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tv   News  RT  June 29, 2019 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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just try reading. give me. russia and the u.s. agreed to new arms control talks and seek ways to boost trade as the g 20 wraps up in japan. the meeting was good and businesslike we discussed a whole area of issues which are of interest to russia and the united states and we had a discussion we had a great actually we had a great discussion president put you most so for that it was really a tremendous discussion donald trump makes several concessions to china to ease the ongoing trade war as both countries agreed to restart negotiations. a parliamentary reporter in france concludes that more than $20000.00 public sector workers are at risk of islamic radicalization. and a school in denmark faces
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a backlash over a video showing children being taught how muslims pray guests debate the story. is important for muslim kids to know about the jewish faith the christian faith they do faith yes i'm vice versa one thing teaching about what goes on. to flick through a ducks a violation of the european rights. are broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our g international tom certainly glad to have you with us i'm glad i'm here putin and donald trump have agreed to to hold new arms control talks and are seeking to improve trade relations they met at the g 20 summit which wrapped up on saturday in japan. what a coincidence on the last day of the g 20 summit and also the president of russia vladimir putin and u.s. president donald trump having a press conference almost simultaneously different styles different choices of
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language we know that donald trump loves simple words we even heard him say something like the lad is a great guy and the great guy himself was a bit more careful with what he was saying but the bottom line is that the 2 leaders are very glad with how they talk to. the meeting was good business we discussed the whole area of issues which are of interest to russia and the united staes we spoke about their economic relations russia sees that american businesses are interested in developing better relations with russia and we had a discussion we had a great actually we had a great discussion president so that was really a tremendous discussion i can see trade going out with russia we could do fantastically well we do very little trade with russia which is ridiculous frankly so what exact steps came out or will come out of this good meeting the leaders task their foreign ministers with working on sorting out the disagreements on arms
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control and this could be the 1st step to possibly signing a new nuclear agreement that is very important after the u.s. withdrew from 2 key treaties in the past 2 decades plus both presidents said that how much the u.s. and russia trades with each other leaves much to be desired and agree to come up with something to boost trade possibly create an intergovernmental panel for this and another highlight donald trump confirms during his press conference that he is seriously considering paying a big visit to russia in may next year after mr putin invited him for the victory day celebrations on may 9th so good talks. productive discussions these are the kind of phrases we always heard for the trumps previously but what fall of them was only more trouble between the 2 countries and also antiabortion
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sanctions by washington followed suit so one of the journalists at the vladimir putin press conference wondered if the russian side brought the issue up during the talks and also whether there are a lot of our putin possibly asked his american counterpart to make sure that the story doesn't repeat itself and here's what mr putin's response to that was. we definitely would be asking the u.s. to lift sanctions it's up to them but if they have good intentions we are ready to answer the same way to improve relations for that matter to the movers and shakers of the global economy we're counting on donald trump and she paying to do something about the trade wars between the world's 2 biggest economies and there you have it after they met it was announced that at least for the timing there will be a cease far and the talks will proceed we're going to continue the negotiation we
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agreed that i would not be putting tariffs on the $325000000000.00 that i would have the ability to put on if i wanted i have a tremendous relationship with president nobody else would have the deal that we were getting tens of billions of dollars from china coming in another thing that shaped out as quite a big story here in japan surprisingly was the russian contract for the deliveries of russia as advanced as 400 missile defense systems to turkey as a member of nato so this purchase was on precedented and america was furious when they found out that the deal was underway and what happened here and japan was that the turkish president 1st reassured his russian counterpart that the deal was still in place however just 2 hours later. he heard from donald trump that it was still a big problem for america and that for them all options are on the table to deal with this situation now the surprise is that donald trump at his press conference
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for the 1st time ever admitted that washington wasn't treating its allies in turkey fairly right president hurdle one he's tough but i get along with we get along great but what happened with turkey and i will tell you when it's fair when it's not fair he wanted to buy the patriot missile president obama's group said no i'm all for a country but he got treated very unfairly he was told you can't buy it you can't buy it you know it's the old secret when you can't have something all of a sudden he heads up going getting something else and then they were they said 1st they said we'll sell it to you you can have it in 4 years then they said we'll get you immediately but he said you can't do it i've bought i've spent a fortune on buying another system similar system from russia that said for this year's g 20 the next one is happening in saudi arabia next year. day one of the summit was packed with high level diplomacy but also plenty of
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emotion and some awkward moments as well take a look. also
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at the g 20 donald trump offered to meet. between north and south korea before a trip to seoul he made the suggestion on twitter and then repeated it during his closing remarks at the summit. was. very receptive he responded so we'll see because tomorrow we're going to the d.m.z. i said while i'm there i'll shake his hand we get along let him know we'll be there and we'll see i don't i can't tell you exactly but they did respond very favorably he follows my twitter and does it's very hard to follow because we got a call very quickly north korean officials have called busy the u.s. president's invitation a very interesting suggestion but say they have not yet received an official proposal the 2 leaders have met twice in the past 12 months in singapore and vietnam neither of those meetings ended with any breakthrough on denuclearization but political analyst. sees further talks as. president don't.
