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tv   News  RT  July 5, 2019 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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it's. a trove of classified documents it's found in a rubbish bin in london and it's deeply embarrassing blow to the u.k.'s top secret chemical labs felicity porton down an investigation has been launched. outgoing e.u. commission president jiang called young coastlines the lack of transparency when his likely successor was agreed on by block leaders questions were guarding us live on the lines job competent smart. it wrong things it's an oil super time to was illegally seized by the u.k. and demands its release person insists the vessel was bound for syria in violation of e.u. sanctions. and the child impersonator of america's youngest of
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a congresswoman delete so social media accounts after reportedly receiving death threats from supportive of alexandria kasi o.-port has. again this time from washington d.c. you look up socialism because socialism is so uneasy think socialism actually short 1st oh shut media. very well welcome you're watching r t international with me and. britain's defense ministry has launched an investigation into why and how what trove of top secret documents apparently ended up in a rubbish rubbish bin in london where it comes as a huge embarrassment for the u.k.'s top secret chemical weapons facility porton down from where the thousands of files originated. one man's trash
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another journalist's treasure in this case it is quite an extraordinary story the daily star newspaper is called big splash on it today they say they were alerted to this trove of documents found in a bin by a member of the public last week and this secret files were dumped in a north london we leave in a receipt killing bin to be precise the kind that sort of stands out on the street outside a residential building or a commercial one and people will waste inside it except that this wasn't wasted it was a massive hole thousands of pages reportedly detailing the past and home address of one. details of the patrol offices duties there at portadown and the newspapers quoting all sorts of unnamed security sources talking about how appalled they are at this breach of security that's taken place
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one referred to all this as a terrorist's dream and it could have only ended that it could have ended in kentucky strophe they were commenting there are calls for an inquiry now and the ministry of defense has already responded to the story with this statement take a listen we take the protection of personal data very seriously and we have a range of procedures in place to do so including complying with the data protection act we also expect 3rd parties who legitimately hold data to apply similar stricter protections we can confirm that an investigation has been launched into the alleged incident and the reason this is raising eyebrows is because porton down is a top secret government chemical laboratory is at the front line of the fight against biological and chemical weapons and the government conducts extensive research there. into all sorts of substances it was in the news quite
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a bit last year because it was the thora tea that determined what the substance which substance it was that was used in the poisoning of gay and. that was a huge scandal which saw the british government accused russia of orchestrating the attack against the double former double agent and his daughter but porton down really coming to the fore then and it was pivotal in determining that this was novacek that was used against the 2 and of course it is just such a secret it's in charge of some pretty hazardous materials so the fact that any documents have been disposed of from a government site in this way found in a london been 70 miles away from the facility itself will be of concern
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to both the ministry of defense and to intelligence services. i think portadown should invest in a shredder personally. from a british diplomat craig murray thinks the porton down incident raises fresh questions about the script. we were told at the time of the alleged attack on the script of that security is extremely tight at porton down and it's impossible that the chemical could have come from there we have met too quickly that i think charlie's goalie one of the people affected in the 2nd so-called novacek incident whose girlfriend dawn sturgis died he has confirmed for certain that the per fume bottle he found in a charity bin was sealed he has also stated that he used to give early to go to bid
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to take things and that the bin was empty so the whole story falls apart event 2nd bottle of novacek was not there there by whoever attacked the script of plainly of a source of the so-called novacek is not. who came over . in march and the source must be some wealth and the obvious source of novacek to solve that it is porton down where they have manufactured it for testing purposes. outgoing e.u. commission president jiang told younker has criticised the way his likely successor has been picked by block leaders addressing the media in the finnish capital helsinki he compared the way he and s. leavened alliance were nominated. there are transcript. but the process. which led to my nomination in 2014 was very transparent because we
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had looked at the dates everyone knew what was up if this. would be the shortest power to dupe in parliament it's a vision to come back to what unfortunately didn't become a tradition ursula on the line is behind these comments and how she's being nominated for the position of european commission president to take over from steps down at the end of october she's really split opinion with this nomination it you see from the european council at the heads of government of the 28 member states of the e.u. domestically her record as defense minister has been raked over quite extensively with many people pointing out the state of germany's military at the moment is well at its lowest ebb that it's been for a long time the book of despair quite often being the butt of many jokes about planes that don't fly that don't fire boats that don't sail in submarines that can't submerge all the european level though it's been
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a big criticism of the way in which she was nominated for the position because who doesn't have the right to ignore all the candidates that have been voted for by european citizens the future of europe can no longer be decided behind closed doors bonder lane is our weakest minister that's apparently enough to become commission president it is an unparalleled act of political trickery vanderlei and should 1st be nominated by germany before other e.u. states can induce the nomination and should also leave office 1st otherwise it turns it all into a theater and the elections into one big fast well they're also that all supporting . the line they're praising the fact that a woman has been nominated for the 1st time for they said well what some would regard as the top job in european politics is commission president. there's also been support from world leaders from european leaders who said it praised her you wrote credentials it was enough on the force who in wonderland has many of the
