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tv   News  RT  August 28, 2019 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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it's all over america there's poverty and more than half the population lives that are below the poverty line so there are is a bit of a ghost of pressure going on which will develop into a full blown depression because i'm not either work from the central banks or maybe the problem is the sense of. the british prime minister secures the queen's approval to suspend parliament until mid october and was being seen as a risky move to block campaigns chances of avoiding a no deal works it. russian journalist career over since he is released from pretrial detention the 30 year in the ukrainian jail waiting to face charges of treason. as the global outcry continues over the fires and golfing vast tracts of the amazon rain forest the brazilian government's business practice and practice on ties to washington come under increased scrutiny.
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a warm welcome me watching r.t. international with me and. the british prime minister's wrist the wrath of m.p.'s by securing parliament suspension during arguably the case most sensitive. boris johnson earlier secured the queen's permission to repro roque parliament sure the arctic reconvenes after the summer recess is being seen as an attempt to thwart m.p.'s attempts to have be avoided no deal greg says lawmakers will have just 2 weeks parliamentary time before the latest deadline for britain to leave the e.u. on how we. were not going to wait until october the 1st before getting on with our plans to take this country forward. queen's speech we're going to do it all but the 40. 8 with
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a new program while the prime minister's move has been lambasted by lawmakers as undemocratic on the streets a brags that wary public seem to at least want to end the indecision. as a promise to you so i sensed so much from your son things down the country. for you know many friends that breaks it looks like you know that for most when a country wants a solution. to a site based are often he said get it done for instance he said it's place policy when he says everything's not related to fishing during a team which is just getting sold to everybody's attention think he's probably the best person in the moment even though he's always about everything it's just that. he's pushing some people with no one else to student money as evan else his whole school gets obese and so much has westminster parts of the constitution that's where all decisions for the will of the people should actually be analyzed
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discussed and so. there is when all representatives that's people who would like to be in house apartment and to actually make decisions on my deal is doing the right thing for the country you know. we've had this for 3 years or now be such a state for the fight and say gee we won out you know we won this. he's a right man for the job we should have been in years ago to be honest well for 4 stones that hasn't been the problem in the for very long it took over from tourism a having won the conservative leadership contest on his main theme throughout the contest was that he would live on drugs that while so beautiful it's a 1st come what may even if that meant no deal breaker however well those who said that actually his intention the whole time was actually i know the right thing to have had any intention to go shake with you and that this latest move in with a stunt part of the many highlights that however mr johnson supporters will argue
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that actually has been the approach of tried to pop compromise that they knew was good no way and that he holds maybe that by signaling. his intent to leave you without a deal made it very to come back to the go shaking table and a deal can be struck up a last minute if not but it seems that my doing what he's done 1 today or still sitting the servant for the u.k. to leave you even got me on a no deal basis the salary of see london. we spoke to british talk radio host and columnist john borders says he's confident the british prime minister will deliver perks it. i think you left me no choice i think you sidestep around calling there has given him permission to suspend bollman and they keep talking about for weeks exactly for number one cause of but really a big morsel of petition 17400000 people democratically voted in the largest
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democratic stars this country's ever known to leave so let's put the petition to one side yes i believe boris johnson was delivered whether all before the great to do is like me want. to be overturned i don't know but it certainly looks lived a truism i used dead in the water of boris johnson is for once as a politician trying to deliver what he promised i think we should be saluting there . according here has released the head of the ukrainian branch of russia's ria news agency from pretrial detention coalition skiing as a jew all russian and ukrainian national was arrested last year and charged with treason or the case against him still stands or he could face up to 15 years in prison he's welcome to the judge's decision an exclusive interview with our video agency rep cleaver since he said he's still got plenty to give in his media role. i don't think about making
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a political career i've been practicing journalism for over 20 years and i believe i can still bring a lot into the profession it's helped me to overcome the events of the last year and therefore i owe it to the job and i should do a lot to benefit including sharing all of the emotions and knowledge i experienced during that year is that for now i can't say whether it will be political journalism or not but it's going to be journalism anyway with the profession has supported me a lot of it save me a lot so i'll continue supplying it with as much experience as i can hear ever since he was arrested in may 2018 and balance accused of publishing anti ukrainian articles a claim he's always denied his detention had been condemned by a number of international organizations including the. porters without borders ukraine previously attempted to use him in a prisoner swap but he refused saying he wanted to clear his name journalist martin summers believes corruption schemes pretrial release could indicate a turning point in russia ukraine relations. wider implications may be that the new
