tv News RT July 8, 2019 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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which. i consider to be child abuse. so it makes me feel terrible i can't believe that a mother would do this. 6 am in mexico city 6 pm and 2 in the afternoon right here in. the welcome to our. top story. the u.k. foreign office has ordered an inquiry into the leak of sensitive diplomatic cables penned by britain's ambassador to washington in a series of bombshell remarks president donald trump's white house is described as inept and dysfunctional among many other old flattering comments made by the
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diplomat partridge the story this is the story of a foreign office inquiry into a series of leaks memos that came from the u.k.'s ambassador to the us say kim darrick well so kim has a 42 year career in diplomacy but some of his e-mails ended up in the mail on sunday the british newspaper and in those memos he gave a candid and damning assessment of the trumpet ministration we don't really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal less dysfunctional less and predictable less faction ribbon less diplomatically clumsy and an apt. it's more likely that he was never fully on board and that he was worried about how this apparent reversal of his 2016 campaign promises would look come 2020 at the next presidential election well so came also called into question donald trump's publicly stated reason for calling a finance strike on terror on or following the downing of a u.s.
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drone by iran trump said that he was 10 minutes away from making that command but called it off because there would be $150.00 casualties but sikkim says it was actually a question of policy and trunk harking back to his campaign promise of not allowing more u.s. troops to go into foreign wars it's more likely that he was never fully onboard and that he was worried about how this apparent reversal of his 2016 campaign promises would look come 2020 at the next presidential election well in response to these emails and the revelations trump was clearly unimpressed but restrained in his comments. without without. knowing. what the response from the u.k. has been rather makes the trade secretary liam fox focused on the leak itself said it was an ethical unpatriotic unprofessional and the person behind them was
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maliciously trying to undermine the relationship between the u.k. and the u.s. whereas other politicians concentrated on the content of the e-mails and the author itself this was a personal view it's not the view of the british government it's not my view we continue to think under president trump the us administration is not just highly effective but the best possible friend of the united kingdom on the international stage i think it is very important that ambassadors give honest unvarnished advice to their country and it is disgraceful that it has been leaked from the moment trump was elected this man was their own person to be the british ambassador. a globalist an outlook totally opposed to the tom dick 3 the sooner he is gone the better well the leak comes at a key time for the u.k. is it looks to boost its trade with the us following ranks it remains to be seen if this blush in diplomacy will have an effect on the special relationship and the post breaks it economy or we've got the thoughts of john white jonesy political
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commentator journalist the link is too serious to be ignored by the next british prime minister whoever that's going to be. betty about to sing i think for the diplomatic service it's embarrassing for treason these government but i don't think trump be overly concerned he knows that tory government is on their way probably led by voters johnson to this committee to outbreaks if need be the so-called special relationship will be damaged by this will be an opportunity to someone else in washington he meets the preferences for she goes to donald trump you 2nd out of the tourist who was unable to get much contact with the white house. as passionate relations with the trumpet ministration were not the best so as i see this will be a fight opportunity to put someone in there who could do a more effective job. right moving on now i protest erupted overnight and the georgian capital tbilisi after the unger of an opposition t.v.
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channel there live on air voiced a stream of insults against the russian president vladimir putin and his the 6th mother we're joined in this you do not by r.t. correspondent. and we have pretty extraordinary events on sunday even just break through break down what happened for us you know well of the kind of language that this anchor used you don't hear it on t.v. at all because that was swear words after a swear word you know some of the most nasty words that there are in the russian language i have to point out that this rant was in russian against vladimir putin himself and also against his parents who are no longer alive and i can tell you that this video was all over the internet immediately i was having a quiet day with my friends when someone sent it to me and when then when i played it everyone was shocked because what they were hearing is there's life on there as well it should be pointed out i mean yes but with the video was obviously a recording of that yeah it was on you tube but it was just so bad so very quickly
