tv Documentary RT September 1, 2019 3:30am-4:00am EDT
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as i come at the park the sound is really. really our ordinary you know. what he looked like to me that day was just a student nearing the end of the semester and wishes he on the park taking a break a waltz right across the street hear him up this way. i'm sure was laying right here like a little beggar all in a backpack his head was here in this field going west and the person i was working with that day called the police because they were concerned about him being so close to business. the first's officers approached him they sat at my they talked and then they laughed my co-worker's time at how they were going to call again and i said you know if he was doing something illegal they wouldn't have just walked away and left him there. a 2nd call was made anyhow. and the officers actually came back up to us and they said hand there's nothing to enforce he's not pretty clock please stop calling. and honestly i even forgot to take time later when
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a 3rd officer showed up. and well we were towed when the call a day's fact it went to the beat tags. and the message on the cops. truck. parked officer cardew news just there something on the board already here all are. just starting out of 46 nothing and his friends told him that it was clear over a real park are and if you could create a trouble with your unit is an officer of them when you told him to get up off the ground and the officer began to pet him down. i heard them for
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a song that sounded kind of fighting in to me grown man like wrestling especially the officer curly back up and through his baton to your individual twisted away from the officer probably the target of his crew. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then what happened on 3 swung at the officers hands didn't hit them i never saw any contact with. any kind of went back to where they were so the officers back here their fight again 15 feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his gun and he did it on tree. and i knew it was not happen so i turned away. after i counted drama more shyness. very very large party are smart. guy you are to me neither are my very very near
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your numero mildmay i mean unwired martin or martin or martin all right now carry medical records or are. minor. merely nor do i want to. ready write only when i was. ready gone i hear all. ringback that day i didn't see the new subject the good that beat the officer with the wouldn't be taught striking him in the head the officer with the police detectives came to my house for me a car end of the about all my son. you know and they like what. was the problem and that's how the navy has it down. say one. trade you are saying they are trained as. a couple of temp agencies because of his
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illness he has been able to king. of there and they will say next have we put this down and i asked him what was going on is that well that was our case you know where they are part. and our training was and has got to win a police officer and that you're a is the same. way you told me my brother did just not tell him this. and his words were you thought he was seen it on t.v. . good afternoon good to see there's a 31 year old male by the name of dawn tree. now in the course of our investigation
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into his background we have learned that this is not his 1st experience with the walky police the port. as recently as last year broken moves on thursday afternoon chiefs lives 1st words were i don't want to demonize this man. but he was. homeless a robber and all these type of things that he was one other events he's been arrested for armed robbery for disorderly conduct he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and until recently according to his grieving family they've been acting strange and they stick to this mental health issue because many here mental health you think crazy so if they can put in people's mind said that this was a crazy person who attacked the officer then they feel that they have leverage within the community we have leave mentally ill people whose violence is a direct result of their untreated mental illness. they are on the streets of our
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cities because there's no place else for them to go and their families cannot control them. we have extended tanked and then why did they take so long and tell us what happened and. they said in a matter of an idea. this isn't a wallet. this or see. yes. they have closed in this case to with. the. crew. chief flynn said that we need to do a better job in 2 rooms that is something that is very true. adultry have limits will is to not kill him that officer murdered my brother. as they didn't know one
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way or another if you had a mental illness until my mom was questioned in their car for 45 minutes. when i met her i believe damien was 2 years old. and that. they may grow up to be the overseer of his brothers jr he always was them. before one or you know. contrary was more quiet. he had to get to know. and you didn't see any of those sickness problem in that tree as it was brought up
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as. me with a different turn it is 6 o'clock or his decision on alcohol whether he's on charge offs or not and they are just been trying. to step in their way. and so. they not want told me what i know. that they're not going to be released if . i use them on the run around. it is hard to put into words the turmoil in the streets right now they're just having a tremendous time dealing with the fact that there hasn't been a resolution charging decision as we had believed that it was going to be the day for that decision. and they're not going to make any mistake any time you're looking police use of force to use the results of the free tells you that's
