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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  July 9, 2019 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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thanks for joining me john. one details that we know so far as the indictment was unsealed and abstain taken into custody over the weekend. yes so he was arrested saturday teterboro airport you mentioned this in the opening when he arrived from paris he was on vacation in france landed at teterboro arrested taken into custody by federal agents there he was charged today in manhattan district court he pled not guilty to one count of sex trafficking conspiracy and one count of sex trafficking so 2 counts all together may not sound like much but there's belief among in the legal circle that possibly this is the 1st of other charges and indictments to come regarding abstain that maybe this indictment is a placeholder if you will to basically get him off the street because there is concern the prosecutor said today he's on repentant and possibly that these illegal activities were ongoing now that said the 14 page federal indictment i have
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a copy here alleges that between 20022005. quote unquote enticed recruited and caused to be enticed and recruited minor girls to visit his mansion in manhattan he has that he 71st street townhouse and his estate in palm beach florida to engage in sex acts with him after which he would give the victims hundreds of dollars in cash and further the indictment alleges that epstein would pay certain victims to basically recruit additional girls to be abused by epstein that according to the indictment some as young as 14 years of age and among the evidence and discovery presented today in court prosecutors say a vast trove of lewd sexually explicit photos of what looked like young girls under age girls were found in epstein's upper east side mansion that federal agents raided on saturday when. i was taking in the custody now some of the details in the
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indictment are too graphic and sordid to get into or at least to read on air but you know this remains a very familiar story when it comes to jeffrey epstein basically that he preyed upon young girls generally from broken homes or that were on the verge of being homeless and prosecutors at this point are recommending that epstein be held without bail arguing that because of his wealth that he is a significant flight risk remember he owns an island in the caribbean he owns of course the man mansion the estate here and also a ranch in new messed mexico and as i mentioned that he's unrepentant of his past and perhaps was even continuing the illegal activities with underage girls tab so there is some thought that again that this may be the beginning of more charges and indictments to come. i mean i think would what was so surprising to me is that it was actually happening i think most of us had given up hope that there would be some movement on this case if you look back at 2008 to 2011 when you know
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the 1st time we really heard about jeffrey abstains problems the law and at that time he made a very sweetheart deal where he sort of went to jail but not really and as you said he's a considerate flight risk he's also a level 3 registered sex offender which means that they assume that there is a very high level that he will commit these acts again and we've known not for over 10 years. so i think you know what we're looking at now it'll be interesting to see not only how many more as you said charges i mean even these 245 years for someone who like him was in his sixty's that could be a life sentence but i think you're right we're going to see a lot more coming forward and a lot more stories especially after this weekend. thank you so much. sorry go ahead. no no no i would agree you know look you managed to avoid this federal charge. it is played out to your lesser state charges back in 2008 but i can tell
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you this that you know his victims at that time they were teenagers but now they're grown women and they have families and their children themselves so now i think we're starting to see more people coming forward they're willing to come forward and 111 last point a very dramatic moment during the press conference today when the u.s. attorney in new york stepped away from the podium at one point he pointed out a picture of this large board that had picture and he encouraged anyone else who may have been a victim or abused by actually him to come forward and to call the f.b.i. so again i think it's safe to say there are likely other victims out there and that's and there's possibly you this is the beginning of much more to come with this case and further charges and indictments we'll see but a very serious a very stunning and a very sordid story absolutely i think for walking us through that john heidi from
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miami. this weekend in washington d.c. dueling protests hit the streets as far right and far left pro groups face off over the right to free speech and the right to protest each other's ideological agendas so how did these 2 groups handle the events and how did law enforcement handle them here's r t america. with this story. we're here in washington d.c. where there are multiple several hundreds of protesters from both sides promoting free speech both sides of the political aisle on one side of persian park we have and t.v. and on the other side we have a crowd voice in freedom plaza just blocks away from the white house where the groups the 2 groups are separated by a barricade of police presence there is a multiple police cars police on bikes hundreds of police officers here in d.c. making sure the protests do not become violent several 100. conservatives including
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members of proud boys a far right extremist group gathered in freedom plaza where several conservative leaders spoke out against censorship on social media and anti-conservative bias i stood up and i just dropped at the congressional hearing right and i called jack dorsey a liar because he was committing perjury when he was lying to members of congress on our taxpayer dollars saying that he doesn't censor and shadow ban conservative former editor millo you novelist was among the line up of speakers but they were outnumbered by counter protesters who demonstrated across the street many of whom included members of the far left extremist groups and that was was god god police were on high alert as members of anti attempted to penetrate various police barriers surrounding pershing park many roads were blocked off and shut down around the plaza as police try to avoid a repeat of last week's incidents in portland oregon. that
