tv News RT August 21, 2019 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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social media took a giant twitter says it will ban all advertisements from state controlled media. on government funded think tanks to determine who falls under that definition. plus a leaked on your reporting confirms earlier reports that america's oil and gas industry persuaded the government to criminalize protests against the pipeline. and it's 6 years to the day since a major chemical attack in 2 years east school we'll look at what progress has been made by the official investigation into that case and others across syria.
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watching r.t. international bring you your live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program. social media platform twitter has announced it will no longer accept advertisements placed by government controlled media artist on quarter looks at who exactly will be affected twitter users fear not the admins are taking new steps to protect you from the big bad state controlled media no longer will you be exposed to their alternative information via advertisements it's all for the best. we want to protect healthy discourse and open conversation to that and we believe that there is a difference for dating gauging and conversation with accounts you choose to follow on the content you see from advertisers in your tweets experience which maybe from accounts you're not currently following by by b.b.c. and voice of america right well they might actually be what the social media giant
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is calling taxpayer funded and titties it's different and twitter has put together a diverse team of western media organizations to draw the line between good and bad that's right freedom house the apparently independent and u.s. state funded n g o that helped the cia with a 980 s. propaganda campaign twitter picked the right state funded organization for the job of censoring state funded organizations so why is twitter suddenly pumping media doesn't like management didn't say but the mainstream media was able to connect a few dots when it comes to burning issues like the protests in hong kong there's only room for one perspective. state owned public funded independent what's the difference if at the end of the
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day you're only getting one take on controversial events it's a bad idea for twitter to put any restrictions on on any media companies and on any of their advertising. i support freedom of speech any restrictions that companies like twitter or facebook start putting on media organizations it prevents as much dialogue that could happen and it leads to other other rules that could be worse for other organizations as well and it's not always a very clear distinction on what is state controlled versus not state controlled and there are loopholes that will allow. organizations like m.p.r. and p.b.s. in the united states or the b.b.c. in britain to continue to advertise and pope was shown on twitter. a link to audio recording has revealed that an american oil and gas lobby group helped secure legislation that criminalize protests against pipelines that was in
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response to demonstrations against the construction of a pipeline in north dakota during which activists chain themselves to equipment protesters also started fires when the authorities tried to remove them from the site with more on the story here scale. if you want to have big influence in washington d.c. and need to have a big lobby and that means you need to have big money meet the american fuel and petrochemical manufacturers the f.p.m. represents all the big names in the energy markets koch industries chevron exxon mobil valero energy to name a few now the pm has been around since 1902 making sure that the voice of the ultra wealthy oil monopolists are not left out of the political process and it seems like their latest target has been protesters now the f.p.m. has crafted legislation in $22.00 different states already passed in 9 states that would severely restrict the activities of political activists who might get in the
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way of oil pipelines and other profitable infrastructure in an audio recording obtained by the intercept the group's senior vice president discusses the strategy that they're using to criminalize protests. will. live with. now the language of the riot boosting act is a little bit vague it could be a stretch to outlaw even thinking about protesting big oil companies. i. know this is the only law that's been pushed by the am $28.00 teen
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a $30000000.00 lobbying effort killed a carbon tax in washington state bigger cars means more gasoline and more gasoline means more profits for the oil companies the money and influence of big oil certainly outweigh the efforts of grassroots environmental and everybody knows that in the united states of america if you want something you have got to pay for it and the oil industry certainly has all the means necessary. but artsy new york. it is 6 years to the day since a major chemical attack on the syrian capital suburb of eastern gooda back in 2013 the rebel stronghold in damascus was targeted with rockets containing sarin gas this prompted international outrage with many pointing the finger at the syrian government the syrian government has utilized chemical weapons in its fight against rebels the syrian sarin gas attack which are ministration says the
