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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  August 29, 2019 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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including holding board meetings starting audits making new rules in levying fines for campaign finance violations but that's not the only election issues facing the country we also saw this tweet featuring a video of an electronic voting machine malfunction in mississippi go viral reminding us all that as of now there are still 8 states using voting machines that do not leave a paper trail. but but i don't want to just pick on the united states it's not just them that has issues with their priorities my friends not when we see headlines like these g 7 called out for 20000000 amazon fire aid package jim carrey got that much for the cable guy yes jim carrey got paid $20000000.00 the same as we're sending to the amazon for acting in the cable guy. that my friends is why our priorities should always be watching the hawks.
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30. 3. to see. what they like you know that i got. this. it's a. good dialogue over debate is about the wallace myself bring you 2 distinct and formative discuss and discussions between a variety of topics and guests with unique political viewpoints starting with my very own perception and person perspective. and joining me today to bring their perspectives and perceptions of the host of the world according to just the former minnesota governor jesse ventura watching the hawks on social media producer springer n r t america producer brant sadler thank
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you all 3 for joining us i want to start and talk about obviously priorities and let's start with the lack of priority here in the united states regards to our voting systems i'll start with you jesse how bad is it that our federal election commission the f.e.c. will essentially essentially be toothless come august 31st the stuff coming sunday because no one has bothered to appoint new commissioners to these 6 person group. well as i see it and what i'm looking at i've heard more and more that the trumpet ministration really came in very unprepared for the massive job that they had put in front of them and that was being the president being the executive branch of government it doesn't then there are there's all sorts of places that where things are not being filled this positions not being filled that position. while all of
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this isn't happening what is being filled you know things are trumps response and you know fights with the media fight with this sending out all the messages on a daily basis instead of bearing down and doing the job that he was elected to do and part of that job is the responsibility of filling those positions it was overwhelming filling them all or simply the governor of minnesota you can imagine what it's like when you're filling positions for the united states of america. because how bad is this when you look at like the p.c. which is responsible for you know essentially being the police of our elections with campaign finance things like this and now they can't even hold a core i mean to me it's emblematic of a lot of problems in the country from a local to a state and national level but i think like jesse said it shows that there's sort of a disconnect between what needs to be done just for an even sort of basic democracy to function and what's happening right so for something as important as this to go
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on notice a while like you said the president sends out $100.00 tweets a day and the press is that we get from the white house cover everything from fox news to the border over and over again while again the very basis of democracy are being overlooked right i think this is a huge problem and we have to we have to ask why and what's being done to fix it and i think those are the 2 questions that are often getting left out of the conversation well and i think it amy not to get without getting to part. isn't here i mean the same party the republican party who has pushed for things like citizens united and supported that throughout the years they're the same people who don't want to fill positions on the f.e.c. that can actually go ahead and enforce rules on campaign finance violations despite the fact that there are only few left that you can actually be done so it's not a surprise that this is happening and i mean you know the governor actually discussed as he would he was the minnesota governor he had much less of a staff that we're looking at in the white house and many many lesson visors as the
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trumpet ministration has i mean this should be a priority is to fill all of these positions and not just let them go that is that is wrong and it undermines our government as a whole it's interesting too when you look at the f.t.c. you know we can argue all day that it should actually they say it's bipartisan you know has to be 3 republicans 3 democrats and let's remember this thing was formed with the from the threat of ross perot back you know the one 3rd parties a lot of the f.e.c. was designed the kind of keep 3rd parties out of focus on these 2 but this was also a drug that the all the commission is currently sitting on right now were all appointed by george w. george w. bush obama didn't fill new positions they're all actually overstaying their tenure there only supposed to be there for 6 years some of them are running in the like multiple 101215 years now sitting on that commission i want to jump over that there's 8 states right now in the us new jersey texas louisiana tennessee kentucky illinois kansas and mississippi that all use voting systems electronic voting systems that produce no paper trail in 2020 i'll start with you brian how
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concerning is that when you see that video of this guy and in mississippi trying to get that vote to go cast that will cast this is a big issue but i do want to i do want to step back a little bit from all the they're changing the vote they're not changing the votes the problem is they should not use the touch screen to vote it's just like i don't know if you've ever been to an a.t.m. you hit the 5 and it hits the 2 you hit the 5 hits the 2 you hit the 5 you finally figure out how to adjust it and that's what really happened in this viral video from mississippi i don't think anybody was. feeling that both specifically it was just the machine as well but that is a problem are elections while figure federally regulated rules are not federally put in place for all elections as they should be why we let some states have different rules use different machines that we let other state it doesn't make any sense so that's one thing that really needs to be addressed in this situation so for is just what your feelings on that quickly. well sometimes modernization isn't the best thing you know you did old busy guys like me who do it
