tv Going Underground RT August 19, 2019 2:30am-2:55am EDT
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think they believe that they they knew perfectly well how the world worked and what the united states needed to advance its interests they did not need london to tell them that today venezuelan backed t.v. sees the u.k. u.s. crew is more relevant than ever on august 19th a mystery more paid for in america dollars took down the democratically elected government of iran an event which changed the course of iran's history and left the 1st ever democratically elected prime minister to be confined to house arrest where he died on august 11th this year donald trump announced. a military option we have many options for venezuela well one who is played a dictator backed by the u.s. and u.k. steven berkoff after saddam of iraq he now believes a disgraced film executive a new monologue harvey he joins me now stephen welcome to going underground tell me about harvey it is about power and resource but i think it is i think you absolutely something up correctly it is about power massaging and here's
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a man who is being accused of the left side of attack by the whole family industry but the thing is he's very famous he's very successful he's made extraordinary inventive and powerful movies that make some other bit more of a target because he's so celebrated so here's a man who so celebrate his accuse of being a kind of. sexual predator and i think his fame has inflated the crime enormously of course what is it there's always a criticism made about men who make films or plays or productions about this subject david mamet famously with all the honor in the ninety's yes they go all out i think there's been a few i think there's been a few films linking that subject but of course not so many but i think it's good to somehow corrupted by hollywood. hollywood has made much of the movie industry.
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determined by sex and by the way exposure of scenes which years ago when they had the these sensors would be allowed and now they feel they can't make a movie unless you've got a very raw seen any of his call your artistic license you know they're all that and so it's already become a kind of sexually exploitive industry where women actresses who are very serious actresses feel that they have got to be sexy desirable allow shares it with a 1000000 as you make the point you know that's always been the case there are lunar and keeps popping up in your movie has no it's been the case for the thing it started maybe with marilyn monroe because i mean she was so desirable and she did what she was told to do and but she studied hard and became
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a very talented comic actress number before anyone thinks it's just about women male relationships is obviously about male male relationships in the hollywood industry as well but in how we close rather than identity makes entrance that these some of these moguls are not from the kind of upper class backgrounds or the actors would that element of it well they're they're from oh very different backgrounds talking about their origins they come from far eastern europe when they were escape from those russian dictatorships and fled to america which was the night of the mill konami and they started off in the schmaltz of business and that's where they all did and then along came those little you know 210 cent arcades where you could see i reject easy shoddy. simple idiot. kind of
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expressions of the movie's stories he makes the pact with the devil to. which version. this is good his version. so that he would have eternal life every kind of wonderful exotic food or drink and then he's grieved to this and of course eventually but the devil does mephistopheles is that he makes a practical have it for nothing if there is a least a time limit and you can have this wonderful life. maybe i think it was 10 or 20 years but then the time comes up and he's just knocking on the door saying you only have a few moments left because this version it's been updated yes and what is it a pact with technology. i've found a little bit confusing. because
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his 1st words were added i will see you are a challenging post you've got 2 years to live. i have no doubt that what happened was scriven. let's concentrate market is a $1000000000.00 industry these things how does huge financial motivation to solve these problems there are numerous stocks showing that doctors were keen to test facts or a concentrate straight infectivity on the patients won't give them doctors the raunch to play. turn to stone why they would give me i'm sick each of those years day. and people still die and i'm always question or so i write being hard to live when so many have.
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you know world of big partners through a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. if your strace are spot gapping in the spread is why then you know what i call they just write apartheid if you're in the wrong side of the friends of jeffrey abstain you end up an empty bantustan of extortion ery credit card rights if you're a friend of jeffrey abstain then you get the insider rate of negative. and you get paid to lend money or to borrow money excuse me from the bank.
