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tv   News  RT  July 1, 2019 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization the america. donald trump calls his meeting with kim jong un in north korea is a great honor but is accused back home of squandering american influence. hundreds of protesters in hong kong stormed the legislative council building raising a former colonial flag and demanding the withdrawal of an extradition bill it comes the day after the territory marks the 22nd anniversary of its hand over from britain to china. the u. commission is in deadlock as its chief delays they block summit with member state leaders divided over who should get the top jobs. and in germany
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3 men are charged in connection with the sexual abuse of more than 40 children the 2 pleading guilty a lawyer for one of the victims tells us authorities failed the children. if you simply unacceptable for a department to react to this model and then try to cover up its or make decisions . you're watching our national bring you here live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. making history donald trump has become the 1st sitting u.s. president to enter north korea and the north korean media and trump himself dubbed the meeting an amazing event the russian back home was far more muted if not outright critical. vague talk about talks while kim continues to develop nuclear warheads and missiles seems like this gigantic p.r. stunt in trenches unembellished his authoritarian rule without any real meaningful
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strategy for denuclearization out president shouldn't be squandering american influence on photo ops and exchanging love letters with a ruthless dictator instead we should be dealing with north korea through a principle diplomacy that promotes us securitate defends her allies and uphold human rights i have no problem with him sitting down with kim june in north korea or anyplace else by what's going to happen tomorrow and the next day if we're going to bring peace to this world we need to move forward diplomatically and not just a photo opportunities. after crossing the demarcation line between the 2 koreas with his counterpart kim jong un said a lot of progress had been made during their talks i think since against pyongyang remain in place our senior correspondent ron explained whether the symbolic meeting could affect the almost total economic blockade of north korea. for all the buzz hype and the coverage denuclearization was going nowhere it had stalled again
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despite all the summits and all the handshakes perhaps what it needed was something crazy something radical. the sitting u.s. president to visit north korea who would have thought the world's most militarized border to boot they shook hands again and talked him draw movement trump trying to revive denuclearization efforts the. clinically dead made some progress we need to start small form teams to find common ground little things that could lead to bigger ones and spoiling everything as is tradition now of those sanctions they're standing on memory or some point look i'm looking forward to taking them off i
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don't like sanctions being on his country i'm looking forward but the sanctions remain in the us but at some point during the negotiation things going to happen and that's what we'll be talking about promises promises it was sanctions the to the last summit and the state says trump until there is verified denuclearization progress however long that takes and that's what bugs north korea how could 2 sides have. meaningful honest discussions when one of them is on its knees being strangled by the other this is a manifestation of the most extreme hostile acts by the united states all these speak clearly to the fact that the world dream of the united states to bring us to our knees by means of sanctions and pressure has not changed at all but grows even more undisguised now factor in those thousands of u.s.
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troops stationed in south korea with guns trained in the north and you'll understand why trust is well it isn't their feeling young knows it's history too many nations that have gone through denuclearization with then invaded or bombed by the us i doubt kim jong un wants to join that club america fears north korea is just needed in the month to get out from under those sanctions decades of talks and the kids have stuck by their nukes we don't expect chairman kim to tell us the truth that's where we're going to verify any denuclearization that takes place that's why we will ensure that we see actual on the ground on the ground outcomes we're not going to take anyone's word for it it's not all doom and gloom though this is an ancient conflict by modern standards and this is never going to be solved overnight they need to talk and that's what they're doing and they seem to get it now that you start small and build up the big and hopefully sometime soon
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the world's most militarized dangerous border will well i bet become any less tense but at least they'll be no nuclear standoff to worry about an international stage it's coming out to look like north korea is able to welcome dignitaries able to speak and a common language and in a softer tone right now what happens when these parties separate from each other as we see is that they keep wanting to. back and forth rhetoric towards words one another but i think that that shot of them walking across at the mark asian life you know you don't see signs of military you see pretty plants and clean gravel and nice nice side drops that may not be with what life is like for many people in north korea but that's also not the way life looks for many people in the united states and so for both of them it is a beautiful portrait. where there is legitimacy feet behind it.
