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tv   News  RT  August 23, 2019 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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glad you made putin orders a symmetrical response to the latest u.s. missile test up to washington called out of a key arms treaty. it's all it's 0 doubts about america's real intentions haven't got rid of the existing limits it's now free to deploy previous missiles anywhere in the world. a new york times political editor is accused of anti semitism over a series of tweets after a similar scandal involving the paper's washington editor. and an australian couple whose child was left malnourished after being placed on a vegan diet avoid jail time we debate the issue. of very young children and let the children decide when they're old enough maybe after their great spirit is
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finished whether they try to leverage international not we can address climate change but the issue was the state of the virtual redcoats. hello you're watching r.t. international i'm reza lockridge thank you for joining us. president putin has ordered the russian military to respond to the latest u.s. missile test this comes after washington pulled out of a key missile treaty prompting russia to warn of a new arms race. has the story. there you have a and all the latest developments in statements are in essence the new reality of the world without the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty how murder by washington and moscow decades ago and eventually torn apart after an announcement by the us president donald trump at the end of last year earlier this week the u.s.
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state department announced that the us successfully tested a new cruise missile that was previously outlawed by the terms of the i.n.f. treaty plus even before that the us secretary of defense revealed that america was working on the deployment of new missiles to the asia pacific and the head of the pentagon made it clear that he wants that to happen asap now this friday the russian president as a result of that got together with the most senior russian officials that are in charge of security in this country and now he's saying that the american tests are nothing but a clear indication that washington pulled out of the treaty now because moscow was violating something russia believes that this was a well calculated plan to get their hands on tied the americans orchestrated a propaganda campaign alleging violations by russia as it's now clear this was just
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a smokescreen to hide washington's own breaches of the treaty and its intention to leave it the 0 doubts about america's real intentions have got rid of the existing limits it's now free to deploy previously forbid missiles anywhere in the world top american politicians say that you systems could be deployed 1st to the asia pacific region this affects our interests as well because it is situated near our borders over the last few months we kept hearing warnings from the russian capital that if here they realize that washington is rushing to develop or deploy new missiles now that they don't have to abide by the terms of the agreement moscow will do exact. the same on friday mr putin made it clear that the russian take on this won't change and that moscow was ready to take all the necessary steps presentable and then you leave as you know we've never wanted and still don't want to get into an arms race which is expensive and destructive for
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a country's economy all the latest weapons that we've been developing were response to america's unilateral pullout from the 2003 antiballistic missile treaty we were forced to maintain the security of our people and our country we are doing the same now and no doubt will keep on doing this in the future so once again the message from the russian government is they don't want to be dragged into this game but they are being forced to do it and the response from them will come quickly they collapse of the i.n.f. treaty was addressed at the u.n. security council where tensions flared russia and china called for global action to prevent a new arms race and rival powers blamed each other for the ongoing escalation. do you realize that because of the u.s. ambitions we are one step away from an arms race that cannot be controlled or regulated in any way the united states will not remain a party to a treaty that is deliberately violated by russia as if this depended only on us we would not reach this dangerous situation the united states is taking the necessary
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steps to address the threat posed by intermediate range missile forces being deployed in ever larger numbers by russia and china what about you are you going to avoid responsibility for what is happening with you generations forgive you for this russia's present actions are in line with a pattern of aggression that represents a clear threat to international peace and security the russian federation is the sole responsibility for the reason demise of the really has really been in my interest only do you not understand that by your responses to the americans you are returning to historical situation when missiles will target european cities from different sites we heard from peter cuz nick is director of nuclear studies at the american university and he believes the breakdown of global arms treaties could lead to disaster. the last thing the world is another insane 980 style nuclear arms race is really going on from the 1950 s.
