tv Watching the Hawks RT August 22, 2019 7:30am-8:01am EDT
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their capacity to conduct external attacks as with made it much more difficult. well now i'm sorry i'm a little bit confused so so is ice is back in gathering strength and getting more powerful than never or is there callup it gone and their ability to operate severely hampered a lot of conflicting stories here or or my friends is is there something a little more sinister afoot like sony pictures p.r. team trying to spin their recent temper tantrum over the spiderman profits you know let's find out as we start watching the whole x. . 40. 3. reels that this would be. as good a part of. what they like you know that i got. with that we.
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welcome or want to watch in the arcs i am to roll them in downtown a lot less so this reminds me. where way back in the ninety's do you do you remember when when you know suburban white teenage boys the fear the panic was that they were listening to this hippity hoppity music they gangsta rap and they were running around you know dressed like crips and bloods and all that and and you remember how the media actually played it up as if the crips and the bloods were spreading into our suburban homes the numbers this reminds me of that this reminds me of taking something and saying this ideology is spreading and making it seem as if well no no the threat is real it's everywhere.
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and anybody who says i'm isis i'm isis where isis or whatever. it's true it's through the spreading of fear it's that constant just driving it home every day every day isis could come back they could come back tomorrow the good come back next week oh yeah well you know they came out of nowhere but can't seem to get rid of them but we did get rid of them but we didn't get rid of them but they don't really organize but they're kind of organized but they're everywhere else so john that the news that are of antiwar dot com commented on this sort of person knew persistent claims that isis is resurging what he said that the claim is based on a single pentagon report which implied only that this might. be the case the pentagon clearly wants this to be true because they're using it to spin a u.s. military withdrawal from syria as dangerous as it comes out to we can't cut budgets and our police departments gangs are coming in and we can't cut budgets in the pentagon is this still here. you know there's truth to what he's saying because
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when you see like all of these reports glenn fine the principal deputy deputy inspector general who you know commissioner wrote this i.g. report that the did some suffering too so he put it there the reduction of u.s. forces has decreased the support available for syrian partner forces of a time when there are more of those need more training and equipment to respond to the ice is reduced sir james this syrian partner for a says syria where we don't have power where the u.s. doesn't have permission and isn't there on the behest of the government one where there are quite big where they said they weren't arming and they weren't equipping and they weren't training. and. the new york times basically made the same point at the end of their article on the isis resurgence and let me throw this one out to there even though using that excuse for again a stand you see you know we're trying to pull out of afghanistan to go to. at this
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peace deal now they're bringing up the isis scariness with the dentist and according. to the u.s. military in afghanistan ises opposing them about 2500 maybe 5000 people taliban there are still to this day has 80000 people so i don't think i used as much of a threat to that country to the taliban's control that country but david petraeus you remember him. general remember all those lovely a lot of people wrote to the. betrayers portray sorry former top u.s. military commander in afghanistan he said the cost of retaining a few $1000.00 troops in afghanistan pales in comparison with the price that made. it feel kiter isis rebuilds a terrorist platform there yeah i'm going to go with this is the same situation in place in which the u.s. government doesn't have a afghanistan's government in the conversation about the taliban. or al qaeda or
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anything else we don't even have them in the conversation so maybe don't tell other people would do in their countries maybe that's less. jupiter saturn mars venus there are just a few of our neighboring planets right here within our own solar system but what about all the neighboring worlds just a few solar systems over from ours officially called exoplanets these worlds were often left up to the imaginations of science fiction writers to discover but thanks to new technology and other discoveries we're finding more and more planets outside of our now of now familiar neighborhoods are the america has a story on a new exoplanet that has triple the fun. a major discovery alair 1st star wars fans and nasa says a newly discovered exoplanet has a sky about one of the star wars tattoo we because it has 3 stars instead of 2 taps and wean a fictional harsh doesn't world orbiting 2 suns and the galaxy is outer room in the movie star wars but now experts may have. one in real life it's called l t t 1445 a
