tv News RT July 4, 2019 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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dizzy and thankfully. the mountains of least only grow where. there. was. not any putin has met with pope francis in the vatican the russian president has also set to meet battalion counterparts say geometry reading. mass public backlash reps against one of the 2 men gunning to become british prime minister for foreign secretary jeremy hunt ties opposition labor party leader jeremy corbyn to anti semitism and even auschwitz atrocities. germany is in the grip of a heat wave which is also triggered a crime wave including a large punch up at a swimming pool. following
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welcome this is r.t. international broadcasting to you live from moscow and the caring top story this hour of law to me a person has met with the pope in the vatican is the 3rd time russia's president has met pope francis with the previous meetings in 20132015 years as they moved through the papal palace for talks the pair both displayed their politeness as they approached the door the pope invited putin to enter the room 1st the russian president in turn offered to let pope francis through 1st before accepting. is in rome for as with the latest. a great display of warmth and respect and that scene at the door explains it all it's definitely not an awkward moments but obviously just a great display of friendship a lot of our food and the head of the roman catholic church spend quite
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a while together they were seeing the walk in through the ancient waters of the vatican and looking at all these precious exhibits paintings books the talks themselves lasted for an hour and we were expecting an exchange of gifts and and deeds it happened pope francis got. old russian orthodox which is also a very precious item and also a movie now what the russian president got from the cold was an 18th century drawing and also a message to the young people in russia when it comes to political intrigue something that's more important in that sense is perhaps a lot of our bruton's talks with the italian prime minister it's the 1st such visit in more than 3 years last time
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a lot of our group was here was in 2015 and ever since then as the so-called euro skeptics to go over the government in rome we know that they are critical of the economic policies including the sanctions against russia we also have to remember that trade between italy and russia was booming before 2014 when the ukraine crisis happened and when the italian journalists were interviewing lattimer in the head of this this is they brought the sanction stalemate and this is what the russian president told them as for the removal of sanctions i have spoken on the sub. time and time again the one behind the sanctions is the one to take the 1st step i am talking about the european union after that russia will be able to repeal its countermeasures it is our hope that common sense will eventually prevail and europe will prioritize its own interests rather than follow
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instructions given by somebody else so here is an important message that came from the italian prime minister mr conte before that italy is willing to make that 1st step but the taliban leader for now is confident that the lifting of sanctions is very unlikely because the general vision of the european union remains the same unilateral actions within the framework of the current european mechanism would not produce any result even for russia that is why we are working to involve all parties in a constructive dialogue however mr putin in that interview that i mentioned reminded that still economic ties between russia and italy are on the rise it's only remains russia's the biggest trading partner and when it comes to investments both ways and the previous year they were worth several 1000000000 u.s.
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dollars now the journalist also keep bringing up the allegation that russian meddling and the potential threat as they put it that's still something that worries all the media around the world including here in europe and this is how mr putin elaborated on that issue in that interview let me emphasize we have never interfered in the internal affairs of the european union member states or any other states and we are not going to this is what makes us markedly different from the u.s. and some of its allies which for instance supported the coup d'etat in ukraine in february 2014. the meeting between between president putin and italian prime minister just their picante that are mentioned in his report has concluded the 2 leaders are now expected to address the media the news conference is due to begin shortly and we'll go live to live coverage from rome so do stay tuned for that.
