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tv   News  RT  September 2, 2019 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. u.s. immigration officials have been granted permission to use fake social media accounts to monitor people seeking to enter the country flying in the face over backwards to rid online networks of false profiles also i. the alternative for germany party celebrates 2 of its best local election results yes with the anti immigration euro skeptics coming 2nd in both brandenburg and also saxony and a vigil commemorating the deadliest terrorist attack in modern russian history enters its 2nd day well it seems victims and survivors share that painful memories of the militant school siege 15 years ago. the corporate world which.
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poor church in boulder. i mean. look at this a list that. i like of morning just gone 10 o'clock here in moscow you watching r.t. international now the u.s. department of homeland security has authorized migration officials to use fake social media accounts to monitor people seeking to enter the country but it does fly in the face of efforts to purge online networks of false profiles don quarter expects. fake social media accounts the latest weapon in homeland security's arsenal the department's updated guidelines have officially made cyber disguises fair game for its agents the fraud detection and national security directorate is
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updating this privacy impact assessment to provide notice that officers may use fictitious accounts or identities on social media platforms to protect national security public safety or to combat immigration fraud homeland security claims these fake accounts could be used to clean up the process of legal immigration detecting fraud finding weak spots and immigrations vetting system and conducting background checks are all listed as areas that could be improved and although communicating with other users is forbidden there's still one problem with the idea fake accounts used for surveillance violate the use its terms of both facebook and twitter it is against their policies to use fake persona and to use twitter data for persistent surveillance of individuals who look forward to understanding u.s. c.i.s. proposed practices to determine whether they are consistent with the terms of service and might be against company policy but this isn't even a 1st for u.s.
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law enforcement earlier this year police stations the d.n.a. and ice work s'posed all for using fake profiles isis facebook personas or even connected to a fake university created to entrap illegal immigrants looking to study there as they were exposed to facebook moved to delete those accounts law enforcement authorities like everyone else are required to use their real names and facebook and we make this policy clear in our public facing law enforcement guidelines speech over a 100 feet accounts is not allowed and we swiftly act on any violating accounts. but an internet privacy watchdog says the social media giant isn't doing enough facebook's practice of taking down these individual accounts when they learn about them from the press or from e.f. is insufficient to deter what we believe is a much larger iceberg beneath the surface we often only discover the existence of law enforcement fake profiles months if not years after an investigation has
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concluded facebook no they obviously they don't care about anything they only care about making more money and and blocking people who are doing good things i mean they abuse people's private information it's built into their system and they don't want to do anything about it until someone holds them to account so thankfully the guardian pointed this out and then they they blocked it but how many things did the guardian not see and there are just literally thousands and thousands of these things that are out there ward unaided in authentic behavior is what facebook terms fake profile activity and since the 2016 election the company has been on an all out crusade against it i think to city matters because people need to trust that the content they are seeing is valid and they need to trust the connections they make for identifying and challenging 8 to 10000000 suspicious accounts every week we're also going to require people running large pages with large audiences the united states to go through an authorization process and confirm their identity
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over 2000000000 accounts were deleted in the 1st quarter of 2019 alone with fingers pointed at russia 1st and then iran and china later on and all the while congress has been spurring on the assault your companies announced a series of successful disruptions that resulted in the removal of pages groups and accounts my instinct is to applaud the diligence some of your security teams and credit you with taking the problem very seriously social media giants might find it easy to declare war on an authentic. activity it thinks might be going on abroad but when they know that their own government is itself using underhanded tactics to advance its agenda who knows if the same standards will apply on course there will be did ask facebook and also twitter for their reaction to this story although so far we haven't received a response. the alternative for germany or the party is
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celebrating this morning the anti immigration euro skeptics came 2nd in state elections in brandenburg and also saxony significantly increasing their clout in those parliaments peter oliver has more now from berlin. well starts off in brandenburg it was a win for the social democrats in a campaign that they were neck and neck with throughout the alternative for germany picking up around 23 percent of the vote there with the social democrats winning on 25 percent in saxony we saw massive gains for alternative for germany it wasn't enough for them to win the state that went to the christian democratic union angler merkel's party 2728 percent for alternative for germany in saxony could end up rising as high as 38 games for them there and certainly big smiles from the leadership of the alternative for germany party they were saying that these results show that a de just a flush upon that they are