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a homicide investigation. you're determining whether they had a legitimate subjectively reasonable basis to use force under the circumstances. this particular case is complex because of occurred in downtown milwaukee you know late afternoon work day and you literally had hundreds of witnesses and those have to be interviewed you have to look at the. train never show any. anything. or. he was only and drive. home. and no one in my family no one. knows. when they even. got to meet with schizophrenia and what do we call them. friends. house
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there's things. i mean here. during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed working class there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. of there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the 10 principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo debt engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no i'm jones to one set of rules for the rich opposite set of rules for poor. that's what happens when you put power into the hands of
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a narrow sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. comic that we have selected is titled a collaborative response to crime and violence and the community identity on its on a committee. sheet it. oh. is it limply dante. milton chase for the better part of 6 months was agreed by everyone including the family to have been a tragedy arising out of untreated mental illness in a public space the result of violence yes which is what this was dealing with the upcoming formulas that these are the mentally ill you're the guy you're the all the
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services have you any other big city we've got a problem with untreated mentally ill people who have no options. it seems us gone . back on your meds and there's a mental health issue in april once ferguson broke suddenly as a racial issue. says to the shooting of michael brown. we're hearing that there may be many more and there were a lot of bald faced opportunists who latched on to this family and decided it wasn't a mental health story anymore it was a race story. to start a call is for justice started because we were at a rally i did oh i think we need. that culminated in. i was kind of i still just get new top of this process but i saw a lot of courage in
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a clue mary. i will say i'm not confrontational person but they're not serious. even though john is her. just want to try. to move on with his life. the love that they have for god trey what happened that day will. be their. last. time. almost 5. after man was shot her son. bought her for. her. out of her. looking at life the 1st truckload of working protests causing such
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a also on the scouts an avenue cars are not able to hit by these demonstrators they are upset over this and to get credit cards one months ago the trade hamilton. was the likely to support the bill. passed i'm not i. when i 1st heard initial reports on my were down trade i have a robbery on his record you know but i think they just headed. think i just turned 18. but had a baby. so me and then some older guy and some younger guy and i think we even got a couple lottery tickets on the watch for something like what is no more $50.00.
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but the next morning 2 detectives came to the house and they basically handcuffed me right in the liberty on. the island of doing an 18 months in the corrections with a 16 year stay sentence. some of those life lessons right there needs to be a better person. yes i make mistakes but i don't think anyone came home to the standard of what i was 17 years. i have you ever to just be very kind of his mother and his brother and one of the things he made clear to me that they're interested in is restoring the dignity of
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their son to name their son's name and in particular several items one tree was not homeless 2nd he was not an armed robber. and so i want our community to know that he was neither homeless nor was he an armed robber . my understanding there's a team. i'm foreign to time for he's. just 15 and it was rough for you know single parenting you know working every day it was cool and it leads to some stuff that i did. you know. i still get my days and still have my nights it's good 15 years right you know less than bran and walked into the mental health and his neck was broke his back was broken feet places he laid in a diaper for 3 days before his life so. i'm still asked out of the way if
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her son was shot 14 time i was just that your your asthma was just 6 somebody is worst and we didn't make that right but i'm glad to be a part of this because i want to see something happen. and then why are i want to know this caraballo. think it is wrong. i had a son his name was michael bell who was killed on november 9th 2004. he was coming home with a night out with friends designated driver he came intoxicated. michael so like you're too drunk to drive i'm going to drive michael was under the influence of alcohol but you can look on the gas cam video he's driving perfectly straight pull up in front of his house and just them a squad car pulls up behind him and my son got out of the car because he was at his
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own home but the officer pull up to get back in the car get back in the car. cording to offer testimony and saw this other guy in the front seat and he dragged my client he took me on the back of the car off camera. multiple times ran to the back of the house. michel was accused of borussia an officer here and this is actually a car that was here it was and hasn't moved in in 10 years and sadly that's that's the area. michael michael died. you can see. michael was shot in the morning of november 9th 2004 on a friday they rule it was justified before crime lab reports are complete before
