tv News RT August 31, 2019 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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and if we can even talk about it if we can even have a conversation about it then. ready the headlines in r.t. court documents reveal that a big pharma company conspired to aggressively push its opioid painkillers leading to allegations of causing america's biggest drug epidemic. also to come as one of the most prominent leaders of the hong kong protests is released on bail we look at how he had his protesting skills abroad at the all slave freedom forum and leaked emails reveal how agro chemical giant monsanto conspired to discredit the advocacy group moms across america which has been campaigning against its products.
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good morning welcome just gone i thought clock here in moscow you watching us and. my court documents reveal that a big pharma company conspired to aggressively push its opioid painkillers this has led to allegations perjury pharma cost america's biggest drug epidemic well the company is also accused of downplaying the risks of addiction this led to doctors prescribing them to patients even with only minor pains more pain there's more in the story. the usa is in the midst of an ongoing opioid epidemic. in the.
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in response to the opioid epidemic 48 different us states have taken action against produce pharma a drug manufacturer owned by the sackler family now even the company itself admits that those affected should get help as soon as possible here's some of what was said in a recent legal settlement while purdie farmer is prepared to defend itself vigorously in the o.p.o. actually it's a geisha and the company has made clear that it sees little good coming from here so wasteful it's a geisha in appeals to people and communities affected by the opiate crisis need help now now it's certainly commendable the focus on helping the victims rather
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than simply avoiding blame but some 1000000 e-mails that have just been released show the sackler family and produce pharmaceuticals in a rather negative light richard sackler then the president oversaw the creation of some public health advocacy groups it's implied that the american pain society and the now defunct american pain foundation operated almost as front groups that these organizations works to convince the u.s. public that pain related issues were not being properly addressed however that's not all the. have shown dr cathleen foley a neurologist who was also a paid speaker for produce pharma urged richard sackler to expand and to collaborate with other drug companies who stood to make a profit from an expansion of pain awareness i'm thinking of an alternative strategy of bringing together all the members of the pharmaceutical industry who have drugs out there and trying to come together as a sort of he's if you recognizing that your particular drug has been recently
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identified in the newspapers as a drug issue now the pain awareness campaign may have resulted in giving some people a temporary buzz but the pain felt by u.s. society in the aftermath of the resulting opioid epidemic is far greater. than r.t. new york well we. call mental life so far we haven't received a response meanwhile addiction specialist says that without big pharma the epidemic would never have happened. it's very clear that her view farmers and other manufacturers from very early on were interested in wanting him out was their bottom line they were really indifferent to the well being of patients who would actually be taking the opioids that they were peddling and their wanted gender was to make money so really manufacturers played a major role in the current american hope you would have to demick they were not
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the sole and to do responsible for the epidemic but without their fall men i highly doubt this epidemic would have come to pass it was their misrepresentation of the risks and benefits to pain killers that led 1st and foremost to an epidemic of overprescribing pain killers for minor in chronic pain conditions which alternately gave way to the current happy current to epidemic of opioid addiction and overdose death. still to come and which i'm on santa who has been trying to discredit advocacy group moms across america which has been campaigning against its products we'll have a look at that story in more detail in just a few minutes telling. a group of military experts is calling on congress to force the disclosure of the number of u.s. bases overseas in that they describe the information currently provided by the
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pentagon as limited i'm frequently incomplete. the pentagon's annual a base structure report provides some information about the number and size of base sites overseas and whether it fails to report on dozens of well known installations in countries worldwide and frequently provides incomplete or inaccurate data many suspect the pentagon does not know the true number of installations abroad my colleague good to speak with a retired u.s. army colonel and signatory to the letter and write she says u.s. citizens are often surprised and if the location of american media. there we're seeing this letter requiring asking the pentagon to be more transparent about its u.s. overseas bases why did you choose to sign that leathered well i'm a u.s. army colonel i spent 29 years in in the u.s. military and i think it's very important that american citizens know how many bases we have where they are and how much it costs to run them most americans don't