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b. and it's about double the size of earth and packs about a half times earth's mass so it's a lot denser than our home planet although nasa says it is likely a rocky planets like earth and venus and mars as opposed to a gas or ice triumphs and it would be home to a lot of really spectacular skies chances of habitability are probably pretty low especially since the surface temperatures would be around $311.00 degrees fahrenheit meantime it takes the exoplanet about 5 earth days to go once around its star * which is about 22 light years away experts say that they are like to read on a size in the sky the planet was discovered by test masses planet hunting space telescope designed to find planets that passed between us and their home star the exoplanet is just one of 12 recent discoveries added to nasa as exoplanet archive astronomer jennifer winters of the harvard smithsonian center for astrophysics told the scientists quote if you're standing on the surface of the planet there are 3
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sons in the sky but 2 of them are pretty far away and small looking for teams of research has been submitted to the astronomical journals so we can expect it to be peer reviewed very soon astronomers predict that masses test space telescope will discover dozens of earth sized planets and up to $500.00 planets in less than twice the size of earth reporting in new york trinity schabas r.t. . yeah and just so people get the idea of what. the discovery of these actual quotes are of the 1st suspected scientific detection of the actual print occurred back in may. and then wasn't confirmed till 92 so this is like a relatively new experience for us earthlings of finding these planets outside of our own solar system yeah and then people always are kind of wonder what the point is you know i mean i think the idea of like what we must go off into space. and people think that's like the moon right. that's as far as i want to go but the
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truth is there's so much more and why we do that is really important not just so we can find my home planet and get me back to where i came from but just giving one of the things that is not just are we alone but i think it helps us better understand the long term viability of our species would sounds is really scary but the truth is yeah you you want to understand how long and how things work because there's a lot about what swishing around outside of earth's atmosphere that we don't understand that we don't get and zach can help us live longer and can help us save our planet totally important exactly you know 5000000000 years from now when the sun expands its we might need that extra home even if it is by really undergoing. pluto so you know people always want to say well why why bring up why bring up now so why bring up these things and the other 2 is that not to remind us of like truly
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how great we are when we put our resources together and we put our minds together and say you know we're going to study planets you know 13000 kilometer like 13 light years away that's the satellite that found this is always as most of these are there are multiple countries it's east. and spain and france they all get together if we can't do it alone and i think it's just silly the idea of having any kind of like it's not a competition it's we don't know something that tried to figure it out is what makes us human. or as we go to break or watchers don't forget some of us that we're the property of cover facebook you tube twitter and be sure to check out watching the hawks the todd carousel billboard spotify for the good everywhere you are supposed to pass coming up immigration attorney you know or joins us to bring us a little perspective on the trumpet ministrations latest plans for the detainment of immigrant families in the argee course part of the still good bridge of the suburbs another report from the ground. straight through the water.
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the. same wrong. just don't call. to shape out. to council. and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. going back to medieval days you had the church which is like the monetarists present day 21st century where they would discuss how many angels can dance on the
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head of a pin and they were in power and they enclosed this little model and now we've got neo feudalism where you guys central bankers discussing how many derivatives can be stuffed into a worthless pension fund and we've got folks in san francisco in newark new jersey dying for medieval diseases. because they give me too much. and we said. just that. is enough to let them know but i'm also the most companies you know so i've been a good who says you know. when i. was come to see most people most to be honest i mean nobody goes from didn't you know just to say he was put to you i'm sure. someone dumbly.
