tv News RT July 10, 2019 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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really you. will still not know. this morning comes under fire from u.s. democrats for links to the 1000000000 jeffrey epstein who's accused of multiple cases of child sexual abuse we've got the latest for you coming up to and i'll see . on islamic state terrorist involved in the 2015 paris terror attacks gets 500 euros compensation for legal terms of the tension his prison cell apparently was on the surveillance game got the story and. it's in the jails 24 people involved in the u.s. led operation way back in the 1970 s. to topple governments in 6 south american countries.
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good morning live from us international's main new center here in moscow is kevin when we deal with this live 30 minute world news update than just an 8 o'clock in the morning here and that 1st donald trump has stepped into the child sex abuse case against billionaire geoffrey epstein and the president has defended his secretary of labor alexander against calls from the democrats for him to resign over his time as a state prosecutor. he's been a great really great secretary of labor. the rest of it will have to look at we have to look at it very carefully but we're talking about a long time ago and again it was a decision made i think not by him but by a lot of people so we're going to look at it very carefully jeffrey epstein a registered sex offender is accused of trafficking and luring dozens of underage girls to his mansion if found guilty could face up to 45 years in prison now the democratic leadership is putting pressure on trumpet his team over the potential
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obstruction of justice secretary costa must step down as u.s. attorney he engaged in the conscionable agreement with jeffrey abstain kept secret from courageous young victims prevented them from seeking justice this was now by the president of the us when he appointed him to the cabinet i am calling on secretary acosta to resign instead of prosecuting a predator and serial sex trafficker of children. a cost to trolls to let him off the jeffrey epstein a billionaire caught trafficking underage girls between 20022005 has been arrested yet again this time after horrendous new evidence came to life beginning at least 2002 and continuing until 2000. and 13 is alleged to have dozens of victims epstein is well connected and he's evaded these charges for years thanks to a deal he made with the costa when he was the u.s.
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attorney in miami instead of being charged with sex trafficking and child rape he only pled guilty to a lesser charge of soliciting prostitution from a minor while serving his time epstein had up to 12 hours a day 6 days a week as work release at his downtown office he served only 13 months before then being released on probation during his probation epstein took numerous trips to both the virgin islands and new york city in his private jet and a new evidence has forced a cost to now come forward and defend his decision to give such special treatment to a sexual predator. with the evidence available more than a decade ago federal prosecutors. go to jail register as a sex offender and put the woden notice that he was a sexual predator now that you haven't seen additional testimonies available the new prosecution offers an important opportunity to more fully bring him to justice so democrats just heard about this sweetheart deal and are filled with outrage well
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actually know they've known about it for quite some time this is a cost his confirmation hearing back in 27 seen the lawsuit questions why trump's nominee for labor secretary former miami u.s. attorney you know xander acosta cut a non-prosecution deal with epstein a decade ago rather than pursuing a federal indictment in fact the nature of a cost as punishment if you can really call it that was never secret the department of. this has defended the actions of the office in that matter under both president bush and president obama's administrations so why the sudden outrage well according to chuck schumer timing is everything the president needs to answer for his statements he has made about his relationship with mr epstein particularly since president trump appointed mr acosta to such a powerful position see the issue is that a trumpet ministration official is now caught up in the outrage around jeffrey
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epstein and trump indeed does have some skeletons in his closet when it comes to the epstein case epstein visited mara largo however according to the attorney who represents one of epstein's victims trump threw him out after he started making passes at underage girls on the property furthermore trump seems to be the only prominent individual actually cooperated with the investigation into epstein's crimes trump is the only person who picked up the phone and said let's just to give you as much time as you want we will need to know it was very helpful so that does not put trump in the clear he certainly was familiar with the sexual predator however so was bill clinton the former president actually took $27.00 different flights on jeffrey epstein's private airplanes some of them without being accompanied by secret service and there are rumors circulating that there were underage girls on the plane clinton had his secret service with him and many times