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a big part of the german political stage right now and that's not it even if it's a sensational result we have achieved the best result in local elections ever and we can see that 30 years after the fall of the wall governments don't want to be left wing the need. is. the fight is not over the fight starts now we've become much stronger no one can remove us from germany politics and money will stay what german politics is quite keen on a bit of self reflection a bit of navel gazing and what we've seen from other politicians who will be looking at these results from alternative for germany and they're not happy about the role they've played in allowing a.f.d. to make such big games. i am happy that we have a really good result what worries me is a result in this means we continue to face big challenges in this country. we
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all hope for more and wished for more and i'm also disappointed like many others are disappointed no question i as the lead candidate also share responsibility for this result alternative a journey were founded as a. the anti euro euro skeptic party back in 2013 but it was following the influx of refugees and migrants into germany in 2016 that they started to pick up a lot of points a lot of votes in the east of the country in fact in the state of saxony there is also the city of came that switch last year saw well violent scenes after a 35 year old german man was stabbed to death there a 23 year old syrian asylum applicant was sentenced to jail for manslaughter just last month what what that killing resulted in was really an outpouring of far right nationalist at times neo nazi immigration crowds on the streets at times turned violent the police were really struggling to keep in control that's an area where
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it's picked up a lot of support the big problem is going to come now is how they're going to form some form of coalition in these 2 states because the major parties the established parties i guess you call them now both states have said they will not work with alternative for germany that means you're probably looking at at least a 3 party coalition in both states a well quite convoluted coalition a real broad church is going to have to be put in there because of the large chunk the large proportion of the votes that alternative for germany have picked up in both the states of brandenburg and saxony here in germany. after a 2nd day of the tour for the victims of the most deadly terror attack in modern russian history is being held $334.00 were killed mostly children during a siege in which over $1000.00 people were taken hostage at a school in the north assessing town of beslan.
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most hostages were kept in this room the sports hall beslan is a small town a close knit community you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in this room that had lost someone or knew someone who had. the group would you be every year we come here to the school and the cemetery to the cemetery every month even where my sister in law is buried there with her 2 kids it's always sad when vigils unite people in mourning what happened here is hard to forget but life goes on it. what's left of the whole you know it's everybody here police and soldiers
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who try to save your kid medics who run into the fire to evacuate the wounded parents and teachers who stayed with their kids and people's hostages. the walls here were lined with flowers soft toys of course the photographs of those who died also bottles of drink symbolic as the terrorists had denied any food or water to the hostages for the 3 days of the siege by the time i had a chance to escape many were to be hydrated and weak to move hearing the experiences of those who were here is truly our way as people inside began to faint dr lisa moments of our help to have a she could the terrorists gave her notes with their demands to pass on to authorities they threatened to kill her son if she made a wrong move if stanley is dissolved again. i said i'm a doctor so they took me to the corridor to get 1st aid to someone who wanted terrorist. in the gymnasium it was very hard to breathe most of the kids were
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running a fever in thinking they told the adults not to faint or they risk being killed as a terrorist didn't want any burden i asked them to let me go and i had to carry a message for them they let me come to the school entrance they were holding my son saying if i went out of the door that killed both of us immediately. there is a story isn't the only miracle escape that day alina was 9 when she was seized along with her family she turned 10 the next day while still a hostage she sees her rescue as a 2nd birthday changing her life forever north but autumns of move all the blast wave knocked me and my brother back to one side and our ons turn the other after the blast i opened my eyes and saw the commandos screaming anyone still alive get out of here which then they went on my blog or to the clock room i heard the commanders say be careful where you fire there are kids here and then we went out
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through the window sometimes we need to in my classmates to visit the school for us there is life before and life after. 15 years later for many the memories are as raw as ever. some come here seeking answers an explanation of how such a thing could have happened others simply by the candle sharon and rice to get some closure all you know is that in one fact this committal be forgotten and can never be repeated. hawkins. all the memorial cemetery where victims of the attack a buried is known as the city of angels we talk to people there who are paying their respects. position or or a blank will. question our muscles or what story sort of course.