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was. these protests come just days after the demonstrations in portland turned violent leaving 8 injured including conservative journalist and you know earlier this week washington police said they were prepared for any situation given their frequent experience with similar political protests while numbers of anti for refused to comment several counter protesters voiced their motivations for attending and i'm here to stand up against white supremacy i'm here to in solidarity not susan bash our welcome in our town can from the free hugs project promoted a message of peace and understanding amid high tensions between the opposing protests it's great for people to be able to get their message out i think that's always important regardless of what you believe i just try to stand against violence and so that's why show up my shirt sleeve lets people know look i'm here in peace and i think everyone should do the same demonstrators on the conservative side. general concern for freedom of speech i'm here to support free speech is
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a free speech really so we're both at the end of the day we're all people no matter if we wear a red make america great again hat and i were able to have a conversation about where we stand on certain issues. rather than. one protester claimed he was assaulted by a anti for trying to have a conversation with them about their views of crowley and since i was just walking by one of them decide to repair it read my hat off for my head and then now and i know they want to deny it they want to say oh i don't know what you're talking about these people these people are violent all right all extremist or violent ok these people are no better than your nazis and the same exact thing the heat index is almost 100 degrees here in washington d.c. today but that didn't stop the hundreds of people who showed up now overall we're hearing a lot of the same issues from both sides of these protests reate interesting things
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from hate speech to freedom of speech things like the trumpet ministration policies in regards to particularly immigration now arameans unclear inner remains to be seen if both sides can come together for a dialogue but from what we've seen today it really isn't clear if it will be possible any time soon reporting in washington salmon test erica artes. as we go to break down for you to get to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook you tube and twitter and the survey check out watching the hot for comcast now available on followed by apple music and everywhere you listen to 5 kathy are both for that r.t. dot com coming up contributor and ben swan joins me to discuss the unlawful use of your driver's life and in databases used by the f.b.i. and i am the master of making a very close fly by of earth this week stay tuned for watching.
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during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed working. there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. of there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo doubt engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no on. one set of rules for the rich opposite.
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that's what happens when you put her into the. narrow sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is often very dramatic development only closely i'm going to exist i don't see how that strategy will be successful betty ok to kill time to sit down and talk. this is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. who happens to have family a daughter. that sharia law the mother daughter is very is in
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a cemetery meaning this is the church what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police need is a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court. sean sean smar says i feel. we don't know still just for the. end of this one we. still love. children.
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georgetown law researchers obtained documents e-mails and facial recognition requests there are a series of freedom of information act requests revealing a questionable tactic used by the f.b.i. and according to the data and a report from the washington post millions of u.s. citizens have had their driver's license and then added to a federal database without permission from citizens or congress just last month f.b.i. deputy director kimberly del greco glut claims that faisal recognition technology is necessary quote to preserve our nation's freedoms and sure our liberties are protected and preserve our security however with consent the key and facial recognition many now wonder if this database is legal or necessary joining me now for more on this revelation is r t america contributor and host of truth and media . thanks for having me thank you so much for coming on ben ben so so what exactly is going on here. well i think you kind of laid out the picture pretty
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clearly here so essentially you think about it this way the f.b.i. has decided and ice and other federal agencies have decided that they don't need your permission to log you into a massive and ever growing facial recognition database and in order to get your image they have done something that's actually fairly expedient which is to go around to states all around the country and to access the department of motor vehicles the d.m.v. records which houses photographs of millions of americans and to access those photographs by simply sending an e-mail to the state and saying we want to go through your your records and the states are agreeing to this 21 states have the have agreed to allow the f.b.i. and ice and other agencies for as little as just an email requesting permission to have agreed to allow those federal agencies to scan in to catalog and to create their ever expanding as i said facial recognition platform by using department of
