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tv   Documentary  RT  July 1, 2019 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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gravitas of a man every minute. i want to go mow good i'm going to do the best they can to stay out of this blaze. in the shop for my life. mr gold. i'm glad it's. been away from. this once you got to know the numbers can we be would. love a. nice chap. from 1920 until 1900 this whole half century of american history the rate of incarceration was roughly level at about $110.00 per 100000. and this is a broad span of our history this is because the ruling twenty's and prohibition the depression and all the social change the world war 2 the post-war economic boom the
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the the fifty's the explosion of suburbia the sixty's and all the social turbulence through this whole period the rate of incarceration is roughly level in the united states at about $110.00 per $100.00 times and this reflects you know the policies of police departments and prosecutors and judges operating all over the country in the local and state level and then in the 1970 disorder changes so that by now the rate of incarceration issue white is over 703 requests or issue for african-americans is over $4400.00 and so you have to wonder how does what she why did this half century of stability get ended with this dramatic increase in harsh racial in spades america's public enemy. no one in the united states is drug abusers once the federal
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government decided that we're going to have war on drugs they were able to then take a lot of money from the federal budget and then send it out to states alex i realize the need for money to deal with this problem i am glad that in this year ministration we have increased the amount of money for handling the problem of dangerous drug 7 it will be 600000000 dollars this year more money will be needed in the future virtually everybody thought the drug war was the number $1.00 issue and so you had politicians in both parties and you know district attorneys and elected sheriff everybody wanted to get in to drug cases and get aggressive about new laws to punish them new agents to arrest the new prosecutors to convict them and new prisons to hold them. we move the train when i was very young when we moved
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here we moved you know to malone's we used to always run up and down the hallways of course it was the projects so sometimes we will sneak up on the roof which was the top floor 12th floor and you know look out and of course i was very scared as a young child but you know when you live in the projects it's always so much stuff that you can get into my brother was tragically killed when he was ran over by a truck and i remember pacifically going to the corner with a happen and seeing all the blood because they left all the blood still in the street the traumatic experience of losing my only brother and that truck eggs and i know it had done something to me you know drugs remarks that time was hard all the way because my son was doing drugs my nephew was was to my drugs my niece was doing drugs my sisters with doing drugs it was like an epidemic. of drug abuse.
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and i cannot explain. i cannot explain my feelings because i'd at that time i don't know how i felt you know i was sad because i felt like they were different in their lives but there was not the not to do about it to change their lifestyle. how was it. after my brother passed away i kind of withdrew from a lot of things i didn't talk as much i was very quiet all probably as early as my teenage years 01213 years old you know i started sneaking a drink in a little bit here and there started smoking marijuana at a very young age i started all selling drugs in you know he came right along with. the family you tend to trust family when i 1st saw him and that was in the hallway
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and i used to be a hopeful monitor and i was stationed right in front of his locker so when i knew that he was coming to his locker i would put my hands up in like black youth way. so he would have to say excuse me something in at that we started talking we got to know each other you know at the walk at home many times in and out over our house. you know my hall. was a really a hole compared to our house margaret grew up with her parents before the parents all the nice decent house great mother great father. something that i didn't have and i started you know just being around her a lot and being around family a lot and next thing you know you know it's pretty much you know once we started going to get i was pretty was there another house and they were 2 years old it was pretty much the end there because my mom was on the. long as she knew i was there
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she really didn't have a problem with it but a kindness started you know live in this day with morgan and a very young age. by the time i was $1617.00 i was fully engulfed in a drug game and it is only was so big it was only 7.5 square miles so a lot of rumors a stylus britain along to the train detectives back then they had to take to that one high school and they kind of got to know me very well and i guess they relayed that information to the trade narcotics and they started watching me and follow me around or stuff like that and then i remember the 1st time that they that they raided my house i wasn't there but my mother was near and i was i think i just turned 17 and um they locked her up and i got a phone call saying that you know your mother was locked up and they want you to turn itself in. so i ventured i turned myself in a 17 a let my mother go and i 1st time ever going to joan i went to you found because i
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was an 18 i was only still still a juvenile we waited still in high school and we missed the prom. when i got out i remember the detective telling me that you know as soon as i turned 18 and it was going to come back give me and if i don't straighten out my life that 1st spears will be nothing compared to other experiences in jail because then i would be over 18 and i would be going into a dull facility. most historians look at the origin of the war on drugs as something of president nixon with his speeches and his creation of of the d.n.a. and other agencies in the 1970 s. but the war in drugs as we understand it with food nor enormous case loads and and in and filled up prison population is really a feature of the 1980 s. under president reagan drugs are menacing our society they're threatening our values and undercutting our institutions they're killing our children under reagan
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there was a tremendous increase in federal spending for anti drug activity cabinet level efforts and congress creating powerful new laws on day 2 of a new campaign against drugs the president backed up topped off with action for getting tough on drugs and yes it's almost like overnight we had discrete idea what we go after the users. and that's what we did we started going after the users in a prison populations who are those obviously are far more users than are operations major operations and. we started treating sick people people who were did drugs when a member talked to my grandmother and having a conversation with her about my life and how far i had fallen she said to me you know jason will always pray for you and i'm going to pray that you change your life around. here one of the things that she said that stuck with me. you know god is
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going to find dark is our only there where you realize who you through your and i heard her but i really didn't hear her. and i left her house that they skipped it went right back out into the street. i remember going to new york. coming back from new york coming down route one coming through your county we had drugs in the car and we had a gun in a car. and i remember my. i stopped at a lie and get now switching drivers i got round to the passenger side and she took the privacy and not knowing that it was a cop car right behind us so once again i didn't want to go to court i was going to trial i told my lawyer that you know we just had to try to get all the charges together get me one so does the go do my time and over the street not my life i remember pacifically the judge said st joe's told me. no limit to tom losing.
