tv Cross Talk RT August 16, 2019 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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hello and welcome to cross talk were all things considered peter lavelle describing the trump administration's iran policy as confusing contradictory and even incoherent would be an understatement as members of his administration beat the drums of war the president suddenly inject themselves into the conversation with words to the contrary what is the world to think. across talking around i'm joined by my guest mohammad marandi and he is a professor at the university of tehran in beirut we have become ill was me he is a professor and political analyst and in florida we cross to robert rebel he is a professor of political science at florida atlantic university all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate mohamed let me go to you 1st and to ron give me your side or how iran's
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sees this whole thing playing out because iran's point of view is virtually silent in western media so western audiences don't know the other side of this story or as i would put it a artificially generated impending conflict go ahead mohamed. the most important thing in this story is that the united states is waging economic warfare against iranian women and children the united states has exercised in what our foreign minister said economic economic terrorism and that they are trying to make the iranian people suffer and to force the iranian people to suffer so much that the government will submit to the united states and basically raise the white flag and this is based in my opinion on calculations that are due to these so-called iran experts that we so i call the see in thing. tanks in the united states in
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europe. yes exactly they are people who know nothing about iran or very little about iran or if they do know a thing or 2 about the country they really can't say the truth because if they do then they lose their position their think tanks or their they've ceased to be invited to different organizations or platforms so this is economic warfare everything that comes after it is the foundation of that is is this economic warfare so the heightened tension in the region in the persian gulf in the strait of hormuz in the sea of oman or the gulf of oman is based upon this economic warfare now there are conflicting. perspectives or conflicting reports as to what is actually happening the iranians are very suspicious about about some of the attacks the attacks of the port of jade in the
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united arab emirates have to have happened right after bolton said that he had received intelligence from the israelis the iran is about to carry out that in an attack the one off of the iranian coast is even more suspicious because the americans said mind to use the chinese owner of the ship the japanese owner of the ship rather said that they were not mines they were they came from the air and also the explosions were above the water drop. put place under the water and finally that this attack took place as the japanese prime minister was about to visit the iranian law that doesn't i just ask i just ask. that just has to be a coincidence really capitol hill let's go let's go to beirut. if you look at the administration the trump administration you certainly have john bolton in my column pale beating the drums of war it's really obvious and bolton is. i want to destroy
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a very very long time and then trump interjects themself this is not the 1st time the dinner jackson says there are reports that he's telling his aides to kind of calm down a little bit i mean is this a plan is this a strategy i mean is this if you know kind of a bluffing game here because it looks amazingly unprofessional and quite vulgar in its approach go ahead in beirut well obviously the trombetta ministration and the president personally he's a he's a he's part of an article that is taken place around around the world he is a basically launching these attacks against the many country using it as a weapon of his favorite choice he's imposing these trade sanctions sanction against country. he has a good relationship with those country who are actually he has conflict with but in the end they have to remember these these sanction are hurting the people whether
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it's in iran or it's in cooper or vines well in north korea or in china or russia and it's actually destabilizing that international world order basically well we've been seeing that the sideline for the united nation and basically it is the will of that trump administration and his. secretaries trying to rule the world as there is nobody but the united states in charge of this world i think this as collation in terms of using economic sanction and economic sanction him i asked him it is sometime as a harder then a war because it inflicts a lot of harm on people especially who are not supposed to be. part of the equation in the end. the people who got harm in their. confrontation
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are that in a 1000 people throughout the world that you know it is they've both been almost economic function or 2000000000 people they haven't really if. that's the real worry because if the sanctions don't work and they want this they're outcome of regime change they will up the ante here let me go to robert here robert i mean i suppose all of this watching this unfold here is that there is such a possibility of miscalculation in misinterpretation they could bring a conflict to fruition which are both governments say they don't want but the actions of one government seems to be pushing towards a calm flick looking for some kind of tripping point tipping point to make the iran react that's what it looks like it looks like tontine to me go ahead robert. yes i agree was you to some extent i think myself that you can freeze are
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a. mistake was each other you have a lot of miscommunication and indeed i believe that the u.s. administration has pursued do a great extent not transparent and incoherent the views of the iran and visibly the region and this is an account of this clip and the administration between the. the president and between baltar and point to your words what happened on sort of the at 730 eastern time united states where iran shut down drone now is this is a very serious tory measure that has been taken by the iranians the united states said well it was in international waters the iranians said it was in iranian airspace the point is yes indeed. if you don't have some kind of calm. i mean that if you're going to have the medium so does the job.