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motor vehicle pictures and the bottom line is that you as a driver that i as a driver have never signed up for this we did not sign up for it we got a license in the 1st place we have not done it when we renew our licenses we don't do it we move from state to state even the 21 states that have allowed for this to happen have no process in place to get consent from drivers in order to pass it along to the f.b.i. . the thing that bothers me the most about this is that i'm trying to understand how this process is legal because while enforced in the united states for our international viewers in the u.s. as i said consent is king in the situation because law enforcement is supposed to get permission obtain permission either from a citizen or from the court in order to search your personal information to go in there and as you said we don't we don't sign anything saying yes you can use this put it in a database so how is this legal is this
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a push against our civil liberties. well i think it absolutely is a pushing and civil liberties look the 4th amendment protects against someone searches and seizures and it requires warrants in order for that to happen right and yet the problem is is that there is no warrant now i should say this there is one state washington the state of washington does require the feds to get a warrant and to get a court order in order to be able to access that those d.m.v. records so they do not just turn them over just because the f.b.i. or ice or homeland security requests that they require a court order but so many other states have not required that so that's that's the 1st point but the 2nd point is that you're absolutely right consent is key here there is no consent on the part of the driver there is no consent on the part of the citizen who is having their face collected as part of this and if you say well below that the state own the d.m.v. records right there are the ones who take the pictures they're the ones who issued the licenses that's true but facial recognition is not the collection of driver's
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licenses facial recognition is taking bio metric data standing that processing it and placing it into a catalog system your biometric data meaning your facial imprint meaning the the 14 or $32.00 points on your face that are required in order to get a biometric scan are actually your property it's your likeness it actually belongs to you and so they don't have the right to simply take that in collected at will there has to be some form of consent and courts have already ruled on similar issues about this in the past in terms of people who have gone into you know private venue's or arenas and had their face scanned and were not given either given consent or given notice that that was happening and have ruled that that's not the. you know what's interesting again is this idea of you know i understand like our driver's license is a property of the state so they actually own the property of the actual license but
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as you said we own our likeness i mean if somebody takes my likeness that puts it on somewhere and makes money off of it or uses it in a business and i have recourse when my government does that it gets a little trickier see of this constitutional question of search and seizure but it kind of brings up the question of whether we have any recourse for what's happening is there recourse if you are realizing that you're one of these people we don't want to have this happen what do you do. there's a whole lot you can do right now i would assume at some point there will be lawsuits now that this is come out and again thanks to georgetown university who actually did the 4 request that allowed them to figure out this was going on so now that it's out will there be lawsuits very possibly there will be i'm actually a bit surprised you know by by these so-called conservative states that do not stand up against this because you would think that they would call this
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a states' rights issue that is that if you are a citizen of an individual state it because you have consented to give up your likeness in order to drive a vehicle that does not equal giving up the consent to allow government to now scan your image and keep it in a separate database and so why are states like texas which is one of the states is going along with this why aren't red states like texas or conservative states like texas say no we're not going to go along with this and it goes back to this idea and this is the troubling part of it right out of the is is the defoe battle between states' rights and the federal powers it doesn't really happen it's an issue by issue case it's not an issue of having a principle where you believe that people should not be subjected this way that's the 1st thing but again i want to remind people and you made a good point there are a lot of international viewers that the show in other countries you may not realize how this works and that when the government takes some kind of a image of you that they can just collect it but it's that's not how it works here
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in the state issues a license it's a very specific thing they're issuing in that case they don't have the right to then take that and use it however they want for instance if you get into a car crash and blood is drawn at the hospital the federal government does not have the authority or the right to now approach the hospital and say by the way we're making up a collection of d.n.a. samples we'd like to have all the d.n.a. that you have in this place and put it into our catalog there has to be a court order for that to have actually they're not free to just take it and collect whatever they want at this point but it's. like every day we get closer to the point where they are just taking it and asking for forgiveness later yeah there is a lot of ask forgiveness the rest of us don't get to have that that blessing of doing something and asking forgiveness for it later for later but again it's sort of our picture of this idea of our biometric data we don't want someone else to buy it you can't sell it off and make profit from it and i don't think the government shielding is especially in this particular manner that save
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a little questionable to save a leave. at any last thoughts about this just how this is i guess and i think it's important that people who people who look at this and say was not that big of a deal this you know the state already has it we're in trina new place in terms of this biometric collection i've talked about this a lot of times before the f.b.i. is embark upon a process of creating the world's largest biometric database they want retina scans they're looking for facial recognition they want everything within this one system they have abandoned their fingerprint system in their movie entirely into this biometric space it is a very unsuccessful unclear you know not guaranteed system and yet they're pushing very heavily and we as citizens need to stand up and make sure that they are using our images properly and with our consent because we the people who are supposed to be in charge of a federal bureaucracy. sakhalin thank you so much for helping us walk through this
