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tv   News  RT  August 26, 2019 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the worker productivity in this plant is due to our mates it's technology. headlining this hour on the french leader speaks out over quote tension and conflict within the ranks of the g 7 as the host wraps up the summit in the luxury resort of beer it. also this hour radical new rules in force at google with the tech titan telling employees not to engage in political debate at work. and the family of a british sudanese man who's been languishing in jail in sudan without charge for
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more than $100.00 days condemned as they put it the british foreign office is disappointing response. there is monday evening at 8. 30 international welcome to all world news out things . the french president has opened up about an era of tension and conflicts heading into the g. 7 summit which is now wrapping up emmanuelle mccrone earlier held a joint news conference with donald trump in southwest france where the leaders played down any apparent rift. he the model of 1st of all i would like to thank president trump and all the heads of state and government present here for the extremely productive work and very productive discussions we've had since saturday evening together i want to thank you very much mr president for the incredible job
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you did this is a truly successful g 7 there was tremendous unity it was great unity the president has stated to the leaders only about age to agree on a one page declaration from the summit to bensky takes a closer look at what might have been in the document with the present trump and president very chummy in front of the cameras on monday afternoon but there are a long list of disagreements not just between those 2 leaders but also between other leaders of the g 7 president langhorne himself highlighting that this summit in berates had been full of tension and if there was a lot of nervousness at the outset a lot of expectations a lot of tensions and we had a lot of conflicts. well one of the biggest tensions going into this meeting was what would happen wrong of course the u.s. under donald trump famously pulled out of the iranian nuclear deal just over
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a year ago because donald trump said it just wasn't a good enough deal since then president has tried to sort of be the go between between iran and the united states and meanwhile the united states has placed sanctions on iran there's been these growing tensions in the persian gulf and the president might call an ace up his sleeve at this summit he pulled a rather diplomatic move and flew in a rainy and foreign minister to be a rates for discussions about iran now there was no meeting between the u.s. delegation and iran but today at the press conference president machen said he very much hoped that in the next few weeks there would be a meeting between president rouhani of iran and the president trump now he also then went on to say that it no way would it be possible or did he want for iran to secure a nuclear weapon nor for the country to forego its commitments to that
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nuclear accord now president trump on the other hand would he be in agreement to meet president rouhani he didn't seem to be that certain that this would be going ahead and the thing that they talked about was the trade war between the usa and china president saying that the uncertainty that that was causing was actually bad for the global economy and he wanted to see a trade deal done very very quickly now we know that president trump says he's due to meet with the chinese delegation later this week to discuss that trade war he says that they're looking for a deal but he also had said during this summit that is only regretted not tradeable so far is that he hasn't put high enough tariffs on china. and then there was the other thought when the issue of russia and whether russia could be reintegrated into the g 7 making it once again the g 8 present trumpet muted this idea during
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a dinner he'd been supported apparently by the italian prime minister but not the other leaders who were all in disagreement again at the press conference today you don't trump spoke about this saying it was better to have russia in the tent and outside and it was necessary because russia was a big power to talk about global issues with them but would russia want to rejoin at the g 7 we know that president putin has said previously that once she leaves something no longer exists. the g 8 doesn't exist anymore how can i return to an organization which doesn't exist today it's the g 7 regarding a potential format with 8 member states we never reject any proposals some time ago it was russia's turn to hold a g. 8 meeting but our partners didn't come up short there are other international organizations which play a significant role in international affairs take the g 20. but they did seem to
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be some disagreement over the gaffer taxes has been a source of tension between france and the united states the last few months ever since france said it was going to introduce this taxable digital giants the u.s. had previously accuse france of double taxation which sort of goes against the rules and principle of tax france it said it was absolutely necessary because the big companies like google like amazon like facebook and apple were not paying enough tax it seems that there has been an agreement between the 2 countries and france looks like it's now going to row back and not proceed with that so-called gaffe attacks and that's probably a good thing because president trump had threatened that he would put huge tariffs on french wine he's also previously said that he doesn't think french wine is very good but perhaps it's the 1st leg. loves french wine you know i can confirm that the 1st lady loved your french wife ok all right you love your french one so thank you very much we do know is chummy in front of the camera today but still so many
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disagreements not just between presidents. but also the other leaders of the g. 7 nations. despite the apparent tensions of the g 7 it wasn't all doom and gloom and here are some of the more shall we say affectionate moments. one celebrated as a firm that promoted free thought and likely discussion google has issued a new set of community guidelines banning political debate at work the decision marks the culmination of several years of intense scrutiny over its policies both internal and external and its influence on public discourse. i certainly find the
