tv Redacted Tonight RT August 31, 2019 7:30am-8:01am EDT
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no because donald trump knows that a recession means he won't get reelected he's been running around saying everything is fine unemployment is the lowest it's ever been a song 1st of all when people are excited unemployment is low that means they're excited the wage slavery of your average american is humming along nicely and really really let's get out a bucket of confetti and celebrate and then let's pay somebody $3.00 an hour to clean it all up on their hands and knees. but beyond that many of the jobs trump is excited about crappy nonsense jobs making $4.00 an hour to scrub up yoga mats or whatever some. some 1st world job that we created just so people could go i got a job and you're like what do you do. for a living or whatever. but here is the most important point if you ignore that there are crappy jobs and that many people have stopped working altogether some looking
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for work altogether which doesn't get counted in the numbers and that half my friends live in their parents' garages which is awkward when i have to buy drugs from them if. if you ignore all of that then yes unemployment is indeed below 4 percent but is even forbes has pointed out historically speaking when the u.s. unemployment rate falls under 4 percent recessions follow soon after because the economic cycle is already mature the labor market is tight and inflation is becoming a concern so unemployment does not mean there's not a recession on the horizon. donald trump was wrong about that well. look you don't need to go pick that sat there's a 1st time for everything and there's anyway all the stuff i've said so far you could probably find or a lot of it fine forbes or c n b say some other network where the anchors brain matter is made up of 80 percent botox they could tell you all this but here's the part. i don't dare say we have an economic system that destroys people's lives once
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every 4 to 7 years that's the average amount of time between busts this time it's 10 years we're overdue during the last financial crisis millions of people lost their homes millions of people lost their jobs there were estimated to be 10000 suicides because of the last financial crisis 10000 and here we're running worried that too many people are dying from terrorism or dying from taking selfies while driving or there are too many people got actually impaled themselves on their own. who we have to make safety that aren't so pointy. not it matters none of that holds a candle to the late stage capitalism 10000 people killed themselves rather than deal with our horses of an economic system and this isn't counting the number of people dying because they don't have health care or they spent their whole life eating mcdonald's because they couldn't afford healthy food and how did this big of
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that how did it become ok for healthy food to be so goddamn expensive if something gets a little cartoon of a green leaf on the back your wallet is a good you do not want to see that thing there because that sucks you got you got to cash in your ira just to get a sack of baby carrots. which by the way are actually made from regular sized carrots eugen they just cut off real small and then go on their babies. baby carrots thanks look if i take an adult human. shot the law into little pieces. i can very well call those baby boomers. and i've tried to. point is we have an economy that regularly decimal. it's lived in each our planet to the point of extinction and we were told
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to believe this is the past we can do or you show or are you sure this is it there's nothing at all in our big ugly brain said that that could develop an economy that works in concept concert with the carrying capacity of the earth there's nothing there's nothing that might not collapse have been 7 years forcing people with college degrees to go get work given trucks jobs that is truly the best we can do we suffer from a lack of imagination i think our ruling elites are full of i think we could do bikes better i believe thank thank you are really good things can change and grow i believe in a system that cares about everyone a system that is sustainable and secure and i can tell you this ain't it this is a fraud and baby character the temporary ice berg was a.
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way where thank you thank you alex the news from behind folks i come to you on a solemn day this is this is not something i i take joy in your language you all but the news is the news so i feel obligated to inform you of this tragedy. david koch of koch industries has die. for. and it's tragic. he died of the
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terribly young age of 79 and i think i speak for everyone when i say he had so much more cruelty left to give way we hardly knew the end no sure we knew your legendary greed your incredibly abusive an exploitative believe system your your desire to test stock out the planets entire life giving force we we knew of your willingness to crush your fellow man at all costs but beyond that we hardly knew the. david koch is survived by his beloved $50000000000.00. and. thoughts and prayers are with those dollars and in lieu of flowers his family have asked that you send cold hard cash to his grave site. some people say i don't speak ill of the dead but you know what and i say this i says in all due respect. those people.