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wild future that we live in thank you so much ben so on. of the things. independence day was a bumpy one for california in 2 earthquakes rumble through parts of the state from sports stadiums to the streets and it's been a while since their last quake for the people of the west coast as they prepare for what some are calling earthquake season this week with the story. yeah that's right not to mention the hundreds of aftershocks from sacramento to mexico and according to seismologists this is the biggest tremor to hit the state of california in 20 years. almost all over the place for the 1st point of the 2nd quake comest shock to the massive cleanup is underway in the small town of trauma about 150 miles east of los angeles on the 4th of july a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit and friday a magnitude 7 point one earthquake struck near the small town of ridgecrest the quakes buckled highways and ruptured gas lines us sparked several house fires
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officials say 50 homes in china were damaged no one was killed or seriously injured with some roofs caving in people with damaged homes began sleeping in tents outside you don't notice the damage tell you open that door governor given you something president trump for his outreach as the 2 began working to ignite federal emergency funding he estimates more than 100000000 dollars in economic damages agree on everything but one area where there's no politics where we've worked extraordinarily well together is on merge and see a response recovery so you can see a restaurant in orange county in the earthquake friday nights and baseball fans also felt the quake during friday's dodger game yeah it's out there and i was sitting in my seat and i felt like everything went by and we were just moving along with the whole crowd kind of silence that well you're actually right by the camera man at the game and even he appeared the crowd as it was taking place so it was
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pretty cool in syria the same time experts are urging residents to be prepared what should always be preparing for a big one this does not make it less likely this the jones a seismologist with the u.s. geological survey says in the past 2 decades southern california residents have been experiencing a quiet time in california history. the governor says this type of emergency could leave residents without 1st responders. at least 72 hours so of course having enough food water medicine and pet supplies is something for residents to think about in los angeles in terms of sweets r t. it's just about the diameter of 3 times the length of a football field it's on course to just miss us here on this little blue planet asteroid 2019 m. t 2 was spotted on june 30th this year by nasa center for near earth object studies and is expected to pass between the earth and the moon this monday traveling at
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about 25000 miles an hour the asteroid will pass about approximately 1600000 kilometers from earth's core and if that isn't close enough for you another asteroid named asteroid 2019 b. m. before is just 22 meters long and will be passing earth on tuesday this week a little bit closer but don't stress as much though as neither is expected to make impact this time well that's our show for you today remember everyone as my co-host tyrrells and throw it says in this world we're not all we're loved enough so i tell you all i love on top of the wall is keep on watching those parks and have a great day and night everybody. if
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you will not obey the voice of the lord your god will be to do all these months and . then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you want to lead and then the white people the stolen property and the point must be returned to black people. get rid of whites only problems will go 1. 23. as president of the physical. people being tortured to death expression the elderly people in that wouldn't. be enough somebody. please wife or so find themselves. for them to point to one of my teens in dreams oh it's all sweats and lots of
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no. where are you going to have for dinner trudy we don't have a need to be asking for his name i'm a bad feelings towards civil war in south africa. roger federer. was there and each own not be in the total viewer and 2 didn't. eat. between. the problem that the financial system cost from austria throughout the rest of the world was so big that not just one central bank could make money cheap enough could create enough artificial money by itself and so the fed did collude did work together with the european central bank with the bank of england with the people's bank of china leader kind of separate story with the bank of japan to create enough
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money to put into the financial system to keep it safe for him. south and ultimately what that did is a transferred all of that money into the banks into financial assets into burgeoning stock markets like like a ton of sort of crack into an attic up and up and never took it away and that someone else was going to pay on the other side. the people the paid on the other side was everyone else and. during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed. there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy
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attack solo duo engineer elections manufacture consent and other principle holds according to know on. one set of rules for the rich opposite. that's what happens when you put her into the. narrows of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president and she. wanted. to i could be close this is what before 3 of them or i can't be good. i'm
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interested always in the waters of my. question. donald trump launches a. documentary. the president's administration uniquely dysfunctional. britain's prestigious russian may have been behind this. coming up on the program a detroit music festival organized by members of the black community controversy by charging white people double for tickets we get reaction. from the ability. on the u.k. government.


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