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or terms or all can. do so either with connections or cultures or real kurdish or english has also asked ourselves cumulative or sensible or of course you heard your school which are intercourse and i will choose this ritual to . hold historicity of. or my old which are on. your wish and over. time we have a little bible school. it's a seed you know it's the best pieces of evidence we have is in the.
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middle of the cover of a little bit of us welcome to the food this is. your home the carmina burana i slid them they'd actually climb in. a little. looser sooner or preserve their your neck a purple quiz are interrupted loser and soon you're through the reduce or limb clip or what you call a major 2 or 3 zeros who are innocent who in their civilian lives with us are true in their state. well there will be a day of commemoration bezel and more i 2 which of course we will be covering here a nazi.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world of politics sport that's less i'm show business i'll see you than.
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welcome back here with us now in the u.s. crippling student debt is expected to dominate the next round of democratic debates for the 2020 election for the year is graduates to take on a growing financial burden with the future looking even bleak it to. reports the trade war slows and global growth fans shaky afternoons on wall street have got financial outlets warning that a new recession or economic downturn could be on the horizon now that's bad news for everybody but for millenniums new generation of americans born between
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190119068 could be fatal to meet dakota lilting he's a senior at new school university entering his final semester this fall once he finishes and graduates he'll be out on his own facing economic circumstances much harsher than previous generations of americans if you look at these problems the fact that it's impacting almost everyone it's not just a question of someone else it's a you know countrywide and even continent wide problem the conditions that our parents our grandparents where they had good paying jobs right out of high school didn't even need to go to college good attributes whatever and have no student and still be able to support a family it's just not the case anymore educational debt is a problem for millions of young americans adults ages $22.00 to $38.00 have double the amount of educational debt as gen x. ers the previous generation that came before this might be due to a 100 percent increase in the cost of college tuition despite the job market
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benefits of having a degree going down significantly mondale's also don't have much in terms of wealth and property net household worth his downfall. 30 percent from the previous generation and 66 percent have no retirement savings less than 37 percent own stocks furthermore the median age of home buyers in the united states has actually risen to $46.00 because younger americans simply aren't taking out the mortgages and making the down payments people are working for wages people are underemployed people have bachelor's degrees and are working at mcdonalds putting weights on me before i even go out into the economy you know it influences everything what kind of jobs you look for the job market you're looking into the wages that are being paid you know it's a lot that you have to think about when you already have $20.00 to $25000.00 worth of stuff. with really nothing tangible besides the diploma to show for it that his economic gap seems to also point to a widening political gap younger americans seem far more attracted to the left wing figures like bernie sanders and they pay
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a lot closer attention to issues like income inequality people don't aren't making enough money people feel like they're not being represented if people can't get an education without spending enormous amounts of money they're going to vote for you know their interests you know republicans acacia increased child care more infrastructure spending that would create jobs higher wages now donald trump says the fears about the economy are unfounded he's even said that the usa is having an economic miracle now all americans are nervous but one particular generation that never really recovered from the financial meltdown of 2008 they may not have very many houses cars or stocks but they've got plenty to lose and r.t. new york. an unusual proposal has been put forward in the french on and of course a coed people are struggling to get on to the property the head of the local assembly says only people with roots that with roots on the island should be
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allowed to buy property there but under the plan sales will be limited to people meeting certain criteria for example having been resident for 5 years. is or having been born on corsica or having relatives there completing their education on the island would be another way into its real estate scene we spoke to the head of course is assembly about the initiative he told us house prices are driving corsicans off the island. corsicans can no longer live at home buy or rent because of the outside demand many foreign buyers are dramatically driving prices up to date many of the sales to foreigners involve high value real estate that's rented out and commercialized that's unfair competition for the tourism industry paying their taxes and expenses limiting this type of sale would limit the situation the forces of course must combine their weight to demand negotiations in paris on the question of land and land dispossession there must be ways to stop it
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otherwise corsicans will be driven out of their country by the force of money the idea is part of a broader political agenda pursued by the separatist corsica liberia party since 2015 it's been part of the local assemblies ruling coalition it also wants to see more status for the corsican language and the relates to what it deems political prisoners we've got the views of people on the island. young corsicans cannot access the land and real estate in course ago land seized by people who do not live here this is not the society we want to build we do not want to have 80 percent of 2nd homes in corsica and corsicans agree with that proposing expropriation making threats is not the right solution. the corsicans have become homeless in their own country or people are ostracized based on the law of money the residency status would help put a stop to the situation. the opposition. remains to be seen whether this residency status could lower prices however it is necessary to work on the very sensitive
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subject of real estate prices which affect the majority of the corsican population who want to continue living here you're watching r.t. that's the news for now will be back there with more for more stories and the headlines at the top of the. seems wrong. just. yet to stamp out just because that's ok and it gains from it because the trail.