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do. i don't trust individuals who don't occasionally speak ill of hitler ok. i mean if you're if you only say nice things about poll pot or jeffrey dahmer or ronald reagan you're really really out. any way considering how hard david koch tried to make the planet make sure the planet would burn during his lifetime i'm sure he would be happy to know that this month the amazon rain forest is on fire brazil has 85 percent more fires burning than this time last year up to 80626 nationwide as of this past weekend 80000 fires and much of this has been encouraged by brazil's protocol fascist president gyre balls to nuoro and i use pro fascist in the kindest sense of
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the term. some say what can we do it's brazil it's not our problem right there that's not us that's interesting we make a lot of things our problem when we want to invade syria our problem remain iraq and afghanistan libya vietnam and korea are problems eloise. robbery was making to china our problem right now because he doesn't like that they have a better smartphone than we have or something you saw an animated movie that made him pay him self and now we have a trade war any way we make things our problem when we want to but the burning up of most of the rain forest on the planet that's not our problem if both are norell we're wreaking d.n.c. emails we would have a drone missile up his rectum right now ok if he were poor yet. if he were pulling out of our centralized banking system we would be saying he'd hold hands with terrorists. if he were if he were revealing the crimes of the cia
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we would be cooking up a car battery to his bowl so nor rose was like yeah it was . so considering the longs of our planet are on fire are there any so-called leaders here in the us leading the way leading the way on dealing with climate change well some guy named bernie sanders put forward a plan your where he you know he's the climate crisis it would mobilize resources on a level not seen since world war 2 investing 16 trillion dollars in creating $20000000.00 jobs. this is ridiculous ok extinction would be so much easier. cox there's wasted no time swatting down this crackpot let's all survive plan put forward by grandpa grab bag. and i was asked what
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is the national security issue with 30. in terms of national security is. the left says it all the time this is what they believe it is their religion. i am. i'm really amazed at fox news is ability to get neckties to stay on chimpanzees i'm. very sure they're very quick this is. really what but yes climate change is the religion of the left if you cut out the data the proof the scientists the avid adds if you just got to read over all of that then climate change is just like religion. i'm not saying people can't have faith faith but but there's a reason it's called faith climate change is not faith climate change is numbers and the monitors and nerds are calculators and all kinds of the sort. all the time
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this is what they believe it is their religion they want to fight the weather the rest of us want to deal with real threats that want to take away our freedoms and in work think about 4 years ago or was that 2015 isis was still this was during obama's term isis was still a huge problem the caliphate was their president trump ran on destroying isis which he did to their physical caliphate now there's remnants that we need to be concerned about today that's taking on a real threat directly you can't argue with them they're right donald trump took on i says don't you remember that time he went running across syria gunning terrorist with a knife between his teeth they were. only incredible stuff. but truth is right i says once to take away our freedom just look at all the freedom they've taken away so far that we live in the most of this dictated surveillance state ever created we have the largest prison system ever created small nothing crimes can follow your whole life if you search for the google the wrong. browser you might
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end up with ice agents at your door and your order to get on a plane you have to get to at least 2nd base with the t.s.a. . if you can say america doesn't have freedom i mean ok great we do have some freedom right america does have some freedom left i mean we have the freedom to vote 247 cable news channel to people who clearly drank an entire bottle of bleach when their head was still soft so that i think that's very progressive of us if we give them jobs and be out on the streets. i see this is so conniving and sneaky that we haven't been able to find proof that they've killed almost anyone inside the united states somehow they were able to get our police officers to do that job whether. in fact our police have killed 5000 americans
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since the 2014 ferguson protests began by. ok look over at england such just look over at england last year there are cops killed for. so that goes to show is. a global problem. it's a lot like the opioid epidemic everybody acts like it's a major american problem america american only america's doing it in fact in other countries a couple of people have died and. they were american no vacation but still exploited and we still stands however there is some good news this week a major victory against the big pharma in oklahoma judge roll johnson and johnson must pay over 570 $2000000.00 for its role in the opioid crisis a. is
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a big win but 130 people die i day from this epidemic these big pharma execs should be. this restrung up by their total nails i would say i don't think. we should do this and this is paying a parking ticket for the massacre they've carved caused and in fact when did we do away with bringing up by the toenails i don't recall if i know that whether we want to bring back don't bring back the stocks in the pillory ways to go in the military you can do anything you like and then we all just. garbage and then when you feel better i feel better when you feel better here's the feel of johnson and johnson i right there tell me you won't go to see this face beltre would tell me that i would excite me it really wouldn't it would excite me. sorry that's what happens when a comedian orgasms. to
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a quick break but toronto los angeles ventura was right all right the exaggeration right guy right all right all right. when almost seemed wrong but all just all. to me all get to shape out just become active. and engaged equals betrayal. when something find themselves worlds apart. just of the common ground. 0 officer. to get up off the ground to serve began to pet him down.