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again suspended a block summit as the leaders of member states squabble over who should get the top jobs the talks in brussels well into their 20 hour our europe correspondent peter all over has more. well a number of big jobs in the european institutions need to be decided in the nearest future really but the biggest job among them in the one that's causing the most consternation when it comes to putting forward a candidate is european commission president it's who will take over from john claude younker and what we understand is that that is not happening at the moment because of a split within the conservative bloc in the european council of the european council's made up of the heads of government of the 28 e.u. member states they decide on who they want to nominate the candidate that can that it's then put forward to the european parliament who votes on it they can get past
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the nomination stage at the moment young himself part of the process of searching for his replacement wasn't giving much away to the press. monism. leadership someone. certainly wasn't holding back the french president was well visibly angry at times when he spoke to the press he said it was embarrassing that they couldn't come up with a solution in the e.u. 2028 in the european council and he said that if they were in this position perhaps the whole system needed to be changed it would be said to me today has ended in failure we were unable to reach any agreement something i think reflects very badly on the council and on europe well when it comes to who is causing the problems who is causing the problems with getting this deal across it's really a group that's being led by poland and by italy well i'm glad merkel had initially
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. for the job of european commission president she then switched her allegiance when she realized that wasn't going to happen and had backed the timmermans plan however she said its progress was being made but this it was a very difficult road ahead still to be brave. things are getting in the talks will be easier and that's pretty mildly for the e.u. parliament which is to be captioned is fixated on the principle of tolls paid today and yet the biggest fool is the european people's party has no majority and so donald to school had a difficult task today google tried to be constructive so the european council the heads of government of the $28.00 member states of the european union will recall of even brussels old tuesday to let the day have as they try to work out who should be the next president of the european commission plenty still to go yet when it comes to who will take over from john claude younger still anybody's guess right now. in germany 3 men have been charged in connection with the sexual abuse of more
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than 40 children ages $3.03 of the suspects have pleaded guilty they'd be a super portly took place over a number of years at a campsite in a small german town of luke there between them the men are accused of some 450 cases of child abuse and local authorities are being blamed for failing to act earlier. i most of the abuse was by a single suspect identified only as andreas v. he is accused of almost 300 sex crimes against 23 children defenses are believed to have been committed in 1908 and then between 2008 and last year. the police are
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accused of in action despite evidence of abuse for years and the authorities are also blamed for letting evidence disappear back in february the minute losing almost a terabyte of evidence meanwhile one of the children's representatives says the victims were question in an inappropriate way for their age and the authorities themselves acknowledge there was a police failure calling the situation a debacle the region's interior minister says this was worse than negligence and should never happen again we spoke to one of the victim's lawyers about the mistakes that were made. we have seen numerous floors the most terrifying is the disappearance of $155.00 c.d.'s from a secure police station we're talking about the c.d.'s which were found at the campsite in the main suspects trailer it turned out that the people we've probably convictions for possession of child pornography were working at the police station and still are as for the interrogation of the children they were questioned at the police station but this is not what should have happened there are specific ways in
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which children can be questioned and it involves support from social services and the establishment of a trusting relationship it should not happen as an interviewer to police station that my opinion matters were not to escalate because of the careless approach to information on child pornography and paedophilia and the department's employees lack of awareness it is simply unacceptable for a department to react in this manner and then tried to cover up its own negligence . the man expected to become britain's next prime minister has taken issue with remarks made by vladimir putin boris johnson has vowed to show that the president was wrong to note that liberalism is now obsolete the favorite in the u.k.'s conservative party leadership contest insists that bricks that will purpose point his art his point boycott from london with more. ever since that demand putin declared that liberalism is obsolete in that interview ahead of the g 20 summit in japan there's been plenty of discussion about what liberalism actually means in the
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media and lots of economists keen to point out the economic benefits of a liberal democracy and let's just say there are plenty of those that are keen to counter the russian president's hypothesis one such figure is boris johnson the favorite to be the u.k.'s next prime minister he's written a lengthy article in the telegraph where he's defended liberalism in the u.k. saying that it's made the country a fair a prosperous and a meritocratic society and he contrasts that. with the way that he views the kremlin and in one part of the article he really lays into the russian political system but the conclusion of boris's defense of liberalism is that the u.k. has to leave the e.u. by the 31st of october otherwise the u.k. risks looking like an in liberal and undemocratic country one of the problems with
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the e.u. as it has developed over the past 45 years of our membership is that it has begun seriously to undermine that fundamental characteristic of a liberal democracy that the people should have the power at elections to remove those who make the rules the e.u. system makes this impossible if we want to uphold liberal values we must leave by october 31st and we will say from boris's perspective the u.k. is a liberal democracy and to prove that it's got to leave the e.u. by that how low we deadline now the european union doesn't consider itself any less of a liberal democracy than the u.k. i have to say that i strongly disagree with the main argument. that liberalism is obsolete. we are here. also to firmly and soon you will call the defendant promote liberal democracy