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realize we have over 800 bases now and that we have new bases that are being established particularly in africa do you think that this is a problem that's specific to the u.s. do you think other countries are more transparent about the amount of bases they have well there are very few countries have bases outside their own countries i mean the u.k. has the french. russia has a few many china has a few not many but it's primarily the united states overwhelmingly has the overseas bases or bases in other people's countries in that letter it says that there are some $800.00 installation throughout the world and that those roughly cost u.s. taxpayers about $20000000000.00 per year but you're implying in this letter that that's not an accurate number how much bigger do you think is the actual amount of money that is used from u.s. taxpayers well we think it may be double that up to $15000000000.00 that are being
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spent by the u.s. government to. how equip train have military operations for. men and women in our military and also department of defense affiliates that are assigned to these spaces you know we have large numbers of bases still in germany and japan and south korea but most people don't realize that we now have some in eastern europe right on the border of russia and in fact the military exercises that the united states has been having both in eastern europe and in scandinavia is one of the concerns that we who signed that letter have do you think that disclosing such information as the number of military entities abroad will enhance u.s. national security or could it be a risk is that why it's not necessarily about transparent well that's probably what the pentagon will be saying but we would say as citizens we need to know where our military is we are surprised sometimes when young men and women are killed in
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places that no one even knew that we had a military installation there was officials say that some $800.00 u.s. installations are located in 80 countries around the world but the signatories of the letter say the number could actually be hugely understated they insist a special report should be included in the 2020 national defense authorization act it's meant to increase transparency and avoid excessive military spending we spoke to best of journalists and he thinks it is normal for taxpayers to want to know where the money is going. the u.s. does something very strange because it both brags about its reach and its extent its dominance of the world and tries to hide it and cover it up so if you watch a sports event on t.v. in the united states they thank the troops for watching for 175 countries and there's lots of celebration of that but if you ask in washington d.c. exactly where are the bases and what are they costing and what purpose are they
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there for it's very hard to get answers if this is not a radical claim a proposal that the u.s. public ought to know where it's paid for what and how much it's a you know what the purpose of those things is if you're going to wage all these wars and extend all these bases in the name of democracy why not have a little bit of democracy around the issue. now a saturday's the 5th anniversary of the chinese government's decision to impose limits on elections in hong kong a move that triggered the umbrella movement protests back in 2014 when a price rally is planned for today russian if it's not pictures from hong kong right now it has been banned i would have seen at previous demonstrations over the past weeks and months however that hasn't stopped as we can say people gathering today as these places to show it remains to be saying i like the authorities will react with earlier to move protest leaders were arrested on friday on suspicion of
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overnighting and authorized rallies but were released on bail one of them rose to prominence during the umbrella movement protests. was . was. joshua wong who we just saw there is one of the leaders of the current protests sorry but apparently the cut he cut his teeth the protesting not just that the demonstrations 5 years ago is really prank or explains. he's only $22.00 but he's
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already backed himself at least a few lines in the history books joshua wong has already served several prison sentences he's a leader of a political party he's followed 530-0000 users on twitter has invited to speak on the most prominent international news channels joining us now on the phone is pro-democracy activist from hong kong joshua was he with an independent inquiry into police abuse you've been very critical of the police tactics he has just got out of prison at 3 and a half hours ago just so how does it feel to be free to issue a warning is frank he'd love a bit of western support i hope u.s. politician they should take a more active to support hong kong democrat high station to ensure the interests of you asked citizens in hong kong that and probably to go and economic freedom in
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hong kong can still be guaranteed in the future and apparently he's highly admired by many in america joshua wong went to washington in 2015 to get an award from freedom house and n.g.o.s which power gets most of its funding from u.s. government grants and a couple of years american lawmakers nominated the young man and his associates for the noble peace prize this month it was revealed his in touch with american diplomats in hong kong after he was photographed meeting the political unit chief of the local u.s. consul general the activist said he thought there's no big deal about it but even went to washington several times so what's so special about mit in the u.s. consul chinese authorities though have been making it clear they are firmly against other countries getting involved in the hong kong situation. we are strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposed to carping remarks in the g 7 leaders statement