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and then place on the sounds of an mit grown man with misleading essentially. through his. wish to do away from the officers. of his group. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then when it happened on tree swung as i just didn't hit him i never saw any contact with. any kind when back to where they were so the answer is back here they're high again 15 feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his gun and even turned 3. she stressed to make sure that the bush and the bill of books should have.
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stopped russia was so huge she didn't taste a piece to she's happy so i pushed quite oshawa. which she never happened and i know what you mean and i must get your car moment in there for sure i. want to go to the show through my it's a bonus for c.b.s. . it's a mistake so it's a quarter i'm still with them to vote. for this interview but you both that the studio actually of course revoked or should stop them spinning. expressed she. kind of financial for a long shot today was all about money laundering 1st to visit this business into 3 different. oh good this is a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something overseas in the cayman islands or do we do all these banks were complicit in their tough talk received
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a softer didn't call and say hey i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we've got a nice laundry watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry and how about. luxury automobile again from that you know what money laundering is highly illegal . much keyser of course.
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ok thanks. thanks for the corporate consolidation of our news continues recently canet the largest newspaper publisher in the country announced it would merge with gatehouse a digital publisher owned by a multi-billion dollar investment firm called fortress investment group this means that they would own one in every 6 newspapers in the nation what could go wrong for more we go to our senior consolidation expert out of a girl now. this sounds like terrible news for anyone who cares about investigative journalism and it's great news for me . because i've picked gatehouse says the next merger in my media consolidation pool
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. now i'd like to dedicate this $50.00 to all the amateur betters who picked his knee wilkie move. all right everyone knows does the will of the all americans by 2029. ok that's probably true but this merger affects over 600 papers used to be a local d.c. reporter do you think you concerned about the reporters who will go broke after getting laid off from the city what do you mean will go broke. the reason i only got $50.00 is because my pool was full of small town journalists who could only afford a $1.00 buy it. that's why you shouldn't think of them as layoffs think of it as sparing someone a $19000.00 your salary to cover a podunk city council who's because vote of the year is on whether my grandma can raise chickens in her front yard. now they won't need to get quotes from the grateful to kittens kids wouldn't have eggs for their easter egg if it wasn't for
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nana. first of all i think there are some more important votes than just that and secondly if you're a consider the local journalists should be maybe they should be paid what they're worth instead of living in fear of a corporate entity just gobbling up their paper corporate entity i think you mispronounce savior or it's these papers what the survive without the benevolence of fortress investment group executive wes edens because of west they could still cover their communities like they always have as long as our coverage has nothing to do with climate change fossil fuels or fracking since it is also only new quarters energy a firm with investments in natural gas infrastructure. it's horrifying why you know right pollution from fracking threatens all the small towns across this country but you don't want to bite the hand that feeds you and reporters that sinclair broadcast group certainly don't think claire gives so much cash to republicans that when montana congressman greg gianforte body slammed a guardian reporter
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a sun claire owned by n.b.c. affiliate were fused the cover his criminal progress along move. sometimes on corporate money is involved you have to treat a big story the same way n.b.c. news x. years after brian williams fabricated several stories as if it never happened. we already pretend a lot of things aren't happening when 6 corporations own something like 80 percent of all t.v. and print news in the country this merger only gets rid of journalists who can hold corporations accountable for their greed and and if we didn't have paid and bought for politicians we could reverse the laws that make these mergers possible in the 1st place well if an congress can reverse the laws they need to do it by 2020 i write otherwise all journalists will be thrown into the business never to be seen again. and i bet this $50.00 they can't leave until they watch both direct to d.v.d. sequels to the lion king. which is obviously cruel and unusual punishment. werman