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through the next you know but if we get written as though there's only one piece left of the arms control architecture that's the new start treaty that expires in february 2021 alton has already said that it's worth less and he wants to get rid of it trump as indicated the same we already have about 14000 nuclear weapons in the world that's enough to end life on the planet many times over and so people have got to take this very very seriously and begin to try to control the crazies people who are willing to gamble with the end of life on our planet. china has unveiled a new round of tariffs on us gets prompting a furious reaction from president trump this is a tweet or did american firms to leave china and vowed to end what he calls an unfair trading relationship. we don't need china and frankly would be far better
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off without them the vast amounts of money made and stolen by china from the united states year after year for decades will and must stop the great american companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to china including bringing your companies home and making your products in the us. the us president also announced yet another tariff hike starting from october 1st $250000000000.00 worth of chinese goods will be taxed at 30 percent up from 25 percent from next month the remaining 300 $1000000000.00 worth of imports will be subject to a 15 percent tariff and that's up from 10 percent and it's just the latest escalation in a tit for tat tariff or that has been going on for months before trump's announcement china unveiled plans for duties of 10 percent on $75000000000.00 of american goods and these take effect in 2 stages in september and in december and will stock markets have been rattled by the stand off the dow jones plunged by more
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than $600.00 points on friday sparking fears of a new recession economists are a good thinks the trade will harm america and also trump himself. and we can get now some more insight on this because we are joined by max go kirk he's senior research fellow at the american institute for economic research max thanks so much for joining us let's start here with the tweets the president trump has been sending out and one of he said american companies are and i quote here by ordered to leave china and make their products in the u.s. but the of course there hasn't been any official move to force that yet do you expect american companies to do what is being ordered of them and to leave china you know it's going to columnist but it's hard to not talk about these issues at this point you're an armchair psychologist and the president knows he can't order u.s. businesses to do anything of the sort. i think the language was just was typed in
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a moment of anger but you see the attitude that he thinks that he is american trade abroad that it's not about the people doing business it's about him setting the rules and playing a chess game with the chinese premier well let's talk a little bit more about that chess game then that diplomacy because trump has announced yet another tariff increase as we've been speaking about coming total of $550000000000.00 worth of chinese goods what impact is that going to have in real terms on both the u.s. and china well here of the american institute for economic research we've been keeping sort of a tally if you will on just how much tax are these terrorists charging americans and to kind of get a sense of how big that is compare that to how big the tax cuts both the corporate income tax cut that the president gave in to in 2017 and at this point his tariffs of cost americans enough to basically wipe out the income tax cut
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and about half of the corporate income tax cut so if he wants to say that those tax cuts were good for the economy then this is a boon you know disastrously almost catastrophic lee bad it's notoriously hard to say recessions are caused by one specific thing but i don't see if a recession is on the horizon how it could be chalked up to anything other than this president reckless moves on free you took that as little bit about the real impact of that will come back to what's happened to the dow jones in a 2nd but let's talk a little bit about the diplomacy issue here because every time the u.s. imposes a new tariff china seems to counter it with like a mirror a response you expect either side to back down in this. you know it's hard to see a way out right now and end game if you will. my hope is just that the debt the president at some point listens to reason because people make enough noise and
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people get out there and say this is not acceptable that that on some level he gets scared or concerned about his reelection and at that point my guess is he'll probably tweet a bunch of nonsense about how he won some deal that he made that's about our best chance out of this right now we have to keep up the drumbeat of how bad this is for the economy. let's talk a little bit about what how the economy itself a today because as we've heard stock markets have been very rattled dow jones has dropped by many hundreds of points did you expect this to happen what further global shock waves do you expect will it's not surprising at this point that. the president is in a sense tweeting the market down and he announces these moves kind of impulsively via twitter and i think you're seeing markets correctly respond very negatively to this some of the threats that that he had in his tweets today in addition to the
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actual changes in tariffs about we'd be better off doing business now without china and all these things about ordering u.s. firms that has to cause us this you know just an additional scary even panic throughout the market you know what this guy is willing to do if he gets angry enough well we saw those ramifications in the markets today close on friday we'll see how picks up again when they reopen all monday thanks so much for insights max go to senior research fellow at the american institute for economic research thanks so much for having me. a new york times political editor has been accused of anti semitism after a series of old deleted tweets were uncovered it comes after a similar scandal with the newspaper's washington editor and leaked editorial tapes in his posts home writes pierre santi appeared to single out members of jewish asian and indian communities ridiculing and insulting them on thursday he posted an
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apology on his social networks but the revelation provoked an immediate back. i have deleted tweets from a decade ago there are offensive i am deeply sorry the zionist organization of america is the new york times to immediately dismiss this individual and to undertake a review of all of the stories that he has edited for possible and to semitic barros we have of course asked the new york times to comment on this story and we will bring you any response they give us recently and leaked audiard recording the executive editor of the new york times appeared to indicate a shift in the paper's agenda race in the next year is going to be a huge part of the american story and i mean race in terms of not only african-americans and their relationship with donald trump but latino asian immigration illegal and media analyst lionel gave us his take on the scandal. i don't mean to laugh i'm sorry but. 10 years ago i