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georgian protesters in the georgian capital tbilisi started gathering in front of the channel's h.q. it's one of the most popular t.v. channels and georgia. even heard that some of the staff resigned almost immediately after that in outrage and it had to go off air for a few hours the bosses said it was because of some security concerns but now it's back on what a bite to police itself the state's what's been the reaction in the country of georgia i can tell you that the most senior officials were quick to react to this and the reaction was condemnation we heard from the president from the prime minister from the foreign ministry and they're saying that this has got nothing to do with patriotism so here's the exact words of the georgian president. georgia's president and the condemns hate speech verbal aggression insults and provoked her statements made today a new study to t.v. they go against old georgian traditions serve only to divide and raise tensions in
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the country with russia and in the region. pretty unequivocal there from georgia what about russia what's moscow said well moscow is clearly disappointed a statement on the russian foreign ministry's website is making it clear that they see it as nothing else but recent phobia. we strongly condemn d.m. president of nefarious behavior involving an unacceptable attack in obscene language against a russian leadership hosted by georgian t.v. channel restavec to we see this as another clear provocation by radical forces in georgia and undermining of russia georgia relations the current laden incident is a vivid example of where frantic brosseau phobia can lead. this was a prime time slot and sunday evening a lot of viewers will be watching it begs the question why would a georgian t.v. host actually go to the trouble of insulting president putin the 1st but is it a one off incident 1st of all we have to understand what's happening between russia
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and the former soviet republic georgia at this point a new crisis broke out about 3 weeks ago when a russian delegation was at an event that was happening in the georgian parliament and one of the russian m.p.'s actually sat somewhere where usually the speaker of the drawers in parliament is sitting and that sparked massive protests and riots on the streets of billy c. let's have a look at what these riots look like. was . it was. as far as i understand though the protests that we've just so new show you sorry are the protests outside the channels h.q. what was happening in the streets of belief through weeks ago definitely scenes
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where people got injured there was even blood in the streets and that led to another outbreak of tensions between moscow and police see in response to that the russian government decided to suspend direct flights between the 2 countries which they were expecting would hit the wallets of. the businessmen from the georgian tourist industry and also hotel owners etc etc but again at the end of the day the bottom line is is that this leads to these kind of situations that we're seeing right now with probably cations on t.v. and definitely this does generate some hate speech when it comes to some of the radicals who want to have a say for some reason boils at a pretty extraordinary. and even the only thing done the story thank you. no country malign kremlin influence that the u.s. agency for international development hours called a new strategy to help european countries avoid meddling and reduce their
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dependence on russian energy moscow's brotherhood the russian propaganda not holding back there our senior correspondent rocky of texas through the plan. usaid has unveiled a new plan a strategy officially aimed at boosting the resilience of the nation's unofficial it appears to mean giving lots and lots of money to anyone that vocally and demonstrably doesn't like russia politicians businessmen media i mean it's in the name countering my line kremlin influence plan. these efforts will include creating tools for reform minded leaders and civil society voices to tackle corrupt government practices that kremlin agents often selectively exploit for moscow strategic benefit 1st off the us apparently wants to cut out russia's voice i mean the aims aren't exactly vague what could they mean
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preventing russia others from meddling in elections ok preventing russia from lobbying for its interests negotiating not ok it works both ways i mean we know what some of the reform minded leaders and civil society voices in the us are like. us eats funding will build the capacity of indigenous media to provide trusted independent news and information sources should be fine and all of america's own independent news and media weren't viewed as biased by its own people. yeah trust in the media is still a business americans believe it's biased it's even worse for online media by the way remember when facebook hired the fact checker linked to the us government
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poynter institute for media studies to filter out unreliable sources and they ended up filtering out opposing political views before they were caught at my point why don't they spend that cash on making america's own media but leave a ball. to reduce your opinion reaches dependency on russia you will seize assistance will include working with individual states to create effective program flea goal and regulatory frameworks and assisting them to join will function in local and regional energy markets. there it is the crux of it hiding in plain sight american shale over russian gas more expensive more cumbersome more political yet it's full of freedom freedom gas they said that i have no idea how they do it with a straight face. increasing export capacity from the freeport l.n.g.