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syrian government launched the assad regime has used chemical weapons including the nerve agent sarin syrian troops now have the deadly nerve agent sarin gas weaponized and at the ready syrian president bashar al assad responded to the allegations calling them part of the fake narrative of the west nevertheless he committed to destroying his country's chemical arsenal they were his ation for the prohibition of chemical weapons launched a special fact finding mission to investigate that incident and others and wake interest on the reports on what progress has been made. the syrian war theater has become the seeing for some of the scariest chemical attacks of the 21st century in many acts of this tragedy it is still not known to this very day who launched noxious project tiles that have killed hundreds if not thousands of people for years the so-called fact finding mission and initiative over u.n. backed chemical watchdog has been tasked with dotting the ice the establishment of
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a fact finding mission was based on the general authority of the o.p.c. w director general seek to uphold at all times the object and purpose of the chemical weapons convention. in a report on a series of chemical incidents in lebanon 2015 the mission showed a drawing of an alleged munition used in one of the attacks what they didn't mention though was that using such a device as a bomb didn't make sense it was loaded not with chlorine but rather the chemicals that needed to be mixed together to become toxic according to the u.n. to facilitate this would be a tall order the a c f c hydrochloride fluorocarbon gas canisters commonly referred to as refrigerant canisters are widely available because they used to refill refrigerators and air conditioners however they are disposable and they repurchasing all refilling would require technical modification of the valve
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technical expertise and equipment would be needed to modify the valve to refill the canisters with liquids or compressed gas the report gave no clear indications as to how this had been a success. and any nation that looked to see it was a holes of the virus put forward and yet for an report is that these were. filled with something else ok but these canisters that there was no device shown these cancers would rule out on to being. refill are not accountable so this is a big question mark and yes taken something constructive to devise which allegedly can be ineffective where the pattern continues in other reports by the fact finding mission to. a toxic attack and hunchy
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whom seem to reinforce bashar assad's reputation of a tyrant gassing his own people even though damascus denied any involvement the fact finding mission provided an extensive analysis of the incident but somewhat overlooked the fact that the closest the government planes got to hunchy who in their day was 5 kilometers the map indicated that the closest to hand shake that the aircraft had flown had been approximately 5 kilometers away additional information provided by the mechanism referred to 2 aircraft that had taken off from the shea rad air base at around the time indicated as above 10 minutes apart following the same flight path this effectively rules out the possibility of an air strike throwing a dark shadow of doubt on the version suggesting the government's involvement. another thing left out about this incident is the fact that some of the alleged victims had been admitted to hospitals before the attack some were chipped in as
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patients in a hospital more than a 100 kilometers away just 30 minutes after the incident the mission didn't seem to present any facts explaining how the ambulance could have covered this distance in under 30 minutes because to do so it would have had to go at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour to reach the facility wanted to keep problems that they're being ok in addition to many of the alleged attacks there's been a reliance on n.g.o.s reliant on one's asian. which are not independent the bigger question is raised how much international organizations you are. being subjected to external pressure you know or just a general. who goals the war in syria almost normalize the use of chemicals in warfare but it seems that the very mission that
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was established to find out the facts as to who bears most of the blame has been just a bit selective as to which facts to look for we've asked the o.p.c. w.-a to comment on why some evidence appears to have been ignored so far no response. russia's top diplomat has accused the us of a long wanting to pull out every nuclear arms treaty so a lot of comments come as washington announced it has started to develop a new missile previously banned under the now defunct i n f arms control deal between the 2 countries. should be known from october of last year when the us national security advisor john bolton visited us he said that donald trump statement about washington's withdrawal from the treaty is not an invitation to dialogue but a final decision it appears that then or maybe even earlier the u.s. started preparing the missile tests conducted on sunday and banned by the i.n.f.
