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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  August 29, 2019 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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critics of the e.u. have absolutely no issue with europe's past they recognize the enormous success of the european union. conciliation and peace are its greatest achievements most of the people agree with that they take issue with the ability of the e.u. as a system as a mechanism to move forward to be as efficient as it has to be in present times can you really do the reunion without changing the way the decisions on made. be done. and exactly what happens. in these middle age with the innovation. to element of innovation because the good the good and creation of the. technology should have been closed in a close region the region of. the society that i believe this time was the medicine and the 2nd. for the new world order mystery or you know
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that it happened many times in history that something that once was a blessing suddenly becomes a curse everybody agrees that it's certain point of time the consensus model that the e.u. has served it well but now it takes china less time to set up a whole industry and for the european union to come up with a coherent policy don't you think that this mechanism of making decisions by consensus in this day and age when everything changes by the minute is a bit outdated to say the least. that is a bit about that you know but if you compete with china if you if it takes you years just to come up with a policy. that democracy is a very critical system. to find. a. conclusion and killing millions of people that has been the lesson that europe has learned because there's been
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a very difficult. and also be pretty agile in making decisions they don't have to be a drag on society. you know the people deserve. better from the mental freedom to decide but. to decide to do. what has been promised by the. simple not possible and they know just the very beginning so they believe. the real crucial democratic debate they achieve nothing because they were. even to. the european union especially when it comes to technology and regulation of innovation i are saying that the europeans have essentially a choice between either having a democracy or have in the. technological society. i think that very good question and this is the main challenge of today because the
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main. 2 days. and is challenging. is the. reduction in the medium term of the work force and the 2nd is what is called the human income. they will lucian so there could be a summer following that perhaps tomorrow some command will be delegated if he. became the executor and then it is much more in the west that we have to find a new way to monday in the human in command of this technology in. your presidency specified 3 priorities sustainable development peace and culture and all of them strike me as something that europe does better than others it's good at sustainable development better than many other parts of the world it's good that culture is. peace if you want if there. is a moving forward why do you focus on things that you. instead focus on something
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that its troubles. i think that the idea to look to the. is 1st of all i don't see that today europe is the one that is. better because for example china has not been a forefront of these ideas sustainability they were not to the situation of climate in beijing just to mention one but today we understood it is the future and they have been investing a lot in this so europe has been the inventor of this concept of being the main event. that has been approved by the. banning goes to the plastic single use the can create them. they created enormous business in producing these other country have understood that these called cities working. the.
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others agenda of change. for finance for enterprise for me. how's that going to drive one of the reasons why china is such a leader in all those areas that you mention is because it has streamlined decision making europe again cannot compete with. i keep going to the same question can you deliver that win win without changing the way the decisions are made in the european union and the way they're implemented i think that. we can. see some longer but the mechanism and when we think that we can bypass in europe. because also someone a stall to the center moment it was the night of the. market in china with the change the system of china and finally we discover the market economy that is
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winning the world is another called very efficient as well in raising standards for its people lifting millions out of poverty. in europe will never work and those in some part of the of the west europe when they were because this. is the individual to look to the collectivity in their work in chinese working from 1000 is a concept that seems the foundation of china but. is there any middle ground i mean we are talking not a major infringements on human rights or putting people into concentration. camps we are simply talking about streamlining policy on technical issues. to compete with china which is not going to sit around and. look for example to the agreement to worldwide today you are. of trade agreement to right the united states . members they negotiate the. delegate to
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negotiate to today you are. in front of. the want to negotiate with the european union and the single county example the 2nd example europe has been. unique in the story. and the busy. security to buy many and even the chinese want so much to enter not. just. example of enormous success. example for you because just a few days ago your own country signed a memorandum of understanding with china an official. at the time.