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donald tusk so ready complained that the u.k. is wasting all the extra time it was granted in april for that brags that extension and i suspect he might not agree with boris johnson's idea that the u.k. should leave the e.u. a.s.a.p. in order to prove that it's a liberal democracy but just to take you back to where this all started that vladimir putin comment in an interview to the f.t. ahead of the g 20 summit but not to the. there is also the so-called liberal idea which is outlived its purpose our western partners have admitted that some elements of the liberal idea such as multiculturalism no longer tenable this really was an expansive interview but that one soundbite has regenerated headlines and launched a 1000 counter articles and rubbed a lot of western politicians out quite frankly the wrong way and what it says is
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that everyone's definition of the concept of liberalism at has to be different and that may be due to their past and political objectives. mass rioters have stormed the hong kong legislature spring graffiti on walls and hang the british colonial flag on the main podium they got into the building after smashing a glass door with a trolley despite being pepper sprayed by riot police. but . this monday marks 22 years since hong kong handover from britain to china but the anniversary has been overshadowed by weeks of demonstrations against a new extradition bill and british police response to those rallies if passed the
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bill would allow beijing to seek the extradition of those convicted for serious crimes from hong kong to meall and china supporters of the bill say it will stop the territory from becoming a refuge for criminals however many fear it will lead to political persecution from beijing and undermanned undermine the area's autonomy. britain's foreign secretary has waded in with an anniversary statement warning china to respect hong kong's autonomy but beijing reminded him to stop meddling. in one agent home call it says appeal to china since no foreign country has the right to make some of the urge britain to know its place and to stop interfering in any way home call matters and to focus on its respect with instability rather than
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the opposite. we go live now to south asia and less on us files for more on this now do you think britain's latest statements indeed our interference and if so why is it doing that. no no such a statement can be interfering in the political affairs of another country because human rights organizations have been frequently criticizing china for the human rights violations that are taking place inside china and for the attempt the chinese government is putting into place in all the change the political a structure the further arms that people in hong kong and joining in order to act and to stifle all of this so i think more people more foreign secretaries more presidents more prime ministers in the world for the actually express their concern
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about what is happening in hong kong and about what i'm trying now is trying to do to the people of hong kong the quote charnel is technically trying to impose from the black hole through this legislation trying to impose a system of governance that they're. the imposed on the chinese people and the people in hong kong. very lightly opposing. now throughout this interview we've been showing live pictures from the legislature that those protesters broke into and where they hung about the flag what do you make of their statement by doing such a thing. well the thing is that you know it is it is of course good to know the reports coming out about the situation in home but on the. demonstrate the kind of
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the level of violence which is really just small it is a it in the small compared with what it says happening in the concert because a handful of people for whatever motives whatever their motivation has been they have been kind of involved actually engaged in some acts of violence the number you know around something like. 35 people when you're compare that number with something like 2000000 people 1000000 people many hundreds of thousands of people who have been in the streets of hong kong trying to actually express their views trying to say that you know the freedoms the autonomy that they have it is precious to them when you when you're comparing the acts of violence that are being committed by just one small number of people to the many people of millions of
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people who have been in the streets so hong kong it is just you know very very small it doesn't mean that anyone is condoning violence but the reporting of violence because at the moment the kind of growing month. in hong kong of course the government did try to no media and. i know i was trying to say that you know the demonstration to the demonstrators has turned violent in fact the demonstrators are not violent it is only a small group of demonstrators no one knows what their background is no one knows what their motivation is compared with the many millions of people 2000000 people up to 2000000 so many hundreds of thousands of people these people are not actually a very significant number. the government is strong the government talk hong kong is wrong to think that you know the dumbest the most stations have turned violent
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what do you make of jeremy hunt's decision to ban sales of crowd control to hong kong on coming coinciding with these protests. i think you know i think governments are you know can make any statements that they made that they want to make because at the end of the day any. weapon that is being used against the people who are expressing their views who are expressing who are defending themselves while defending the rights of other people any weapon anything that is used against those people that's where it really against international human rights law. of us via south asia analyst thank you so much for joining us on the program. more global news after this short break.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. u.s. china talks are back on track but a 2nd front has opened up a u.s. europe trade is heading into a storm arend is again in the center of the debate also the circus has come to town and it's called the democratic process. server a real crisis metaphysic means crisis and they sure. as a scale of natural disaster to strike malaysia. as they bring to
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this. is that easy here when japan. for the problem of you say a group of substances which of the other being so far that governments and international organizations do not have enough time to do that. welcome back as pride month concludes around the world the l g b t community is divided in the u.s. competing rallies are being held with claims the main event has become too commercialized the reclaim pride coalition held a separate march in new york with what it called no corporate floats and no police it says the official line no longer addresses the political struggles of the community meanwhile a new report suggests a sharp decline in the acceptance of gay and lesbian people among young americans.