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when something find themselves worlds apart. just in the common ground. during the great depression which i'm old must remember there was most of my family were unemployed. other wasn't it was bed you know much worse subject and listen today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. of there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attacks. engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no on chomsky one set of rules for the rich opposite.
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that's what happens when you put her into the. narrow sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. she stressed to make sure that the british and the bill of voted out that the rule was to. stop russia was telling you she has to face to face. which she doesn't have time and i know what you. can understand you're going to move to me for sure i. want to talk to you sort of through my if you promise for to be. good
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to mr hazlewood supporters are still with him to. pull through this interview for you both to teach the student actually of course in the pursuit of the vote for sure it's just the same spirit ready ready ready ready. i am sure they need to stop at the continuing to grow. i just never know very good about the idea of bringing children into the world because i didn't feel like things were in very good shape that a life was just going to be a lot of software programs. there's no reason in the world you take
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things that are to me the. movie is a myth something else that. everybody's scared to talk about it certifiable is truly dependent on us addressing this issue and if we can even talk about it if we can even have a conversation of that it then. we're in trouble. ready what politicians do. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president if you. want to be. too great for us this is what the 3 of them or you could get. interested in the water.
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hello and welcome across town for all things considered i'm peter lavelle continuing brags that saga is boris johnson a friend or foe of democracy and another saga russia gate is the way to treat peered justice system one for the protected and one for the rest of us. cross talking some real news i'm joined by my guest glenn days and he is a professor at the higher school of economics as well as author of the decay of western civilization and resurgence of russia we also have to me he's a political analyst and editor and you know so many internet media project and in
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london we crossed the markets papadopoulos he's the editor of politics 1st magazine all right gentlemen cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate let me go to london 1st here let's talk about boris johnson i asked in my intro is he a friend or foe of democracy because some people are making very strong arguments on both sides about proposition go ahead marcus well they still have exceptional for instance a lot of which the city has not experienced. since the 2nd world war and directs it which is a coup d. and not as claimed the scouts of 2 british prime ministers david cameron and history's a mate and there is no reason as to why bricks it could not end up claiming the scalp of boys johnson however what is different now is that boris johnson has pledged has promised to deliver direct sit with or without a deal by or on the 31st of october now people who are
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criticizing him at westminster for his suspension of parliament saqlain minutes democratic well on the one hand in the context that britain is a parliamentary democracy yes you could make that argument but on the other hand a prime minister in the u.k. has the power to suspend parliament also the deadlock the impasse over brett's has to be broken because it is an excess it will be good for the u.k. economy to go into 2020 with bricks it's still lingering and let me add this as well peter regarding the politicians at westminster who are claiming both for instance is that in an undemocratic wait this is what i say to them and indeed it wants parliament's returns from the summer recess i would be sane this to them so the ones in the house of lords labor and conservative she's in the prime minister be an undemocratic well what don't desart see if they have because men.


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