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tv   Going Underground  RT  August 31, 2019 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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this is even so physiologically not just that logically so they are the grandchildren of holocaust survivors still have higher levels of stress from you away and i'm one of them and i'm not just a grandchild of survivors i'm a survivor personally as an infant and i know that i passed my time on to my children and i didn't mean to so this is what happens so rather than blaming individuals or parents or any particular generation we need to look at what social structures support or inhibit the healing of trauma so to get on dealing a bit later with the news here in this country is all about who's going to be next prime minister amongst different tory candidates who will up bodge of that austerity economic policy what do you make of the fact that holding its drugs became an issue not in the sense of real book particularly but in the sense of the apparent hypocrisy of the war on drugs drugs for us it's
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a boris johnson and other candidates for so there's no war and there's no war on drugs you can't make war on in that 100 objects you're going to be at war here and beings and the war on drugs is actually. the most traumatized segment of the population because i show in my book as research. irrefutably and intubate of the shows the people who are most prone to drug addiction in a piece of people who are most traumatized and so that. their response to that trauma is to try and escape from the trauma by using drugs and now we're punishing them for having been traumatized in the 1st place and then me quite arbitrarily say that it's ok for yourself to kill yourself with alcohol but you can't do it with heroin. i want to tell you no astonishing fact with your readers may or your listeners may find it incredible but it's true give me a 1000 people who drink heavily or smoke heavily compared to 1000 people who inject heroin 4 times
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a day as long as they don't overdose and 20 years later many more of the heroin years would be alive and healthy then the smokers and the drinkers so what we criminalize and what we really arbitrary and it has to do with prejudice rather than science or medical fact and to be good we don't go to it but you mention that heroin crack goodgame crystal meth addictive puss say it is the trauma that allows them to be addictive it's like saying is the alcohol addictive yes or no or a shopping addict it was eating addictive yes or no and the answer is yes or no that's the actual answer because somebody can drink many people can and never become addicted people who are shopping and not become shopping addicts people can eat and not become eating addicts but if they're traumatized and if trauma is distorted their brain chemistry and has given them so much emotional pain that it requires soothing then they will become addicted so it's not the drug with the
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behavior or the substance that creates the addiction within these to find some ways of escaping and people find for example by seeking political power so political parties highly addictive as we can see in any politician who would try to pry that weight tripod type of pry a politician away from their power. even under the most ridiculous circumstances they can't do it they're addicted to it and their addiction to power comes at a great cost to a lot of people sometimes and they're ruthless about it and so then they condemn the drug addict. kind of. blindness to the nature of addiction but is said to his late bed because boris johnson had previously been on the record to say saying to gangs so cool to get things in them to go straight or go to jail yeah and there he was admitting it seems to be taking it so what is a double when we all get i would say to beer bores johnson is public you explain
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why so many young people and jobless and without meaning and purpose in our lives what did the privatisation and austerity policies and margaret thatcher's denial that there's even a society that people are all on their own loss of community so there's so much loneliness of validation in this society do you think that is going to do with people using drugs bores and if that's the case instead of threatening and attacking people looking at the conditions that you helping to create that drive that addictive behavior in part of people so that's if you want to if you genuine about want to fight addiction public looking at the conditions that spawn addiction they would be quick to say drug addiction has always been that addiction has always been well yeah as long as there's severe liberalism that causes well that's not true for example there was use that was used to be drinking but there was no
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obvious alcoholism if you look at british history for example i'll cause them in a big way comes across in the 17th century gin craze with industry as a shit when you kick people off the lines and opposing of the commons the village commons and the forcing of people into these sold its factories is dark say tannic males as william blake put it that's when alcoholism really begins to take off and so as my brilliant vancouver friend and call the psychologist bruce zander shows. addiction on a large scale happens when a social dislocation if you look at russia for example. you know alcoholism is always often been a problem russia since there are still as ours times but after the collapse of the soviet regime and the privatization and the near liberalization of the economy the rise of the oligarchs and the loss of people's jobs and security autism rates go up in russia and the the longevity of males actually falls which is what's just
