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tv   News  RT  August 30, 2019 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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u.s. presidential hopeful failed to make it through to the next round of democratic debates despite becoming the most searched candidate online she's not questioning the d.n.c. selection process. a french marabouts to appeal after losing his ballot to protect people in his village from harmful pesticides we get reaction from locals. i think the government isn't doing its job they're the 1st to say that there should be no pass to sites they do nothing we breathe the in the press sites we did during testing the amount of pesticides we found was alarmingly high. and declassified documents reveal that 20 years ago the us knew indonesia would use terror to try and stop east timor from becoming independent but failed to act.
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a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. one of the most popular democratic presidential hopefuls has failed to qualify for the next round of t.v. debates why representative told what was the most searched for candidate on google after the last 2 t.v. showdowns but this time around the d.n.c. says she has failed to meet the criteria required something gabbert has called into question. the whole process really lacks transparency right people deserve having that transparency because ultimately it's the people who will decide who our democratic nominee will be and ultimately who our next president commander in chief will be and when you see that lack of transparency it creates you know a lack of faith in. just in the process it's prime time television if you want to
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be anybody in the democratic party you better make sure you get on the stage at the presidential debates so what do you need to do to make it 2 things 1st to get over $130000.00 unique donations to get at least 2 percent in a national poll but here's where it gets tricky not every poll is the same and if the democratic national committee doesn't like you they can reject the poll results that show things in your favor now tell us again has met the donations threshold she's got over 2 percent 126 different national polls however the democratic national committee says that doesn't count they have their certified list sure it's important of that information it's being provided but let's take a quick look at some of the polls that were rejected politico the economist reuters if these widely respected outlets and news agencies aren't credible in america then who is polling in the united states there is a club. a network of close associates and friends and they frown
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upon those polls that are either new or are now members of the club or the association so i would certainly speculate the that has something to do with it it is a partisan organization the democratic national committee so any poll say that may have a tradition of leaning republican or not considered to be in the mainstream of democratic artists and ship you know would be would be ruled out even the polls deemed credible by the democratic party have a margin of error of between 2 and 6 percent and when the criteria for being in the debates is only 2 percent a margin of error like that is a pretty big deal so tell us again could have between 0 and 7 percent support among american voters now keep in mind there are over 200000000 people who are.
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registered to vote in the united states of america so what's the difference between 0 and 14000000 well whatever it is it is apparently not important to the democratic national committee there is a margin of sampling error so if the margin of error is plus or minus 4 percent what is 2 percent in the polls if if it's 1.51 percent that the candidate has then does get rounded up to 2 percent whereas the 1.44 percent which is meaningless one can argue the democratic national committee is a private organization we can establish our own rules but then they also have to be open to the charges by somebody like chelsea gamble who says this doesn't smell like it's fair and frankly i agree with their i don't think it's mills that it's fair now the d.n.c. doesn't exactly have a reputation for impartiality and fairness leaked e-mails and 2016 show that the
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democratic party leaders were working pretty hard to defeat bernie sanders and make sure that it was hillary clinton who ultimately took on donald trump now after the outrage in 2016 the new democratic party chair tom perez promised to empower grassroots activists i am more committed than ever before to restoring votes is faith in the democratic process because even the perception of impartiality when unfair advantage undermines our ability to win that is unacceptable to that end the new d.n.c. under my leadership is committed to the tosk of making sure that all 2020 nominating process will be unquestionably fair and transparent so as the list of candidates gets whittled down to one final nominee voters will have to decide as to whether mr perez is living up to his promise. r.t. new york meanwhile another democratic 2020 presidential hopeful bernie sanders has come under fire for a remark about you. china us under praise beijing's efforts to reduce poverty
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prompting condemnation from politicians and the media like. reports. it's the strangest thing there is bernie sanders one of the leading democratic candidates for the nomination and that of the blue the goose that does something that new god fearing american should ever do said something almost complimentary about china. is a country that is moving unfortunately going to war with north korea where you have the directions but what we have to say about china in fairness to china and its leadership is of i'm not mistaken they have made more progress in addressing the extreme poverty. than any country in the history of civilization bad bernie good thing there are patriotic journalists free media and honest politicians to