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i and. everybody and everybody take a deep breath do you tell us that it's plastic you're breathing in plastics because we've laminated our planet but who's counting here with more on the plastic panacea redacted correspondent naomi. everyone lives series of water bottles for a toast to being kind to the environment. that's nice and chilled and i'm just addicted to being right and the vodka i've put in here for decades the plastic industry has convinced the world that saving the environment is a matter of personal responsibility and they got us corporations that manufacture
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news plastics have successfully followed regulation and can continue to pollute the earth with poisonous plastic while we try to be as eco friendly as possible. that's going to leave a mark. you'll need an ice pack a reusable one part of a campaign to keep plastics on the market and in the ocean is the promotion of. nearly everything can be recycled straws shampoo bottles coffee cups babies that's why people get so mad when you put a baby in the dumpster i can't believe this someone didn't separate their baby in their trash again however just 9 percent of all plastic ever produced has been recycled the rest of it has been incinerated releasing toxic chemicals or piling up in landfills or in oceans and recycled plastics tend to be more expensive than
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a new product and sometimes contain toxic chemicals so internal documents of some plastic llambias the myth that recycled plastics have no viable and market nevertheless we've been convinced that recently be will save us all 7 schools are competing to collect the most plastic bags and plastic wrap to win a park bench for their school made from recycled plastic bags this campaign to get kids to love plastic bags is not unlike the decades of marketing that made single use plastic seem indispensable for modern life i myself grew up thinking why have people friends. when i can have a plastic friend who never judges my taste in men because she do you. think. in 2017 china stop taking american recyclable plastic causing plastic to pile up some cities are no longer accepting plastic recycling saying it's no better and
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train that absurd school contests to collect the most plastic bags was sponsored by the american progressive bag alliance a lobbying group that fights restrictions on plastic so won't publicly the plastics industry supports recycling behind closed doors and regulation of plastics and this has been a successful campaign waged for decades you might recall the reaping indian ad from the 1971. the possibility that people as individuals can stop pollution is just about as real as that indian who is actually in an italian american actor and in that case he could have just said. i don't feel good about it and it would have been just as effective that ad was sponsored by keep america beautiful which is one among many
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anti litter organizations bankrolled by the plastics industry while it's still important to pick up after yourself the reality is that our trash is piling up while the plastics industry is expected to grow more than 40 percent by 2028 in the u.s. so the plastics industry is gearing up for war not my words there's they named a c.e.o. who's a bit over warrior according to plus 6 news oh great william wallace of trash but he will have to contend with us. eco friendly people. report. and from washington this is family hair avani for tactics and. that's our show but i paddle back out thank you god i thank you robert. thank god thank you.
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sounds of fighting the grown man like wrestling essentially. pushed it away from the office or. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then when it happened on tree swung and i just didn't hit him i never saw any contact with. any kind of went back to where they were so the officers back here there again 15 feet apart at this point and that's when the officer his gun in the country. you just. are a little still. eating
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. a leading pharmaceutical company is accused of killing america's opiate at the demick quite aggressively pushing its painkillers and downplaying the risks accusations are made in a newly released court documents. clashes and fires have erupted in hong kong where people are out on the streets despite a planned protest having been banned you look at how a figurehead of the opposition the phone to skills abroad. and leaked e-mails are real how chemical giant one time top conspire to discredit the action group moms across america which has been campaigning against its products.
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