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acting as the backseat driver on the. hong kong affairs we have time and again emphasized that hong kong affairs are purely the internal affairs of china and no foreign government organization or individual has the right to intervene however some of the protests skills joshua wong and his fellow activists have up their sleeves were picked up from abroad in the build up to the 2014 hong kong uprising the folks from the so-called freedom forum share their protest expertise with joe show wall and co today he's calm for the democratic political reforms are the only way forward for hong kong and he says he won't shy away from challenging the most senior officials at home and in beijing. in a prank that we spoke to china specialist andrew didn't he says that hong kong is descending into an icky. in the international press it's also
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highlighted that this is. seen as suppression of freedom of expression suppression of all people is a separation so they won't receive but only the hand i think of well also has witnessed people demonstrations in recent weeks all over a 1000000 law some did was there even 2000000 people march on loud to march on the streets peacefully so there is little that freedom of expression i think in what the government. most of the public does see is they want to disrupting it putting barricades at will attacking police stations disrupting the whole international airport and also causing both of the following of even all the result as so i think that this is a very dangerous situation when a lot more and more people see the whole cause is sending. when an apparent case of friendly fire has complicated the already fractured civil war in
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yemen will have a look at that story proceed this tell you your stuff back. globalist record goes back or occupation we started that really before occupy wall street before the revolution in cairo before obviously this year in france or the protests and they're all connected all these protests are connected they're all connected to a rebellion against the out money and banks are all global and treasury is bankrupt . when it comes down to it it is no actually that i think one can say oh well the russians are all bad this certainly is not the case that the west is all good they're all absolutely things that the west needs to be doing and what i would like to see is
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much much less. counterproductive rhetorical struggles we see against russia that it's you know it's it's become an easy way of getting certain the audiences to approach you is to come up with cheap russian bashing that helps move. them back when you released e-mails reveal how agri chemical giant monsanto conspired to discredit moans across america and advocacy groups raising the alarm my one son tell us flag we kill a round up that's your enemy beat the shit out of them and put them on the defensive and you won't have this problem i have been arguing for
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a week to beat the shit out of them and i have clearly lost we don't want to be seen as beating up on mothers nobody will listen to it anyway it has to be done by 3rd parties. one in 23rd say moms across america sent an open letter to monsanto's top management calling on them to stop selling g.m.o. seeds and spraying life a site and other pesticides on crops on across america is their right to told us why the organization promotes organic farming. all we need to do is to take matters into our own hands and to make sure that the food supply is safe and that our families are not exposed to toxic chemicals and what we've done is created a moms across america gold standard and so this is a new seal of approval that brands can get to show that they're not only organic and non g.m. all but they've gone the extra mile and gotten some pesticide testing done their packaging might even be bio degradable so your trade is used she mainly raised
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animal products is used and they support the transition from g.m.o. chemical farming to regenerative organic farming and so as a mother and mothers by 85 percent of the food we believe that they are listening to us and that it does make a difference and we ask all the consumers out there to continue speaking up and to go to moms across america dot org and find out more about our gold standard that will be launching next month. well it's not just moms across america that have been targeted by monsanto documents to reveal the company also operated a so-called intelligence fusion center it a name is a mist to monitor and discredit critics who claim they'd like to say that the main ingredient to monsanto as we are is extremely dangerous to human health we're going to say it is a herbicide and the crop drying agent after it is sprayed on crops does end up in food and also tap water in several lawsuits monsanto's clive to say base product was ruled to of course the cancer however the company does state that its product
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is safe to use and does not cause cancer is appealed against the verdicts moms across america's director again told us this shows the company's disregard for public health. this is an example of the type of mentality that g.m.o. companies have and that shows a complete disregard for public health and this is very disturbing considering that our government would like to now go into the hands of regulation into the hands of these companies they are they are proposing to allow g.m.o. companies to dish so determine whether or not their products are safe or not and so as a mother does doesn't make any sense to me at all that the mentality of these tests were the type of people will have control over whether or not our supply is safe that's extremely disturbing to me and must not happen in all our government must regulate g.m.o.