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remind me that it's not nice to say nice things about china it was seen as bernie basically praising the chinese communist party you know which is probably killed more than any other regime on earth do you think this will be a problem for him going into the general election i think. as this again it was a wild way to answer that question well the chinese socialists killed millions of poor people so there's that dead people are poor just dead they call that the great leap forward and after that they used a tool that bernie despises capitalism i wish there was a visual metaphor for bernie's argument. i just have to keep watching i don't know why just to bring everyone up to speed what bernie meant is near enough 40 years ago about 9 out of every 10 people in china lived in poverty 9 out of 10 today 2000. 19 it's
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one in 100 people one person in every 100 that's below the poverty line is that astounding yes that is great news for a 1000000000 people yeah but it's china if we lived in a fair world that send them a congratulation note and flowers we don't china does something bad to raise hell about it does something good very well ignore it or in russia don't forget brought here if they want to join us are knocking out isis that is just fine as far as i'm concerned work together to beat a monstrous group that's killed untold thousands and soon terror worldwide work together not a few are a god fearing american donald trump believes that russia is our great ally against isis in syria but what russia is doing in syria is setting up missiles that only
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shoot down planes which isis does not have i think it's incredibly naive to think that lattimer putin would do anything in the us press interest and then you may run among us presidents for getting things like when jimmy carter praised yes praised hugo chavez well no you didn't really praise him but just to clue we came to know a man who expressed a vision to bring profound changes to his country to benefit is specially those people who had felt neglected and marginalized and once again in the free media and patriots had to remind mr carter that chavez is bad and venezuela together with china and russia iran may be a little north korea definitely g.'s bernie better grab a pen them and more than a baddies and even if they do what america does. you can't compare the 2 because
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you actually can't compare them it's entirely possible and even reasonable but because i just don't as trump found out when asked by a journalist about president vladimir putin being a killer to other killers you go at it curious why you think our country so innocent roland well it's technically your right but it's not what america wants to hear one patriotic american put it and no i don't think there's any equivalent i do think america is exceptional america is different i think there's a clear distinction here and when you're exceptional you don't have to make sense you wouldn't just special you do bernie and be quite so nice here. a french mayor has lost his fight to protect people in his village from pesticides although he banned or used a court over ruled him and he's now appealing that decision however his case hasn't
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inspired other mayors across france to take summer action and charlotte devinsky explained. this tiny breton village of language has found itself at the center of controversy in the battle over the pesticides in may the local mag to court some saw as being a bold decision to ban the use of pesticides within $150.00 metre cordon over the village farming unions were furious and the matter ended up in court now that daniel coeff had his ban overturned but the debacle is now shining a light on the deep political contradictions so rounding pesticides in france well president might call and praised his intentions for tackling phosphates a burning issue over health concerns he said the solution was not to issue a decree that doesn't comply with the law so mad coeff that's a double standard. i don't understand what is happening across and the ecology
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minister said that i am right and doing a good thing to protect my people but in the meantime i'm facing court for a decision to keep pesticides at a distance of 150 metres i don't understand politics now it seems the decision by the court to take his ban all pesticides was illegal has also earned good residence in this usually sleepy village. 2 children wit lots of fields around long where and it's important health matter for us especially for children we breed the in the best society we did your intestine the amount of best decides we found was alarmingly high even though we eat organic and we grow some of our own food that is also organic. i think the government isn't doing its job and they're the 1st to say that there should be no past decides they did nothing and it was in the genes or q porsche's we were in a small village that is close to a farming area we need to protect people too we never know what kind of health
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issues could be created by the. so i think the decision by the mayor was intelligent and he needed to make a decision to protect the people but now he has difficulties with the justice system the world health organization has said gleich phosphate often used to weed killer probably causes cancer while gov phosphate has hit the headlines over health concerns much corn had promised to ban the use of phosphate by 2021 that provoked an outcry by farmers in unions who said they needed an alternative mark and then pushed the ban back to the following year when the current license will expire now across france the ban imposed by mcewan has gained traction he may have lost the 1st battle in court but now around 20 other matters have followed his lead banning the use of pesticides close to homes of farmers furious cry these
