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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  July 3, 2019 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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wing conspiracy fever dreams the one and only george soros is now teaming up with fellow billionaire and central pillar and many a left wing conspiracy fever dreams charles koch of the tory as koch brothers and just what super villain scheme are these 2 titans of left and right puppet tearing teaming up to unleash on the world. and being the united states penchant for starting endless wars now that you've picked up up off the floor after hearing that one yes the boston globe has is reporting that soros and koch are joining forces to finance a new foreign policy think tank in washington it will promote an approach to the world based on diplomacy and restraint rather than threats sanctions and bombing called the quincy institute for responsible state craft the billionaires hope to open their doors this september right in time for the 2020 presidential campaign season news of this bizarre tag team comes hot on the heels of a recent open letter signed by 19 of the richest people in the united states
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including abigail disney entrepreneur nick hanauer and soros himself asking for a bed rule wealth tax on the richest 110th of the richest one percent of all americans. what in the hell is happening to our billionaires asking to be taxed heavily and calling for an end to the u.s. military adventures in interventionism. let's find out just what parallel universe we've now entered as we start watching the hawks. treat this. as part of. what they like that i got.
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well the watching the hawks are very real and time to have a lot of. whoa whoa are you real now is the word i am clearly not it's a figment of government action so george soros and charles koch are teaming the hope to get the us out of war because this is. just juicy that will have exploded at this point we can all see your head explode. oh well it was interesting as this idea of a think tank with which i think has not i think has not brought great thoughts because it's think tanks that have been behind so many of these these interventionist wars they are backed up by well this institute says those well this institute says that except. for one of the interesting things was a treat of course he was one of the co-founders of the new institute and former president the national review and american council told the media this is big it
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shows how important and less ending endless war is if they're willing to put aside their differences and get together on this project we're going to be a chat with going to challenge the basis of american foreign policy in a way that has not been done and the last quarter centuries so she will also be joined by suzanne de maggio was a historian and ask stephen or time the anti-militarist author and then retired army colonel andrew bach which in the coup founders circle and i think so what they're trying to do is have a $3500000.00 budget and a staff of policy experts 2 will put out material for use in congress and public debate so it's an it's a pretty pretty typical thing. except they're thinking about not about. how to perpetuate it but which is a new i think a new one for us it's a new it's a new area i guess the thing with the this is do we trust i mean you know because it's like soros and the co. brothers you know as i've said earlier of they're all
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they're kind of what a lot of the other central hubs to a lot of legitimate you know conspiracy thinking of what why things happened and why you know we talked about astroturfing the other day on the show those 2 a bit mind a lot of that you know but at the same time it's like are they having the change of heart or they're suddenly saying well maybe wars maybe this you know old military industrial complex things we stop we're going to put our money into it. it's incredibly interesting right and it's something i always say there's always this why would they do it why would they do it when you get to be a certain age and legacy is really important and this is where you know people like carnegie realized they'd rather leave their name to mean something and instead of being this thing that was against something oh i don't want to be the guy who brought monopoly as i don't want to be the guy who sold out most midwestern states for half a buck to terrible politicians and found out there. if you take it in another
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angle and you start to look at it that way it definitely becomes like well you know we can trust no one but i mean it can't hurt if they've supposedly had this much power to do all these things and. say ok we're going to use it for what we will definitely be watching yeah i don't know obviously you know i'm. going to see if i was responding to because the instant they're saying that the institute was named after the former president john quincy adams won independence they made to 21 declared that the united states goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy she is the well wisher to the freedom and independence of all she is the champion and vindicator only of her own so clearly john griggs the adams would not be a fan of the intervention or style foreign policy we have these terrorists i think most of the writers of the constitution the bill of rights most of our founding fathers would you know they wouldn't like what's going on now i wrote my own a number. of levels but i think part of it is. you know we we rely on
