tv News RT August 30, 2019 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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the headlines in r.t. an exchange of prisoners between moscow and kiev reportedly has got under way just a few hours ago. declassified documents reveal that 20 years ago the us knew indonesia you would use terror to try and stop east timor from becoming independent but failed to act and a frenchman is to appeal a court decision that overturns a pesticide ban in his town we keep using the french government double standards we are slow calls what they think. i think the government isn't doing its job they're the 1st to see that there should be no pesticides but they do nothing we breed the in the past the sites we did during tasks and the amount of pesticides we found was
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alarmingly high. there good morning it's just gone i skulk here in moscow you're watching r.t. international now we'll start this hour with breaking news because a prisoner exchange between russia and ukraine has got under way in the past few hours at least that's according to a facebook post by ukraine's attorney general we should say at this stage is no official statement or confirmation from either side yet however let's get more details. joins us in the studio igor what more do we know then at this point well i have to say there's not much known at this point apart from what you've just said everything that is out there in the information field exists in the realm of speculation and reports but according to that reposed that you were talking about on facebook up to 28 people opt. ukrainians could be in route to kiev to capital
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kiev now again this is not an official figure by any measure this is just an estimation that we can well speculate about because post the attorney general was talking about some ukrainian sailors and 4 more people named called out by name if we take if we now $24.00 the total of $24.00 ukrainian sailors were detained by russia last year and so plus 4 that makes 20 people as to the other 4 non-sale or so to speak prison as most of them were arrested and given out sentences in russia on charges related to terrorism and one of them was arrested for unlawful obtaining and position of firearms and ammunition and with regard to the ones you mentioned the young sailors were i mean what more do we know about them obviously did there was that incident. related to that particular incident last november in november last year on the 25th
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a few ukrainian warships entered the carriage strait which is just off the coast of the crimean peninsula now of course russia considers crimea its own territory ukraine disagrees with that so those ukrainian warships the ignored warnings by russian navy so the russian navy had to intervene and intercept those warship the interception was quite rough one of the russian ships rammed a ukrainian vessel and also russian sailors opened fire to stop the boats 3 ukrainian sailors were injured. but when they were brought to land the people received all needed medical attention and since then ukraine has been asking russia to release them and to send them back to ukraine back to cuba. just earlier this week we didn't i didn't see that in ukraine a russian journalist carol that was released from pretrial detention people are linking that case with what's potentially happening that well it makes sense to link because if indeed. if we get an official confirmation that the prisoner swap
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is in fact underway today that is a positive sign in relations between russia and ukraine they managed to find some common ground ground in a question well in an issue that they have been that has been for a very very long time and that doesn't need come on the heels of. the head of the ukrainian branch of the russian news agency ria novosti he spent more than 400 days in ukrainian jail without sentence he's accused of treason but he has not been sentenced with anything and russia has been adamant that karylle he was just doing his job he was just doing his job he was a journalist or he was doing a job like you or me and that he should not spend all that time in jail without being found guilty and finally he was released on bail so ukrainian courts well there's no there's no information as to how much how much but obviously russia's
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russia's stance played a role in ukraine in court taking this decision so this could be 2 very positive signs in relations between the 2 countries ok but as yet with this latest development still awaiting official confirmation but of course we'll stay cross the story thanks legal eagles you donna. in other news newly declassified documents reveal that the us knew months in advance that indian easy would try and disrupt east timor's independence votel 20 years ago but washington refused to act instead pushing for closer military ties with you carter. has more on that story. one of the youngest nations on this planet will celebrate 20 years of independence now at the end of august east timor is remembering the referendum which made it possible among those on the guest list as america's assistant secretary of state but let's put that aside for a moment and the there's lots to commemorate because the price that east timorese
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this brings me to the reason why i mention the top u.s. diplomat all those declassified u.s. security papers so many times they've led to red faces at some very uncomfortable moments in august 29th in. one release revealed american officials were perfectly aware of what the indonesian military was up to the cia no said their methods were to cue drive or intimidate into silence independence activists and to the general population into acceptance of phonies to move on to qantas control at the pentagon was at the time very keen to keep up its with indonesia there's another document which shows a us admiral referring to the head of the indonesian army as a friend digging a bit further into the past has led us to more awkwardness or even ugliness how