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welcome back i'm still with steven berkoff the american people made a pact with trump when they voted him in you see him in as a villain trump because he's made of a little v.c. by liberal elites in this country and in the later states i think. the big donald of course is one of the great villains of the 21st century there can't be nobody more villainous please don't do this this is the thing why he captures the crowd he's not deliberately villainous he's just think it can't be nobody more stupid than told probably by the u.s. ambassador on to refute that the allegation stupid because when we have all these
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killings in america he said well he has to do with the guys you know they're troubled they're mental. 90 percent of the population is mental because that's the human being is imperfect so you don't put in front of them things that are going to kind of cause them to do create havoc something could go in 2 of my local shop and get an assault rifle i might one day get frustrated why this didn't give me work i didn't get that it's too easy it is the gun of course which is the single most provocative. thing weapon to have and instead say let's stop this you can't have guns no assault rifles no military rifles any card why because it is simple minded is the stupid general and stupid people get together either there's a sense of superiority say from britain in criticizing trump in that way britain is
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involved in a lot of us was just yes what do you make of that because obviously the gun topic is relatively easy to answer in most countries reality right i mean we've been supplying arms to saudi arabia for years and we we are we're up to elbows and blood even if you're trying to be politically aware we don't know what goes on in the gun manufacturers and the weapons industry is not put in the newspaper is hardly on the internet we don't know how many tanks planes even very highly sophisticated weapons are shipped over to the middle east so that we can keep our we talked about petitions on this program about for instance the saudi arabian arms contract and politicians on this program say but the saudis are threatening no security corporation that we bombs on british streets that we don't sell the weapons to there's a kind of like you know quid pro quo you know we we can do some evil as long as the
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other one kind of visit 1st vax has very interesting and yes very very famous and well that's terrible but the. opens industry has always been there will always be there and the only reason it is there is because some kind of vom you know hypocrite will say well if we don't do it the belgians will and the scandinavians with a huge amen history i was so particular the russians and so special that we are there and someone else will get someone else will do it but getting back to trump. he is a kind of villain that he associates with other villains so people have all humanistic in light and caring he regards him as cheap or you know you have been in this country long enough or you know him yet he will adore murderers like putin who is guilty of some need this blowing up
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planes invading countries invading leaving like screw zylon obviously the russian government denies those allegations why do you think they cause he's powerful and he is also a belligerent. kamin. navigator into the weakness of societies and he sees in tribe a very weak man he looks weak he's soft he's so great and therefore he is malleable and now whatever and even the country russia now is no longer nearly as powerful putin is he has a power that trump kind of only envy he's been in power for 20 years but it is being blamed also as you say you're saying rusher isn't that powerful but he has been blamed also of stirring up things you have a brics that some people even saying he was part of the brics that yes. what do you
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think i mean obviously people there are other peoples who say it's the stuff of hollywood fiction the guardian had to apologize just the other day to one of these journals about this fake news you know on this channel on russia i mean. you think bricks it. you think bricks it will be of interest to putin i think it would be number one on his list if he could through his various means and through of course through people whom propaganda in the internet can sow seeds of doubt about a united europe which is a far bigger thing and a mighty entity and a fantastic family of powerful nations if we can engineer some way to break that up of that feather in his cap that he doesn't have to deal with them because europe if it's over 101 for all that sounds like you want to play putin in the near future where maybe maybe putin you have. no absolutely putin would be in line for that and
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it's a pity because at the podium got rid of all these tiny little states because that started then with him saying we've got a $100.00 states and germany let's have one of the state and that that time the people of the 18th century they said oh god no no we will lose out there she will lose our powers will lose our independence or we lose our individuality but germany that was germany became one state and have been one state for as 100 years so that is a powerful thing you come together you unite the things that don't work the things about europe of course which are offensive to his head as all actors in the main although we have interviewed a few all the good ones are a against bracks it in this kind of way i would ask i mean to be the 1st to say soviet union britain side against fascism against them i understand you're working on. something about fascism in this very says here it's not only
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a little bit about it but they're trying to do a bit of writing in their words i live in these that of london and of course i'm fascinated by these in history of all the things that i've read about which i never mentioned televisions or no dramatizes films and they basically ignore one of the greatest events in eastern history was the march through the east end in 1934 by oswald mosley and 3000 nero fascist nazi thugs and they were unable to do this by a government said well we ought to have free speech you can march and get demonstrate and a 2 or $3000.00 police a company of moe's they as they attempted to march to the east end and they thought well one of them was impoverished communities 0 $1.00 of the most on trial which could compel him totally and they thought they were marched through cable street because it was narrow and of the jews where they have there they had quite
