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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  July 2, 2019 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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trump is asking for military tanks on the national mall as proud of the grandiose july 4th event as it appears that this year's planned festivities on the national mall could be taking a very militaristic turn over the normal red white and blue burgers brot and beer flag waving fireworks extravaganza normally is rolling stone reports that the donald exact actually been receiving regular briefings about it from interior secretary david bernhardt and that the president has advised on just about every aspect of the events aesthetics which if he gets his wish will indeed beacher tang's or other our military vehicles stationed around the mall. cue the outrage but it's not just tanks trump and the gang are also reportedly planning a military fly over including not only the blue angels but air force one there's well along with the usual and along with the usual national mall fireworks displays president trump's planned salute to america will also feature the man himself
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giving a speech to all of us huddled masses democratic majority leader in the house of representatives stony hoyer and other democrats are naturally calling foul in a letter to the administration they wrote that the events will give an appearance of be televised the partisan campaign rally on the ball at public expense frankly that's not what july 4th is about so it is present trouble tries in our holidays to ramp up national jingoism in an effort to boost his reelection campaign let's find some answers start watching the hawks. it looks like. it's like. what they like you know what i got. was that we. would. be.
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welcome on watching the. downtown. so you're ready for this july 4th i'm not going anywhere near military tanks on the ball potentially i would rather go to the mall that the oscars are held and. and get an orange julius than out of the mall and deal with that now absolutely not this is i mean there's nothing new about the idea of sort of having these you know. military like parade like i get that i get the. oh 4th of july i think it's strange that it came so quickly like this why would you do that the 1st year i would use the lead america your 1st year and why did you wait until you're getting re-elected but i think what is interesting is people's outrage about that i mean for me on my whatever. i feel because the idea that this is somehow like new with trump i think is interesting
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and my favorite former pentagon and state department spokesman under president obama mr kirby i actually situated he ordered military flyovers for his big speech on the 4th now according to the washington post trump is pushing for military attack this is not who we are we should be better than this and far above this sort of crass jingoism john. i hate to break it but this is exactly who we are. welcome to do you see where like 75 percent of the people walking around are being paid in some fashion by a military industrial complex how much of our money goes to pay for all of this out how much of our safety goes away to make sure these people get more money for planes that fall out of the sky i mean i'm. the outrage of the hour i just dove and it does nothing for me i mean i sort of. have i got a group i understand democrat side hey you're turning this what should be
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a national celebration that could potentially turn into one big campaign rally i get the criticism i understand but look i mean i'm not a fan i don't want to see tanks on the streets here in washington d.c. but at the end of the day. people are outraged how dare he so a brazen military like this is so this is so the former military guy who didn't know that nato is an anti russian organization thank you so let's not play this like i don't know the military how scary for americans we celebrate the military. vehicles constantly in this country in this country i'm. we got what fighter jets fly over a football games all the time. the comptroller of the pentagon estimates that just in 2000 a team was but $1700000000.00 recruit and here's the key word advertising for the military $1700000000.00 while we spend 750000000000 on the book on the
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budget for the we're planning to in the year 2020 that's what they want to try to spend $750000000000.00 for the military 2020 more than half of us discretionary spending in our budgets goes to the u.s. military but we're not a jingoistic society you know we don't we're not over here trumpeting the military and that's all we do it's absolutely nuts but what's interesting is you know this is what you said earlier this isn't the 1st time wanted to do this he's been pushing for there's some specific old was he saw that for steel day parade in france which is a layer of us because if we were in the french revolution would be the 1st person drug from his home and brought out the gear tea and the like the idea that that was the thing that really made him excited sort of made me laugh also there's the problem with this whole thing is bringing pains this is was brought up before when he wanted to do a military parade here and try to do what the french ted here's the problem our tanks will rip up every street in d.c. and if you back to d.c. the streets are bad enough already so unless they're ripping them up so that they
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can more easily replace them the day after but i don't i'm sorry but i think that my ancestors who fought in the revolutionary war and helped get us that independence that we are so celebrating this weekend would sort of roll their eyes at the whole for the idea of tanks rolling down in this sort of weird. monarchy's that's happening over here with me because that was the thing that got me to the one other thing that kind of upset me about this too is that the whole like was going to sanction off the area in front of the you know the 1st half of the from like the front of the. lincoln memorial back about half way down on the. half way down the reflecting on this all the payoff for you gave enough some america. is series of plans but unpermitted marches by far right and far left organizations class clashed both with