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they have. yes you are going to have it well and. i agree with you on that point about communication let me go back to turn around but mohamed i mean why would the iranian leadership want to engage in a conversation with the trumpet ministration when the trump administration walked away from the nuclear deal is very very provocative scored a quote sending more troops to the region i mean where's the diplomacy in all of that ok this is what i don't get i mean here you have the president the united states tearing up an international agreement and then saying that you know iran has to adhere to the agreement that it no longer adheres to go ahead mohamad. well this maximum pressure on iranian women and children leaves the united states with no exit strategy and a while back. the head of conflicts forum wrote a very good piece explaining this so the americans have put themselves in
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a very tight spot on the one hand they have no exit strategy declare the iranian armed forces as a terrorist organization so they can no longer communicate with them at sea or anywhere and on the other hand the united states has left the nuclear agreement the iranians and the americans were negotiating with each other within the framework of the. iranian nuclear deal the j c p o a and even under tromping his 1st secretary of state tillerson did participate in talks with the iranian yet so it is the americans who've left the negotiating table not the iranians and it's the americans who basically created a dead end by declaring iran's armed forces a terrorist organization which is unprecedented in human history so right now the americans have put us in a position where there is no exit strategy there. no way for either the americans
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are going to continue to escalate and create greater danger and if that's the case than i if i were in the united arab emirates or saudi arabia i'd leave or i'd be pulled my money out of the country immediately or the united states is going to have to find a way to back down because for iran there is no where to go except. it's sovereignty right now that's a really good point and come on let's go back to beirut here i mean mohamed brings up an excellent point here is that they are trying to ministration has an allotted an exit strategy for itself i mean that's why i worry because if they don't get the results they want they're just going to up the ante in the next stage obviously is some kind of military conflict limited or very expansive go ahead in beirut. i think the aim of. administration at least for. mr. bolton they actually want to change in iran they want to change
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somewhere in china they want regime change and russia they want to know the schema changes as well basically they're just one hijacked the international order this is does not work the way they see it they failed. miserably they tried to do a coup didn't work with. china and russia it's not working it's backfiring on them basically on them and i think if they push too hard i think this is a lead to war and that. there is a war i think basically it's going to be a. political geography. gentlemen and we have to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the ground state with our.
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paradise with around into the experimentation field cultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major here there's no question otherwise why would the chemical company workers themselves be geared up and suited up locals attempt to combat the unrelated experiments that often in you have many of these people one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on. the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental racism going on in a while whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people
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have less political power. seemed wrong. but all roles just don't call. me that is yet to shake out these days to come to advocate and indeed from an equal betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when she's to look for common ground. cash cow and. alfonzo among. this changing pay change dard. whose 1st words were added i will see you're a challenging post you've got 2 years to know. i
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have no doubt that what happened was scriven. let's concentrate market is a $1000000000.00 industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to solve these problems there are numerous studies showing that doctors were keen to test facts right concentrates free infectivity on their patients won't give them doctors the wrong to place. our current system why they would keep me consecutive doses day. and people still think i am always question michel i tried being hard to live when so many have. welcome back across the uk where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing iraq.