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he did not almost every time that clinton's name is on the pilot logs there are underage girls there are initials and there are names of many many girls on that. private plane but clinton is just background noise right now epstein fits in with the anti trump chorus from mainstream media the federal sex trafficking case against donald trump old friend jeffrey epstein times to both the president and notably his labor secretary alex our costume the man who cut that deal with him that was his job then now that labor secretary he's got supporters are part of this administration so perhaps the victims in this case should be happy that donald trump was elected after all until trump's name was brought in and attached to the case there seemed to be far less interest an outrage about epstein's atrocious crimes from certain voices. r.t. new york. terrorists who took part in the 2015 paris terror
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attacks has received 500 compensation for legal terms of detention he was in a prison cell and a permanent surveillance parleys something that contradicts european human rights laws. so low this infamous name and the last remaining member of a group behind the worst terror attack in french history thank you. just months later 32 people were killed in cold water native bombings on brussels major transport ups is now serving a 20 year prison sentence yet it's in now emerged this self confessed to harvest
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has found himself on the right side of the legal system of the french state was forced to pay him 500 euros why well do you bring abdul salaams incarceration here in france he was subjected to norm's stop surveillance back in 2016 then justice minister explained why that decision was taken. made a ministerial order authorizing video surveillance 24 hours a day and on the basis of this decree which i took after consultation with the national commission on informatics and liberty i took an individual decision on mr disallowed to be put into video surveillance even the unions supported the government's position why is that scope of surveillance was justified. in this case video surveillance was an effective means of ensuring that the individual did no harm himself and if needed stand trial for what he did but does lambs is continuing to challenge it and they won in 2017 years minister to court agree that his
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detention conditions were illegal but this information has only just come to light and it's causing outrage. the french judiciary. has condemned the state to pay 500 euros to a terrorist who caused the deaths of more than 130 people and left 400 injured on the 13th of november 25th scene this is a disgrace i'm appalled by the court order to pay $500.00 euros to so obviously this legal outrage must be reviewed urgently this french stay owes nothing to islamist barbarians so what do people here in paris make of this case that honestly i don't think that 500 euros is a lot and i also agree with the human rights side of it but he didn't respect the human rights of the people either i believe that when you are. creating crime that is so horrific that perhaps you should just lose all of your entailments and
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privileges on president was about absolutely not that's not normal he committed a crime and now we have to pay him it's not normal it's really amazing that the french government are to be dismissed. fine but if we are looking to decide of the justice we've got some rules we've got some lows and we need to respect the law. is not good at all because he's still a terrorist and should be the other way he should be charging condemned some very diverse opinions on a subject that many people were simply shocked by it seems though that abd islam has no intention of taking the money so far he's refused it charlotte dban ski ati paris we also guess about the rights and wrongs of the case and as it turns out the issues not were clear cut. the issue around how we was treated by the french
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authorities is an important issue regardless of one's background regardless of one's you know situation in terms of what they've been accused of the rule of law applies equally the western legal system is much too lenient the same case in belgium actually where they receive compensation because they are in mark a restricted area within prison and they get one euro per day i mean this is ridiculous it's not the fact that they're received the one euro it's the fact that the court goes as far as the same time on this issue i mean in middle eastern countries there is none of that well the reality is somewhat different the people who carried out those a terrorist attacks in paris and in brussels and some of them have got very serious sentences they've been given life sentences of 20 plus years you know we look here in the u.k. there's been many terror plots that have been foiled and the people involved have been given long custodial sentences but i think that the sentences should be the
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real sentences the judge pronounces if it is 2030 years life it is a life it is 30 years or 20 years people in the street. should not get emotional about this but they don't understand the system they have the impression that the victims are penalized while the justice system defense criminals but you've got to take your own emotion out of it and said that the law applies equally to every single citizen and if the authorities the police are not above the law in western societies and if they've done any particular action which is brought their authority into disrepute then they should be consequences and that's what the judge awarded damages to this individual. a quarter nucleus handed life sentences to 24 people involved in operation condor it was a u.s. led offensive back of the 1970 s. that was aimed then it toppling regimes in 6 of american countries the case was initially opened 20 years ago by families of the victims.