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project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving america's allies a diverse and affordable source of clean energy with the u.s. in another year of record setting natural gas production i'm pleased that the department of energy is doing what it can to promote an efficient regulatory system that allows for molecules of u.s. freedom to be exported to the world it's a whole package money to the media which cries russian wolf money to politicians who get the american way money to lobbyists and get a nice little kickback from selling american gas and moscow of course isn't happy the term countering is a clumsy attempt to conceal the aggressive offensive approach this conception is blatantly aimed at propagating risa phobia in the world especially in neighboring countries to russia on our side we have proven multiple times that we are open to a stop wishing constructive cooperation with the us on
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a basis of equality of rights and the consideration of mutual interests however malicious and the russian propaganda by washington which strikes but lobel domination cancels out these efforts it's a great pity by the way saving best the last you know why usa was expelled from russia 7 years ago why for an election meddling fiasco that for that became a big thing now isn't that ironic unfortunately a mentality took took hold of the establishment in washington early after the demise of the soviet union that there could only be one global superpower in the united the united states had to have a gemini over the entire world and not just russia russia specifically but not just russia china iran venezuela any country that doesn't come crawling to on hands and knees in front of washington and to kiss the ring is regarded as a quote threat. and since russia is the foremost military power that is not under
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the control of the united states and that's why we've seen things like the expansion of nato and something like this which is kind of a i and information analogue to nato expansion which is to try to ensure domination of europe and to isolate russia as much as possible. the 6 year old boy in the u.s. state of texas has been caught up in a bitter custody battle between his divorced mother and father and the fact about his parents counter green which gender their child should be identified as makes the case even more complicated. but your boy right now. when with his mother the boy you know him as james lives as a girl named luna since he expressed an interest in wearing girl's clothes the mother began referring to him exclusively as her even enrolled the child in school
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under the female name. shall not say spoke to james's father jeff younger you can watch the full version throughout the day here in r.t. i took it very seriously because i had to some information when i was still living with with and george wallace my my ex-wife had been putting him into ready timeouts and saying things like the monsters only eat boys ready and some odd things like that so when i heard this i took it very seriously. he said mommy tells me i'm a girl. and i would ask him you know do you look like a girl and say no but mommy tells me i'm a girl i just wanted to verify and i sent her a text and you know are you actually telling james that he's a girl and she's just replied simply yes and then refused to talk to me about it you know he's never presented himself as a girl to me ever that he factor with me he violently rejects any female identity he won't wear female clothes he won't even wear boys' brief underwear because he says it's too much like girls underwear you know the father there has long been fighting for his son to be treated as
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a boy the 6 he was born of jeff younger has not been accused by his ex-wife of abusing their child for not affirming him as transgender and cutting his hair short to the father hasn't been emotionally abusive behavior towards the child as example only haircuts and other non affirming actions all the wrong clee of these behavior rises to the level of family violence at this time the father said russian is becoming more common and more intense the temporary orders that i'm on or before you go to final trial actually do allow me to address them as james and his male pronouns but i cannot do that in front of 3rd parties who know him as a girl so basically i can't go to school i keep them away from any friends he might have at school that know him as a girl and at my home he's known as james and i use male pronouns what i'm prohibited from doing right now is trying to convince him that he's actually a boy is a boy when he's with you and he's what forced to dress like a girl or does he dress like a girl but my his own will when he's with. i believe he dresses by his own will
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when he's with his mother i just don't think he believes the show love him if he's a boy look i consider this to be child abuse and the sexual mutilation of children on a on an industrial scale so it makes me feel terrible i can't believe that a mother busy would do this to us on this of course comes a specialist debate whether children should be allowed to change their gender at such a young age sociologist frank ferretti believes parents should not impose gender choices on their offspring i think it's wrong for parents to become preoccupied by gender identity it's not something that the vast majority of children ever think about very much it's not something that they experiment with to begin with i think that the danger today is is that we have a very strong political and cultural pressure on the part of parents to be much more relaxed about the boundaries that used to exist between boys and girls
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and as the boundaries of questions so a lot of parents get confused. pretty intriguing story no recently declassified document from the u.s. state department has revealed it expected the canadian government to adopt an america 1st policy the memo was written back in 2017 right after prime minister justin trudeau appointed a new foreign minister john hawkins takes up the story. when it comes to foreign relations canada is clear its own interests come 1st canadians came together and rolled up their sleeves canadians from every order of government and walks of life but their country's interests 1st but perhaps unsurprisingly their biggest foreign policy focus is their biggest ally and closest neighbor the land of the free to everyone thinks of canada's been wonderful and so do i love canada.