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each other and police this weekend in portland oregon leaving at least one journalist 3 police officers and over a dozen civilians injured injured demonstrations were planned by the patriot prayer proud boys and men rights groups him to which were then counter process protested by a number of and to follow groups while police try to separate the groups to avoid violence it seems according to portland p.d. that the groups in chapman square and loosed in park square merged then began marching toward waterfront park this is when an unpermitted march was impeding vehicular traffic for a short time it was then that fights and assaults broke out as at least 5 separate regional and national far right and far left groups converged in this convergence and de niro and editor and photojournalist frustrating in online magazine the quill it was attacked by those identifying with the antiphon movement this isn't the 1st time and you know has been harassed or attacked by and protesters and literally it
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is twitter bio that they hate him it isn't even the 1st time that it's been caught on camera however it does shine a light on the fact that no matter what actually happened this week and years of media conglomerates turning our political landscape into a sporting event has had its consequences. really observations all this does feel like it all feels like teams it feels like instead of going to the park on saturday and playing bob t. ball or doing your dart league you're like oh let's go march against nazis so let's go be nazis let's go do this you know look i just don't think they take it very seriously to be honest the thing is to lose it's like you're show me these reports you know we look at. all these reports we're looking at the video and all but the thing that really jumped out at me too was my own after the initial thing happened and everyone went crazy on twitter talking about it was the amount of dishonesty that came out of it the amount of half truths that got cycled out right media sphere the blogosphere and all that like what were some of the biggest ones that
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you saw that was really one of the biggest ones i think was this the milkshake carry so you know about a few weeks ago nigel faraj in the u.k. had a milkshake found on him so that became a big thing became a sort of protest thing about throwing milkshakes you know promo checks on all the not. so a group had brought them there and giving a good milkshake by the way these are big and milkshakes. there were reports that were brought in that were sent in during the protests of the portland p.d. that said that these little liberal protesters connected to anti 5 were handing out milkshakes laced with quick dry cement to throw it. so it turned out that's not true there was no quick dry cement they never found one and the problem with that as that these things were being handed out and people were drinking it was part of a shake back the streets people were drinking the milk shake so if you would put it
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. like. there were times that people films people had them thrown in their face with andy no here's the thing this is someone who in a sweater bio says and if i hate. he goes to these and he puts himself in situations where he's filming them and he's in the middle of these things and like i said there's many you get the same reactions whenever he goes there to do at his gig as he shows up they don't like he says he's allowed to be there the whole thing happened but when you look at this i mean i don't see the point of this what does this tell anyone does that suddenly make an. do andy know who suddenly everything he writes is pointless and oh my gosh who is ever going to follow him again it just it all of it feels so childish and when you watch the video of a bunch of these quote unquote to fall protesters which here's my thing about that i never trust a grassroots political organization or any kind of movement that comes out of
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nowhere and most everybody involved with that is wearing a mask because i've read and i've done my research on the cia doing that in the fifty's and sixty's and seventy's to everyone from you know black power movements to students organizations and the fact that you're out there doing that and purposely saying i am going to cause problems makes me believe more than nothing more than anything else that these people out there are there to cause a problem to make a political point. because they may be part of something else and i'm mad that's right c everyone the proud boy and whatever are meant to all of it there's something not right about any of these organizations extremism versus extremism isn't going to solve any problems at the end of the day i think you made a great point tablets like you know throwing milkshakes and throwing all this stuff on this on this writer and king about like you said that's not going to change his views that's not going to change the views really you know and then the one thing that gets me that sorry we talked about earlier you made
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a great point to me earlier that i have to commend you for is i don't see them out in soup lines given out soup to the homeless i don't see and making people's lives better there is dead black panthers at the only time i see and deposed when they're dressed in black causing a ruckus at a protest now they did do some good things they've done some good things like protecting people during a protest the got heated but i don't see them doing in the outside of that all i see is just extremism met with extreme is that people fighting each other in the streets one doesn't have to try to figure it out doesn't going to solve this world's problems i'm sorry all right as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics of government faced with you tube and twitter and be sure to check out watching the fox the podcast album spotify apple music and everywhere listen to your podcast and of course of course do not forget to see our poll shows about dot com coming up we delve into the world of the corporate with the hijacking of grass roots with author journalist jason states those who watch.