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wrote this i'm sorry now i didn't mean that for 10 years i've labored under this is guilty and now i now i've got to come clean i'm so sorry about what i wrote then i haven't said anything now but now that you bring this up i'm going to bring this up look what did new york times historically meant to the did great old lady the the this this passion of the crime the the the mount olympus of journalism new york. and then you have dean baquet who has a town hall meeting when his employees are are basically upset with the fact that his paper is not being aggressive enough in going after trump so he has this town hall meeting where he's trying to quell the anger by saying don't worry we're going
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to do everything we can to focus on a particular news and commentary vector when instead they should be reporting the facts. conservative activists in the u.s. a celebrating after a court agreed to reconsider censorship case against facebook google twitter and apple those bringing the lawsuit accuse the tech giants of bias and of suppressing content from the conservative end of the political spectrum controversial right wing activist laura luma is leading the case with a group called freedom watch she's previously been banned from all kinds of online platforms from twitter facebook to pay pal and duba the lawsuit also alleges before tech giants violated the 1st amendment and u.s. anti monopoly laws there have been a growing number of leaks and testimonies from those who work for big tech alleging an anti conservative bias. even our blacklist where is someone that's right it does
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show that there are conservative and they'll be blacklisted between different companies and different teams and that really needs to change i see google executives go to congress and say that it's not going to be late it is political and i'm just so sure that's not true they're telling people that oh they don't they don't have any blacklist this is all done you know they don't have any political ideology they don't have any political bias but it's really clear that they do well the current legal consensus is that tech giants all allowed to moderate the content that appears on their sites or through their apps although they have denied any censorship. do you discriminate more on philosophy like anti conservative versus pro liberal no. policies in our rhythms don't take into consideration any affiliation philosophy were viewpoint there is absolutely no directive in any of the changes that we make to have
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a bias in anything that we do we use a robust methodology to reflect what is being said about any given topic or any particular time and we try to do it objective lee using a set of rubrics certainly if this happened to her this is happened to a lot of people and it's high time that the big tech giants were challenge to hunt this there's a confusion i think because americans love free speech and we love private property so we love for example when it's a company and we say well that company has a right to do anything it wants to but there comes a point where it's almost like a public utility because they have such a monopoly on communication in general especially in terms of social media so some of these giants that really do have control. they've changed the game you can only come to one conclusion when it seems to only happen against conservatives in general and and i think that this flies in the face of of our free speech and you
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know that for most of us in america we could agree that our 1st amendment speech right is critical to everything that is freedom and most of us would wish that some of these tech giants would go along with that view can couple who left the child malnourished have avoided jail time story a more after this break. you know world big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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this is the poseidon adventure mixed with the titanic in one called loss all sinking of the global economy right now we've got donald trump starring what the ghost of paul newman on the bridge of the titanic watching as they engineer a colossal failure of the global economy. welcome back a couple in australia whose child was found to be malnourished after being placed on a vegan diet have avoided jail time and shots hunted them 300 hours community service
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instead according to police the baby was severely underweight eating only oats and vegetables she suffered bone problems i was hardly able to move doctors said that at 19 months she was the size of a 3 month old baby who had no teeth due to a vitamin deficiency the judge said the couple had failed to fulfill that u.t.s. as parents. the fan you're apparently discharged is not a parental responsibility to take charge by providing the necessities of life causing a danger of serious injury is undoubtedly very serious conduct particularly where the child is very young and he's unable to independently care for himself or herself at all one put in fact out of you that there is no greater responsibility then there by a parent to his or her char to care for the child to nurture the child and to protect the child from any harm or injury caring for the go was caring for a very young baby she couldn't sit up she couldn't speak any words she couldn't
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feed herself hold a bottle she couldn't play was to spend the day in her court running back and forth she couldn't roll over all the way. this case raises the question of whether it is appropriate to use vacant diets for small children despite protests some experts including those in the american academy of pediatrics think it is acceptable and it can be good for kids however not all agree with them on that and we discuss the issue with judy moore who's a registered dietician a nutritionist and patrick holden the founding director of the sustainable food trust. the contact between health as it is now with our health services is quite poor. and children aren't seeing nearly as regularly or as often as they used to be say 10 or 15 years a care and i think that's one of the problems that houses the sisters just can't keep keep an eye on the on the number of children that they've got in that case