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about this on the part of australian diplomats in the seventy's an embassy memo pointed ad daily torturing raping and exit puting the captured population on the island of to more yes back then that was also on the hands of indonesian troops the ugly part is this handwritten remark by an aussie diplomat it says sounds like fun another dark page in indonesian history was when the government got rid of hundreds of communist sympathizers throughout the sixty's guess who helped put together the lists of alleged communists the u.s. embassy here's how one of its staff recalls that support it really was a big help to the army they probably killed a lot of people and i probably have a lot of blood on my hands but that's not all bad there's a time when you have to strike hard at a decisive moment so again there's hardly any doubt the americans knew exactly what
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the rulers and charge in jakarta were like and so time magazine found no better words to describe their rise to power than the west's best news for years in asia so this friday do watch out for any redness on the face of the assistant secretary of state or perhaps you'll need some there. powerful optics well i think unfortunately most countries including the us back in the 1990 s. and early 2000 would would be guilty of engaging in political alliances for geo political aspirations and for things other than preserving the rights of other people of course the state government's 1st priority should be to its own civilians but unfortunately we don't see that in many countries now that being said what we're talking about it needs to more in indonesia since the us had interest with the indonesian government and the military and were actions were taken alliances made and even violence allowed to preserve an interest to preserve an
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interest of the administration but it is true that countries all governments should absolutely make sure that the 1st priority is the maintenance of their people their own economy before they go into to preserve other interests in another place even if it's under the false guise of human rights. and u.s. democratic 2020 hopefuls have qualified to participate in the party's upcoming debates in september another dozen hopefuls are still in the race for the party's presidential nomination but failed to meet the strict criteria for taking part in that round of televised jews were among those failing to qualify for the debates is the hawaii representative to see that is a surprise to some she was the most searched kind the following the 2 previous debates she has slammed the process by which candidates are selected for the main stage. the whole process really lacks transparency. people deserve having that transparency because ultimately it's the people who will decide who our
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democratic nominee will be and ultimately who our next president commander in chief will be and when you see that lack of transparency it creates you know a lack of faith and trust in the process. to just the d.n.c. chooses to give a platform to. it's primetime television if you want to be anybody in the democratic party you better make sure you get on the stage at the presidential debates so what do you need to do to make it 2 things 1st get over 130000 unique donations to get at least 2 percent in a national poll ah but here's where it gets tricky not every poll is the same and if the democratic national committee doesn't like you they can reject the poll results that show things in your favor now tulsa gabbert has met the donations threshold he's got over 2 percent 126 different national polls however the democratic national committee says that doesn't count they have their certified
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list sure it's important of that information it's being provided but let's take a quick look at some of the polls that were rejected politico the economist reuters if these widely respected outlets and news agencies aren't credible in america then who is wholly new to the united states there is a. network of close associates and friends and they frown upon those polls that are either new or are now members of the club or the association so i would certainly speculate the has something to do with it it is a partisan organization the democratic national committee so any poll say that many have a tradition of leaning republican or not considered to be in the mainstream of democratic artists and ship you know would be would be ruled out even the polls deemed credible by the democratic party have
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a margin of error of between 2 and 6 percent and when the criteria for being in the debates is only 2 percent a margin of error like that is a pretty big deal so tell us again could have between 0 and 7 percent support among american voters now keep in mind there are over 200000000 people who are registered to. oh in the united states of america so what's the difference between 0 and 14000000 well whatever it is it is apparently not important to the democratic national committee there is a margin of sampling error so if the margin of error is plus or minus 4 percent what is 2 percent in the polls if if it's 1.51 percent that the candidate has then does get rounded up to 2 percent whereas the 1.44 percent which is meaningless one could argue the democratic national committee is a private organization we can establish our own rules but then they also have to be
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open to the charges by somebody like chelsea gamble who says this doesn't smell like it's fair and frankly i agree with the right of the signals that they're now the d.n.c. doesn't exactly have a reputation for impartiality and fairness leaked e-mails in 2016 show that the democratic party leaders were working pretty hard to defeat bernie sanders and make sure that it was hillary clinton who ultimately took on donald trump now after the outrage in 2016 the new democratic party chair tom perez promised to empower grassroots activists i am more committed than ever before to restoring votes is faith in the democratic process because even the perception of impartiality when unfair advantage undermines our ability to win that is unacceptable to that end the new d.n.c. under my leadership is committed to the tosk of making sure that all 2020 nominating process will be unquestionably fair and transparent so as the list of candidates