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and he said tracy you could bring to the 1980 you know you can begin again in 1988 he said come back before me for the 3rd time in the 3rd time is going to be a chore you. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see of that. u.s. china talks are back on track but a 2nd front has opened up the us europe trade is heading into a storm arend is again in the center of the debate also the circus has come to town and it's called the democratic process. exists is a sticker from the water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles
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of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're the bad ones they're the litter box they're throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. found in maine that same school sets their classes. away and i need to stay on your phones at special projects funding he does it on seinfeld. that is the. i don't want to talk to a news agency forgive me we'll have to find someone to. well
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with trying to stay with. me. going to. see him to the point.
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we have to be. i think. we are. winning it because we have the people people in power but we are. oh yeah. but.
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the direction to would judge to sentence can be done in 2 ways you can say judge here's a crime and for this crime you can impose a sentence anywhere in this range from probation to some term of years in prison and the other way is to say judge you must impose some minimum number of years or months of imprisonment and go up from there so a mandatory minimum this is a sentence where no matter how minor the role of the offender no matter how insignificant a violation of this crime it is a minimum term must be imposed mandatory minimum sentences are not new they've been on the books in this country for 200 years and there are about $190.00 of them or
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something and if you look at them they read like the crimes issue or so you can see what the public was concerned about and then congress took that concern and translated it into law intellect sensing legislation so piracy on the high seas in like 17 ninety's a life without parole robbing banks and crossing state lines in 1934 was you know 10 years of prison skyjacking in. the seventy's for us 10 or 20 years in prison and so you can see the you know what was the point the headlines were the headlines were translated into a mandatory sentence and so in the eighty's when drugs became a big deal and lots of concern about drugs it was in the top 3 of public concern congress reacted by creating new mandatory minimum sentences for drug crimes which congress sent to president lee was 5 years needed 3 minimum 5 grams of crack cocaine grams like this we. can years minimum
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is 50 grand of crack cocaine just like the weight of a kidney or these are tiny quantities it's all based on one factor your sense you know how what was a drug and how much of it did you have and that determines your sentence so culpability no longer really plays a major role in a person's a person sentence when the crime carries a mandatory minimum when president reagan signed the mandatory minimums and 96 the federal prison population was 36000. now it's well over 200000 this is a growth that no one could have imagined mass incarceration in the u.s. is really unique in human history there is no democratic nation that's ever tried to have such a massive social experiment as we've done in incarceration and we've got more prisoners than any other country in the window for my rate and numbers i mean i find it a bit disturbing that we have more prisoners from china and they have
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a 1000000000 more people and we do i don't think it gives people an eye when they hear that we have 25 percent of the world's prison population and only 5 percent of the world's population in other words we are way over incarcerating compared to any other country in the world. had allowed. somebody who is a star in here one. and police found it and they came after me i ended up literally holding the bag. i knew nothing about the criminal justice system and here i was this middle class. career never even a parking ticket and it was quite a surprise when we went to cork and i had that kind of time marijuana. and i was charged with possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute money going to
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conspiracy to murder i received a total of 55 year prison sentence the judge suspended all but 6 i was fortunate enough. to make the 1st parole and i actually served in prison 14 months. is the cards that we've put in with the messages and asked the families to respond so we've gotten some really good responses and this one was 3 fem up 3 members of the family viewed it. and we ask what were the ages of the children who saw it she quit just want to put 6. she says extremely meaningful for the daughter of the mother who was incarcerated she loved it. we all did. and this one said what did the message mean to your family to know their family was ok and it's a huge part of these children who want to know that their families live in their
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mom or dad so ok. there's. always been 3 years to see. mr jones looms are going to grieve for sure is that you don't read. those i'm sure folks just very devoted. to you want to listen to fail. which already filled you to the fold has been me. these last 34 years one of the last. known. swan to say the. very 1st. they said just me to one year administrative segregation and administrative segregation is 23 hour long going to the locked up 23 hours each day you come out
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for half hour shower and a half hour break i know a bit of olive person. at that time i was treated like one of the worst phone persons in the world i remember going into the cell i believe that maybe if i buy a cell. it was that door closed i knew i was going to be there for the next year is just an experience that it is going to make your break you are going to come out a better person are you going to come out of worship person than you were before you went to. being in a hole is mirrors and i know i wouldn't wish on anybody. but you locked up for 23 hours i think you can do is my words my grandmother just kept playing over and over again in my mind and those words was the guy i was going to farm in my darkest hour you know what i realize who are actually was and when i kept hearing that because santa i am at my door that i am at my lowest point. and. i think right there