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selection deeply offensive and that i think not just in united states but around the world is what's fueling concerns zina phobia hatred and a desire for answers that may or may not be there what we all need right now is google's management has had enough after contending with so much bad p.r. over the last year the bosses have decided to say no more politics on the shop floor while sharing information on ideas with colleagues helps build community districts in the work day to have a raging debate over policy so the latest news story does not our primary responsibility is to do the work we've each been hired to do not to spend working time on debates about non-work topics company's new guidelines demand that employees stop insulting demeaning or humiliating their coworkers and others plans or even already in place to hire a team to moderate coworkers internal message boards and while political debates
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are generally frowned upon at work google's earned quite the reputation. and. on top of that recent leaks by google employees sparked accusations of widespread political bias in the company from manipulating search algorithms to fit a liberal agenda i see google executives go to congress and say that it's not going to be late it is not political and i'm just so sure that's not true to punishing those who oppose the company's political line one former worker of google even said he was fired for being conservative when i joined google i saw a lot of employees being mistreated interviews. and harassed for sharing
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conservative views or just for questioning company policies and maybe one of the most powerful companies in the world but it seems when it comes to controlling its own staff management just needs to google it there are always guidelines governing employee behavior of course but this these are unusual guidelines because they are specifically targeting political speech you know that i have not really seen and that's just tremendous concern because what they're really doing here is when they're trying to suppress political speech by employees they're really trying to suppress political speech by conservative employees leakers the whistleblowers so far have come forward have been conservative employees that's what's google is most concerned about parents even starting last year google began to restrict access to documents by its own employees so i think
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if you look internally in the company you'll find that they're probably doing much more extreme sayings to try to get their employees under control then we're aware of i don't think it will work i think it will backfire. the family of a british sudanese man who's been held for over 3 months in a sudanese prison strongly condemned what they call the u.k. government's disappointing lack of action coming from prisons in may after criticizing on social media the african nations transitional military council but was later cleared by prosecutors of any wrongdoing. the chance to speak to one of mr ahmed's daughters about his continuing detention. on the 11th of may 6th year old. british sudanese simpson was arrested and detained in khartoum despite a prosecutor finding him not guilty of any alleged crimes the sudanese. refuse to
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release him i've come to liverpool where one of kamala's daughters lives she tells me her father's story and how anger at the british government for its failure to take action in protecting one of its own citizens were extremely worried obviously it's been 3 months now we're going into the 4th month of his detention despite the fact that he has not been charged with anything and his release has been ordered. it still hasn't been carried out gaining access to them prison is difficult and unreliable even his own lawyer has not been allowed to visit him but as it has been once and describes the conditions there very isolated from the outside world they don't have access to telephone calls we try to send in newspapers he's not allowed access to newspapers. he's not been allowed access to his lawyer which is a basic human right for all detainees kemal moved to the u.k. in 1986 and worked for the n.h.s.
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as a doctor for 20 years all 4 of his children are british citizens too but the foreign office has been unresponsive to pleas from commands family to step in and secure his freedom the embassy in khartoum haven't actually had direct contact with my father we as a family have been in contact with them updating them on my father's condition unfortunately they've had very little input so our only contact with the foreign office has been through our m.p. . and they've been very slow to respond their responses have been very disappointing i think it's very shameful it reflects very badly on the british government. whether you're a dual national or british national if there's injustice happening then you need to take action early on in his detention kemal went on an 8 day hunger strike hoping to draw attention to his plight but though it sparked protests in his hometown the international community failed to take notice it was. a cry for attention and he
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went on a hunger strike for 8 days but unfortunately fell on deaf ears it's obvious this is a human rights violation and i would call upon a human in international human rights organizations to get involved in my father's case i think there does need to be more attention on this to pressurize the british government into taking action against his unjust attention i'm also case is not unique a recent petition to force the foreign office to make its protection of citizens an obligation not a choice reveals that as many as 1000 brits apparently being detained abroad without trial as as un others like take matters into their own hands one can also the question is do you take government doing all it can to secure the wealth that human rights of all its citizens sask taylor all to liverpool. this is an update for you on this the british foreign office has stated that it is in contacts with
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the sudanese with origins concerning elements detention but we keeping watch on this for you and update if you learn anything new. still ahead as we look at the case of a texas man who was executed for rape and murder last week despite insisting to the very end that he was innocent. you know world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the
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hawks. make this manufactured consent to public wealth. when the ruling class is protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. nor middle of the room signal. room real news is really. come back man in texas has been executed over the rape and murder of a college student more than 2 decades ago a crime larry swear engine always insisted he did not commit.