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you see him in the middle. i don't know you kind of this. look it is. always the in the in the clip that he comes to your list. so to you. know men because he. once they saw another round of protests in hong kong this week as demonstrators staged a silent cinema bit you're on long m.t.r. station to mark the anniversary of when protesters were attacked there one month ago on july 21st or to america ceremony to stoke up. we just arrived just a few minutes ago now this was because there were several road closures we were
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pretty far from here road closures that were blocking streets so we had to walk a little bit to get to the site and as we were coming in we saw several police cars leaving this site with police and riot gear as we were coming in we were following that the protesters were peacefully leaving the train station and going home calling it a night now they were sitting in for a few hours this was on the one month anniversary of what they're known as the u.n. long mob attack that occurred on july 21st at the one month anniversary of it where this is a village where many are so-called gangsters live on that night armed people with iron bars and what in clubs started indiscriminately beating people injuring people there were at least $45.00 people injured the police the hong kong police were were really criticized for not having responded as quickly to those calls a month ago what then they did not respond until 30 minutes later when they showed
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up you can see there are still some police on the side here clearing this street now there were at least 28 nobody was arrested that night but after surveillance cameras came up there were at least 20 people arrested for the unlawful assembly but no one was charged and this is what this that it was for these protesters came and tonight to protest so that these people would be charged and tried for the assault they injured several people at least $45.00 some pregnant women and children and families that were at this station which is symbolic to them so they were here protesting and what looked like was going to turn into some sort of violent night police were firing they were not firing tear gas they only used pepper spray it looked like it turned out to be a more peaceful one that we expected. according to acting secretary of homeland security having. mckelvie man the immigration crisis is being fueled by refugees and immigrants mistaken belief that their children will be treated well and their
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families kept together all in u.s. custody to declare there's no indication that family is much less most families asking for asylum at the u.s. southern border have any such assumption at all i'm sure most of seen pictures of kids in cages for close to a decade but the truth hasn't stopped the current administration from taking some of the obama administration's worst mistakes and making them great again or at least trying to this week the department of homeland security and now it's quite clearly that they were using loopholes in order to circumvent congress and the historic flora's settlement but limited the amount of time you could imprison in my inner child for the crime of passing an imaginary line without proper documents but don't worry that bakaly men have this to say about how much better life will be for those seeking asylum and refuge under these brilliant new rules there are camps like settings with appropriate medical educational recreational dining and private housing facilities for example the 1st family residential center in berks
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pennsylvania has suites for each families house separately furniture bedding towels clothing and through trees are provided there's a large community living room that has big screen television cushioned couches and lounge chairs a gaming area and a separate library contains books other television sets video games and board games . the facility he mentioned that shining beacon of immigrant policy while 3 years ago a 40 year old guard at the family detention center for immigrants and asylum seekers went to prison after he admitted sexually assaulting a 19 year old honduran many oversaw at the berks county residential center and lee's port pennsylvania it is in fact the same berks county residential center that had its license revoked by the state of pennsylvania over legitimate allegations and not equate health care sexual abuse and other health and human rights violations inside that very center so joining us now to help us understand the method and the madness of this new role and more is immigration attorney alan or everybody here thank you for joining us always a pleasure having you here well you've done your research. it was
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a shocking moment in the network and suddenly it was like. i want to check on this fabulous campus look the administration is kind of making it clear that this and other moves are strictly for the purpose of deterring immigration and asylum seekers and yet they're also claiming that these new rules will give a higher quality of care to those in custody seems kind of. what's the reality of how how will border patrol be able to do what they haven't been able to do because of the floor is so they want right this is a distraction it's a political issue 1st secondly they're going in to make a court a court argue bit in a political arena which is going to work right the floor settlement when congress acts so because congress isn't doing anything the floor settlement will continue and it's just a understanding of migrating those terms and what you said up in the story was the obama administration tried this and failed horribly so therefore he's just recreating the problem of all these children in families being detained sexual