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bans as being politically motivated saying they are getting on the environmental bandwagon ahead of my own elections. mayors are already thinking of the next election environmentalist's are wreaking havoc on our agriculture and our only factories floundering unless these mayors are outstanding scientists they are taking advantage of people's fear to make this kind of decision which is good for their images protectors of the environment and the population but it seems the government has been backed into a corner there must be a minimum distance between residential areas and best decided sprain i will advise in the coming days forming unions and the companies that produce pesticides ashore to have something to say about that but so too does make a wish who believes that these things all the only way to protect people who live in their farms which use pesticides otherwise he says their health is screwed
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so it's even scary for altie lanka it importunity. yemen civil war is turning ever more fractured and strained the country's government has accused its ally of the united arab emirates of bombing its troops the u.a.e. denies the claims saying its move was in self-defense against an alleged attack. they've committed themselves to injustice aggression and using armed forces against the yemeni people in the southern governor raids using the u. e's military arsenal in order to divide our country i call on riyadh to intervene to stop these breaks and intrusion the recent aggravation in offensives against the arab coalition forces and civilians poses a menacing threat to the security of the coalition the country is currently split between the who theists who oppose the government and are believed to be backed by iran and government aligned caution forces at the same time upper darby support and
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trains southern separatists who previously fought against 2 or 3 rebels in the north now the separatists there want southern yemen to become an independent state countering the yemeni government. all these confrontations coming ahead one of the world's biggest humanitarian crisis. writer and commentator abdel bari atwan thinks the crisis among the coalition forces could have serious consequences and the situation in yemen. i believe it is extremely dangerous drivel opened that's how the. united arab emirates have been solid allies and this yemen war for the last 5 years so when they actually split after the united arab emirates decided to pull some or most of its troops from yemen this means that the collapse of this correlation between the 2 partners and this war and the most they do is think also the they are not actually separated
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but there are fighting each other there is a war by proxy between united arab emirates and saudi arabia and aden and particularly and nobody anticipated this kind of the media is developments so if it does continue i believe that both these images of the north will be the main winner in this case and this could be near end of that human war newly declassified document surveille america's role in indonesia's decades long occupation of east timor that story and more after the break. you know world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up
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to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. make this manufactured consensus to the public wealth. when the ruling class is protect themselves. when the flame and merry go round lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. room real news is.
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welcome back donald trump announced plans to slash by half the number of american troops stationed in afghanistan with further withdrawals dependent on the peace talks with the taliban. we're going down to 8600 and then we make a determination from there as to what happens we'll make a determination but we're going down to 8600 we're bringing it down we have a very well controlled after nearly 18 years of war there are currently around $14000.00 u.s. troops in afghanistan even if half are now pulled out it's unclear when the u.s. will fully withdraw and it remains vague on how the situation will change in the region back in 2017 there were 8400 soldiers stationed in afghanistan that number has since almost doubled and that's despite longstanding plans to withdraw all troops from the country starting next month we will be able to remove $10000.00 of
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our troops from afghanistan by the end of this year and we will bring home a total of $33000.00 troops by next summer fully we're covering the surge i announced at west point after this initial reduction our troops will continue coming home at a steady pace by 2014 this process of transition will be complete in the afghan people will be responsible for their own security middle east expert early risk things the complete withdrawal of u.s. troops from afghanistan cannot be expected any time soon. trump is being subject to some significant pressures within america pressures from the deep state there are close allies to trump in the republican party who have voiced their objection to any complete withdraw i refer here to lindsey graham of the well known republican senator who was also closely allied with trumpet lindsey graham has been very vocal
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in saying that deal with should not completely withdraw in fact he had an article in new york times with the former a your worst vice chief of staff jack keane in that article graham and mccain said that the withdrawal shouldn't be a withdrawal which is all which meets the conditions of the taliban and shouldn't be there for a. process which only sort of survives the demands of the taliban but should satisfy the demands of america or meet the american conditions so we do have these well known figures within the united states who have clearly object to a complete with drew have been very vocal in that and it appears that board trump has succumbed to those pressures. if tomorrow and friday marks 20 years since the u.n. back to vote ended a bloody decades long occupation by indonesian forces and paved the way for it to become an independent nation australian prime minister scott morrison has arrived