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a billionaire to pay student loans or apply in a billionaire to do this we were we were requiring them to say it's ok to make us fake pay or a fair share it's ok and you know as we say as we celebrate our independence here in the united states i think about friends independence and what was around that in that. you can't keep telling people to eat cake your choice of actually going to blow your brains. this week athletes are back in the spotlight not because of the point spread but because of the effect their words have on others calling catherine it is allegedly behind the moon nike's move to pull an independence day themed shoe from sale over the nazi groups use of the flag and of the 13 colonies featured on the show in its connection to slavery arrow united states and the u.s. women's soccer team captain meg and rapinoe who was asked by a reporter are you excited to go to the white house answered i'm not going to the
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way there is another word in there so our app is becoming too powerful of a voice and public debate or is it even more important than ever that those with a platform and the platform resist the urge to censor themselves and while it may take the mainstream media at least 8 hours in a dozen boxes to have this debate we hear on watching the house to do it in under 5 minutes joining us now from new york city with a view from the right is conservative commentator steve malzberg. all right well look politics and sports have been coming together for better or for worse for lots and lots and lots of decades berlin hitler the olympics muhammad ali the mexico city games our boycott of the 1980 olympics in moscow 2012 hoodies for trayvon in the n.b.a. and so on so let's get to today as for megan rypien oh she's doing nothing but playing politics she has no cause she doesn't stand for the national anthem she said she won't go to the effing white house and she used the name trashing the administration for everything then she accepts invites to visit the house in the
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senate from a.o. c. and camilla harris this woman is the captain of the u.s. national women's soccer team that she chooses to use an expletive to describe the white house and let's face it the president while representing the u.s. overseas speaks volumes for who and what she is capper nick convinced nike to stop distribution of sneakers bearing the betsy ross american flag as you said because it's offensive who is he kidding he also found the national anthem offensive and i bet he has no use for any american flag but i don't blame this pair for showing us who they are i believe nike in the case of cap or not for ballin to his pressure if the reporting is correct why does he get to decide what's offensive and what's not and as for a piano she did start today semifinal game for a single in which the u.s. won i'd like to believe it was punishment for the way she's handled herself as captain but that would be expecting too much from feckless administrators and coaches who probably agree with her and by the way president trump gave her some good advice after she mouthed off when 1st before talking and so far they haven't
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won. well i want him out off a little bit now because. she was asked by a reporter if she was going and she answered she didn't put herself end of a situation but i wonder why we act as if athletes are supposed to be neutral on political or social issues while also using them and their talents to promote whatever political ad agenda or is whether it's ginning up support for war with taxpayer funded salutes to veterans at football games or complaining that anyone who makes millions bouncing a ball shouldn't have the right to an opinion if they're an actor they should not in a right to be opinion insert here let's be honest the same people decrying rap and tabloid are the same people who think a corporation has more of a right to free speech than human beings yet you wonder why facebook has taken hold of our entire political rhetoric and quite frankly it is the sign of the painfully delicate thin skin of politicians and pundits that they have these days that an
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athlete like u.s. women's soccer team cowed captain can answer a reporter's question about whether she wants to go to the white house and be attacked because the answer is politically incorrect. the snowflakes crying in their whole milk over a mega-corporations overpraise shoe and a soccer player is opinion should ask themselves why they think a baker shouldn't have to make a gay wedding cake but athletes should be stripped of their right to free speech because they say something that offends you i'm just i'm confused about who the snowflakes are these days. pro sports and believe my friends are pro sports athletes they are human beings last i checked and last i checked the constitution of the united states gave these human beings living here the right to what's called free speech but i guess somewhere along the way we forgot that basic fact that all the bright lights ticket sales and big contracts and professional athletes just like all of us have every right to their opinions even when one political side of