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even agreed formally on its new policy. looks like your own country doesn't have much patience. clearly. someone can criticize this but you know. it is very difficult. that does not being counseled between a european. national. playing is no different from the case of. the big. remember. to china is a by law to make. because there is definitely concern within the e.u. circles that. striking out on its own here because it's. it's not the 1st country to sign that agreement but it's the largest one of the most important within the
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e.u. community. i seeing that this is a challenge and. i seem to not only the i think government is open to this if you can remember the open of these. laws marco polo was venice and was a. rod not all the. european going to china models so there was this delegation if i didn't it was china camming to europe and to visit in rome and we have also to remember there was a lot of debate the need at the time of romano prodi i mean that can be accused to be an anti utopian as you would know for sure but for the role that the u.s. played and continue to play when there was any plot desist to open an agreement before opening the port of does to cheney's i seem to test to be managed into understood you know european framework and sound. as to be criticised for.
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my government has done because i'm not so being insulted aspens of the baby the parliament is not open held a document such a debate and a public debate but in any case in the agreement the duty felt too deep to deal frame. of the relation with china is very open these betty is very clear so is an ongoing debate i think that we have to find a way to cooperate with china well let me stop you right here we have to take a very short break now but back in just a few moments. she stressed to make sure that the british at the bill of voted up that he had the will
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to. stop question was so here she didn't taste the piece to she's a cia bush quote all shall. see death and i know what you've seen in the response you took a moment in there for sure. what to do so through my it's your bonus for c.b.s. news. it's a mistake was the word supporter i'm still with. all through this interview but you believe that it's a studio actually the person to revoke or should stop them spinning. you know world of big partisan lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made the stream media refuses to tell more
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than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. you know. i'm one of them but i think in my field i don't spend it on my one man when there's a real body. deed blot on. one of them one night he should have been asked.
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i mean yeah. you know that you know yeah. you can get into any kind of. a native. but come back to worlds apart with the president of the european economic and social committee mr i heard you say those who oppose the european project often do that without offering anything concrete and yet if we look at the euro skeptics in your own country they seem to be very resolute about what they want and what they don't want they put. the supremacy on the national legislation
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they want to strengthen the tally and culture the national identity they don't want more immigration or more isn't concrete enough i would look to do is. where the us saying that they eat to live without being part of the european union and that passed through the measure prize this economic and financial one of the last 30 years they were on the walls when there was a big financial speculation looked like in 92 against their leave us and they gave the pounds and it's a list of why exactly thanks to you if there was not you are this time that we doubt belonging to a perspective to go you know that actually more unification or more binding at a glacial demonoid 30 italy would be your last and that's also a matter of debate because there are some who would tell you the. italian gains of . membership have been much smaller than among other member states because if i'm not mistaken the average g.d.p.
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growth in italy since 2001 was only a quarter of one percent compared to the 1.7 e.u. average can you really blame the talents for trying to look at altoona tips for example called trading with china. i think that when just because you have also to make a fundamental distinction the. argument for. talking about the current government has the support of the monday from the population. it depends. on the demand of people. as of course diligent in a seat because they were voted in the other were the opposition or as in many european because that is that is a big transition as i was telling there is a problem of the middle class of fell last. so that he is. blaming it on
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globalization isn't that also part of the problem isn't the e.u. the wage structure guided the way defines its priorities isn't that also part of the conversation blame for the far right parties across europe. but take. people off neo liberal economic perspective have been in power for quite some time everyone has to take responsibility in this very challenging time and of course there is a demand in our society due to the be good the normal that we are living and the fact that. just. economic and financial crisis yes we. are going much more coming back on the show at least 6 in the. but we came out that we dealt a measure of these 2 options in any case one issue when i am saying that the many of them only say no and they yes. the measure of example and
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the meds are taken by all the populace so for example. they say no for 3 they do not succeed. and you see that from one e r. or the. police and the. right wing parties are still despite. in power in italy in hungary in austria in poland there. in france it is expected that there are going to consolidate our presence in. the may elections. what is it in the policies of the. driving the support. i
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am asking you to be critical. because you are ultimately in charge of. analyzing those trends and you have to take. not only people also people you associate yourself with. ringback the. keep keeping. the media. simply. for. the speeches they see that the finally. is not working is not even supported. by the voters and this is mainly important describing that they have. to make. the. most of the raising so much.
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as not to work out. because this. has been in the deepest cries of for you because most of the class is the important part by europe's own decision joint forces of the united states. been a decision taken by. some. consequence as. a member is that fair when you are not partaking. partaking in the decision but you all have to suffer the consequences is it fair.