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look something comes through this mind and he tweets he makes decisions he sort of orders that as well as the earliest 5 this but i'm policy is a bold bold good idea the same thing you know i mean of course it would be great if they meet at the seat that is of best gin saying growing up there. they could have a good time again for the camera though and will they succeed to really to move forward to push forward well peace agreement between well between north and south korea between north korea and united states i'm not i'm not sure again if the united states wants to do it that is there is a it can do is look all the doors are open. to parliamentary report in france has found that $20000.00 public sector workers are at risk of islamic radicalization parties possibly or. it's a shocking as it is revealing
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a report on radicalization in the french public sector carefully put together by 2 french parliamentarians and now garnering quite a reaction from the media and politicians so what exactly does it say in total $29039.00 individuals are considered by the government as radicalized suspicious or vulnerable under different. factors the most radicalized of the prison and maybe call 6 has while it's a case in and justice are considered relatively safe less than half a percent of the army for example has been radicalized and then there are gray areas like sports and public transport where they say it's too difficult to determine exact numbers and yet still the report is disturbing with certain media outlets and politicians calling it shocking and demanding that the french president emmanuel mccrone takes action. the report should serve as an
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electric shock and finally force in memo micra to end this all could silence and reaffirm the place of secular friends has made a promise and reality is telling him to act should public service agents who are thought to be radicalized be dismissed this is one of the 2nd proposals the reports offers they should close office mosques and cut ties with arab countries that sponsor of radicalization we asked people here in paris whether they believe something should be done to i feel in security. and public places i see this morning more so you see. one that's a lot like jewish schools i don't think they do the right things i don't think putting cops in schools or putting coats in the trees will help and you anyway i don't you know i also image may share which oh are taken to stir fry to give these to you i don't think they're doing it the right way i don't think they're really
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going to. because of what's. pushing people to work it's going to the radical acts . ahead of the 2020 presidential election in the united states the democratic hopefuls have held 2 nights of debates among a crowded field of 20 candidates were joe biden bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and he's killam up in reports now on how the race is shaping up. so with too many candidates for just one stage we have now seen the 1st 2 democratic presidential debates and it was quite a show or should i say shows and among the tactics used to get off to a good start with voters spanish necessary almost in who had the persona and their example is to economy this president to. be one of the most immigrant places in except probably would welcome be autistic and when it came to the issue of minority rights the candidates outmaneuvered each other with identity politics growing up my sister and i had to deal with the neighbor who told us her parents
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couldn't play with us because she because we were black as experience of being in a marriage that exists by the grace of a single vote on the u.s. supreme court or the last 21 years i've been raising a black son in america and a clear star on the 1st night gabbert often dismissed as a fringe candidate got a lot of applause for her antiwar stance and many say that she actually swept a victory in around the one we have got to have some presence there is this how as it were up there long before we came in the end there. well we us into afghanistan now you could declare tells the gathered the victor by one clear metric she took the trophy for the most google searches that night after the dust had settled but that's after she claims she got less time than other candidates and even got attacked by a moderator she says that it's clear bias you were the only one who was essentially