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hard money. and that halo effect that spilled over to gold if it weren't for fake white there would be no current reality in. the united states of america was built on a grassroots movement of watchers what started as a small grassroots set of demonstrations against over taxation grew into
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a boston tea party and then evolved into a full on revolution that eventually saw the birth of a brand new country but grassroots movements for change the united states didn't and in 776 from the fight for unions and women's rights in the 1800s to the civil rights movement in the ninety's fifty's and sixty's to the 21st century is occupy wall street in black lives matter grassroots movements are interwoven fabric of u.s. political history one could argue that they are one of the purest forms of political expression but what happens when a grassroots movement is co-opted by the very power it seeks to change or even worse started by those very powers in order to influence public opinion in favor of a corrupt government or corporation well that's called astroturfing and it is one of the many famous journalist photographer and author jason business explores and his new book fake politics how corporate government groups create and maintain a monopoly on truth and he joins us today now from new york city to take us down
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the rabbit hole a fake politics thank you for joining us jason. thanks for having me yes jason i think just so people get my view of what this is what what is astroturfing when you see it in politics and can you give our audience sort of a real world example of the scene used in our political system. will typically rather than simply throwing money at a campaign or doing a lot of the things that wealthy people do to influence politics that they would like to see come to fruition this really set up of a much deeper network of advocacy it could be think tanks that are often cited in studies that are conveniently towards one goal that's when the more common things. the examples range from a single issue big tobacco trying to delay the regulation too big or sustain campaigns like the koch brothers pretty much holding back climate legislation for going on 2 decades one thing you mentioned major corporations have also used this
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sort of astroturf and to push their agenda you brought up the idea of tobacco corporations but how does that work in a in a corporate world and and who are besides a big tobacco wortham of the biggest offenders. big tobacco definitely very good at what they do. gas companies wal-mart had instance in the book it's basically i mean you got to keep my never breaking the law but it's greatly dishonest it can be through p.r. companies it can be through blogs but it's easier now than ever because the internet has democratized information. and that's what's so interesting is that it's so simple i think i'm a people get is that they're their own ideas that you think kind of what grew up in your own head that largo are kind of support this right really like this it could be something that's completely influenced by these kind of behind the scenes operators and you're suddenly now joining like a like a sort of political movement or you know or getting information that is completely
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true that that is being used to influence your politics at the end of the day i don't i'm curious are these types of influencing operations exclusive to you know one i mean we have the 2 party tragically a 2 party system here in the united states. are these kind of things exclusive to one political party or the other or their offenders on the whole spectrum of politics here. i don't think it's a party specific thing in my book openly there are a couple examples that are right of center but that's because the koch brothers and . the mercers are particularly wealthy and had particular views they wanted to see and acted but they also typically you know wealthier people do tend to vote right of center as well so that it deb creates a connection but it really isn't one specific side and when you say how scary it is to not be to find it it took me months to research this book so in
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a day to day life trying to get work done trying to live your life these are the kind of things you're not going to realize are impacting decision making both for individuals and in washington. no we've seen that is that what's interesting is is that we've seen this in certain kinds of government situations. in which you know certain ideas get pushed forward certain things become a much more important thing in the in the process or in the media than they do they seem to be to the rest of us in real life is this one of those situations where you know you turn on the news and they're saying americans are so worried about x. y. and z. and yet you can't find any people who actually care about that is that kind of where this pulls in is making an issue seem like your neighbors are more upset about it than they really are. i don't know if i've done these to these examples of that actually know that that's incorrect i mean people talking about. different reasons for your neighbors aren't as concerned about x.
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they're concerned about gas prices so it usually is to a bigger thing there's a bigger. set of ideals at mind but the bigger thing is that there's an agenda to be had and often on the contrary they wanted to be as under the radar as possible they don't want the news talking about it because if you do the digging that i have the time to do you're going to find that all these organizations happened to have donations from one group and so in sort of writing and researching the book was there any instance you found of a specific kind of manipulation a specific instance of astroturfing that even you were surprised or or couldn't believe was actually a work you kind of a thing like we all assume what were some of the big ones that the price. yeah for me when you look at stuff like the koch brothers not keep mentioning them but everybody kind of knows at this point that they're very politically active their names are on lincoln center here in new york city but little things like wal-mart setting up
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a blog making it sound like all these wal-mart employees are so happy it was 2 people who went driving across the country in an r.v. and were parking in wal-mart parking lots kids free to park they just happened to be running into like the happiest walmart employees in the world every time they stopped so little stuff that's innocent it was surprising but it's also surprising when you really think about the influence that could have if enough people read it if it gets picked up in a local news broadcasts and undoes a lot of the preconceived notions we have about wal-mart not treating their workers the way they should. yeah and that that's kind of stuff is so insidious to me when i see you taking place because i think anyone would be offended by that it's one thing if a politician gets on t.v. and says i believe you know big oil or i believe i don't believe in climate change ok that's a politician saying that but when you're reading a blog or you're reading a paper or you're reading something that's supposed to be legit or someone's just personal feelings and suddenly you find the oh no they're getting paid oh no no this money is going in their. influencers yeah i mean and that's the and so we