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treaty. long before the i.m.f. treaties demise parts of the us establishment were eager to enhance america's nuclear capability. the united states must regain the strategic advantage by expediting the development and deployment of a new generation of ground launched missiles now the department of defense will be able to conduct those research and development activities bent under r n f treaty so the department of defense will start their steps on building those systems they couldn't before former u.s. diplomat jim jotter us gave us his views on the missile test and the collapse of the treaty. i believe that the decision to pull out of the i.m.f. was made of bad faith with the idea that we can attain strategic superiority over russia make russia's security situation i'm annabelle and that purport to prove i just with political leverage i think that's what these people think and i think of the speed with which this test was made is indicative not not dispositive not prove
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but indicative that that was the agenda all along united states establishment's not necessarily mr trump but the if that was when see china as another adversary to be eliminated i think they were on deck after the russians but nonetheless that's the way they tend to look at that they don't see it in terms of your other powers in the world with their own interests their own legitimate spiritual influence how do we accommodate that how do we come to a balance of our will rather there's only room on this planet for one hedge on that and these people must submit or the subdue parties going underground discuss the collapse of the iron after treaty with award winning journalist and filmmaker john pilger he thinks many people don't realise how dangerous the situation is you can watch the interview in full later on r.t. . the abandonment by the united states of the i and the treaty the most important anti nuclear war treaty at the sun and here we had yesterday i think it
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was the us. now testing again these intermediate range nuclear weapons cruise weapons and russia saying well yes of course when we're in an arms race again. the dangers of this the dangers of of accidentally taken the beginning of a nuclear war not known to most people that i was you let slip out of this spectrum some say the i.n.f. treaty had to be revised because china was always opposing and was violating the terms of the environment in which the i have treaty was originally created between go but show that come out of washington and even if that treaty didn't need provision then revise it sit down i remember those discussions and i interviewed a number of the american negotiators extraordinary man like pull won't who who sat
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down and negotiated with the russians these complex treaty they were serious people we are not dealing with serious people. coming up in the program at least prime minister has announced he is quitting and plundering the country into an even deeper political crisis well look at the ramifications and what happens next and the 2nd half of the program. seems wrong. to me. yet to seep out the attic. and in detroit equals betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. going back to medieval days the church which is like the monetarists present day 21st century where they would discuss how many angels can dance on the head of a bed they were in power in the enclosed. feudal model and now we've got neo feudalism are you guys central bankers discussing how many derivatives can be stuffed into a worthless action fund and we've got folks in san francisco in newark new jersey dyson legal diseases. welcome back facebook's launching a new tool that allows you to see what various sites and apps have been telling the
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social media part form about you it's called off facebook activity you will be able to find out which 3rd parties are sharing your data with the site and what kind of data for example what you've done online while away from facebook like logon somewhere or sign up for something and if you don't like what you see you can tell facebook to decouple your data from your profile that's not quite the end of the story about. your future facebook account of its you won't be disconnected within 48 hours from when it's received during this time it may be useful measurement purposes and to make improvements to 0 at system. we're now joined live by social media expert here cohen for more on this now could you just go a little bit more into what you think this new tool will actually be doing here can you hear me at all. i'm afraid we're having some technical difficulties
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and i will have to come back to our guest later if we can get those fixed yes yes can you hear me oh yeah now i got you on clear yes yes i'm glad to be back and wonderful just in time ok so my 1st question then was if you can just go in a little bit more detail about how you think this new tour actually be working the idea is that uses of facebook will have slightly better control over over the previous say now the a.d.a.'s date for the 1st time users will be will have an opportunity to be told how facebook is a pertaining to data what type of data facebook is obtaining about em because what users don't realize is that they don't have to actually be on facebook in order to have the data being extracted used so misused on some occasions so facebook will simply allow you to say to to to see what websites
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share with facebook. then facebook is really goes. 2 to the show with advertises however. the control isn't going to be a complete control so even if you tell facebook look i don't really want you to share the state or my data any longer we does that by the websites stop sharing your data but facebook will will do is facebook will disconnect you name and personal details from the data which will continue extracting the data and showing the data. what we are not sure about what happens if you then change your mind and say you want to. you want to change again the default settings. how how that date that it had been previously obtained will be will be used again is it going to be going to be reconnected with your name reconnect with your
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details. look the the impression giving is that users will be giving some more information a little bit more information about how facebook obtained the data nothing more than this exactly and as i mentioned earlier even if you opt to decouple facebook says it will keep your data for 48 hours so what's the point and then are they still going to be able to collect everything as they did before. yes yes they will still be able to collect everything is they did before however the only promise that facebook is making is that your name will not be linked to that data but facebook will continue collecting the data he's. been doing for a very very long time bear in mind that it is impossible in a moment to to delete your facebook account so so even if you decided to leave facebook and say look i will nothing to do with you anymore your data still
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retains by facebook and at any time facebook might. decide to reactivate your account with all the historical data that so there's no way out social media expert here cohen thank you so much for joining us on the program today. the italian prime minister just happy conti has resigned after a year of tensions within italy's ruling coalition he had been threatened with a vote of no confidence by the country's interior minister and both lashed out at each other in parliament. freedom is not about having a master but about not having a must or i don't want italy to be enslaved by any one go to administer the minister of the interior did by promoting this government crisis you have taken on a great responsibility before the country you announced this crisis asking for full powers to govern the country you approach worries me.