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european level know her and then appreciate her experience her as a defense minister and therefore i am convinced that there will be a clear support from the european peoples party and hopefully this as well if in the if wonderingly fails to be elected as head of the commission by the parliament your priest possible constitutional crisis so i find it a very charming idea to the face of europe to be female in the future as well the polling here in germany doesn't really tally with what i think it was just saying there 56 percent of people here don't think that sort of on the line is the right person for the job of european commission president in fact 71 percent of those polled in germany said the way in which she was nominated was and rightly that they would rather see paul and pick who would be the the commission president as it is parliament gets to vote on the nomination put forward by the european council as
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we're seeing at the moment not vote will take place on the 16th of july the european parliament voting on whether the line will be the next year a peon commission president still need an absolute majority in the europol of it if that's to be so we discussed the unpopular choice of on july and with experts. what i think we have 2 problems one problem is that our last democracy. lead in how to do. different argues her becoming the who was the most votes come the president was the european commission and not something completely different came out some of your. second thing is the person oh a lot or no mother she's quite unpopular and those are mormons or is the investigation comment. on who are called. or external units were some. people from outside the ministry in the summer of 200000000
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euro political decisions can be regarded as democratic if one of 2 conditions are is met the population has to be involved in the actual decision making in some meaningful way or 2nd. political decisions must reflect popular preferences now funder lines nomination doesn't need either creators. yes it's undemocratic by both standards. edge of all to court has extended the detention of iranian oil supertanker to 14 days to run cause the feature of the tanker by british marines maritime piracy instant happened on thursday of the 7 tip of the iberian peninsula by gibraltar a british territory disputed by spain shaadi at woodstock's to report. now the crew
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of the sea ship grace one of being interviewed by officials and the ship is likely to remain impounded for up to several weeks in retaliation though to her own demands the immediate release of the vessel condemns what it sees as an illegal detention and says it's tantamount to maritime piracy an iranian foreign ministry official described the u.k. moves on acceptable and called for the immediate release of the oil tanker given that has been seized at the request of the u.s. the u.k. navy's measure is tantamount to maritime piracy britain has no right to impose its own unilateral sanctions or those of the european union in an extra territorial manner against the other countries this is the very bullying policy of the us well britain's foreign office said it would not respond to every single comment about the incident that emerged from iran but it reiterated its position that the action came at the request of gibraltar to hold the vessel believed to be bound to syria which of course violates the sanctions this actually rose from information giving
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the gibraltar government reasonable grounds to believe that the vessel the grace one was acting in breach of european union sanctions against syria however it's understood that iran has provided documents to the u.k. proving that the vessel was merely transiting to a permitted destination although it didn't exactly specify where since then though gibraltar and spain have become embroiled in a row about the seizure with madrid saying it was grace one with intercepted because of a request from the u.s. to the u.k. that island was ok and we have been aware of the operation civil guard patrols have been watching the area but we are investigating the circumstances under which the u.s. and its petition to the u.k. now as well as spain a senior iranian foreign ministry official said that the united states had asked the u.k. to intercept the ship however just brought us government said in a statement that they acted independently on their own accord the decisions of her majesty's government of gibraltar were taken to do independent. the way some
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breaches of existing law not at all based on extraneous political considerations meanwhile though the seizure was hailed enthusiastically by a key member of the trumpet ministration excell news yuki has the team the supertanker grease one lead in with the reigning oil bomb for syria in violation of you sanctions american our allies will continue to prevent regimes into ran in damascus from profiting off this illicit trade so this latest round comes at a time of escalating tensions between the u.s. and iran of course it follows the trumpet ministration previously pulling out of the 2015 nuclear program plus has reinforced punishing sanctions against iran iran now says it's no longer bound by the agreement and will breach impose limits on the rainy and stockpiles and although its european allies including the u.k. have not followed suit in terms of pulling out to her on august other signatories including france and germany haven't done enough to keep the deal alive meanwhile
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other countries including russia have weighed in on the diplomatic route with russia's foreign foreign ministry saying the seizure is an attempt to aggravate the situation around iran and syria and that the reaction from london and washington shows that the incident had been pre-planned. professor of political science at the university of to run points out the seizure of the tanker is all part of a coordinated campaign. and we have to see this incident as part of the larger campaign to pressure iran every few weeks we are seeing major provocations by the americans whether sending drones or warship towards iran and now this incident where the british are actually acting on behalf of the americans and we have to remember why this has been in the legal move by the british this is e.u. law it's not international law so what gives the british the right to seize any iranian share based on european laws iran is not a member of the e.u.