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happened to the longevity of males in united states as well also due to substances so these are the broad social economic questions and that's what drives addictive behaviors then not the fault of particular individuals ok what i do know is a tragic irony but the middle classes have their own crisis arguably the opioid crisis how can we in the real before he goes eliminate what's going on a little trouble but it's cool that in that national emergency well he he didn't personally call it that but his advisors medical advice is there and they've called it a national emergency but they're not behaving like it was a national emergency because again it was a terrorist threat. even 2 people being killed in new york city which should not happen and it's dreadful when it does but that would actually lead to mobilization of all kinds of resources that are not being mobilized to fight the. drug scourge and furthermore if people were really intent on. doing away with
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addiction they would look at the causes of it. and you know you know you just you know that the united states right now every 3 weeks as many die of overdoses as died in 911 every 3 weeks they have a 911 nothing but they're not changing their policies they're not stopping the so-called war on drugs which is which feeds into fuels addiction rather than diminishing and they're not stopping the punitive approach is they're not emptying the jails they're not putting poor people into rehab they're not putting money into prevention it's they can call an emergency but they're not acting like it was an emergency to go to ask you just finally about julian assange because of the special repertoire and torture for the united nations his claim that he's been tortured by the u.s. swedish ecuadorian and british governments what do you make of this reaction to whistleblowing obviously it's. revealed to us the d.n.c. leaks about sabotaging body so does. that alone will close so when you actually
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have the question which is the bigger threat to democracy the fact that the democratic national leadership deliberately disenfranchised a leading candidate is that the bigger threat or is there the threat that somebody review of the news that this happened which is the actual threat to democracy that in one of the major parties undemocratically tried to squash one of its own a very popular candidates and did so successfully. or is the threat that somebody who found out about it made this over a little to public awareness so it's not just guilty of telling the truth you may like him as a personality you may find them some more troubling personality as i do in some ways but in terms of what he's done he's done provided nothing but public service because the truth never threatens anybody but those people who are afraid of the truth and those people are punishing him big time to go ballistic thank you my pleasure thank you after the break the man who kicked the f.b.i.
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out of iceland tells us why he supports torture publish julian the son she held prisoner in southeast london both of them all going over but you're going underground. little you. can't. do any.
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officer. told him to get up off the ground you know officer began to take him down if. you're going to freeze on the sounds of an mit grenade to mislead essentially the officer barely back through his return. switch to go away from the officer pulling the joy out of his crib. they obviously did a kind of long. through the web in one smiths and then when it happened on trace one. i never saw any contact with. any kind of went back to where they were back here there again 15 feet apart at this point and that. is gone and. global insurrection goes back or occupation we start of that. before occupy wall street before the revolution in cairo before obviously. in france or the protests
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and they're all connected all these protests are connected they're all connected to a rebellion against money and banks are all global and banker occupation. said she stressed to. this or that the british in the middle of the internet that you have to. stop the show so you're saying then the statistic is he's a c.e.o. which quite a shock. which is he never happened and now look what you've seen him ever since you took a moment a man for sure and. want to talk to you so if you're my it's your bonus for each of you. it's a mistake. i'm still. just spilled over for this interview for you both to do just
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that it's a studio surely the person has to be wrong or should stop them spinning. welcome
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back before yesterday's extradition hearing the tortured wiki leaks publisher julian assange is going underground and ahmed went to belmarsh prison in south east london to speak to julian assange just father john shipton this is what he had to say it was a very emotional for you to see german officer yeah it's quite right quite moving speech graphics really recently the last couple of months since i saw this rust has been growing public support is student of well. yes we. has been made aware. that here and it's quite. hard we particularly. say the work washington post had a positive review tauriel in the as opposed to that you 2 were. the 2 newspapers that if certain nothing good about julian 3 years. had on that note do you think that this sudden change in here in the mainstream media is due to the
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fact that since you're going to be like it's being so off i want to ask an object you think these newspapers are finally realizing that julian's freedoms that it's yes. it's a bit light but welcome aboard get things. right and just finally julian sparrow of course has been famous for years is his spirit still is spirit still strong and his determination to fight is you know like he told me to do this do that you know or when i was this sort of thing to do i'm here. and so the spirit is strong lost a bit a weight of that 20 pounds 10 kilos. which is not good because it's stable as you know i just want you think that the u.s. and u.k. are they making direct intervention to the legal process oh good the year we do you has constantly than the crown prosecuting. this has constantly interfered with the