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kidnappings torture of tens of thousands killed including through being thrown out of flying planes the death flights with a cruel dose of irony the operation was also given the ariel name conduct for over a decade the dictatorships of 6 latin american states were cleansing their left leaning opposition through repression and state terror now their victims have some closure but only some the executers of operation condor couldn't have excelled the way they did without help we have followed events in argentina closely we wish the
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new government will wish it will succeed we will do what we can to help it succeed where were you on a difficult period it is a curious to win political criminal and terrorist activities tend to move without any clear separation when the standard must establish with auriti in hindsight as stablish authority they did oh by all means quite literally all the 6 nations became staunch allies of the us for which the political purges in latin america became a convenient way to scorch communist idea from its backyard outpost of pinochet now a household name almost synonymous with tyranny enjoyed financial support from washington at least through his chief of intelligence some declassified documents referred to operation condo as a legitimate counterterrorism action moreover and rick kissinger then secretary of state was briefed on the murder operations of. operation corndog in august
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1976 the operation would last until 1989 and for all those years the cia chose not to step in to prevent the brutal violence in fact the u.s. kept its finger on the pulse of operation condor or aiding at times with strategic planning. brazil argentina chile bolivia paraguayan year ago i make up the nets they keep in touch with one another through a u.s. communication installation in the panama canal zone which covers all of latin america obviously this is the commodore network which all of us have heard about over the last few years this cia did such a great job ensuring control of latin america through operation corndog that in 1977 just 2 years into its official phase europe took notes representatives of west german french and british intelligence services had visited the condo organization secretary it's important harry's during the month of september $977.00
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in order to discuss methods for establishment of an anti subversion organization similar to condo due to their view that the terrorists aversive threat had reached such dangerous levels in europe kissinger was well aware the cia knew all about this state department knew all about this and in fact the united states helped facilitate communications between the 6 countries that were involved in this people are getting some small measure of justice and it's much too late many of the perpetrators have already died you have to realize this was a vast operation thousands and thousands of people involved 7 governments involved at least you have to also remember that you have the intelligence services of britain france and west germany also collaborating with these governments in south america so this was that global operation has silence critics silence
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reformers this is her rent this period in history. good morning is coming out to eat some to the morning here moscow you want to go out international with me kevin owen thanks you time today a lot more stories ahead including the lifeline for diabetics in america is leading them over the border to canada but a bus load to get it will tell you why they're doing it after this break. when you factor. public will. in the room in closest project. with the. middle of the room 6.
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conference 4 that's part of it it's a for a wealthy country a sum of all the. stock markets that are owned by the scot 10 percent of the population of us. and there are what else is more and it's a condition that poor americans don't want to cop to it's hard for but the fact is now you've got 150000000 more people america. again good morning donald trump twitter crusade again this time venting his anger at britain's ambassador to the united states in a series of tweets he called sickened
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a pompous full the president also lashed out at outgoing prime minister trees of may calling a breakthrough deal a disaster meantime british foreign secretary tory leadership hopeful jeremy hunt fired back. donald trump friends speak frankly so i will these comments disrespectful and wrong to our prime minister and my country you said the u.k. u.s. alliance was the greatest in history and i agree but i always need to treat each other with respect as threes amaze always done with you course the u.s. president's enraged after leaked confidential emails from the u.k.'s ambassador expose what he really thought of president trump an administration blundered immediately launched a probe into the embarrassing incident but that hasn't satisfied the man of the oval office and now tory leadership front runner boris johnson who is also been trying to smooth the path for good long term relations saying things should be ruffled by this current spat i've got a good relationship with the white house and i have no embarrassment in saying that the united states is has been will be for the foreseeable future our number one
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political military friend the u.s. state department also trying to calm the waters to saying the president's role with london won't affect this special relationship but will of course let the way house speak for the president's tweets have an incredibly special and strategic relationship with the united kingdom that has gone on for quite a long time and it's bigger than any individual it's bigger than in any government it's something that has stood the test of time and will continue to do so. and there could be further intrigue here to the british ambassador's fallen victim to a political hit job inside the u.k. foreign office that's what a former white house communications director told r.t. is going underground show and host action return see the interview in full of showing of various i was rather dave you want to catch it. you know if you if the windows ok here clickety clack outside it's a horse it's not a zebra so to me that was a political hit job an ambassador derek and there's
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a transition going to happen in the u.k. government and somebody wanted to embarrass him and knock him out of that post now he's leaving i guess or is term is up in january i think it would be ridiculous for them to remove him prior to star being up but it's likely now because of that maybe he won't get a term extension and ironically that will be a shame for the british government because he's done a very very good job using incredibly well liked despite what the president is saying in those tweets and that's the president he is very well liked in washington though and he ambassador is not is foisted upon the united states not someone with thrilled with this is predictable behavior by the president the same all over but it's embarrassing somebody should get in the foreign office of the u.k. government somebody should get down to the bottom of what happened and some people that you can't fire ok but if you are still the white house good 11 days inside the foreign office i could figure out who's doing it and we send them out.