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abuse lead them to a life of drugs and gang balance over and over again so you have really set up the real issue here and the problem is trying to survive should not be a crime right that's the only thing these individuals are doing we don't treat people. at other ports of entry this way so why are we treating people at our southern border entry this way and moving them across the united states like they're chattel they're not they're people so it's a humanitarian crisis and it's time for the world to step in and say as human beings this is the standard that we're going to follow and that's not it there's a story about this that we know from the wars right these are concentration camps that's what they are no matter what you call them and say the kids can play and there's food there and there's couches will golly gee will do when your games out. exactly and big screen t.v. cars and such and setters that are closed down because of like well they're abusing people in them but i think the interesting thing that you talk about later is that how many times the government has been sued for these conditions of the facilities and now they're saying these are great facilities when in fact you've seen stories
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you've actually seen the vice president go to the port and see these overcrowded as though it is and say they were great that's a little bit problematic and not really able to to make those things kind of show in addition to that underlying story that you talked about way before when you had the show 1st with who profits from this profit prisons his friends we've locked up a large majority the united states and now we're going to try to lock up the rest of the world it didn't work for us and it should work for them. one of the other things that happened this week is as you said it's lawsuits and these are the sort of things and the reason the florists for a settlement is there is because of a loss and because of class action that's how you make a difference and we had a new one this week so the new one is against the immigration and customs enforcement for what they call failure to ensure constitutionally adequate which should not be difficult in the united states is constitutionally adequate health and mental care it's important to note that the plaintiffs in that case are not seeking any monetary damages they're not asking for any money they're asking for
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a change and in there it says the lawsuit states these human beings many of whom have fled torture are packed into immigration prisons and which they are denied health care refuse disability accommodations and subjected to arbitrate punitive isolation a practice that. is increasingly considered torture. could this thing sort of the start of a new floor a settlement and and at least getting on that way so we'll have something out nother legal situation where they can fight it in court and how could another class action how could this make flores stronger what could we do to truly protect the rights so we need congress to act that's the 1st thing we need to take this away from ministrations and put this in the hands where it belongs the people and sort of follow the constitution secondly the problem with the c.b.p. issue is that they're not supposed to be there that long so these health care issues are not supposed to exist so the processing should happen faster and that's really what we need to address we need to address the push right and then we can
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address sort of the poor right so if we wanted to solve this problem we would stop me or people at the border with except as many people as you can process as soon as possible and then we would address the conditions in the home countries if we're not going to address the conditions and i'm country being concerned about who shows the pressure border really isn't a problem because we just want to do you know the move money away from the deficit which is the big problem right now that we know in the news today to these private prisons right and if you're asking me and i'm not a socialist prisons are the biggest form of welfare you can possibly think of as the system if you sort of against welfare then you should be against that when all of these people have alternative means to sort of take care of themselves turn them to the market let the people who are here that say they care about them take care of them as a group or this is over a lack of anderson i think there's a very lack of understanding about that our prison system as it stands now is not editor and it is not a rehabilitation it is constitutionally acceptable slavery well let's just go back to the whole thing about the prison system and deterrence it hasn't worked as
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a deterrent anywhere in the system before but when you're fleeing for your life prison is a risk pool solution right and they do that anyway right exactly right and the issue is with all the criminals because they crossed the border illegally let's sort of talk about that in the days function these women travel for months at a. with their children they come to what is not a port of entry because they don't know the port of interest because they might have education deficiencies or they don't have a map or they can't read a map and then they turn themselves in if you were fleeing from the government turning yourself in would not be the way to do it and we see this over and over and over again in the news right now the border police say that all the time they have been there people showing up in the you always have these iraq stories of how they help someone do something and i hate i think that many of them do a great job don't get me wrong the problem is an overall management problem and the way that we're handling this humanitarian crisis do we want to fix it or do we not want to fix it we keep trying to say there are others coming to take us and even you heard from the guard in the white house today they really want to change the rule about birthright citizenship in the middle thing of the united states that sort of they would really you know we're working on that too because our twice if