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that's not a question of. opening such as this year. and the clear strategy to build up. any mandate from the international law. this is not to be the next time international law can be a little more. to control and to prevent this. been the case in the last 25 with many of the global. great many to be very resigned to international conflicts. that we need. to invest very clearly together. as a key to prevent the peace and also to negotiate.
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the. national. that they're making the. since our time is running out i still want to ask a question about value because the european union has long position. al hughes based on to about a decade ago many central asian countries for example kazakhstan uzbekistan even russia to some extent wanted to deepen their corporation economic cooperation of in the european union but they were told that you know we care a lot about values you have to build their democracies 1st then the economic cooperation will depend they all turn to china helping china rise helping themselves certainly do you think it was a smart decision putting values of economic opportunities because china clearly have seized on those economic opportunities something some would say at the expense of the european union. the one cannot cannot
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leave it without the it is exactly what large enough of the europe was accused to put too much conditionality to the aid that because you can on the corporation we to. go there to say there is no country being cut off the investment of the. first european union members they most of them are saying that has not been a mistake because they need more money with conditionality they look china as an opportunity but today the. import and the media. not. but they want to be the new had of corporation or europe and they your puter will be savvy enough to understand that these new challenge to build up the new. i seem to some mistake it to be very honest has been done in a certain point not only for the economic issue and values but for the
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international geopolitics that has come back a very strong international space between europe and russia. and europe and. europe and the united states. in this case is much more the responsibility of united states i think if i can say they'd leader she would decide. that europe is becoming the united states. ask you one more question about values because it's very interesting to me you've been very supportive of president micron's call to build a new european raney. would say that you have to kind of put your own house in order before embarking on such grandiose plans when it comes to values what do you make of handling of the discontent was it in keeping with the.
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discontent of the. discontent as i missed blows in the media class from my point of view big mistake of managing a measured decision about the taxation i'm specifically asking about street action because when you have people that are breaking up destroying everything on the other hand also have the use of explosive grenades and. mains and kills people we are not seeing that even in authoritarian societies these. are not seen in the. at least 10 fatalities and several 1000 injured. and people losing eyes people losing their limbs. you know. to defend that it's fake news i mean.
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that those protesters have been have a hand that they can defend. such a violent explosion. that they are very proud of the police is managing has not been the case in general. 20 years ago where the south thing is up and i want to just exactly do to praise the italian police force i'm asking about the french police force because it's a very important question when you're debating belize whenever something some street action happens in other countries authoritarian countries in the european book there is always a very harsh criticism on any use of the police but here we are not hearing that forthright. as we have different sorts of information. because when there is of course there are also people enjoy them. but they are not so you are not a little concerned about how.
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we have a. city as we had in the past for example you need or ready at the european level. decision that over the rules and not the least but i think. that we have also said that. that it should be overweight aided to prevent. the security forces to work a little more difficult. some lesson from the. value. there it's been a pleasure talking to you thank you very. i encourage our viewers to keep this conversation going on our social media pray just add hope to see you again same place same time here on worlds apart.
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officer. told you to get up off the ground. down. heard them on the sounds of kind of maybe the grown man in the christening essentially. twisted away from the officer. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then when it happened on tree swung as i didn't i never saw any contact with. any kind of went back to where they were so the officers back here
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there again 15 feet apart at this point and that's when the officer his gun and tree. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. have to try to be close it's like them before 3 of them or 10 people get. interested always in the waters in the . first sip. paradise with some ground turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants there's no question otherwise why would that the chemical company workers themselves be geared up and suited up
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locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have many of these people one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental races going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. over. them but even.
5:00 am
britain's brick sit in juice democratic disaster deepens as prime minister boris johnson shuts down a parliament unable unwilling it seems to deliver on the referendum was all. a number of democratic party presidential candidates castigate donald trump over his record in puerto rico but since revealed that many of the same 2020 hopefuls have accepted donations from hedge fund managers who's been cashing in on the u.s. territories debt crisis. i do viral mental activists protest nestle's plans to draw over 3 and a half 1000000 liters of water every day from florida's santa fe river saying it would threaten the diversity of.


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