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process of the swedish prosecuting authority interviewing julian in the embassy for the last 7 years in 2013 the swedish prosecuting authority wrote to the crown prosecution service saying that we want to we want to drop these cases the crown prosecuting service under. so this is a poor close wrote back saying in this is because you're not getting cold feet this case is about more than simple extradition. things like so they had to supply all the way in making sure that julian would never get out of the embassy well joining me now is the senior icelandic politician who defended weiqi leaks as interior minister kicking out the f.b.i. for an alleged conspiracy against wiki leaks you know us and joins me now i want to
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welcome to going underground so why do you believe britain can't trust the justice system of britain's closest ally the usa when it comes to justice and julian assange i would rephrase the question and ask can we trust the british justice system and in a way the british system system is on trial in this case now the foreign secretary of britain says that on the day julian license was arrested. that nobody should stand above the law and i agree with that statement as long as the rule of law prevents now there are to pro-create conditions for this in the 1st place is that we have a justice system which is impartial and fair and to be trusted and secondly the misdeeds not to speak of crimes. committed by states
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or individuals are brought into the public eye and this case is not simply about julian the sons we can leaks it's about the freedom of the press it's about democracy the british government has been telling china and medicare about democracy in hong kong jeremy hunt now a contender of course to be the next prime minister along with the resume they referred to it isn't just someone who's basically facing sex crime allegations and nothing to do with the big ideas you seem to be suggesting well i don't believe in that i don't believe in that in fact i would mention one other you mention china and you mention the british politicians i would like to mention pump by compared to the foreign secretary of the united states he said of we could leaks that it was a non-government intelligence service and it should be targeted it should be taken down it was it was
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a priority task to do that and then i ask who is speaking he's speaking for the us government who was found to be spying not only on medical the chancellor of germany but on the entire population in europe so there's a lot of contradictions contradictory hypocrisy here and the u.n. secretary general but you have a background of this a back story on it because i understand the f.b.i. when you were interior minister in iceland they came to iceland regarding this case this kind for testified this polish the statement made by pump is not new it's not a new policy but because they've been working on this for 4 years in 2011 the f.b.i. sent a plane load of. investigators and prosecutors to read every week without
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permission without. commission which is needed when police work is to take place in another country or if a corporation is going to take place they had no such speculation but they came in a way to frame julian and we could exist and i have information from within the icelandic administration that this was the case so it's not a question of freedom in iceland i don't understand well frame him international body i mean this is this is a whole big conspiracy so to speak i didn't feel like he's here even if he did we learn of this information that a plane of f.b.i. people could land in reykjavik. that can be just by my reaction which was to tell them that no such work will take place without proper. license is a negotiated settlement on the to the to the take effect they were asked to leave
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you kicked them out. they were requested to leave it's a question of the role of whistleblowers. whether we should break their whistles. or are allowed the authorities to break their whistles we should stand for those who are or were blowing the whistle to not break them and you give credence to the un special rapporteur on torture and it has been on this program because the you mention jeremy hunt the british politicians and government. they don't accept neil's milt geishas that he's being tortured right now in london well i haven't read the report in detail it's not out but an extract the letter xstrata the governor that's right yes and it's to be taken very very seriously and he is saying that. seldom has he experienced so its treatment of one individual and this is something to be taken very very seriously in 20 is because some people might know all of wiki leaks his contribution to our understanding of the so-called war on
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terror i understand you also recognize we can leaks for its usefulness in allowing us to see complex trade negotiations like t. to see china and peace or another one when the guts negotiations broke down and the 50 richest nations or the world the european union with all of the members speaking in one voice as they always do in the book i think money. and. what just over 20 states. under the name of tisa trade and services agreement these were secret supposed to be secret until we can leaks reveal to the worlds what was taking place now this was accepted by the entire world and again when the videos from iraq and i was going to use them were reviewed. press the press throughout the world