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prosecutors are adamant 3rd swear engine was responsible for the murder they earlier all gives they were quote mountains of evidence demonstrating his guilt including for instance bits of the victim's clothing found in his trailer where engine a double so asked a fellow inmate to write a letter to his lawyer purporting to be the breo killer additionally he had a track record of violence against women. but his defense claims there were significant discrepancies in the prosecution's chronology and on that basis he could not have been responsible they also allege that the clothing in the former
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electrician's trailer may have belonged to someone else and that the blood found on the victim's fingernails didn't belong to either her or sweater engine executed man's lawyer told us more about the conflicting evidence. we presented the opinions of no less than 5 medical examiners who reviewed the path ology who reviewed the histology and all converged on a single conclusion which was that the body was left in the woods after mr swear engine was incarcerated they all work pro bono on mr square engines case they did not ask for a dime the examiner that 1st compared those 2 pieces of pantyhose said they were not a physical match it took 2 and a half days and eventually she made them match mr swear engine was poor he was an educated and he did very ignorant things that made him look guilty
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we believe that the state needs to take some action about how the scientific evidence is presented and evaluated by the courts. next lebanese officials have slammed a series of alleged israeli strikes that hit targets in lebanon on sunday and also earlier this monday. happened as a declaration a war that allows us to defend so sober and independence and territorial integrity . according to reports tel aviv launched 3 strikes on the palestinian paramilitaries group based in the east of lebanon while on sunday 2 drones believed to be israelis crashdown in beirut and buildings used by the iran backed hezbollah group it's believed that there were no fatalities in that incident the death of an iran backed militia member in iraq has however been pinned on israel that raid also took place on sunday while in neighboring syria israel confirmed an operation that
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targeted a shiite militia group on possible it raining military advisers prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the action was taken to thwart an imminent attack. to get some insights into this series of raids you can talk now to naftali bennett who's a former israeli education minister mr bennett welcome to see now it's clear that israel sees significant threats from iran in the past few days it's involved incursions into lebanon iraq and syria some people might say that this level of preemptive incursion is a step too far. iran is trying to envelope israel from all of this through has which is affectively iran through syria through iraq and even through gaza it's like a big octopus sending its origins in order to strangle israel we're not going to
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wait for iran to succeed but obviously will preempt and we will defend israeli lives and israeli citizens security anywhere anytime that we need to do so even though israel has arguably one of the most formidable defense systems on the planet with the i and also some significant allies around the world to these preemptive strikes maybe a little bit jumping the gun for want of a better phrase. quite the contrary what we're seeing is an aggressor which is a row. israel has no issue with iran if iran would focus inward on on its own people and stop trying to destroy israel as it explicitly says it will do and if amending terror around the world we would have no issue with iran however iran has decided to attack israel to build forces and to strangle israel but we're not going to wait with defense systems you don't win by playing defense you have to preempt
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and that's what we will do at any place that we need and i doubt one more thing the west should be very open eyed i with his eyes open about all of this i mean 80 years ago almost to the day there were the bad people and the good people and some of the west did not take sides early enough this time we expect all of europe all of the free world to stand behind israel in thwarting this evil empires effort how are you going to get people on board if israel is the one that's making the 1st incursion into other people's aspace that. were not long ago iran has made incursions into israel and again you're not going to wait for the moment that they will attack if iran is building forces around israel which is a 1000 kilometers to the west of iran what is their business to be fighting with us
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what is their business to be building forces around us so just as america would not wait to fight anyone who would be trying to envelope new york city and britain the u.k. would not wait for people to. build forces around london who are not going to wait for iran to have huge forces and missiles and air force bases around israel we're not going to let iran establish presence around israel 2nd not going to happen taking out for a rainy. voice is one thing and it's been various incursions into syria over the past few years but the suspected israeli drone operations in lebanon over the past 24 hours also that can only be seen as inflammatory content that's actually just poking a hornet's nest there. are you kidding we've got a militia called hizbullah who all it wants to do is build