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the spectrum or the other deems them controversial and just like the rest of us athletes will also have to face the cause. sequences of their free speech look like you decide the polish jew because they're brown spokesman so that's offensive that's their right if indeed that's what really happened here they are a business and they want to make money and you don't make money by appending half of your customers if megan rapinoe wants to declare she wins the title she doesn't want to go to the white house so be it who cares if nike is wrapping up a backlash over this i'm pretty sure they're all adults and can handle it bottom line for me is that i am glad athletes have the ability to speak out because whether i love them or hate them or whether they win the big game or fail whether they're a starter or on the bench it's free speech at its finest and that my friends is worth more than any trophy shoe sales or white house visit. all right thank you so much for coming on today steve always a pleasure to have the back pleasure guys thank you thank you. as we go to break
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lock watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of a concert for coverage of facebook you tube and twitter and be sure to check out watching fox news podcast all billboard's by apple music and everywhere listen to podcasts and don't forget to see our show at our t.v. dot com coming up we delve into a dynamic new global gun debate coming not from the right side of the political spectrum but from the left side investigative journalist ben swan joins us to discuss they took. my son doing drugs my nephews was still in drugs my sister just with doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united
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states is drug abuse he started going after the users in the prison population sewer we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals while i was on the hill i increasingly became convinced that the war on drugs was a mistake there are countless numbers of people who are in prison for. a long sentence in this for minor minor offenders in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow up and miss you in waves and say by daddy as you're walking out of a business it's just it doesn't get easier. seemed wrong. wrong just don't call. me. yet to shape out these days because that's ok and engagement equals betrayal.
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when something find themselves worlds apart when she's to look for common ground. during the great depression which must remember there was most labor people and it wasn't it was bad you know much worse objectively today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hope. there isn't today 2 days america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo duality engineer election manufacture consent and other prince holds according to. one set of rules for the rich.
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that's what when you put her into the. sector will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. when it comes to guns history has a way of being rewritten by those looking for a reason to get guns out of the hands of certain people when those people are domestic abusers keeping them away from guns is a safety issue but when the people being locked out of the 2nd amendment continue to be those in marginalized communities there's more to look at in a recent piece labor writer kim kelly points out that guns have not always been a political tool of the right but a necessary defensive weapon of the left she describes feeling safer
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a protest attended by redneck revolt an anti-fascist anti-racist militia it seems as kelly puts it when cops and other fascists see that they're not the only ones packing the balance of power shifts and they tend to reconsider their tactics because at the end of the day we can't depend any of us to be protected by our governments at all times joining us now to discuss this is r t america contributor thanks for joining us. now thanks for having me on ben it's interesting because kim kelly also went on to state that until we live in a world with no police no military and no state we're at the mercy of all 3 and and i at least don't think it's fair to expect us to confront them empty handed i am interested that is ms kelly's point of view common amongst you know gun gun rights supporters and if so why is it so hard for the left and right to come together on this because it seems like you'd be a unifying belief. yes so it's actually
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a really interesting and very smart debate by the way guys so i appreciate you raising this issue because a lot of people won't talk about it right but in our political system right now we basically see gun rights as being only to the right and then everyone who's against guns on the left that's and that's not accurate i've been saying for many years now if you go back to the us constitution in the 2nd amendment itself to understand what the founders and framers were talking about they were not talking about hunting they were not talking about having weapons for the purpose of recreation the 2nd amendment is there to provide protection against the government now you may like that you may not like that doesn't matter that's what the founders of framers meant when they were creating this document you have to read a whole lot about what kind of the the back story behind the federalist antifederalists to understand why they came up with this compromise but essentially that's what it's there for so the problem is is that when you say to a lot of people on the right hey we've got to protect ourselves against the government there with you on that but if you say to those same people and police