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germany is in the grip of a heat wave at the moment and it seems to be driving people a bit crazy leading to everything from public nudity to mass violence and swimming pools peace all of the reports. the heat wave that's been roasting parts of europe has seen some here in germany fall foul of the law take the smoke paid rider brandenburg for example he receives a caution from the police after his attempts to feel the breeze so him decide to write his security with no clothes on but the behavior of some in germany's public swimming pools has been far more concerning and outdoor pool in distilled or so hundreds involved in a must brawl last weekend it started when a group of young men became embroiled in an argument with a family police to be cold and deployed pet this spring a witness described the scene there was a huge crowd of teenagers who were causing trouble around here they made man with
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children cry police to escort the family away from the scene and authorities ordered that the pool be closed and said they didn't know too much about the identities of those behind the violence. colleagues described the group as african looking at the incident and dissolute off his fall from the only one to have taken place in germany in the last month hear him for help work out at the entry to a public swimming pool the place to be called there over in munich $150.00 teenage is rioted in the bavarian capital in western germany from a french fry stand so around 20 people involved in a brawl in which chairs and trust accounts were used as weapons gassing cack in a 23 year old man he required emergency said you have to being stopped following a dispute that began in
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a swimming pool. pepper spray was again deployed after another bus brawl in many of the incidents police found witnesses reported that those involved were from a migrant background leading to quit. students about integration that's nothing to do with us says the federal office for migration of refugees we have the wrong contact in relation to the facts below it is not the task of the federal office to comment on the situation in german outdoor swimming pools with the warm weather set to continue for a little while yet police pool security will be hoping that while the mercury rises tempers stay cool these are all over. iran how some in britain found baster ever want to run mediators described as the illegal seizure of an iranian oil tanker injured bolter british marine cease to be super tanker claiming it may be carrying oil to syria london insists that it would violate e.u.
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sanctions on syrian president bashar al assad spain states that the vessel was detained off the if you west request which would escalate already tense relations between washington and tehran well india says it has no plans to hold trade with iran despite u.s. sanctions on tehran and washington is pledged to ensure alternative supply is it comes just days after u.s. secretary of state might pump aoa short new delhi adequate supplies even if it stopped buying from to run india howsoever made concessions with prime minister narendra modi cutting imports of crude from the islamic republic let's go live to our guests now in lake and keith political commentator and executive editor of open markets in a current affairs weekly welcome to the program great to have you with us and what do you make of india saying it will keep trading with iran. i think they're going to take attention that this radiance. that turkey just
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agreed to call. us pressure also completely different from the start but right now we'll stay with this you know it is going with benefits to india is going to take its traditional middle bob but in fact i was surprised to hear the junior minister affect certain left hand straight in parliament yesterday that it would continue to vote. continue to have organ boards from iraq because all that was completely a really interact. understanding that we had a week ago with the prime minister but. a u.s. official said g 20 and after that time it was expected that didn't they would completely stop any kind of. oil. or any codes for a run you know as of now you know around the 3rd largest supplier of.
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oil. and what steps are broken trees apart from the. grand national guards in the area the fact that. you know all fords affordable. and a lot of their probability asking god so i see that also actual stability i think it is if it's important to understand india's processes and because. it's important for any country if the country was standing that. democracy like india to respect. its own triesman. national security tries is that not to get carried away by unilaterally decisions from companies like that having said that how do you think the u.s. will respond to india's decision. i think you would small go for
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a knee jerk reaction i don't think they're going to be trigger happy as we got so. tied with india i think you know one has to understand i don't know clearly what the ground behind the scenes was restarted it means you're asserting it and stating that it will cause you. trade ties with iran but i hope. i played songs that you had rather secretary of state mike fabio was here in here accurate or rough draft which is why. india has to look for other option as we speak is there good for you too has oil trade ties with iran that this would have been russia you've written a while minister or lose the beast out but what should some foreign yesterday. strengthen or is relations on trade relations with between the 2 countries what do
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i think what it had in the air particularly hard if it if it operated without iranian oil. fs said there are no actions ability. media and. iran at one point of time before india was spotty should run 9 balls you know that experience approximate so also they're probably. a good big wind and what long in the. world depended on the ground while supplies so i think if. if any kind of structure no. longer you know age old sort of supplies are not naturally to her been here and the u.s. knows it really well which is why god made a concerted need to arrange it. to. us was the public pressure on him to buy from saudi arabia and also from the american troops are now what do you have