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busy and the united states have perhaps the most successful economic partnership and alliance and friendship in the history of the modern world all that was thrown into jeopardy with a year long standoff over tariffs and trade agreements prime minister justin trudeau of canada acted so meek and mild during our g 7 meeting only to give a news conference after i left saying that you were tariffs were kind of insulting and he will not be pushed around very dishonest and weak our terms our response to his attention 70 percent on dairy canadians did not take it lightly that the united states has moved forward with significant tariffs that its kind of insulting place in hell for any foreign leader that in gage is in bad faith to diplomacy with president donald trump and then tries this stab them in the back on the way out the door canada slapped for top tariffs on billions of dollars of american goods as trudeau retaliated against what atol was saw as an injustice on
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washington's part claiming canada won't be bullied as the back and forth criticism got heated doom and gloom headlines appeared but how serious really was this rift if you thought for a 2nd that this could be a permanent breakup don't worry yes trudeau says canada 1st but this declassified documents tells us something we may have known all along so just what does this most. minister trudeau promoted former minister of international trade chrystia freeland to foreign minister in large part because of her strong u.s. contacts many developed before she entered politics her mandate letter from the prime minister listed her number one priority is maintaining constructive relations with the united states trudeau then added to her responsibilities for us affairs giving her responsibility for us canada trade an unprecedented move in the canadian
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context seems harmonizing relations with washington is the number one aim for canada and looking at foreign minister christian freeland's track record it seems her america 1st mission is a success a keen supporter of sanctions she's never far behind washington's foreign policy whether it's overthrowing the moderate government in venezuela putting sanctions on syria and of course russia perceiving moscow as an aggressor i think it's pushing is doing is really dangerous for your. neighbors allies friends we all knew last year spot probably wouldn't last long and with kind of the america 1st policy any war of tariffs was really more a war of words than any real confrontation the biggest story here is the fact that it's not a story in canada and that no canadian media that i'm only aware of has actually reported us the vast majority of canadians would be disturbed to me that american
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officials are saying that the government is following a america 1st for secure to kill in the context of donald trump where polls are showing that the vast majority of canadians are not supportive of donald trump but what we need to be clear about is that the mate majority of canadian corporations and he will run in corporations that they very much see the world and problems in the world in a similar way to to u.s. corporations and to. new rulers in the us so yes there's no doubt that the canadian government fuels under a lot of pressure to follow us on its foreign policy but there is also a substantial chunk of meat. corporate class in this country i don't see the world and problems in the world in a similar way to the u.s. at least so they don't put pressure on canada to $2.00 us back to what washington. president trump is warning iran to be
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curfew and so quote after 8 or 9 to it how to accelerate its uranium enrichment program and surpass the capital and in the 2015 nuclear agreement u.n. inspectors confirm the increase on monday after visiting sites in iran. are free. or tehran is already considered to be in breach of the landmark deal after it passed the 300 kilogram uranium stockpile limit it will also increase the enrichment cap beyond 3.6 per cent that's the important figure a small step towards getting 2 nuclear power stations up to capacity officials there also recently ruled out further dialogue with washington on less sanctions are lifted on a round deadline for the house passed with europe only able to provide limited
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relief from the effects of the financial penalties not part of the agreement signed 4 years ago the united states agreed to ease sanctions on iran for the valiant to run said it would curb its nuclear program or not enrich uranium over on a stop wished level well the accord has been on the brink of collapse since the un unilaterally withdrew from it last year and reimposed devastating penalties on tehran the escalating crisis has triggered serious concern in the region and among the western signatories of the deal to. germany like her a 3 in you partners is extremely concerned by iran's announcement that it has begun enriching uranium beyond the concentration of 3.67 percent we have repeatedly called on iran not to take further measures that further undermine the nuclear deal while the u.k. remains fully committed to the deal iran must immediately stop and reverse all activities inconsistent with its obligations we are coordinating with other j c p o
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a participants regarding the next steps on the terms of the deal including a joint commission we strongly demand that iran puts an end to all the activities that do not conform with its commitments under the j c p a france is in contact with its partners to engage in the necessary deescalation of tensions or executive director of the ron paul peace institute done in make albums believes iran is still committed to the 2015 equipment. was pretty amazing when you pull out of the deal when you break a deal and you're curious is that the side that remains in the deal of breaking the deal it was the west to broker a deal where you let really pulling out last year plan it could continue taking the terms of the deal you've already broken out of the fact of the matter is if you do study the j.c. pos very closely the main import foreign minister is right there is article $36.00 which says if the other signatories to the deal do not fulfill their obligations under the deal and they have another side or another the us no the europeans then
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iran can take certain measures within the deal remaining in the deal so the reporting that iran has broken the deal is just not accurate paul think is rigged the neo cause around trouble want a war they're pushing it forward the pushing it further and the pushing the same propaganda they push when they wanted their war with iraq. time to get into debate mode next we are talking in moments with peter guest live from moscow this is your r.t. international. if you will not obey the voice of the lord your god will be careful to do all these commandments and the statutes. then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you. and then the white people is stolen property and must be returned to
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black people if they get rid of whites only problems will go away. with and remove the. presence of the physical. people being tortured to death expression the elderly people in the. mania somebody. like bin and his wife also find themselves affected by credit and offered to point to one of my teams in dreams oh it's all sweat and blood. what are you going to have for dinner today we don't have anything i'm asking from me bad things to the civil war in south africa is you never to. drugs for the drug wars or any chong not be in
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