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a different way i got news for you the best way to do all of this is with the old paper ballot that we use in minnesota that can be counted by hand if need be so that if you have a close election you can literally count every vote by hand these electronic machines as was stated earlier they can malfunction they can be hacked you have no idea with no paper trail when you press the button if it was recorded to the candidate of your choice or not if you do it with the old paper ballots which we do in minnesota you can have recounts or recently in recent years we've had some of the closest elections here in minnesota in history and we've all had them they've come out there's nobody saying anything wasn't kosher about a minnesota lection i want to hit this at the very quickly what does that say about our society when you have the g 7 countries put up 20000000 dollars for the amazon
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rain forest when i was talking about the fires going on down in the in africa right now as well but you have 20000000 put out there but at the same time when you look at our society we're going to pay jim carrey 20000000 to do the cable guy or netflix is going to spend $100000000.00 to get the rights to stream friends that's a mess of our priorities is it not i think it definitely isn't and we can look at this as a global problem where we have people in different societies all around the world who are billionaires who could spend $20000000.00. then one night gambling in vegas and go home and have a great night of sleep our priorities are backwards not just on a global scale as the amazon rain forest we can relate that to so many different aspects the fact that jennifer aniston or whoever your favorite why actor actress is makes that much for one movie is how much is being given to the environment is actually emblematic of every country's attitude towards the environment at this point and if we don't wake up soon it's going to mark climate change is going to
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speed forward like this is people's lives they're playing with with this money and i don't think people really realize that. your thoughts just let me jump let me jump in here too it isn't just the amazon seeing it face to face in the ocean and i got news for people it's very simple if the ocean dies we die. and the story you know too much focus is put on the autonomy and money what good is that going to do you know when i went into the combat zone to vietnam we never cashed checks because money was worthless survival was far more important you learn math through life's experiences we better wake up we're facing survival not monday good point good point and i don't want to disagree with the importance of the both devon and the governor. issue here because it is very very important but i do have a problem with headlines like the media headline yes i could give you
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a 1000000 scenarios where i say you know how many they've made 750 $1000000.00 on red dead redemption too and meanwhile the amazons burning we've only given them $20000000.00 yes people do need to change their priorities and if we all just didn't buy one video game we could end up saving the world possibly or ending world hunger but that's not there for you we do have to expect though our government institutions and things like the g 7 to step up and do a little bit more and i don't know if you know this but one of the big things with these amazon fires was that. catalyst it wasn't just the blackout from smoke that you saw in brazil it was actually a lot of it was from a viral mean where people are pointing out the millionaires and billionaires who were giving money to the notre dame cathedral after it burned and then saying but nobody's doing anything about the amazon so it's almost that we get shamed in even addressing this in the 1st place and as i mentioned earlier right now you've got a large swath of africa that's on fire right now that nobody in the media or anybody is talking about the equally as bad. and i would suggest that in both cases
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the difference is though that in both cases it is sort of the capitalist ploy away and most of the fires we're seeing now in the past 6 months in the amazon were started for for force deforestation right so that they could expand the farming industry in the same way that when we talk about capital that's that's not knowing there isn't that same economic system right hopefully at the end of the day our values one day will one day reach a point where we can i realize. let's not forget the hurricane bearing down now it's left puerto rico but now it's heading towards the white people there who values suddenly will become a priority in this world well i got to say thank you all 3 of you for coming on debate jesse ventura devon springer branch of birth thank you so much for coming on great conversation all right as we go to break cock watchers don't forget to let us know what you have to think of the topics we've covered on our social media and be sure to check out watching the hawks the pod cast which is now available on spotify apple music and everywhere you listen to podcasts coming up the amazing tab of the wallace michael always opens up the gallery and james komi is policy violating
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memos and finds out just who is more sex with fans of hornets will still stay tuned for the. officer. told him to get up off the ground the officer began to pet him down. and then place on the sounds of kind of fighting into a grown man like wrestling essentially the officer hurling. through his window. twisted away from the officer pulling the toy out of his crib. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then when it happened on tree
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swung at the officers hands didn't hit him i never saw any contact between the 2 any kind of went back to where they were so the officers back here there try again 15 feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his gun and aimed it on tree. we are in a depression in america populations all over america there's poverty and more than half the population lives at or below the poverty line so they're already has a bit of a ghost depression going on what should develop into a full blown depression because it neither policies work from the central bank so maybe the problem is the subtle. paradise with some ground turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants there's no question otherwise
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why would the chemical company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but also in india you have many of these people one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. a new report from the u.s. office of the inspector general shows that between january 6th 2017 and they were 112017 all james komi was the director of the f.b.i. he wrote about 71 on one memos about interactions that he had with president elect