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to understand is that via us she'd sprint like chowdhury richards. freddy here dubious track record as regards. from both big brother across the world and the faith that we'll be sure to run for the year on the. serves a lot of you know i don't want to go into what about how but what about for often there's a solution but i think there's a lot of double standards yeah a player america has a strong. heritage great society with all due to the act at the same it's a feel like insisting that the district distance itself from iraq. you're like n.p.r. open magazine executive editor thank you for sharing your thoughts with us on this topic we appreciate it your. now
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a mass public backlash of sparks against one of the 2 people in line to become britain's prime minister current foreign secretary jeremy hunt i thought that he tied opposition labor party to jeremy corbyn to atrocities in nazi concentration camp auschwitz thousands have already signed a petition demanding that hunt apologize artie's polly boyko explains the anger. a petition calling on the foreign secretary to apologize to the leader of the opposition jeremy corbyn has amassed over 16000 signatures because a lot of people are angry over these comments that really boil down to jeremy hunt making a link between the leader of the labor party and the atrocities perpetrated by hitler and the nazis take a listen to what the foreign secretary had to say about the leader of the opposition jeremy corbyn in an interview with the jewish newspaper a little bit earlier on this week. rather complacently said to myself thank
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goodness we don't have to worry about that kind of thing happening in the u.k. and no if i myself with the leader of the labor party who has opened the door to anti semitism in a way that is truly frightening to me corbin has been a lifelong campaigner for the rights of palestinians but he's also been accused of failing to root out anti semitism from within the labor party but these comments by jeremy hunt have managed to offend even those people that are natural corbin supporters take a listen to just some of the reaction on twitter. that someone would visit auschwitz and use it as a means to attack the mainstream political party in the. german home 20 auschwitz when he came back he was so humbled by the experience he needed he used it as complaining material to insult his political opponents because that's the
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truth isn't it jeremy the whole course dead might win here a few votes using school cheap political points just to be one of the most despicable things i've ever seen even from a turi jeremy haun is the 2nd favorite after boris johnson to be the next prime minister here there's a conservative leadership race on at the moment. but some say that his desire to reference you know the problem of anti semitism in the labor party as a way of deflecting from the over alleged islam a phobia within jeremy hunt own conservative party and also the chances of a general election here in the u.k. before the year is out is really creeping up for strikes and jeremy hunt have been doing the campaign trails and apparently trying to out brags that each other by pledging to both leave. by the end of that deadline even if there is no deal in place and that we can win the election where do we vote is we look to
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labor as some sort of alternative to all of this and so there is a genuine fear right now i think in conservative circles of the prospect of all been government and we've even seen stories leaks from the civil service which is supposed to be the power again of impartiality here in the u.k. suggesting that jeremy corbyn isn't fit to be prime minister and so to. jeremy corbyn they will see these latest comments by jeremy hunt as sort of just another installment of this plot to discredit the labor leader. discuss this further shall we and go live to i guess more to cheika dar senior research associate at think tank the begin side out front or for strategic studies welcome to the program great to have you with us now do you think britain's opposition leader really can be compared with hitler's mass murder.
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well i think that nothing can be compared to the holocaust and the magnitude of the death factories which were auschwitz and many others in poland and the other problem parts of europe which is the new york which the germans did however having said that we should not forget the british part in the holocaust yes this what they mean because britain put a blockade on the bone and the shores of the land of is a policy in those days so jews could not run away form the death camps and to the home from europe to to the land of israel is the was as they were the british were obliged by the mandate in this way this is what pushed. exterminate the jews because he saw that the british are not letting them to go to the land of
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israel if the british empire allowed those millions of jews to come to the land of israel their wooden boat there would not be a holocaust in such a magnitude and this is what people do not understand because of the blocking. britain put on the jewish ships who are supposed to bring the jews from your from poland for more mania from when you're from all these countries which jews wanted to run away from the nazis if britain allowed them to come to edit israel to the land of israel which later became the state of israel there will not be such a big holocaust as we saw war and this is why today i think britain owes all of the jews an apology for what britain didn't do is the that let's thank you sir i don't want to get dot com therion with oracle say anything not to make it in fact that santa sorry sorry to interrupt you but we need to bring some breaking news that