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a few 1000 people there tens of thousands lived there maybe in those at that time probably close to $100000.00 but they were very powerful people they were just ordinary regular workers tables and benches make this about they were ready to stop mostly and so they put an overturned lorry is all they could do and it would be much against the power of $3000.00 fascists with with boots and clubs and chains and then a wonderful thing happened the only time the jews have had an ally to support them they've had people who've they ignore them or not persecuted them but and nothing to do with them but suddenly from what pain. all these hundreds and hundreds of irish dockworkers to support the cheese was amazing and why that was is because julia very famous doc strike all the doctors once tried because they're getting paid. and they walked and demonstrated and they didn't want could
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leave the babies at home they went with their wives and so the jews said we'll take the baby for the day they just stood there watching them and they took that they base and the irish difficulties so when the moses came to march the irish dock workers came up and they were tough and they waited for them and they fought and they. got it or this fascist scattered they ran away screaming you know they couldn't believe it because the jews were fighting back and causing havoc and that was the 1st time and the only time that the police actually said to moses you know i've prayed you don't dig very wide if you do you think we're going to be big trouble and they start from then on marches of political nature through england also the wearing of provocative uniforms because they had the liberty to wear the
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kind of nazi black uniforms so that was pivotal moment in the struggle because i was with jeremy corwin the leader of western europe's largest socialist movement at the moment has relatives who were on the cable street much you had we all had relatives in the sense not a great fan of german cool but well i don't care for him too much with these 2 week he doesn't make a strong enough statement about the the hands of anti-semitism in his country or the more overt gestures justified by going to because the people are pro israel and israel does not have a good reputation had their moment understandably under that guy and netanyahu who . please god will get rid of soon because i think he's done terrible things for the reputation of israeli ambassador for you know on the future but why i mean you've been historically as it were the left and corbin has been is clearly seen as the
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most left wing leader the party has ever had with the widest membership grassroots membership in generations why would someone like you oppose a person who finally is on the cusp of power leading in what you see of the poll is something about the left and the right you believe isn't a semitic no i believe that he lets the kind of that sours stanch advantage semitism permeate the parts he not to offend his friends in the middle east to show he's sympathetic understandably to their needs and to the situation in israel between the palestinians and the israelis and he doesn't want to look too much as if he's for you know against kind of that form of nasty anti semitic hysteria is always fought against fascism all his life and he's famous picture of him being arrested of course. we all did
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then but there's something about the left and right that as you creep over to the left is like circling the world your comeback and you end up facing me of the right so there's something about the extreme left which is actually very right wing and starts to identify itself with the most extreme positions of racist right wing states. as as years as he was in a famous for his association with hamas and the p.l.o. so i think he's gone so far left that he's stepping up his own so i think he's done a good left free man i did like the left wing as i was there for my father was a labor voter as i was but now i've gone away from them i find that there's has this sour stench of the racism in it it's bad and then when he supports
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it i think the venezuelan president who has caused such havoc he's corrupt he's committed political murder and the nation is a 1000000000 percent. inflation and he supports same it's a me this is utterly unbelievable on the speakable and in tolerable so that man should be even in power for a minute is a sin to this nation well we'll be having the venezuelan foreign ministry of this program great sustiva work of thank you and that's it for the show will be back on wednesday we're going on the growing season finale with legendary journalist and filmmaker john pilcher and till then keep in touch by this and we do and don't forget the.
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he put themselves on the line big get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president one should. want to. have to go right to be precise this is what before 3 of them or can't be good get. interested always in the waters about how. there should be. in his community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there
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are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with a logical argument there's a lot of conflict in the games between the most of the conflict i would say throw balls around there most of them is made. close one on each of those he knows each other is good because the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year of the prison complex just to get some 20 a life where. you don't care and cares about your so you don't care about anything .
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well i'm going to. look for. something i hear most go in the headlines president's money on the cross polluting gear of the french they just mediterranean residents this monday we can pray syria and iran all of the agenda. and evil propaganda machine trump launches a blistering attack been on the new york times often leap forward to suggest that his editors are looking for new ways of covering the president of the 2 years of fixating on russia day. how does jodi's green party enjoy the support we take a look at one of the most ambitious but very controversial so you got a mental problem.
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