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and then president donald trump in that series of memos komi considered those 7 memos to be personal documents 4 of which he kept in his home safe and some which were written on his personal computer and one memo dated january 20th 23rd. komi claims to have told the then president over a private dinner at the white house quote i don't do sneaky things i don't leak i don't do we still moves then on may 3rd 2017 he appeared before the senate judiciary committee regarding his oversight of the f.b.i. while defending his decision to reopen the investigation into former secretary of state hillary clinton little more than a week before she lost the 2016 presidential election he also made this claim when asked about leaks to the press if you were ever been the source in news reports matters relating to the trump investigation or the toilet investigation never. just less
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than a week later on may 11th the new york times published a piece called in a private dinner trying to be handed loyalty komi to mirrored and which the details of that january 28th white house dinner and others were revealed by his june 8th appearance before the senate intelligence committee this just a. the individual that you told about your memos that been sent on to the new york times today have a copy of those memos or were they told orally of those memos that the car. had a copy at the time. for the kids at home this means he did give his memos to the press for publication just through a 3rd party and as the o. i j report states the memos had not been deemed classified by the director of the f.b.i. the time james komi more importantly that comey will not be subject to any legal action for doing so so he broke the rolls but not the law because let's be honest there's a totally different set of laws for the powerful or the rich when they blow the
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whistle on trumpets comey felt he was doing your hero good to dodge responsibility based on a technicality however if you blow the whistle on war crimes as say manning did you're a traitor who should be harassed incarcerated and bankrupted as an example to all who dare to question those in authority so hot watchers let's take a moment to hypothesise on the hypocrisy of secrets and leaks as we step into the gallery. joining me this week in the gallery is the host of news because he was scotty millions are t.v. correspondent rachel blevins and the host of boom bust christie i welcome. we want we were at work here because it's all my dollars and i was about are there will be no waking from this conversation is part of my secret memos and savior if you were going personal computer about the f.b.i. and state seem super super same standards for everybody so when you look at the
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report what it says is former director komi failed to live up to his responsibility by not save guarding sensitive information obtained during the course of his f.b.i. employment and by using it to create public pressure for official action komi set a dangerous example for the over 35000 great f.b.i. employees what message does this send the. start with you scott what does message does this send to the american people who on both sides of the already feel like justice is an ally in their eyes are wide open if you have the right money or connection is not a new message the message of distrust that has been there all along once again this is what we already knew it was going to happen and none of us were surprised by this revelation in fact the oxygen you used to have us had to say the words cost us more than what this is actually going to do to james komi it's true chris and i think that right now this is completely and just because there's a certain there's the freedom of press right now is at stake because both of them
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were technically convicted under the espionage act and yet one got away scot free while the other one did it so that person was acting so 2 people actually convicted and one of them was actually the publisher of wiki leaks right now that actually brings to a fair point that even someone like that a publisher who is not even like that relevant the freedom of press is at stake under the espionage act but i fear the head of the f.b.i. on it because you have the power to ask you rachel to that point is just kind of. show that that whole idea of a deep state is it's kind of real. fixing the club and you're not it and not exactly how it is for combing part of that growth not just the extent it got kicked out of it where if you had killed the beginning was in prison and is now being tried for being in prison for the senate that she will not come to testify about things that she's already been to but in this case regarding the justice
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league is a double standard there and it's crazy to think that they're going after someone like her or similar to going to sponsor the same james comey didn't exactly come out and your friends are committed by the military but that doesn't mean it doesn't know about crime so i think that's a bigger picture that we have going forward on this because one of the reasons why he is so protected why this is almost like a slap on the wrist is because they do know. that he's a part of it and both you're hearing republicans and democrats while you have trump supporters saying see we told you of which side republicans are saying all of these silent like they normally do as well as democrats are because they know komi has everything on everyone and so to risk him right now even agitating a more you say 5 guys want to go after me i'll bring it out on you as well so it's very says this wall right we're not winning it deep in it right now it's very sticky somewhere in washington and that explains a lot the question that you say is when you look at the memo especially the one from the january dinner. as a writer it looks like
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a novel draft it looks like the draft of a book not an official memo christie do you think this is one of those things where he took advantage of the situation and suddenly that's your book deal pretty much i think this was a complete technicality because he said that these are personal memos and these were things that were technically already revealed on twitter things that trump publicly stated already and it wasn't even classified so he literally got away on a technicality despite the fact that he broke the rules as you mentioned but aggressive is what publisher's going to publish and not be seen as being unethical on the stair i mean these this is a government issue that all you're doing is encouraging this to happen to future and that the white house is not always going to be republican and so you have to be very careful if you open this pandora's box it's so strange well i don't want to completely run out of time but it's fall back right. because you know another news close to capitol hill is hard there was a study and it said that they conducted at the adult video news awards of course.