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viewers. now thank you for your time that's what attracted our senior research associate at things like that begins at a center for strategic studies now president vladimir putin on the tally of i mean after just that we can't get that talks that will now be addressing the media. the civil society forum concluded and part of the. reaffirmed connections and ties between our 2 countries all levels. president putin and i have reaffirmed good relations between russia and italy. there are still. roadblocks. connected to sanctions but this is a very important global moment our relations relations between russia and italy are mutually beneficial to us italy. producer it shouldn't be afraid of
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globalization and should make use of all opportunities provided to it and of course russia provides many of those which unities to our industries and companies russia is the 5th european market for. over 500 italian company workers in russia in 2017. short of us trade turnover of the export turnover started increasing. and we are continuing to work. even further we are working on the establishment on and off an investment platform. all of this is. given new impetus for italian companies to come to russia and work various areas and industries especially with. the start up industries and it's. no in
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medium size businesses we have cooperation in culture science. education. and a day i reminded mr burton that i value the fact that more and more russian people would like to learn italian. there are. over 50 schools that. teach italian in russia on the highest level. of course we also cooperate with lots of russian universities. today we also discussed a number of international issues of mutual issues of mutual interest. russia plays an important role in responding to the global challenges that europe and russia and the whole world face. as part of our meeting more during the g
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20 summit in also we discussed many issues and we believe that moscow is an important a crucial actor in finding ways out of many global crisis and many global issues. only this way we can provide long standing sustainable. ways of issues. and this is why we believe it is important to have a corporation with russia. today we've discussed for example the issue of libya. and fact that the balanced situation. faces this country could lead to further escalation and a humanitarian crisis. this could pose a terrorist threat to the energy and other infrastructures of that. countrymen also
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talked about the need to maintain the role of the un. and agreed to work together in order to find a way. a way. to a negotiation process. and that the whole of international community needs to be united. in its efforts to attain a cease fire and peaceful. resolution for syria and for libya. and of course this issue of libya is very important too easily because of our geographical situation. and we need to look for a pragmatic and reasonable solution. in accordance with the u.n.
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security council resolution 22354 and we hope that mr pattinson and of all the us. will help us. more and more actors into this process. in the same spirit many positions on the ukrainian crisis we believe it needs to be resolved as soon as possible and we are currently discussing the summit fundamentals and with russia in the e.u. . and. we all agree that. that if this crisis continues many of the rules that have been established all over the years of dialogue could be threatened there is no alternative right now to fool implementation of the minsk agreement and i would like to reaffirm that the
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normandy group is an important institution and did too to achieve this goal according and also our work within the o.e.c.d. . and we believe that mr selenski new president of ukraine needs to. make use of this support unit is. that. we. also discussed the i and i have treaty we believe it is busy necessary to do everything for. everyone needs to contribute. to the efforts of maintaining this agreement this treaty and russia is an important element of the process of course. mr prime minister ladies and gentlemen. i completely agree with my. colleague was that the call
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to women. is to mation what we. do in the talks we've had constructive and it is productive. and i hope you had a very productive talk to. the president. is your in my visit also was discussed at the entire range of the bilateral. and a number of regional and global yoshi as well but it's russian intel in time as they move between a traditionally but usually mutual mutually beneficial for both countries as. we receive. 28. and we also met and be geno this year and just recently. when you know you know how great conversation in japan but to limit our global parliament our governments our business circles. but you know
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every stable only during our talks we emphasized where our economic cooperation ital italy it is a very important economic partner to live in 2018 hour trade turnover increased by 13 percent reaching 20 just 7 $1000000000.00 and i'd like to remind. that in 2013 1000000000 trade turnover and was $54000000000.00 so i guess when we have something to strive for. mutual investment has reached into into $70000000000.00. it's that. in the russian market there are over $500.00 italian companies in the bank. in the russian italian where you just rail and economic cooperation council it. is you don't has been very active and very telling participation at the st petersburg internationally has also been very
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welcome when we were in the room and while you act and we hope that you will get dissipate in the proem 2020 exhibition that will take place in russia but got the what the why didn't we have a long experience in a quarter of corporation in your energy. teen years ago and the 1st contract for export teen explain your actual gas to italy has been signed but what i will put it to them is that they are but last year. it tally. consumers have received over 3823000000000 in the cubic meters of natural gas the italian in. tallinn industries and the talented knowledge is when used in many russian projects is the unit on the war. plan.
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