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attacked personally by the moderators what do you think that was. i look at it shows that there's a clear bias now the format of letting candidates just jump in at will certainly made for a rowdy evening one candidate says that he was treated unfairly andrew yeah right is that the talking do you think a lot of that as i mean there in my life is going. yeah this is a thing where he does all the user talking well you know most of the seeds of the number is i goes on being like the others out there. now the candidate who seemed to disappoint almost everyone was the so-called perfect centrist joe biden he didn't live up to his fighting joe reputation and that taking blows from almost everyone without much of a comeback do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose bussing in america do you agree i was 6 years old when a presidential candidate came to the california democratic convention and said it's time to pass the torch to a new generation of americans back and it was then senator joe biden deal that he
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talked about with mitch mcconnell who is a complete victory for the tea party it extended the bush tax cuts and then only now despite the smoke and mirrors and t.v. lights the audience seemed to actually be concerned about progressive issues it seems that despite the fact that the media is focused on personalities the audience and the american public is actually more concerned about platform when it comes time to take on trump. r.t. new york. severe flooding in eastern siberia has claimed the lives of 5 people and more than 300 are in need of urgent assistance this according to the emergency ministry.
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saturday was the 5th consecutive day of torrential rain in the province and more is expected more than 4000 houses are reportedly underwater roads and bridges have also been submerged severe and severing transport links and holding back the work of the emergency services president putin has told officials to provide housing for all of those affected and begin the parish damaged interest in. this area but of course that when you weigh in as we all know the situation in these regions very well summer is very short in siberia and winter comes faster if the flooding hasn't come to an end and the water is still here when we build this we need to do everything possible to make sure people on living in tents when the winter arrives oh look a danish ad master faces a right wing backlash after a video of schoolchildren being taught how muslims pray hits the internet that story much more after a short break stay with us. i
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think the reason that they have now that attacking iran so far it's not that they didn't want but i would say that they couldn't do it thinking of a short and quick war with iraq but i would say that that would not be the case trump said that if they wanted to they would have killed $150.00 people in the rain inside but the question comes to me is that americans a time a country in the past by nuclear bombs do they really care about killing 150 people . you know world of big part of. law and conspiracy it's time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than
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we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. all right back this is international now a danish headmaster has received hate mail after a classroom video appeared online and shows a muslim boy teaching fellow pupils how he prays the video was released by an anti migrant website. we got the final. blow. up. the principal said his school was holding
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a get to know your classmate week aimed at promoting friendship and mutual understanding the video and has drawn a reaction from a number of right wing put politicians though i am deeply shocked at the answer from the school principal he obviously believes that danish students can learn about the basics of islam and its teachings by learning all of the muslim prayers in this way they learn nothing about the nature of islam we heard some contrasting views on the story from stephen morris a member of the english democrats and mohammed shafiq chief executive of the ramadan faddish. i think in the multi society should we learn about each is faith so we can have cohesive relationships i could he said societies i think most people would say yes is it important for muslim kids to know about the jewish faith the christian faith the hindu faith yes i'm vice a versa is one thing be made aware but this is a different thing actually sit in on kneeling down and pray and in doing it it's a so mark i want experts of muslim to take. the the catholic.