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now they're not with you anymore because there is such a strange. dynamic between government power and local police power where you know that whole blue lives matter movement is really on the local level so a lot of people who would be considered classic conservatives are very uncomfortable when you talk about protecting yourself from police but they're very comfortable with the idea of protecting yourself from the government. which is always very confusing from the right left paradigm because we're supposed to respect soldiers but the idea of the government and soldiers and to take our rights then we can fanned up and there's this very haria strange place in the middle and i think part of that is because gun laws tend to disproportionately affect communities of color whether it's how they're enacted or how they're in for so you know you might be in a white community like the one i grew up in where like every other pickup truck has a gun rack and no. we've got
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a knock down and that's everyone phil saves or you could be in east baltimore and even if something looks like a gun you could get shot by police but you're also at risk of getting shot walking down the street so you know one of the things we noticed when we went to australia is that they have more gun clubs it's more there's more of a community aspect around it which i think is where you know militias do you think maybe these local gun clubs or militias can be a path to understanding that a little more or having such a sense of community about it. well i think i think they could be keep in mind that the very 1st gun licensing. laws in this country were in acted in order to prevent blacks freed slaves african-americans in this country from having guns that's where they came from the very 1st laws about who can have a gun and who has a license to carry a gun came about to which to disenfranchise and prevent newly freed slaves from owning guns so that is where
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a lot of that history goes back to and i think you're absolutely right when you look at these communities look let's let's not kid ourselves there is a lot of inner city violence that is black on black crime lot of drug violence and gang violence that takes place in inner cities but there are a lot of people in inner cities who are simply looking to protect themselves and police are not quick to distinguish between one and the other at the same time you're absolutely right that with that you can go into a lot of a rural areas in this country and someone carries a gun and that's no problem at all so there's definitely a us against them mentality when it comes to guns and that includes the right to carry a gun a great example of that is the old a few years ago that the man in minnesota who was shot he had a license for a. concealed carry handgun and he had that gun on him when a police officer stopped him he told the police officer that he had the gun with him and the police officer shot him to death the the what's really shocking about
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that case though is that beyond just the fact that he was killed for having a license to carry a gun but because he was a black man in a car the police officer felt threatened by it and killed him is the fact that you had in cities like the n.r.a. which would not take a stand to defend him and say hey here's a concealed carry owner who had his license he had the weapon he told the officer what was going on and he was killed anyways and so even to talk about the education part of that what. do you do in that situation how do officers need to be trained to deal with that situation they were not a part of that conversation and i think that's part of part of the example of how this all becomes so twisted in as you said this left right paradigm you know it's interesting too because i think when people hear about you know someone protecting themselves from the government or from the police there are media they media we go to you know revolution and people storming the capitol with firearms and that kind of thing really it's more the perception it's more that if the government knows
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that there was an armed populace of the citizenry is armed then the government knows that ok we can you know there's a certain line it knows it can't cross for fear of revolt but you know i think we kind of everything gets romanticized into this like you know fear tactics and all that kind of thing it's really just the idea that the populace is armed that keeps governments in check but one of the yeah and she says in the article it's even in this in this very dangerous situation where you have a right wing and left wing activists and people when they see that you are just as capable of taking care of yourself and you're just as capable of holding onto a weapon or whatever it might be there's a different tactic people will talk once they realize they can't just push people around with a gun that's a great point you know speaking of pushing people around their guns. i want to ask how much has the change in the n.r.a. from from a safety measure occasional organization into this kind of lobbying giant lobbying firm on capitol hill how is that changed the gun rights debate especially given the recent problems as you pointed out with the plan to steal case with the n.r.a.