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and i realized i had reached my lowest point to life and that the only on the way for me to go from here is. another crime another criminal in a country that already have fed up with real his rights politicians focus on often a simple crackdown the reason the criminal justice system isn't working is that we're not sending enough people in jail and keeping there long enough that people are saying in a very general way. that they will to lock these rascals up and keep him there for a long gone through the 1980 s. there was a major shift in the congress and in state legislatures of doubt how long sentences should be the public was a long term by increasing rates of crime from the 1970 s. and early eighty's and they wanted longer sentences they wanted cracking down and that's what happened across the board for all kinds of crimes not only the mandatory minimum drug sentences the effect of all those sensing laws was not just
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to increase the sentences that people were exposed to so the people were serving longer time in prison than they did before it was also to take the discretion away from the sentencing discretion away from judges and juries and shifted over to prosecutors it didn't limit it discretion it just gave prosecutors. the power to determine what your sentence was going to be by making charging decisions and even by bargaining over what the facts of your case were. so it didn't mean that discretion it was eliminated from the system it just put the prosecutors in charge . amy was born in 1968 and she was very very shy but by the task that in high school people can sat it in or she played basketball she made good grades high school that we went to was 712 i was kind of the little tagalong sister. me and my brother were friends and i mean my sister were friends
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just kind of watch sure she was. always really friendly always showing nice this is a small town. everybody knows everybody should get in trouble we'd know about it. i had what i consider an ideal a child and. at some point when i'm in college i mean guy that works for southwest times record the newspaper there in fort. smith arkansas and he asked me if i would be a subject for him to go out and take some modeling photos we went to like several locations and he instilled in me that i really ought to pursue a modeling career consider it my mother says to me ralston to dallas my gosh no you know. what she's thinking what's she going to do and so i think she's going to model so i created a little portfolio before i went to dallas that i could show to the modeling
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agencies fandy it was well read well traveled well educated graduated stanford law school i had gone to princeton theology school so it was it was very appealing to be around somebody who i was frankly very impressed with and so fascinated with and 8 months later we were getting married at the dallas arboretum and all of our family and friends were there and it was at that point seemed like a dream come true. there were red flags before we got married there were there were frankly there were red flags all along the way sandy has what i consider to be a dual personality and that this other character would emerge when every dream i don't literally had to do something radical. the only remedy to remove him from my life was for me to leave dallas i had to leave dallas and i'd leave all my friends behind and completely. move to
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a different city. who asked sandy. but he wouldn't leave her i just kept saying you know let's be friends let's be friends he wanted it to be more so huge told me that he was going to europe and then i never heard anything for a while the word got back to me that he'd been arrested. i hadn't been in dallas in over a year so of the only thing i knew to do was to book him. go to dallas and see if i could go through the house listen to the answering machine and try to piece this thing together and eventually think you're going to find out more information and while i was in the dallas house the phone rang and it was sandy's german legal counsel who had been assigned to the case in germany and at that time he. gave me very thin details but said that sandy had been arrested for manufacturing ecstasy and that he wanted to retain an attorney for him there in dallas it was
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a pretty interesting revelation but i did there was money in the safe that was in the house in dallas and i took that money and i retained an attorney to go over and meet with any attorney. 7 months after sandy has been arrested and i pull into the garage of my car as rushed by law enforcement people who are screaming and have a gun out and they're pointing at my face i'm being told you know you're in hot water we know that your husband was arrested we know you know we know you visited him in germany and they said we know you have information and all you have to do is just tell us what you know and i wasn't going to say anything because i'm literally watching these people destroying my mom's isn't somebody that i really want to confide in so i add it wasn't very long after that that my lawyer explained to me exactly what it is that my prosecutor wanted they wanted her to wear
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a wire. and try to employ a other people people she didn't even know and. she would she refused to do it she said i don't know they speak on that i'm not going to do this and this prosecutor said you need. paraphrasing you now cooperate or will ruin your life. crisis meant if it's i mean crisis and they share. it's as a scale of financial disaster and got this right. and they bring to this. is unusual here in japan. for the problem of you say to acceptance is which of the other being so that governments and international organizations do not have enough time.
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as we speak large organized. are on the march to the united states. this is a virtual invasion of our country. this . is you know do is you know we're going to see a more locals who noticed. that. the
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. you know world of big part of. lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shelving past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. big claim made hard money fashionable again and that halo effect that spilled over to gold if it weren't for big point there would be no current rally.
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donald trump pulls his meeting with him in a north where a great butt is accused back home helps wondering american influence. on the companies to use take us as protesters and the occupation of parliament it comes as the terror marks the 22nd down of us 3 of its hondo from britain to china. and the commission is intact as its chief is on quote a young kid today is that the clock summit with member state heat is divided over who should get the news told told.


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