is we don't know nothing good we do just just come down my friend steve and i says same to syria which is no same as a civilian doing good stealing about the school seems like it was sex education why don't you use a you know you believe in mix for that as well they speak in system to talk about history i'm not saying my faith is not immune from criticism or challenge but you know if you if you're talking to just a stomach community that nest look a bit further i look at all our history we've all got doc history. all right just coming up to half past 3 this saturday afternoon here in moscow i'll be here in 30 to keep you right up to speed but all the weekend's goings on stay closed for more great programs.
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as we speak large organized caravans are on the march to the united states. then 70 and a player coming out for carrying. this is a virtual invasion of our country. but i meant to get out our felony or no. you know it's. a nice. if you can do is you know we're going to see the. little girls who noticed this additional 4 players for trophies back.
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the. when the make this manufactured and sentenced him to the public will. when the writing closes some reject them so. when the final larry go around me the woman said oh. that's nice we can all middle of the room signals. from the real news room the world. would hope to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or some want to. have to try to be for
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us that's what the 43 of the more 10 people that i'm interested always in the waters of our. first city. this is boom bust broadcasting around the globe uncovering the world of business and finance from the influence upon us all funding the radio and i'm just the i am washington has a look at what's on deck today world leaders are convening in osaka for the g. 20 summit and the markets have taken no pot horowitz of trading is standing by to break down what has stocks start and corn prices have seen a major roller coaster over the past week but what is driving the swaying
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cryptocurrency analyst vance wong runs a hand to sift through the spin zone spirals. for the crypto. sure it is true let's go dive right. apple is shifting the manufacturing of its new mac book computer to china from the united states even as trade tensions between the 2 nations continue to escalate by shifting its assembly to a quantum computer ng apple will reduce shipping costs as the shanghai factory is closer to apple's other suppliers in asia apple flexing its status as the biggest tech company in the world war on the u.s. trade representative last week that tariffs on china would hurt its contribution to the u.s. economy apple noted that it has created more than $2000000.00 jobs across the u.s. and pledged more than $350000000000.00 in economic investment over the next 5 years however that contribution would be scaled back if its core products are affected by tariffs despite this new cost efficiency measures apple is still trading down for the week as chief design officer johnny.


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