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since the trump government decided to leave the nuclear accord the americans have been pressuring iran's putting significant pressure on iran and iran has actually been acting in a very relatively cautious manner and we have to understand that iran cannot shore restrained forever i mean moves such as this where iranian ships are being seized illegally they cannot it actually want iran to do nothing in return if you want does nothing in return then they will put more pressure and more pressure disney is that to remake a classic film a little known made her debates bring in spock's over the choice of lead actress that's among the stories coming up after the break. the new foreign policy think tank will start
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a business challenging foreign policy orthodoxies it is called the quincy institute for responsible state crime this is not an ordinary think tank it is funded by charles koch and george shore host among others talk about strange bedfellows can these establishment believe it or say god on the foreign policy. joined me every thursday on the alex i'm i'm sure and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. something wrong with being rich and being rich is nothing wrong with it people work hard they make a lot of money and for a lot of people that's very satisfying but when you become a patient's monopolist and you are heading up like in the pharmaceutical industry one or 2 or 3 major cluck to craft some collusion colluding monopolist and all of us pricing that's not wretch that's time around and.
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welcome back the parents of an 8 year old girl who became an internet hit with her parodies of america's youngest of a congresswoman have the need to deal with a social media accounts that's off the she and her family reportedly received death threats from supporters the democrat alexandria because you know cortez. like america. again this time from washington d.c. here i ask you to talk about socialism because socialism is so anything like socialism it actually short 1st oh shut me. like i still need to yes i'm a socialist and take 3 of the most successful countries in the works i socialist to say israel are a stuck into it a vote will not be doing any more many a o.c. content the left's harassment and death threats have gone too far for our family we
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have been getting calls on our personal phone numbers for our safety and for our child's safety we deleted all many a o.c. accounts the young impersonator started making her videos with the help of her step father and uncle she became famous after doing her impression of fox news her twitter account had 87000 followers before it was deleted some of her followers are outraged by what happens when you claim to be an advocate for children but do threaten the life of a child makes he'll arius reduce of the dumbest person in congress who just might be any leftist stay safe you'll always be our meanie see what do well do we leave no problem making fun of harassing threatening our president but if you make fun of you see you get death threats this isn't even american anymore i love this little girl's death it is sick that people have been dogging her and threatening her life journalist and commentator chadwick moore say that some people just lack
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a sense of humor. the videos were so sweet and harmless and so cute there wasn't possibly anything you could find offensive about it one of the big rules about the left is that you're not allowed to mock them that is one of the biggest no no if you cannot laugh at them you cannot make fun of them they are moral and intellectual superiors and the people who are most effective at mocking them are the ones who get attacked the most this this child was just so sweet having a bit of fun at one of the most laughable characters in american politics it's unfortunate we live in this world where the left works so hard to silence people enjoy intimidate them and this is all about simulation the left has controlled culture for 405060 years they dominated and they cannot handle it that the right is beginning to wade in culture they can't handle it the
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right is being funnier than they are. disney has announced it is remake of the children's classic the little mermaid who stop black actress holly bailey in the negro although that has sponsored debate. after an extensive search it was abundantly clear that halle possesses that rare combination of spirit heart youth innocence and substance plus a glorious singing voice all intrinsic qualities necessary to play this iconic role i can 989 disney released it's not out taishan of the famous fairy tale written by the danish author hans christian andersen and love affairs an area with a blue eyed redhead white go with the long view that the new version should stay true to the 89 films but others say having a black lead is a win for diversity. the actress cast is areal can sing act dance and is beautiful but racists yes that extreme irritation you feel is racism or like
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mermaids can be black wool crabs can talk so we're all stretching here shut up fat box little mermaid lives on a tropical coral reef with a calypso signal with a strong jamaican accent when you think about it it's bizarre she was white the fust time around there goes my favorite princess can't believe the just 3 my favorite princess she has a beautiful voice but if she's playing ariel i'm going to be she doesn't fit the look at all could you imagine the uproar of the cast a white actress to play tiana in a live action remake i just don't understand why is this necessary when our team put the issue up for debate. well that what people are trying to do is trying to bring people back to a certain kind of reality that we live in a very diverse society and to try and present if you like to try and normalize 1st because what happened before was that we had a society which those people were excluded or if they were presented they were presented as proof they were prevented of course in the translation which was