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in a few months capital to attend the celebrations along with other dignitaries 2 decades on there has been little justice for the families of those who died in post independent referendum violence which is eventually quality by australian led the united nations peacekeepers here's a look back at east timor's story. i have decided to contribute to the force in a limited but essential way. including communications and not just a call
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a. intelligence airlifts of personnel and material and coordination of the humanitarian response response to the tragedy the violent sense is apparent to all of us who care about human dignity and democracy newly declassified documents reveal that the us knew months in advance that indonesia would try and disrupt the vote that washington refused to act instead pushing for closer military ties with jakarta trying to pick up the story. all those declassified u.s. security papers so many times they've led to red faces and some very uncomfortable moments in august 29th one release revealed american officials were perfectly aware of what the indonesian military was up to the cia notes said their methods were to cue drive or intimidate into silence independents and the general population
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into acceptance of phonies to move on to qantas control the pentagon was at the time very keen to keep up its stars with indonesia there's another document which shows a us admiral referring to the head of the indonesian army as a friend digging a bit further into the past has led us to more awkwardness or even ugliness how about this on the part of australian diplomats in the seventy's an embassy memo pointed at daily torturing raping and exit puting the captured population on the island of more yes back then that was also on the hands of indonesian troops the ugly part is this handwritten remark by an aussie diplomat it says sounds like fun another dark page in indonesian history was when the government got rid of hundreds of communist sympathizers throughout the sixty's guess who helped put together the lists of alleged communists the u.s.
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embassy here's how one of its staff recalls that support it really was a big help to the army they probably killed a lot of people and i probably have a lot of blood on my hands but that's not all bad there's a time when you have to strike hard at a decisive moment so again there's hardly any doubt the americans knew exactly what the rulers and charge in jakarta were like and so time magazine found no better words to describe their rise to power than the west's best news for years. in asia so this friday do watch out for any redness on the face of the assistant secretary of state or perhaps you'll need some very powerful optics well i think unfortunately most countries including the us back in the 1990 s. and the early to thousands of would would be guilty of engaging in political alliances for geo political aspirations and for things other than preserving the
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rights of other people of course a state government's 1st priority should be to its own civilians but unfortunately we don't see that in many countries now that being said what we're talking about and used to more in indonesia since the us had interest with the indonesian government and the military and where actions were taken alliances made and even violence allowed to preserve an interest to preserve an interest of the administration but it is true that countries all governments should absolutely make sure that the 1st priority is the maintenance of their people their own economy before they go into to preserve other interests in another place even if it's under the false guise of human rights that's our global news break down for this hour and that's all for me as well today but we're not you know harvey will be taking over in about 30 minutes.
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a paradise with some. turned into a round the experimentation field but angry cultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major here too there's no question otherwise why would the chemical company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in day you have many of these people one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regular. bodys this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental racism going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power.
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seemed wrong. when all the roles just don't all. mean you didn't get to shape out of disdain and the constant agitated and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. i. ready ready ready am sure to stop at the continuing to grow. i just never know very good about the idea of bringing children into the world because i didn't feel like things were in very good shape. life was just going to be
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a lot of software programs. but. there's no reason in the world to take things that already made the movies on the move something else that. everybody's scared to talk about is certifiable is really dependent on us addressing this issue and if we can't even talk about it every chance even have a conversation or that it then. we're in trouble ready. this is boom bust broadcasting around the globe and covering the world of business and finance an impact on us all. and i am kathy i am i think can't have the lockout
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what i'm back today the fact that. watches and the moon like it in the current form or on the carrot and holy war with the british american business. on hand to do the latest moves that could be. only one break in the crumbling wall of the global economy but could it all come crashing down when he joins us today from amsterdam to break down the latest moves in the bond market and what could be a dark days ahead for the world so many stories but little time. markets worldwide got a lift today with europe in the americas all rising about one percent to a race to watch this from last friday as trying to said it was to resolve this protracted trade dispute with the united states with a call. now to the reason escalation trying in the u.s. are still.


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