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people with diabetes and americans say they're forced to go to canada in order to get affordable insulin a group of 5 spent 15 hours on one bus trip to buy the medication that turns out to be 12 times less expensive over the border than it is in the u.s. we spoke with the organize it. so this is when i just went to c.v.s. in minneapolis minnesota the retail price of that violence $340.00 when i went to london ontario to pick it out at the wal-mart pharmacy there. in u.s. dollars the retail price was $26.00 so there is a huge price discrepancy and so for so many americans they just simply can't afford that. i have never had to personally ration insulin but from the high cost of insulin i have had to go into debt because of it i've had to put it on credit cards i've had to reach out to family members to help me pay for it because it has gotten
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too expensive that i can't. because it astronomical costs but i also realize there are people that are not as fortunate as me and they don't have family members they can reach out to that can help bail them out coding to the us to be dissociation $30000000.00 americans suffer from diabetes well more than $7000000.00 rely on insulin this comes amid a significant rise in the cost of treatment as we've been here for 2012 to 2016 prices almost doubled nicole smith's whole charity to an international tells bit more about the tragic consequences of rushing and. the price is raised over 1200 percent in the past 20 years and there's just no reason why it's been increasing to the point where people just they're dying because they can't afford their insulin my family has paid the ultimate price of the pharmaceutical companies price gouging their patients. in 2017 my 26 year old son passed away.
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from diabetic ketoacidosis from rationing his insulin and he was rationing it because he couldn't afford it. the monthly price for his insulin and diabetic supplies was $1300.00 is going to such an extreme people are resorting to some really drastic measures to be able to get affordable insulin and people are traveling outside of the united states and going to other countries to purchase it where it's actually affordable. well john dombrowski from a pain management center thinks that increased competition could drive down the price of insulin in the us. sometimes it happens united states the f.d.a. requires pharmaceutical industry to have a certain standard of care and standards are great but sometimes small businesses cannot enter that market because it's such a barrier by making
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a $1000.00 or $3000.00 a year in a product when i as a company want to get into that maybe we need 6 companies maybe you need a company and the way that you do that is again make sure there's a less of a barrier to make this product if you use competition then me as a patient i'm empowered to understand how much is this medication cost this product equally as good why i want maybe you know take a lesser expensive medication than the other. 25 in the morning let's go tom next for you police in the city of chicago have been caught on camera tasering a man who they say was interfering with a crime scene the man's wife recorded the instant from inside their car with their children were also sitting and watching. find out. why they were not time. yes because that's all you're going to be. certainly or you know and say.
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ok. yes it is really a series of 4 we've received yes the police department report of the charge the number 2 comes from stockton an officer now with bearing in mind since 2014 anyone in the state of illinois can record on duty police officers in public places that without their consent there are 2 exceptions to the law one prohibits recording interactions in a secret way the other expects reasonable prophecy for an officer we spoke to dan kadlec human rights lawyer whether the man in the video is actually broken the law here police are allowed to secure a scene but there's no reason why someone couldn't film them doing. or even film the scene in laurel her even if someone were truly interfering with the crime scene there is no reason to pepper spray them and to use that kind of force from what i saw from the video it was definitely excessive force it seems to me the police in
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this country feel they can use any force they want to accomplish any ends they want that's just not true you know in the end they are supposed to protect and serve and they need to use the least amount of force necessary to do their jobs and in this case i think they went well over the line in any and again i think that violated. this man's 1st amendment rights because they seemed to want to shut down his felon when she has a constitutional right to do i guess he took a risk there's no question but i think in a civilized society you shouldn't have to whisper life and limb for doing what your constitutional rights say and that that i believe the case here. was for some of your stories some of the shaping of so far this morning stay in touch with so much more of the news today that our teams are across without a dot com for now this wednesday morning here in moscow is kevin over the same folks watching us international and have a great day would have you do. you
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know world a big part of the maters and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. line so when you hear the word diversity it's at the expense of unity. then there is inclusion but only inclusion when you agree with a certain political thought and world view and of course we can forget about identity politics if you disagree then you're called a dog whistle i did to get here. this
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up and your culpable in with not i'm going through it in a circle as one of you. and you don't know for a minute much that it was a total of 3 minutes to do it on their. look. at. the white english but i'm from you you're already one of the most innocent but you haven't yet made it into the trade. city. that that.
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during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was and most of my family were unemployed working class there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objectively isn't today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today. inequality is.
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