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ok let's go back to robert in florida here well let's talk about mike pompei oh he's saying that the reason why troops need to be sent to the gulf is entirely for deterrence sake what is he talking about it's how can it be deterrence when it's offensive go ahead robert well you have a point here my point pedro has been really issuing mixed messages to iran and to the rest of the wall and i am worried about him really and i'm worried that he is motor. the water. but something happened today as a day or a day and the daily beast and all that a statement by the president he mentioned you know through his. administration to his people and the administration that they have to tone down all kind of all kind of you know statements that could increase and i believe that the president of
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united states might send troops and even let me add this on account what happened. in mind even or a bit of some kind of. a response to what happened to the wrong not necessary and you're on probably in syria or iran but the fact remains that i think that given the polarization that his administration given the election but they are coming in united states i seem to united states is going to do it's going to be calibrated and hopefully it's going to it's not going to lead to war ok well you know mohamed you know they say they want to send troops to the region a lot of troops in the region there's a lot of ships there's a lot of material there i mean i'm astounded will not i'm not astounded you know the western media makes it sound like no one's there i mean iran is completely surrounded by. friendly forces the united states are friendly to the united states
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i mean it's a country under siege i want to stay with my palm pale mohamed because he seems to have this kind of weird kind of psychological kick because when he hears iran he hears the echo of al qaeda after all these years he's still playing that that somehow there is a connection between iran and al qaida it's an extraordinary and very few in the media push back on it. yes and the fact is that there is a direct link between the united states and. right now in syria the law. stronghold of al qaeda the united states is preventing the syrian government the syrian armed forces from getting rid of this major occupation this occupation of this this horrific terrorist organization so it's ironic that after less than 2 decades decades after september the 11th and subsequently this whole
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war on terrorism 3 which was as a result of september the 11th since 2011 the united states has been supporting al qaeda and we have to remember that isis was al qaida us which broke away and became isis or i.a.s. so but in addition to that i'd like to point out that the downing of the drone which was a very sophisticated and expensive drone with stealth technology by the iranians show that the united states is really misleading itself if it thinks that it can engage in conflict with iran without major consequences and it is interesting that the this drone was downed by an iranian made surface to air missile called the cord 3 missile so i think this is important for americans and europeans to recognize that if there is military conflict in this region the iranians will strike back disproportionately even if it's
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a small attack and they will be relentless because they know that they have to make sure that americans understand that war is not an option and if there is a major conflict between the 2 sides there is no doubt that the whole of the persian gulf will be on fire there will be no oil and gas exports from the persian gulf anymore and the united states will be driven out of the region and millions of people from the arabian peninsula arabian peninsula will be on the move towards europe the global economy will collapse and so the saudi regime and the iraqi regime will not last very long so they are. are huge implications and it is very important for europeans and americans to push back against the more foolish elements in the political political order whether in the united states or in countries like britain or saudi arabia or the emirates or israel. come out and go back to the debate route professor marandi is absolutely correct here that the
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problem with all of this is that the there's no real political debate in particularly the united states on these issues here i think 11 hopeful thought in all of this is that donald trump wants to be reelected and he knows he knows very very well that his base they elected him in 2016 do not want another foreign adventure and it's very very clear from the polling results here i think this is the thing that's going to maybe hold him back my working theory about all of this is it has given pomp aylwin bolton a very wide berth and he said to them do whatever you want just don't get me into a war that will be called trumps war months before the next election what do you think go ahead in beirut. obviously the military the pentagon the senior adviser to the president know very well they cannot win a war in the middle east they try that war and there are games you rog play but
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almost a 1000000 soldiers on the ground and what happened even though the president and the american the broom but cannot come except. in the night i leave in the night so obviously they were not successful and their operation in iraq they're not going to be successful any operation in any place against iraq because this is this is obviously will lead to a regional war and this is going to weaken their allies in the region and they will have an impact on the economy of the united states and the national economy i. i think the president he wanted to jeopardize any and the and the what at this point but we have to be very mindful there could be some miscalculation example in the process of alteration that as they come to place and here i'm a miscalculation this will lead to