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broom in kiev with his alinsky government bedding down maybe that they're trying to find ways back from the kind of confrontational attitudes of the recent past of course is always very difficult for journalists reporting on conflicts like this because it's easily easy to be seen by one side or the other. taking sides in what's a very complex situation in the 1st place so i mean a guarded welcome for this and hopefully you know justice will be done but it's it's pretty clearly a political case and we've got a case here in the u.k. and catherine binion mccaffery in northern ireland who made a film about killings that collusion between the royals to construct a real loyalist paramilitaries some years ago and they're waiting awaiting trial their absolute prison that they're still awaiting trial for supposedly accessing official secrets and that's that's a concern here the fact that they released him from prison means that and he's welcomed it shows that some movement and of course as you say was potentially
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involved in a prisoner swap which he rejected because he's not a political prisoner in the sense or a military prisoner he's a journalist trying to do his job. than president of fires tear through vast expanses of pristine amazonian rain forest and with the global outcry increasing brazil is finally agreed to accept foreign aid to help with the crisis but only if it can determine how the funds are spent earlier president a j airball sonora said he was unwilling to accept any money unless his french counterpart apologized for insulting him the french leaders office said at the beginning of the week that both in our headline about being committed to preventing climate change but this here comes as the brazilian government faces increased scrutiny over its aggressive attempts to exploit the rain forest for the horses and also his ties to foreign lobbyist with more on that his caliber weapon. the amazon
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rain forest is on fire on an unprecedented scale and it's everybody's business we've seen this fire markets group about 200 yards in the past 5 minutes alone for the thousands of miles of scorched forests hundreds of burnt trees and they broke all records this year they were twice as many as they were in 2080 the war to save the amazon rain forest this is one of the last battlefields celebrities are speaking up saying that the lungs of the earth are at stake the lungs of the earth in flames the am is the needs more than a prove yours so what can you do the amazon rain forest produces more than 20 percent of the world's oxygen and it's been burning for the past 3 weeks it's our responsibility to help to save our planet so who's to blame some say that it is those who eat meat others say that it is all of humanity or is it president balsa naro after all he's not known as captain chainsaw for nothing is drive to promote deforestation and roll back environmental laws has angered environmentalist's and
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he's opened the door for american businesses to swoop in a member of both in our us government has made sure that washington lobbyists are in on amazon business opportunities governor wilson lima is very closely tied to all kinds of american business interests for example documents released under the foreign agents registration act reveal that wilson lima is tied to the inner america group a very powerful washington d.c. lobbying they've created a packet for u.s. companies showing the amazon's potential for mining agribusiness and the gas industry back in 28 teen the head of the lobby group even praised trump for electing balsa naro donald trump paved the way for a bowl so narrow victory under president trump brazil's position as a world leader in industries such as agribusiness mining banking and aviation will be respected prior to the governorship of wilson the louima the previous administration of a. amazonas signed
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a contract with giuliani safety and security that's giuliani as in rudy giuliani former new york city mayor and a lawyer for donald trump as recently as april the brazilian american chamber of commerce has hosted events touting the vast american business opportunities presented by the forest and soil of the south american nation you know you're. there. for good business there's a pretty clear opportunity here that's for the democrats to promote saving the amazon rain forest and to rub it in the face of the g o p however the democrats recently canceled a proposed debate around climate change from their list of debates for 2020 presidential candidates so apparently saving the amazon is everybody's business until it's nobody's business. given police are investigating the murder of an
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ethnic chechen man in central berlin on friday they've arrested a russian citizen in connection with the killing and the case that german media already compare and this is specter just south of the nation attempt against a script in the u.k. . takes a closer look at how the media is playing a little fast with the facts. what we know so far. solid facts could fit all nice post that newt a man was murdered and ethnic chechen with a jihad this past is suspected killer reportedly the russian citizen. at sea it fits on the posted note naturally what's known was enough for pundits to flesh out an international conspiracy theory that would put the freemasons in the shade.