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became complicit indeed because they took this material and showed it and now it is up to them and it's an obligation that they stand for the provider of this information well the guardian we could exist previous partners now repeatedly going back on the sex crime allegations rather than. him being a prisoner of conscience and amnesty international isn't recognize him as a prisoner of conscience just put on that trade agreement that's important because i health services social care in every aspect of us exist he was being negotiated in secret and we would have understood the same thing with guts guts which was under the auspices of the w.t. or was in secret in the beginning until it was the guardian or it's in really
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read the. content of those negotiations now these negotiations the door round eventually broke down in the early yes or this century and then as i said there it's nations tried for a new start and as you say it's a question about basic services if you are letting international business take away or thresholds all democratic thresholds for pushing their interests. and so it's a. democratic process we are defending and just finally he insulted the secretary general of nato was in reykjavik what exactly is iceland's relationship with the nature of my comp a.o. former cia head and secretary of state said the arctic is of crucial importance in presumably he means in another kind of cold war literally cold war cold world
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iceland has always been seen to have a strategic position iceland has been part of nato since 1049. in or after its 50th anniversary around the turn of the century nato starts to change in nature and this is something to be taken very seriously instead of the emphasis on the part of the type that would says an attack on one is an attack on or we now have a new interpretation which is a threat to one is a threat to war now who is likely to be most threatened in the world the big powers those who are seeking control of raw materials etc united states britain this makes smaller states like iceland. dependent on who leads these states and on both premises these states are let's so do we want to go under the wing
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soft on the important pale so this would what dominate the middle as you know what do you make of michael bale revelations in the washington post that suggest he wanted to take down the leader of britain's opposition jeremy cool been before he became prime minister just read thought the report in the by the washington post and again i ask if people don't know going to listen to this if people are not going to take this seriously and react to it and press. for this then we are not very badly but we are not in about the way in the sense that there will this waking up to the importance of showing solidarity with whistleblowers with with with free press with a tough spot on the source of the so that's a positive trend. both of you enjoyed that episode of going underground will continue showing your favorite episodes from this season i went
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back for a brand new season on wednesday the 11th of september until then people got 5 social media don't forget our you tube channel sees. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line they get accepted over checked. so if you want to be president i'm sure. some want to press. to go right to the press it's like them before 3 in the morning people are. interested always in the warnings about how. they. told to get up off the ground in the office or begin to pay him down to earth . demonstrates on the sounds of an mit grown man the christening essentially
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the officer of the bag he drew his return in the twisted away from the officer the joyride of his group. the obviously did a kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then when it happened on tree swung at the 2 stations didn't hit him i never saw any contact between the deal any kind went back to where they were so the answer is back here there try again 15 feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his gun and even turned 3. 0 why paradise with some around turned into a round the experimentation field agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants there's no question otherwise why would that the chemical company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments that often in day you have
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many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with those because the people have less political power. she stressed to make sure that the british and the bill of voted out that you have the will to. stop the show so your street dentist that these traditions have a choice which quite a show on. which she never happened and look which of.
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the member states of future girlyman for sure. or to go to the superdome or if you believe should she be. there mr ellsworth supporters are still a little spiritual for physicians to be in but you believe these statistics are stupid surely the person a person who goes to be drunk or should still stick them spinning. out of their. specific cut. him a little bit iffy with you to come up with. a
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leading pharmaceutical company is accused of feeling america's opiate epidemic by aggressively pushing its painkillers and downplaying the risks of false release of e-mails as part of a multi district waltzers. hong kong is gripped by protests for the 13th weekend running with riders throwing fire bombs at police. spotted with tear gas and water cannon we'll look at how a figurehead of the opposition going to skills abroad and. also this hour leaked e-mails reveal how chemical giants one time to conspire to discredit a group of mothers who criticize the company's use of pesticides.


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