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rituals go to a church it's one thing to ciccio and to show them well actually get him to do it that's a completely different thing and that's out of order i think the reaction has been way over the top alleys from the usual suspects people who like sean to anything negative and any way that they could attack the islamic faith or the muslim community what they should have been doing was teaching the peaceful side of islam and yes there is a peaceful side of islam we agree but at the moment it's the extremist part that's taking over to celebrate the festival or a jewish festival i think that's fine because it doesn't say you know i don't think our faith where you where you are going but things where one of. these 2 different things are. actually very different really sent in the school's fault in trying to teach people about different religions it's one thing teach them about what goes on but get him to actively pray that's a violation of their european human rights and it should not be gone. so that these
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very clear issues in the schools reaction they were wrong i just find their irony if i mr stephen that you are referring to the european convention of human rights in your campaign. your opinion in so sorry i just couldn't resist saying that i'm on i'm all right just because we don't agree with you on your human rights doesn't mean we don't we i'm gone let's get something just because we want to leave you and we want to pull out of your pain. human rights doesn't mean we don't want human rights in england by far what you suggest is we don't know what i'm good we do we just just come down my friend steve and i say no actually is no the same as the school in doing good stealing at the school. there is sex education why don't you use a you know even mix for that as well lets be consistent and talk about history i'm not saying my faith is not immune from criticism or challenge but you know if
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you're if you're targeting just to stop the community then that's look up a further look at all our history we've all got dark history. yellow vests rallies have gripped paris for the 33rd consecutive weekend protesters clashed with riot police who responded with tear gas. was. was. was was was. was since november 2018 tens of thousands of people have been involved in the of this movement in cities across france they were triggered by a tax hike that quickly escalated into a broader campaign against the government economic policy. and on friday environmental groups staged a sit in on
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a bridge in central paris. do you think it was. as temperatures in the french capital had 33 degrees in parts of the country reached a blistering 45 activists gathered to call for action against climate change demonstrators from the extinction rebellion group held with the message tell the truth police used pepper spray and physical force to disperse them as they blocked traffic between 90 and 200 people are estimated to have been involved in the sit in in april the group's members and widespread media attention in the u.k. when they shut down major streets around london in world leaders take steps to stop runaway global warning. italy has allowed a rescue ship carrying dozens of migrants to dock on the island of lampedusa after a 2 week standoff the ship's captain who is german has been arrested she faces up to 10 years in prison for allegedly ramming
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a police boat in the netherlands where the ship is registered earlier refused to accept the vessel it's the latest in a series of disputes between italy and the rest of the e.u. on relocating asylum seekers although rome now says 5 nations have agreed to accept the 40 migrants on the ship those countries are believed to be france or germany or luxembourg finland and portugal. or the dozen for me i will be back in let's say 35 minutes with an. international. that are owed to the birds or head. bob for the feel good but so.
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far good. of it is that you. just did it to come out if you didn't. see my medical to move. when i managed to finish it oh my best before. they are the house of. god since we. need. to me don't hate. the skin or. any. other kind of open system definition in. the news. crisis metaphysic means crisis and they share. it's as
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a scale of natural disaster and got this right. and they bring to this. is unusual here when japan. for the problem of substances which of the other being so. governments and international organizations do not have enough time schedules that. politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president one should. somehow want to. have to go right to the press it's like that before 3 in the morning can't be good . i'm interested always in the waters of how. things should be.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic developments only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. my good thing and that is the. men against
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murder me really we talk about when your resources that we talk about mom smiles of mothers sons you know different situations this or the streets because it's hard to take some from somebody if you don't have something to replace so i'm going to tell you stop selling drugs if we all hear some of it was the money in a box how can we tell them we don't want you to be dealing with violence you know if we're going to be the ones this going to make sure what are they going to have some protection. this job is a job that you loved all every useful is the you can get up every day and go there with a smile on your face and do you should. want to be able to wake up like yesterday to go to work now when you're working a job where you're doing some of the attitude all day then he rubs off on you
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you're giving the matter to because you're giving us a limb they're happy you're happy happy life happy wife the same thing as happy customer happy happy joy. i'll be going to this interview today the whole denise market of my resume on me or them hoping that i will be able to be successful in this interview today that i would be able to make good money and gain a new responsibilities in life for myself from a feature. yes sir. i do but it's at the other store where you know. whichever one could i can just take a bus if you want to. because i think that right. there. you see one of the one out. there that question but. i
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can't. shipley they said we'll be getting a call back. for an interview that i have come to today and. i'm hoping that they take me. just let me know this is my family guy he you know brother key you know he saw my. this young boy right here he was off to change guard change his life this is brandon this is my god's son sex money and murder the i started work with him he changed his life and these are brothers that i trust the type of things that we've been doing trying to take our stories and share it with people and let people know all day they.


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