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kremlin assassination putin's hit script fall $2.00 so while the and imaginative that the media get that officials had to step in and curb pundit's imaginations. we don't know the exact motive we know is there are strong indications that the act was premeditated and that is why we have to go further there has been a lot of speculation already which is also being published for this reason alone we are obliged to refrain from discussing the investigation all the authorities have said is it could be a politically motivated hit didn't say russia did it didn't say putin ordered it what he said is they don't yet know that's why as an investigation you know to
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establish facts are fashionable these days in the media nor do they want to talk about the victim no angel himself with a bit of a shady past border longside jihadism chechnya together with men who took entire hospitals hostage bombed subways airports trains committed untold acts of terror supported caliphates emirates groups that pledged allegiance to al qaida and no that doesn't justify a murder the perpetrators should be punished feel the full force of the law but spinning speculative fairy tales filled with crackpot conspiracy theories and the tired old russia russia russia troops. and isn't helping anyone. and i pushed for greater transparency police in the west of germany have said they will begin disclosing the nationalities of criminal suspects taking
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a look at the implications of that side europe correspondent peter oliver. police in the west of germany will reveal the nationality of everyone suspected of a crime even if it's not relevant to the case the interior minister of the state of north rhine-westphalia which includes the major cities of cologne and docile tof has said they've taken the decision to improve transparency we will name the nationalities of all suspects that we know for sure i'm convinced that this transparency is the best cure against political deception it may seem like a small thing and the policy of naming the nationality of a suspect varies from state to state but this has become sensitive subject following the migrant influx into germany the idea behind not travailing the nationality of someone when it isn't pertinent to the crime is to avoid discrimination against minorities by linking nationality to crime this new
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initiative has set some alarm bells ringing for the u.c. feel it may have an impact upon suspects rights the default disclosure of nationalities in police press work is not consistent stating where someone is from even if it is irrelevant to the circumstances of the crime doesn't lead to greater transparency this measure is unconstitutional and it is certain that it's immoral i think that it can lead to wrong suspicions that your neighbor might be a trim and all or just based on his nationality and that could lead to further racism and it in need to excuse enough people that we want to include in the society we don't think that a sas specs nationality adds anything to the case they're all those that have accused the german media around authorities in the past of a misting the nationality of those involved in a case so as to not draw attention to crimes that have involved the migrants.
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i so far we still don't have any suspects so we don't know who the culprits are. making this an issue by oversimplifications and connecting it to the refugee issue is nothing but a misuse of the discussion now it is about clearing the facts and drawing the necessary conclusions i would like to add that it is completely improper for us and for the people who judge object to believe to link a group that appeared to come from north africa with the refugees this is improper and i want to prevent this massively there is no sign that it concerns people who came to cologne as refugee. it's.
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a measure oriented toward the population so that they can have better information and better image that we i want to be on the ground in the city to use in the hot spots of the country and to allow them to go to church is the situation they are looking at and also to better judge the overall immigration and migration policy seems the german media guidelines for publishing the nationality of a suspect say to do so it must be grounded in public interest involving serious crimes
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like murder or terrorism but that ultimately the decision. published the nationality of a suspect lies with the editorial staff of an outlet so alternately whatever decision is made someone is going to be these are all of our. us state of idaho is being told by a federal court that it must pay for gender reassignment surgery for a transgender inmates unless there is a successful a pair the supreme court in the next $90.00 days it will be the 1st time a state has been instructed to pay for such a procedure since the medically necessary treatment for a prisoner's gender dysphoria is gender confirmation surgery and responsible prison officials deny such treatment with full awareness of the prisoner's suffering those officials violate the 8th amendment prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment
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this inmate who identifies as a woman but hasn't yet undergone the surgery is called a jury at no she's serving a 10 year prison sentence for sexually abusing a 15 year old. child for release in 2021 and is not eligible for parole but if the gender reassignment surgery is successfully paid for by the state at meaux will be transferred to a women's prison well some commentators in the u.s. for their thoughts on the case. i absolutely don't think that taxpayers should be funding people's preferences there is absolutely 0 evidence in the medical community that gender dysphoria is in any way solved or even helped for people you know who are confused about their gender there's nothing that says that that changing their gender will actually help them psychologically physically or in any other way and when you think about the fact that that taxpayer money could be going toward helping other victims like the 15 year old that this perpetrator violated