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derogatory to them we bring race to the forefront and make it an issue when it really isn't an issue i think it's a very dangerous precedent and i think it is think it really is not i think it's really not about the inclusive idea that your other guest discussed discusses i think it's really a leftist agenda to divide us and keep us from working together and i think the people who are over concerned about his presentation are trying to as they said they want something they're used to it and the challenge. challenge is if you challenge is why something think they think they should be like a princess can be black and what we want to do wear is not a lie not that so every every single hollywood movie made from now on must have a gay person a jewish person a black person a hispanic person and all we probably better represent all that population so let's say a puerto rican person a cuban person and i don't know there are people here from from our other countries too should we should we just make sure now that every single movie has every single
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race religion color size socio economic level where do you draw the lying if you look at the history of hollywood birth of a nation it started off really badly with the original 1st feature film been a racist film which used skin color in a negative way of course they should be a good story line but also a film can do multi faceted things and i think we have to move beyond being obsessed by the fact that we live in a society that is proud to support diversity we do live in a society that does have problems around racism in american society has that and i think that the people who are denying. that people are not willing to begin to really talk about challenging it we had some because dylan roof to walk into a blood shot of the body i'm sorry there's been a number of shootings in on the places these a tragic tragic things we had black president black billionaires all over the place all sorts of hispanic people and in positions of power i would hope that no one
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would not like this character based on that they might not like the idea of it being imposed they might feel that it's a little bit racist to say oh well we have to have a princess be a certain color i don't think that makes them a racist i think that makes them somebody that just wants the best person for the job to be chosen whether it's a movie or a corporate venture i think the best person should always be chosen regardless of their skin color or anything else. for 2 thing or 3 international my colleague daniel hawkins will be with you at the top of the hour. magic mushrooms news doubts of concepts used in the wrong way carry carry potential arms like any any psychoactive substances. but used in a right way they seem to have quite a. profound 30 to potential and quite a good safety profile as well.
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when lawmakers manufacture consent instead of public wealth. when the ruling class or some project over themselves. with the financial merry go round of lives only the one percent. that's like doing all middle of the room signals. to leave the room clean real music is really the way. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line and they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure more some want to. have to write the book for us it's like the 4th tree in the morning can't be good
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but i'm interested always in the waters of knowledge. question. truth. on. the. move. on film. begins in hawaii in the middle of the pacific ocean in spite of the island's remote location it is also full moon that day and to the epidemic of the 20th century plastic. and plastic pollution is littering beaches and endangering certain species of animals no matter how remote or out of reach.
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in this elaborate tree in the north of the occupation ago scientists study marine animals not plastic at least in theory. no idea what that. but it's certainly plastic. jessica apparel man is a biologist accustomed to finding plastic in fish stomachs she has started a very unique collection. casually often plastic bags. and this was all coiled up at the stomach when i found it had no idea what it was and i all that it just. or did you react when you find this installment i was shocked i started you know documenting it measuring it taking photos showing whoever else was around in the lab and we were kind of we were just in our shock to think that
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that these fish are are really ingesting this i mean. to her disbelief the scientist has found plastic in the unlikely specimen known as the long fish. the young were not expecting such a surprising discovery when she began how this species. is fish live at a depth of about 200 to 400 meters and they're clearly coming in contact with plastic and it appears that plastic is truly a deeper problem that. even swimming at these depths the long fish manages to swallow tribute. i mean occasionally you might find a brand name such as this dishonor bottle label. what is this so this
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is a label from a water bottle. where they and and found amongst the. design design is a pretty well known. bottled water company. you know finding finding a label such as this in the stomachs makes it that easy to determine where you know where it may have originated. this is always more to things than just. just want to look. in front. of the world's best selling brands. and if you're not familiar with me you will certainly know the name of the group behind it the coca-cola company.


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