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larry and we need to keep a vigilant eye on people who for the probably the best reasons are misguided late feeding their children on healthy diets it's possible to keep the child healthy balance they do need supplements you can't just rely on a pig in diet yes we need to eat less meat but don't give up together the right kind of meat and that's good for your health even if you do all that and you help and somebody helps you plan the very last you're channeling greg to the heights. genetically potential height because we believe that milk protein and meat processing also are trying to an important factor in growth probably very challenging and you have to be an expert in this to get it right and i would argue that perhaps it's not necessary to be quite so extreme as i have seen several reagan parents who come to me and say they want to bring up their challenge the gann and once we talk it through and i explain the implications of it and have
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cancer right in the planning of the doc most of them decide against it but i would say that most of them that i've seen race in a while either the last 2 or 3 years and not getting the going because of their environmental concerns there's a lot of worry at the moment about what's a dart that is correct for addressing climate change and all the other problems with facing is what we would argue that it is possible to eat sustainably to include a whole range of sustainably produced livestock or us in the diet without feeling a little guilty about it and probably your children would be better off with a void of age and not have. very young children and let the children decide when they're old enough maybe after their great spirit is finished with a trauma begin to actually not and in the mean time allow them to eat a full. diet full of all the. food groups we can address climate change but he she will stay with. us. in australia
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a former defense lawyer faces jail over the leak of controversial afghan files he appeared in the supreme court on thursday for preliminary hearings david mcbride release classified material in 2017 alleging australian troops committed war crimes in afghanistan he was charged with breaching the country's defense act and is expected to face trial next year he claims it was his duty to the australian people to make the documents public. i've got a few tricks up my sleeve it's worth having a go i might fail but i'll be happy in jail if i've tried among the instance reported in the so-called afghan files were the killing of a civilian man and his son during a raid where it was alleged they were shot by mistake in another case an afghan destiny was shot dead while he was alone with an australian soldier david mcbride claimed that before leaking the information to the media he tried to bring it to the attention of officials but his efforts were in vain we discussed the issue with former cia officer turned whistleblower john kiriakou. it's so typical it's so
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common in places like the united states the u.k. australia really the 5 eyes countries to attack the whistleblower rather than to address the crime and to to punish those who committed the crime there ought to be hard and fast whistleblower protection laws there are in many countries there is not in in australia but there really need to be legal protections so people can can go confidently to their supervisors or to their legislature or even to the media to report crimes in this case i think that that the australian soldiers involved were probably i'm not even sure how to say it but sucked into the same kind of of we're time situation that so many americans have been sucked into you think that you can get away with things you think that they aren't crimes and eventually there's going to be a whistleblower you know there's there's an old saying that the truth always comes
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out and i think that that is the case it was the case here it's been the case the united states whether it's cia or n.s.a. or f.b.i. the truth always comes out and so if you don't want trouble just do the right thing . climbers on the boat quit and i will be back here in just over 30 minutes time with the latest headlines from around the world meanwhile you can head to our dot com for more. last time. they.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport this list i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. why a paradise with so much all year round turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritant there's no question otherwise why would that the chemical company workers themselves be geared up and suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have many of these people one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to
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ask the question whether there is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less for. this is a boom box broadcasting around the globe and covering the world of business and finance from the impact on the song. in washington here's a look at what's in store today except for in the trade more tears on is china has the u.s. with tariffs with all on all kinds of goods including autos foreign fix the car coach is on hand today to take us through what the move means for american manufacturers wasis traditional currency wavers the globe over many companies are
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getting into the digital currency sector but that's across the atlantic are already targeting some of those plans international regulatory attorney miles edwards is on hand to 0 in on the regulators blocking facebook's libor in their crosshairs and later as a high amounts of water just alone has been under massive scrutiny in argentina with some rumblings of the front runner could be hostile to the conditions of the bail out argue correspondent alex mahela to standing by to break down the presidential candidates position we've got a patch show today so let's go and dive right in. a market moving chinese counterpunch in the chair for leads our global report as china says they will increase tariffs on $75000000000.00 of u.s. imported goods the state terror of council announced in beijing early friday that they will add 5 or 10 percent to current tariff levels for an array of major u.s. exports to china and quoting oil soy and automobiles and u.s. stock markets the dow jones nasdaq and s. and p.
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500 were all down sharply on the news with balls around the 2 percent level in am trading council from the terrace as a direct response to president trump's cherubs mr trump recently delayed tariffs on key concern. more goods from china until december 15th to avoid further disruption to the holiday shopping season and in a reprise of the now familiar story arc for each episode in this long running reality show us president i want trump lashed out on twitter among other things mr trump said quote our great american companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to china and that he was ordering the u.s. postal service and private shipping companies to search packages from china for the illicit opioid fence and all trump also tweeted out a remarkable attack on federal reserve chairman jay powell will have more on that and more importantly mr powell is much anticipated speech later in the show. and joining us now to break down.


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