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that's where i start to get really angry well she is in prison the state is responsible for her that person's health and welfare so yes it should be covered just like cancer treatments are covered just as any other treatments so medical conditions are covered in american prison systems the constitution is quite clear. that and several cases have proven it in terms of. transgender inmates or to be taken care of failure to do so is a violation of the 8th the memo to the constitution and it's clear that today this is an incredibly sad testimony to the dangers of the damage of politically correct thinking and frankly indoctrination that is happening in media really globally not
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just in the united states so i really hope that people can get their sense about them and look at the data because as i said there is no medical consensus whatsoever that this will even be any help to this prisoner to this offender even if they go through with a sex change their suicide rates are higher their self harm rates are higher their depression rates are higher their need for medication is higher there they're a bit. likelihood of or. committing crimes is higher there is only one cure for gender dysphoria that is surging the bottom line is ok let's get off of this narrative where you're trying to push you're trying to demonize trans folks here because there are non transgender folks who are also abusive to minors as well so let's let's get away from that period because far too often transgender people
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are demonized not only in discount tree but elsewhere around the planet this is more about it political opinion and a political preference that has become sort of popular at this moment but it's doing a great deal of destruction to the l.g.b. t.q. community certainly to our prison systems certainly to our courts and certainly to our victim's. estate to off the max $29000.00 and share taking place that she called international airport located just outside moscow one of the world's top aerobatic teams will be seen in full flight battle while the latest in russian aviation gets its premiere 2 here's some of the highlights today .
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for the air so not only focus on what's cutting edge in the skies but beyond them to the director general of the european space agency is among the guests at knox 2019 and spoke about the future full international cooperation where at that. we have more than just the astronaut flights across monarch flights together with russia we have a lot of scientific missions and i'm quite sure that we have also in the future operations for the astronauts and cosmonauts because in the international space station they are working together so they should be trained also together properly so we have x. amount. the 1st projects from us 2016 is at mass it is working perfectly nice science and we will have that 2020 mission next year hopefully so going to
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a mosque and looking for. for life on the surface it's the same time we have flying to america together. where we have a russian payload on board and be a looking toward the moon so moon mosse macrorie and i assist so we have a lot of corporations. for tasing r.t. international beth i went back in 30 minutes with the latest. as an officer. told him to get up off the ground the officer began to head down.
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democrats on the sounds of kind of fighting into a grown man like wrestling essentially the officer who. drew his or her own. wish to away from the officer bully the toy out of his crew. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then when it happened on tree swung at the officers hands didn't hit him i never saw any contact with. any kind of went back to where they were so the officers back here there try again 15 feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his gun and he did it on 3. i'm.
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new to course tony you know. i'm a little but i think ended up by one who knows we're buddies. i don't want couric it was funny as a nation under that name of community yeah i am question. you could feel that he had a ticking dad going i am a female the most prominent of all the last young enough i don't have before i don't know. when you'll make this manufactured consent instinctive public well. when the
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ruling classes project themselves. with the final larry go live to be the one post that. we can all middle of the room signals. mean real new things for the world. hello and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle to bear and the dragon over the last few years the russia china relationship has grown
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in depth and in magnitude it is not hard to understand why with russia constantly demonized and sanction and china targeted it's a serious western security threat there's no wonder moscow and beijing gravitate towards each other this is much more than a marriage of convenience. cross talking russia and china i'm joined by my guest joel and paris he is the president of the bridge tank in washington we have earl he is the executive vice president of the eurasia center and in singapore we cross to jim rogers he's an international investor and author of street smarts adventures on the road and in the markets all right crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate jim let me go to you in singapore as i said in my introduction this is no longer a marriage of convenience if it ever was the reason why we're doing this program as
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i remember is reflecting upon a bed in the new york times and they were basically reacting is like wow the everybody notice this happening which all of us have and remarkably said that trump was right to improve relations with russia as i actually to do and reverse nixon when it came to china what do these people talking about where have they been it seems like they've just crawled out under from a rock go ahead jim and singapore. but i would tell you peter if you go to moscow airport now it's full of chinese 5 years ago there were nobody there if you go to red square they're all speaking chinese mr trump and then americans are pushing the chinese and the russians closer and closer together breaks my heart i'm an american but this isn't saying it's insane if you can get out a map or study demography or geography you will know you don't want to be against those 2 countries combined ok well very good point joe let me go to you in paris i
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mean this is being going on slowly but surely in for.


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