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gets whittled down to one final nominee voters will have to decide as to whether mr perez is living up to his promise. r.t. new york still to come this hour a french man says he's going to a pale off the court overturns his ban on the use of the sides need. town we'll have this story on the way just off the brighton. coast g. 7 what is the lay of the land calls for unity to demonstrate the opposite also iran is again in the spotlight just what is trumps foreign policy in this volatile.
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you know world of big partisan lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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again now frenchman has accused the country's government of double standards of course overturned his ban on pesticides they his time he's now appealing that decision show that even ski has more on his story. this tiny breton village of language has found itself at the center of controversy in the battle over the pesticides in may the local mag to court some saw as being a bold decision to ban the use of pesticides within $150.00 metre cordon over the village farming unions were furious on the matter and did up in court now the man daniel coeff had his ban overturned but the debacle is now shining a light on the deep political contradictions so rounding pesticides in france well president might call and praised his intentions for tackling phosphates a burning issue over health concerns he said the solution was not to issue a decree that doesn't comply with the law so macko if that's
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a double standard. i don't understand what is happening in my craw and the ecology minister said that i am right and doing a good thing to protect my people but in the meantime i am facing court for a decision to keep pesticides at a distance of 150 metres i don't understand politics now it seems the decision by the court has banned all pesticides was illegal has also earned good residents in this usually sleepy village. 2 children wit lots of fields around lung where and it's important health matter for us especially for children we breathe the in the past the sites we did your intestine the amount of best the sites we found was alarmingly high even though we eat organic and we grow some of our own food that is also organic. because it was a bad judgment and the mare wasn't heard i think the government isn't doing its job
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they're the 1st to see that there should be no pesticides but they do nothing so i honestly think it was a bad legal decision by the cord and it was in the genes or q. porsche's we are in a small village that is close to a farming area we need to protect people we never know what kind of health issues could be created by pesticides so i think the decision by the mayor was intelligent and he needed to make a decision to protect the people but now he has difficulties with the justice system the world health organization has said gleich phosphate often used to weed killer probably causes cancer while gov phosphate has hit the headlines over health concerns much corn had promised to ban the use of phosphate by 2021 that provoked an outcry by farmers in unions who said they needed an alternative mark and then pushed the ban back to the following year when the current license will expire now across france the ban imposed by mcewan has gained traction he may have
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lost the 1st battling court but now are around 20 other matters have followed his lead banning the use of pesticides close to homes. i've spoken to the juris cry these bands as being politically motivated saying they are getting on the environmental bandwagon ahead of my oral elections. mayors are really thinking of the next election environmentalist's are wreaking havoc on our agriculture and our only factories floundering unless these mayors are outstanding scientists they are taking advantage of people's fear to make this kind of decision which is good for their images protectors of the environment and the population but it seems the government has been backed into a corner there must be a minimum distance between residential areas and best decided sprain i will advise
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in the coming days forming unions and the companies that produce pesticides are sure to have something to say about that but so too does make us who believe that these things all the only way to protect people who live in their farms which use pesticides otherwise he says their health is screwed so all it even ski for artie lange go it in pretty me. the u.s. president donald trump says that american troop numbers will be cut in afghanistan once to deal with the taliban is reached we're going down to $8600.00 and then we make a determination from there as to what happens we'll make a determination but we're going down to 8600 we're bringing it down we have it very well controlled meanwhile i'm sitting international warns of human rights defenders are attacked and harassed by the authorities the taliban and also islamic state is
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report states that the afghan government has repeatedly failed to investigate attacks on activists who are quote killed with impunity activists have even been told to take up arms to defend themselves human rights defenders are calling on the international community and those involved in the conflict to take action when my granny the coeditor of b s new says that the u.s. to shoulder the blame for civilian deaths in afghanistan. the u.s. military has been responsible for most civilians deaths in afghanistan over the past usually years or so in the case of afghanistan the u.s. military's been there for almost 2 decades where human rights have never once factored into the equation. and what we see today is what we've seen in previous years many civilians being killed many human rights activists been killed. and the carnage goes on because old u.s. and the coalition's presence in the country is too much a stage at the moment for. the u.s.