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and their actions yeah i think it has a huge effect on it because that's again you know again this example i brought up a great example of how the n.r.a. completely has failed in its mission to educate because there's no education as a part of that to help people to understand their role in society with those guns and to help police officers understand here's someone who legally had that right so what is your police force doing to make sure this never happens again they didn't do that in fact the n.r.a. was silent on the phalange. case and a year later dana loesch user spokeswoman came out and made a statement about it and her statement was don't kid yourself because steele was committing a crime because he had marijuana in the car along with a gun like that has anything to do with being shot to death by a police officer when you've notified them you have a gun so so it goes back to this idea that the n.r.a. has become so politicized and you know only favors republican candidates now part of that's because democrats have taken such a strong hard line against guns as part of their national platform but they've
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really just become an a platform for electing republicans into office and they're not about education and they're not working with these different communities in various ways and lastly i just think is that as we look at the situation nationally more needs to be done to educate people and get people to come together to understand that this right is about making people safer not putting people against playing a bigger they're more thank you so much for coming out of there and given this fascinating conversation with us bums one thank you thanks guys. robotics and artificial intelligence are hit hard here are quaters and while we are at the level of say terminator robo cop that isn't stopping the los angeles police department from deploying their very own version of robo cop surveillance technology on the streets of l.a. check this out r t america's the toughest we have more. this summer but here in huntington park is utilizing a 360 degree video cameras and other technology to help keep an eye on the
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neighborhood have a nice day h.p. robo cop is an autonomy's data machine surveiling 22 parks largest recreation area 24 hours a day 7 days a week and we definitely want to make sure that people feel safe mayor kareen i'm a c. s. and her city council colleagues saw the robot at a technology summit and thought it would be a great asset to the city 31 year old missy is the city's youngest mayor in history she 1st came into the role at age 27 for me technology is something that you know not to run away from but that's been incorporated. the city and see how we can benefit the community through it after funding for the robo cop was approved its mission became a collaborative effort between the city and the police departments the community as you will know what is very receptive to the to the role they like to approach it got a look at it talk to it so it's been very well received and we've already recognized that it's elevated the sense of security and safety and comfort you know here in the park h.p. robocop records 360 degree video with high definition cameras and has night vision
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you can read license plates and alert officers if a particular vehicle is nearby that also has the ability to capture cell phone. or says so it can also tell us what cell phones were in the area while it doesn't reveal the phone's owner or carrier the robo cops innovative technology does serve as a helpful investigative tool officers can also live monitor the robot cops video cameras here's how. the city and police can also program the robot to recite specific messages including information about an amber alert in case of an emergency the robocop has a panic button that directly connects to the police department's chief lasagnas says it's possible the city will adopt another robo cop in the future now huntington park is the 1st police force to actually utilize this advanced technology no word yet if other cities will have their own a walking talking crime fighters and having him park natasha suites r.t.
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. experts are predicting predicted that after the apocalypse the 2 animals left standing will be rolling stones kate richards and cockroaches well according to a study the cockroaches may have just game the upper hand of the legendary guitarist researchers a pretty university of discovery about in a very common species of german cockroach new offspring are now being born with an immunity to toxins that they haven't even been exposed to yet and that these cockroaches were able to develop an immunity in a new poisons as quickly as was one generation extraordinary adaptability could essentially render bug sprays and insect. forcing mr mayor straps back in the girl fashion. thankfully the roaches haven't been able to adapt to the crushing power of one but yet creepy. creepy robots are. remember everyone in this world. so i tell you all i love you i am. people watching.
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for years now the press is battles markets is undeniably manipulated by the same people who are printing all the money because they don't want gold to rise up and attract to cap it all while they're trying to pump the big money all the u.s. dollar now why big point is important is unlike gold. they can call their base layer of collateral during what trace mayor would call. this is a stick. found in the stomach of the fish the brand is sponsor of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're the bad ones they're the litterbugs for throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste become but he has promised to reuse
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the plastic. especially. on. the mountains of waste only grow heigho. i think. that. it was. very obvious. that.
1:00 pm
the. u.s. navy seal accused of multiple war crimes including a brutal murder in a combat zone is acquitted by a military court as a key witness claims responsibility for the can. protest in tel aviv burn cars and throw petrol bombs often israeli ethiopian teenager is shot dead by an off duty police officer. at tel of true sun precise to reveal the 14 sailors who died in a deep sea vessel fire and northwest gave up their lives to save money. and support the julia songs react without.


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