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you're 23 and he says you're enough here at c.n.n. exactly half of a certain area then you get to say and it really is driving me up the wall every time i see it's like every new week they're coming up with some new thing and what's interesting is also that there is at least a century of case law and president attached to many of the asylum and immigration rules this isn't some new problem they are being that are being targeted by this administration and others before both sides of the aisle could these fights we can or strengthen that case law and will affect the work warriors do to represent people that are kind of caught the ball there was no bigger crisis for obama than to have the detention it's a curse on him today even being deported and that's a curse on him the day so that will not work for the ministration what we're looking at is a political fight and when you don't have a wall you need to show brown faces in prisons all over the united states and that we're detaining them as family units are we great right so that's a little bit problematic so when you can't get
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a wall you do these policy changes constantly the public charge then you want to take credit for system things that have been constitutional foundations for periods of time the floor settlement it's been around since 1905 this is not a new thing. that's a big i think we you know we're the one thing that you can say about obama is he wasn't racist about his immigration policies you know why brown that policy it wasn't specifically focused that parts of the world or that i think trying to immigrate the immigration issue and sort of say well we'll throw it out our prison system is probably the biggest mistake politically is going to make you can't just keep building prisons all over the united states people don't want them and there are towns even if they are all law and order they don't want more prisons and you can't keep building them in there alan thank you eleanor. so the u.s. adds over $10000000.00 tons of fabric rotting to its landfills each year but
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everything from blankets to clothing and most of it's not biodegradable what if we use the source of all plant life on earth algae to solve the problem that's where high tech textile makers of all of that come in with their plant and algae t.-shirt that can not only biodegrade but becomes food for the worms that help make us food and air for all of us so the shirt is created using pulped eucalyptus spruce and beechwood taken from sustainable growth forests allowing the sure itself to compost and the littlest ones weeds but the real genius is in the ink printed on the shirt it's made from algae that's right they took algae put it there of filtering process to create a pace that was dried into a powder mix with a binding agent and print it into this shirt has to finding ways to make clothing good for mother earth. i'm like at it like. a low c h. because well the world's 1st like vegetarian sure yes if you can write it was
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really cool because the thing is about this is that you know it can compost you could literally take your shirt and put it on a composting and it would break down and certified sustainable and it's a really fun company they actually do a bunch of step with finding new ways sort of things of the future and i think we're looking at things that especially with clothing and fast fashion why not make them in a way that when they end up in a landfill it helps that no debate remember going in this world. will i love you i robot for the top of the wall if people are watching all those talks about the great writer. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok to sell practically
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food on the table it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments there's a lot of conflict in the game between the close of the conflict i would say revolves around money and most of them money has made. us want to know the children . each other is good because the state of california makes 6000000000 dollars a year of prison complex and you get some when you live where. you don't care and want to buy shares of monster so you don't care mining anything. cast calendar is darren alfonzo among his darned best changing paint change dard served. his 1st
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words were added i will see you're a challenging post you've got 2 years to live. i have no doubt that what happened was prevent. the fights causing trademark it is a $1000000000.00 industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to sow these products there are numerous stocks showing that doctors were keen to test facts right concentrates for insights of its own that patients want gives them doctors the wrong stoplight. turn from the stomach why they're keeping them secure those years day. and people still die i don't know which question or so i tried being allowed to live when so many have.
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when lawmakers manufacture consent to instant of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the financial merry go round lifts only the one percent. that's not doing all middle of the room signals. i mean the real news is. the world. oh the. number one of the many little things you know i mean if
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you look at what the. u.s. leader donald trump canceled a state visit to denmark after clime remarks made by its prime minister nasty she had rejected his offer to buy greenland saying it was absurd. plus anti-war campaigners revealed the extent of the u.k. arms sales to the saudi led coalition since the start of the war in yemen in 2015. also this hour aid organization oxfam lashes out at g 7 countries out of their summit this weekend accusing them of driving global and appalled me with their policies. the quality hut which increased over the last year. well the britches 1000000000 as was growing all be both from the poorest off
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