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representatives the rest government to be generous to show genuine concern for human rights in afghanistan. things are looking so far this morning the back again just over half. just by the adults the vital. one customers go by your guest. then help well we do some. that's undercutting but what's good for the market it's not good for the global economy. said she stressed to wall street this or that the british and the bill of voted out
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that it will cost to. russia was so you're saying then that a statistic is she's a cia which is what all shall. go to which she doesn't have time and i know what you mean in a response to trick or a moment in there for sure i. want to go to the show through my if you promise for to be. there mr ellsworth supporters are still with them to spirit for through this interview are you going to use that it's a studio actually a person a person has to be wrong or should stop them spinning. expressed she.
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of. everyone's story is different wants half is there for a young know what's actually going to hit you. and i was pretty comfortable in my life before this happened. earthenware dobbs ferry. got me into this. you know i was a middle child. i'm sorry he was the day. this is some day he was doing to just you know make sure he can money in his pocket. it was like we had to look out for me you can but nothing happened to to the bait. i just hope that people can understand that i was
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a person who didn't deserve to die who didn't deserve to be shot 14 times. already. trade links and radio part. car i was like most of the battery were u.s. marines i come at the park he sounded really. really our ordinary or you know. what he looked like to me that day i was just a student nearing the end of the semester and wishes he and the park taking a break a waltz right across the street hear him up this way. i'm sure was laying right here like a little beggar all in
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a backpack his head was here in this field going west and the person i was working with that day called the police because they were concerned about him being so close to business. the first's officers approached him they sat him up they talked and then they laughed my co-worker's time at how they were going to call again and i said you know if he was doing something illegal they wouldn't have just walked away and left him there. a 2nd call was made anyhow. and the officers actually came back up to us and they said hand there's nothing to enforce he's not written the law please stop calling. and honestly i even forgot to tell later when the 3rd officer showed up. and well we were towed when the call. days facts it went to the beat cops. and the message on the beat cops.
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like this officer corps do news just there something on the board already here all are. just starting out of 46 i think it does best told them that it was clear over reno park art if you could create a trouble with. this officer and then when you told him to get up off the ground the officer. began to pet him down. i heard them fly south that sounded kind of fighting into me grown man like wrestling especially the officer curly back up through his tie and your individual twisted away from the officer probably the toy and it was clear. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then what happened on tree swung at the officers hands didn't hit him i never
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saw any contact between the 2 any kind went back to where they were so the asters back here they're high again 15 feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his guide and he did it on 3. i knew it was not happen so i turned away. after i counted drama more schilens. very very large mariani mark. already neither of my very own you're in a narrow mildmay i mean running wired into our body or body all right now the. medical records are all lining the. 1000000 or one even ready ready. i don't even know i was. gone i mean there are.
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