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according to the survey the number of young people who felt comfortable interacting with the l g b t community fell last year with more felt uncomfortable about a relative coming out more americans aged 18 to 34 also didn't like the idea of gay issues being taught in school however the acceptance rate rose among people age 72 and over we got reaction to the decline in tolerance from a community representative and from the author of the study. least munisteri experiencing could be leading to this of ocean it's a new news to take time for people to understand our job is to educate about non-conformist. we counter the narrative that young people are more progressive intolerant these numbers are very alarming in signal a looming social crisis in discrimination. activists burn struck us as radicals are turning people against their community our community has been overtaken by a very sort of extremist very political faction that has tried to essentially politicize
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everything under the umbrella. there is sort of this more extremist faction that has really overreached i think they've made a lot of people uncomfortable i think a lot of people on the aisle to take community feel uncomfortable once it is put out into the country that is going to be the most fear that you are a racist or bigot or a hate group or whatever it lives and be on the internet and so when other people in the future will use that against you to say well you can't come here we should hear we want to live here because there's always there's already been in the southwest. russia and china have agreed to increase trade using their own national currencies reducing reliance on the u.s. dollar currently only 10 percent of trade between the 2 countries is conducted in roubles and yuan but under the new deal the figure is to rise to 50 percent raise the issue and a meeting between the 5 brics emerging nations at the g.
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20 summit is 50 percent of the joint was between the brics countries and shifting to trade using not only national currencies is moving along well. to cut their use of global currencies russia and china will have to avoid swift which is the world's largest payment system seized 511000 financial institutions in $200.00 countries and is heavily reliant on the dollar so its claims to be politically neutral but has repeatedly blocked access to russian and chinese banks due to u.s. sanctions russia and china are also working on developing ruble and yuan financial instruments and in a similar development the e.u. has created a settlement platform called instax to allow firms to continue trading with iran by passing u.s. sanctions washington has expressed its concern over the move my national communications director at the 10th amendment center told us america's use of the dollar as a tool of economic warfare will backfire. well i think is just. a matter of self-defense in many ways the u.s.
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is use the swift system as combat billy club as an instrument of foreign policy and i think it's only natural that countries that are that on the other end of that billy club are going to look for ways to pull themselves out of that type of situation so we're seeing this movement across the world you could have a very negative effect on the u.s. economy and i think a lot of people don't understand this the dollars already in a risky position as more and more countries seek to. eliminate their dependence on the dollar it furthers weakens the currency and you know eventually many people believe that the dollar will not be the reserve currency or at least not the sole reserve currency so i think the u.s. should be very careful that's a global news update for this hour the banks are tuning it.
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seems wrong. but i will just don't call. any new world yet to see how it does they become educated and it gains from it because the trail. went something and find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground . this is a sticker from the water bottle phone in the stomach of the fish the brand is sponsor of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic.
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special projects funding me. on i'm your best bet is the end of it for the team but for now the mountains of waste only grow. a low in welcome to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle us china talks are back on track but a 2nd front has opened up the us europe trade is heading into a storm iran is again in the center of the debate also the circus has come to town and it's called the democratic primary.


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