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a confrontation there they are in an declared very well very well they don't want war but they are ready for a war and them i asked them at their act they are a me and they would love to have that confrontation in the end these economic sanction it is really a war yes it is really difficult a war and i don't think the iranian can ask wait and see until that economy get hurt more than what it is a wrench really they can take some measurement that cannot stop these economic sanctions because what we know about the american administration they don't stop and only who do major shock and that's what probably the iranians are going to do to them they can i give them some shock some something that the american will think very hard that going and raising that rhetoric is some it's not a picnic they can take it at any time they wish to right let me go it's go back to
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ciaran here i think we've lost robert in florida here mohamed it's very interesting that this time around because he does it iran it's been a target of the united states for a very a my entire adult life and i think that's very clear and ran has been treated as a pariah and western media for decades now but this time around the united states is very much isolated itself it doesn't have the this coalition of the willing around it it's very unilateral and i maybe that's what trump wants he wants that's what america 1st. means to him is unilateralism i don't see it ends very well but only to explain to our viewers again the lies i started out the program getting the point of view from tehran what is this sentiment if you can talk about it general sentiment for a country as long as large as around and with such a large population that you know the whole thing is the plan is to undermine the government so the government and government be overthrown i mean is that. the sky
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tell us what's going on on the ground go ahead. well there are enormously grievances among iranians americans ever since 953 when they overthrew the government they installed the shah they helped the shah imposes dictatorial regime over the public to help create the secret police that killed thousands of iranians they supported the shah during the revolution when massacred people on the streets of tehran on black friday carter immediately afterwards declared his support for the shah after the revolution the americans tried to undermine it they supported saddam hussein gave him chemical weapons i personally survived 2 of those chemical attacks and then of course the sanctions which have been brutal and directed towards ordinary people so you iranians have a deep dislike and especially someone like trump who is more crude i mean he's not really all that different from previous american presidents but he's more crude but i think the difference between now in the past is that iran is much more
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militarily advanced as we've seen in the recent downing of the drone iran position in the region is iran has a commanding position its allies across the region are very powerful in iraq in yemen in syria and lebanon in afghanistan and iran's untag in this are increasingly weak and the weakest link here is of course the united arab emirates and saudi arabia and the iranians who will not tolerate this economic warfare to continue and since these 2 regimes are part of this economic warfare i think that iran will put increasing pressure on these 2 regimes but in addition to iran strengthen regional position and its unity at home thanks to trump because iranians see the trump as as an aggressor and the the different political parties are more united today but also there's a greater convergence among major powers like russia exonerating with iran and therefore the united states is basically a lie
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a lie and all these different forces both globally and regionally with one in. i mean i mean things maybe let me jump in here let me get some on the united states and its allies regimes i mean you have come on the last 30 seconds of the program go ahead jump in beirut. well well obviously this is this is the way they are. declaring war and the world has declared war and everybody is not. actually believe the united states it's wrong it's weekend. morally the world is watching and probably we're going to feel new economic order different from the one was in 1944 in britain would i think everybody is looking for a 5th term where the united states would not lead i think that china will have sort of fell russia. also worked very hard i have been i've been here i go i call it the paradigm shift america cannot house jack i was holding steady
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let me all the time we have gentlemen thank you very much many thanks to my guests and to around beirut and in florida and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. next time and remember. we came here where did you work before you came here when you live. in many u.s. states capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution but most of the time the victims' families they are very much in favor of the death penalty there are some people because of what they do have given up the right to live among us some even proven innocent doctor years on death row and how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about.
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putting pressure on congress the u.s. intelligence chief calls for the n.s.a.'s surveillance powers to be renewed into 2020 with the program set to expire at the end of this year. president putin awards 2 pilots with the highest state award the hero of russia for saving hundreds of lives with a perfect emergency landing near moscow after both of the plane's engines failed. there was no panic on board even though the engine was rough defilements did a great job landed the plane on the belly. and india stresses its pledge to not use nuclear weapons 1st in warfare but warns that made changes hostilities escalate with pakistan over the disputed kashmir region.
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