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probably shouldn't be if the prize if that month as they like that probably question as we found out at them i've spent here you know i want to ask you is how how do you feel how can so this a. better spot these kind of these fake outs what can they do like you said you research a book and you know it's a lot of research and a lot of time but is there any advice that you can give the kind of help people better spot these moments where they might be being manipulated this could be a complete with. the problem is there there are some you can question the motives of something that happens to be way too convenient for big companies big entities big industries that usually don't have things happen that conveniently for them. but my bigger solution is to make this a political show you care about. citizens united being dissolved is something that is political has some political momentum. public more public financing of campaigns
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there's less money in politics is something that has political momentum really the solution to this is making politics less for sale. that there are really. i don't know i mean d.c. is so i'm like why it don't say that too loud you might scare people in this town about way because most i think what people maybe people don't realize or they assume is that you know most of our politics most of these parties most of these issues are bought and paid for and whether it's and we've seen it you know throughout this of corporations sort of getting their way into public issues in a way that whether it's a terrible perhaps the ad or you know some sort of sale of something there's definitely a difference in the way that things are perceived what do you know what we could do you know what are the things that people i guess what what can we do as the media to better report on certain things so that we were better informing the public so
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that they can make informed choices about. oh this is going to sound like a journalist being advocating for the industry i'm in but investments in journalism are important local journalism is important if you look at a lot of the people i cite in the story they didn't work that i didn't have the resources to do jane mayer of the new yorker did work over the years because someone paid her to research the same thing for years which made my book even possible. so if se and journalism is important but more than anything i bring it back to the 1st bill that came to the house when the house was flipped was to was h.r. one which does a lot to further democratize this country that's the actual substantial change that's actually has a chance of fighting you know the koch bros of the 4th and 6 the richest people in america it's quite and opposition. it is you've got a lot of people i think a lot of people are waking up to the wealth gap you know that that's in this country a lot of you know from people at the senator's campaign and now it's become a major issue on the on the 2020 ticket the wealth gap is one thing but i think
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people still have yet to really comprehend the influence the wealth gap has wrong. all over our politics and all over our what we buy in this country and why we buy it or what we think is even cool we are marketed to constantly things like that and i think people like yourself putting out this book is a good way to help combat that i want to thank you so much for coming on today and telling us about your new book i definitely hope people have the time to go pick it up jason business the new book fake politics how corporate and government groups create and maintain a monopoly on truth which helped break that monopoly thank you so much for coming on today. thanks says. the mexican weather service warned of strong rain however i don't think they expected anything quite like that in fact this natural phenomenon has never really were courted in the area in which it occurred a powerful hail storm hit one of mexico's most populous cities. leaving behind night and nearly a meter and a half a pack tail behind that freak storm as you can see left cars in the streets buried
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though no fatalities or major injuries were reported of course children also took the chance to do the time to have to have snowball fights and make snow angels as the summer heat makes the cleanup a little easier as long as they get to it before it can cause flooding in the area meteorologist believe that the hail storm was in part due to increasing and record breaking temperatures in places like wada lara it's almost as if the climate was trying to tell us something about. what would be. a fun we'll find out tomorrow that is our show for today remember what in this world are about to hold the world loves up so i tell you all i love you i am tired robot and on top of watching all those hawks out there the great pyramid.
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the world we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy on sunday shouldn't let it be an arms race is on all sides very dramatic development only. z. . i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. as we speak large organized. are on the march to the united states.
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in a player coming out for a caring. no swarms remain slaughtering dad. this is a virtual invasion of our country but so far it's. safe . you know it's going to stuff it in. a knife our food. is you know do is you know we're going to see a more little girls who noticed. that. the . just manufactured some sentenced to the public will. when the ruling
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closest to protect themselves. with the crime and larry go around to be the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. go to the real news room. dream agreed to pressure almost remember there was and most of the family were unemployed. no there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation of the things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo down to engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles
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according to no i'm trumps just one set of rules for the rich office a set of rules for poor. that's what happens when you put her into the hands of the narrow sector of will switch rule is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. yet.
11:00 am
14 russian navy servicemen are confirmed dead after their submersible caught fire and the country's waters. also this hour social media giants are getting ready for the 2020 u.s. elections let's face the craving special groups to monitor hate speech and vowing to ban content that tries. to put people off voting. britain's home office pledges to rewrite advice on traffic nigerian women suggesting they would lead wealthy lives back in africa after working as prostitutes in the u.k. . and it's a no to the old to joy and the e.u.
11:01 am
as a party snubbed the blocks at the opening of the new european.


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