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autopsy risk complete before witness statements are even taken they were they they held their own thing and i really just a 5. here's a picture of michael i'm a veteran and i always felt that i was really a brother with law enforcement i was a captain this was my copilot navigator boom operator it's time for 23 years i go out and believe in a democratic principle just to come home and have a police officer killed my child and then think i'm going to get a fair and due process and the doors pretty much shut in my face. is dead on these are the news reports throughout the years we have i go to governor doyle at the time ready i go to the attorney general they don't even bother to give me a copy but this is the contract for billboard at owning the already ran it and i had to resort to full page ads in newspapers and billboards to get her to justifiable but the city settled out of court with bell's family ready ready mychal bell's father his use of the settlement money to put up billboards around the state
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calling for a change in the way these investigations are handled backing a bill that would require officer involved deaths to be reviewed by an independent authority. to use. what profession is fine and asking himself you cannot have colleagues and asking colleagues and think you're going to get an objective report you're not and there's no profession on earth who can do it so why would we expect that of law enforcement when the stakes are so high. the law had just passed and john trey hamilton case happened a week later and i don't think the city was ready for the new laws require that it be an outside agency other than the marquis police department to investigate the
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evidence to interview witnesses collect the evidence that would then be provided to the district attorney's office what we found pretty early on in this case is what really was walking police department detectives the did the investigation. the city's. only investigation as they get there fast freeze the scene identify witnesses and get a preliminary idea of what happened in this in the day downtown area we can just stand around or the 100 some possible witnesses were on home. when d.c.i. got there it became their investigation. that outside investigation was done by d.c.i. a criminal investigation who has a lot of different agencies on him but the ones that investigated entrées case was ex milwaukee police officers special agent david the bundy spent 25 years at n.p.t. and collecting a city pension of $5000.00
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a month special agent gilbert hernandez spent 35 years in a. challenge here of course in wisconsin is where the only big city. there was the state is overwhelmingly world and suburban white milwaukee is where the homicides occur i can't get a copper from dram to come here and know what to do about a homicide investigation and the challenge quite honestly is the what or how many levels of review you read for some folks that review doesn't result in a police officer under arrest it's not only. i live with the mental health issues do i look like a criminal to you. i'm here because i want your support i want your help but i can't do that if i'm afraid. shack or gene times sounds like something went wrong in did you call these all
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this officer wish they had these good reasons is a man so i am saying they sided with a russian. prison for me this is a hassle it is not good for us the time. thank you very much thank you thank you. my. boy this is a vicious. time for iraq. we have to look at more detail work christopher manning came from. worst to burn it worse he raised it did he have black friends did he have mexican friends. and when you look into his record more and you know that he had a communication problem. yes 17 other occurrences where he either use excessive force or he used language he had
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a sexual assault on his record and we say the client was starting to get in out of traffic here going up to cars were work was in trying to even beat up a white cloud grandstand and that's when things got heated in the incident is all caught on camera. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see if that. she stressed to. this or that the british as a if the bill of voted out that it will cost her.
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south russia was telling you she tasted to she's a cia bush. which she def not what you see in the us to get your kind of woman in there for sure. what to do short of using my if you vote for to be who you. are to mr hazlewood supporters are still with spittle all through this interview but you put these to teach the student actually of course in the pursuit of evil or should still be in spirit. i. ready ready ready ready am sure to stop at the continuing to grow. i just never
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know very good about the idea of bringing children into the world because i didn't feel like things were in very good shape that a life was just going to be a lot of software programs. there's no reason. to take things that are to me the. movie is a myth something else that. everybody's scared to talk about it certifiable is truly dependent on us addressing this issue and if we can even talk about it if we can even have a conversation of that it then. we're in trouble. i
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was wrong in beslan school commemorating the victims of the minutes and 15 years ago we were told to survive this is the most deadly terrorist attack in russia's modern history is they revisit the songs of the massacre. daughter eve usually. tens of thousands take to the streets in cities across the u.k. is prime minister decision to suspend the brakes.
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