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now condé has been asked to stay on as a part of a caretaker cabinet and there are also talks of a new governing coalition being formed but if that doesn't happen the president could dissolve parliament and force base now election so the question then would be who would benefit from that service project healthiness party would get 38 percent of the vote if an election were to happen today that is significantly more than the 5 star movement who had formed part of the coalition that was formed back in june of last year and it was an unusual combination between the left leaning populist 5 star movement and the anti immigration party leak although paparazzo a researcher at the time center for electoral studies that the coalition was never going to last long. it was the 1st government formed by these 2 parties that by
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someone and never been in government and their legal previously in government but we've set them right governments so this was a new experimental coalition governments we have problems in that what we should governments to these unique one was not expected to last a bit longer regardless of what that didn't mean is there is hope to be clear in the beginning but of course nobody expected these before let alone will start so close to their balance to be left out that this is legally surprising and even m.p.'s from the league didn't really understand why salvini moves so fast in these very moment. lastly a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world refugees living in the pakistan administer part of kashmir held a rally demanding that india and its lockdown of its part of the region hundreds chanted anti india slogans and protesters burned in effigy of the indian prime minister the indian part of kashmir has been on lockdown since august 5th when
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india stripped the region of its antone telephone and internet connections there are currently restricted. a man hijacked a bus on the bridge in brazil's rio de janeiro taking 37 passengers hostage he used a fake gun and threaten to set the bus on fire he didn't make any particular demands and the suspect was shot dead by police after a 4 hour standoff no one else was harmed but the incident did create a major traffic jam. and police in southeast turkey have dispersed kurdish protesters with water cannon and tear gas the region has been gripped by an rest since the firing of 3 kurdish mayors elected back in march they were accused of links to the p.k. k. which ankara considers a terrorist organization $400.00 protesters have been arrested since monday the government crackdown comes amid fears of a cross border military operation in kurdish areas of northern syria. that's a global news wrap up for now but i'll be back at the top of the hour with the
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latest thanks for tuning in. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. have to go on to be press this is what i'm up for 3 in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters and the. question. why paradise with some around turned into
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a round the experimentation field but i agree cultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants there's no question otherwise why would that the chemical company workers themselves be geared up and suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental racism going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. thanks guys or financial survival. when customers go by you reduce the price. then
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else well reduce some lower. that's undercutting not what's good for markets it's not good for the global economy. this is boom box broadcasting around the globe and covering the world of business and finance an impact on daybreak on washington here's a look at what's on deck today tears continue in the trade relationship between the u.s. and china fuel in no small part because of protests that continue to shake hong kong archie sarah monsters deal goes on the ground bringing us the latest from the autonomous territories and speaking of those fears leaders of both nations are
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trading blows with each side bringing their demands to the table. of the institute for china american studies on hand to sift through the stakes for trade and finally it is big news for the banks of the f.t. i see it as a just in the volcker rule but more importantly what does this mean for consumers carla naylor public citizen one to handle breakdown what the rule change means especially in the wake of global rate cuts then finally we hop over to the e.u. where the latest crisis is unfolding in italy as the nation's prime minister has announced his resignation are g.'s alex mahela bichon joins us to give us a look at inside what could be unfolding in the euro zone you've got a poncho days let's go and dive right in. the ongoing protest movement in hong kong in the prospect of intervention by the central government legal route report today as hong kong's chief executive says she can see a way out of the crisis which now seems headed for a collision with the trade in terror a fight with the united states 1st we go to hong kong for the latest with our team
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. who filed this report. for this weekend's mostly peaceful protests demonstrators are saying that they're not giving up on their 5 demand they fear their economy is shrinking earlier today hong kong's chief executive kerri lam spoke to the public about setting up a platform for dialogue with various sectors of society we will start immediately a platform for dialogue with people from all walks of life so this is something that we want to do in a very sincere and humble manner i and my principal shows are committed to listen to what the people have to tell us and we want to reach out so the community as soon as possible when asked about the 5 demands lam said the independent police complaints council will be conducting a fact finding study to be released in approximately 6 month.
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