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a big missile force to hit israel we've got no business in lebanon you know we left lebanon in the year 2000 i've been fighting there in the ninety's we're not there we have no territorial claims in lebanon so why is iran building a huge force in fact one of the biggest concentrations of missile launchers in the world why they doing that and should we just wait for them to accumulate a 1000000 missiles so they can destroy israel we're not going to do that again israel will not sit back and wait for its enemies to build forces until it's too late we will preempt lebanese officials have said that the recent strikes violate un resolutions if these were a date israeli drones and the military hasn't said whether they are or not yet it's come home to argue with that is israel all that all about a u.n. response. to the un. decision after the 2nd lebanon war was very clear that lebanon will not
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allow any. offensive weapons in the southern part of lebanon and that's been totally trampled upon their return ridiculing the u.n. and now suddenly they're reminded of the u.n. listen the u.n. has never been able to protect any country let alone israel in our whole history we will not wait for the world to save us you know we tried that 80 years ago it didn't work well jews and the jewish people will defend itself we're not going to. wait for anyone to be able to destroy us and we do expect that the free world understand that if they don't stand behind us iran is going to move on to them ok former israeli educationist enough tony bennett thanks very much for joining us on take. or i guess away look from moscow for this hour i'll have you next update in 35 minutes he'll.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you than. anyone else so it's seems wrong. but old rules just don't call. me. yet to stamp out disdain become agitated and in danger many equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. officer. told him to get up off the ground the officer began to pet him down.
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and then place on the sounds of kind of fighting into the grown man like wrestling essentially the officer who. drew his own. individual twisted away from the officer pulling the toilet out of his crib. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then when it happened on trace one as i was just hands didn't hit him i never saw any contact between the 2 any kind went back to where they were so the officers back here there try again 15 feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his gun and aimed it on 3. well welcome to. sexual abuse in the catholic church is once again in the spotlight
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was encouraged and europe and north america what can be done to make a big thing of the past call mcgoohan himself a survivor insider against sexual abuse is with me today to talk about. the catholic church with a report. even high ranking church officials are complicit will pope francis take the fight against abuse personally and break the system. which will transform the global conflict. palmo gorman survivor and fighter against sexual abuse welcome to the show it's great to have you with us today so you have been complaining for accountability of clerical child abuse for more than 20 years what kind of change have you made over this time what are your
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successes. well i think our gracious success has been finally exposing the fact not just that the abuses happened on us on the scale that we've been talking about for many years but that it's endemic within the roman catholic church that it's systemic. and the coverup of abuse by church authorities was a willful intended program that was designed to protect the institution its power and its money and that it was operated and directed by the vatican at the global level and that it's been a global cover up i think that's something we've not very clearly exposed so we're going to go through all of that step by step but 1st ireland is a very catholic country when you came out publicly about your deal when you see at the vatican where you supported by the irish or catholics around the world. it was a makes generally speaking when i went very public. i made a documentary with a european television station in 2002 and when that aired there was
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a very very strong in support of response from people here in our in our into particular but of course there were people who didn't want me to speak about what was happening i mean i got people warning me that i should spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder i got death threats but in the main i got a huge amount of support i think people were uphold not just stuff the the the crimes of rape and abuse that reflected on me and many others by the priest in my own case with more by the cover up of those crimes the facilitation of the collusion with them and that we were able to expose that by catholic bishops and indeed by the vatican itself so how hard was it for you to make your case how did church resistance change things for you were you prevented from speaking out what was i mean 1st of all it was very difficult to get to the point where i could challenge my own. i suppose internal inhibitors the the the only spoken of.


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