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those and they must be able to determine whether or not they're safe or not and these e-mails are a very good example exactly why that must have. been several wars tony ever more fractured and strained because the country's government has now accused his ally the united arab emirates of bombing its troops u.a.e. denies though the claim saying its move was in self-defense against an alleged attack. they've committed themselves to injustice aggression and using armed forces against the yemeni people in the southern governor rates using the u. e's military arsenal in order to divide our country i call on riyadh to intervene to stop these breaks and intrusion the recent aggravation in offensives against the arab coalition forces and civilians poses a menacing threats the security of the coalition but the country is currently split between the heathy who oppose the government and are believed to be backed by iran under water government aligned coalition forces at the same time darby supports and
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trains sudden separatists in previously 40 against taking rebels in the north and the separatists there wants southern yemen to become an independent state the us cantering the yemeni government all these confrontations come amid one of the world's biggest humanitarian crisis. was. was was was. was. was. was a. writer
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and commentator abdel bari atwan on things that the crisis among the coalition forces at the moment could have serious consequences on the situation in yemen. i believe it is extremely dangerous development that's how would the. united arab emirates have been solid allies and this yemen war for the last 5 years so when they actually split after that night it out of eminence decided to pull some or most of its troops from him and this means that the collapse of this correlation between the 2 plans none of this and this war and the most dangerous thing also there are not actually separated but there are
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fighting each other there is a war by proxy between united arab emirates and so there may be an avian and particular and nobody anticipated this kind of danger is the very open so if it does continue i believe that host is in the north will be the main winner in this case and this could be that near the end of that human war. and that brings up tonight for this hour that's how things are looking safe os they hear or not see what back again in just a with us humans. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. have to go right to be
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precise this is what before 3 of them or can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in that. question. why a paradise with some all year round turned into a round the experimentation field for agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants there's no question otherwise why would that the chemical company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is
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everyone's story is different are honest path is different you don't know what's actually going to hit you. and i was pretty comfortable in my life before this happened. earthenware dobbs ferry. got me into this. you know i was a middle child and contrary he was the day. this is some day he was doing to just you know make sure he can money in his pocket. it was like we had to look out for we can but nothing happened to to the bait.
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i just hope that people can understand that he was a person who didn't deserve to die who didn't deserve to be shot 14 times. already. trade links and radio our. car and i was like oh so about injury were u.s. marines at home at the park he sounded really you know not really our ordinary you know. what he looked like to me that day was just a student during the end of the semester and which is the park taking a break a waltz right across the street here came up this way and i'm sure it was laying right here like a little better roll in
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a backpack his head was here and this feet are pointing west and the person i was working with that day called the police because they were concerned about him being so close to business. the 1st officers approached him they said. they talked and then they left my coworker's time at how they were going to call again and i said you know if he was doing something illegal they wouldn't have just walked away and left him there. a 2nd call was made anyhow. and the officers actually came back up to us and they said hang there's nothing to enforce he's not preaching the law please stop calling. and honestly i even forgot to tell later when the 3rd officer showed up. and well we were tell when the call though there's fags it went to the beat cabs. and enough of the message on the beat cops.
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truck. parked this officer called in the news just there something on the board already here all. just sort of $46.00 nothing and does friends told him that it was clear over reno park art if you could create a trouble with. this officer as them when he told them to get up off the ground and the officer began to pet him down. i heard them cracks on the sounds of kind of fighting into the grown man like wrestling essentially the officer apparently backed up and threw his top tier individual twisted away from the officer pulling the toy out of his crib. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then what happened on tree swung at the officers.
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