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in which they 9 surveyed 300 men what they found is that over 90 percent of what they call porn superfans compared to just over 70 percent of the general population agreed that working mothers can have just as warm and secure relationships for their children as non-working mothers and for the statement that men and women should hold traditional gender roles within a family 80 percent of support superfans disagreed nationally 73 percent of respondents disagree so as someone i myself was attended the a.b.a. twice as a journalist just to be clear i'm not that surprised or do you think there are more . i was actually really surprised by their studies but i also kind of questioned the validity of this data because it was only $294.00 parts as the fence and it's like what causes i said a superfan anyway like someone who attends the expo like you're bound to answer a certain way you are bound to have a certain perspective in this very close demographic and the last thing you want is the fact that you are sexist so then i say it's not true i wasn't surprised but the
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more surprises please us to find in today's modern day society with a traditional family there is a big between 2019 and even 1900 much more than 950 we are not leave it to beaver anymore what a traditional family is and i think that's where maybe a loophole is there when you sure my original family is probably a lot like the rest of people that i'm surrounded by do you think we're really grateful to you is this something that you know are we just changing the definitions of things are we saying look at not it's not that big of a deal if families are a little different if women have different roles or so i think that could be and i think it also takes different stereotypes into play and you have to question ok what are these different backgrounds what you know what went into their decision making and are they impacted by the porn that they're watching or that they're super fan of and may impact them differently than the classic studies that we've seen which are to say that it would make men more violent or more aggressive or that sort of thing but i also think it talks about the conversation women are now having modern day about sex i mean normally i'd be embarrassed and i'm praying that
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my mother right now is not watching this some talking about it on me she's a bad bad but i think that now women are able to talk about it and say things and that might also be a reason and this is an environment that they would be in to be able to speak freely and not be necessarily shamed for actually saying the word they were trying to say their name is deep say you know that i would be ashamed to say motivate you ladies were sitting down with me here in the gallery today i think we got there a lot will get through more next week to give us so much scottie nell hughes christiane reach of love and thank you so much for joining me that. back i think our show for you today remember every one of my costars says in this world we're not told or loved and not so i tell you all i love you on top of the lies keep on watching those hogs and have a great day and night everyone. thank you. thank you for little. little
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little. cut. cut cut. cut cut. cut. thank you. new chick or tony. i'm one of them but i think. they will one day when there's a real body. they. should have and this.
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put them to i don't want or i can't have her name yes i knew she was going to that home with me about it yeah i am kind of whom you could be in bed and had a chicken dad. who made a move out of one of the ones that he i want to go to before i had a. post g 7 what is the lay of the land calls for unity demonstrate the opposite also iran is again in the spotlight just what is trumps foreign policy in this volatile region. said she stressed to make sure that the british at the bill of books would have. to . stop the show so i could see
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a statistic to see which cut off. which si death i'm not what you. are best teacher or a woman to me what you. want to talk to me so if you're my it's your bonus for to be. it's a mistake of the word supporter i'm still with them to. do this interview but you believe that he's that it's a stupid actually a person to be wrong or should stop them spinning. expressed. during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember that it was most my family were unemployed. and it wasn't it was bed you know much worse objectively today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. there was
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a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo doubt engineer elections manufacture consent and other principle holds according to no i'm tomes to one set of rules for the rich opposite. that's what happens when you put her into the. narrow sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america.
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forced to apologize on one of m s n b c's top posts were tracks a story linking donald trump to russian oligarchs admitting the so-called rigorous verification standards of the outlet would not adhere to. also environmental activists rally against nestlé supplants adroit the 3 and a half 1000000 liters of water from florida santa fe river every day saying it would threaten the area's biodiversity. and a lack of diversity sees a european web developers conference council's labor a guest list with no women we debate whether the industry is struggling to keep up with the types.


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