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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  September 5, 2019 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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media assets to defend against large scale automated this information attacks basically they're going against fake news and military jargon yes darpa the defense agency that brought us those wonderful nightmare and boosting running and jumping robots swarming drone videos and who can forget the laser guided bullets as that darpa is now getting into the business of combating fake news naturally those most afraid of fake news the ones who have worked hand in hand with us intelligence agencies to spread the paranoia over it the us corporate news media they are the most excited about this move by darpa bloomberg writes that if successful the system after 4 years of trials may expand to detect malicious intent and prevent viral fake news from polarizing society. conveniently forgetting that there is never actually been any evidence that viral fake news stories have polarized society or legitimately influence the election and change people's votes that
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actually doesn't exist so today let's kick start the algorithms and find out just how darpa is going to fight this apparent scourge of fake news as we start watching the hawks. it's really. hard to see. what it's like you know that i got. was a. welcome one watching the hawks i am a roman and i'm topical honest yes and the feeble braai the creepiest of the jumpy ones and the robots that bring nightmares to america and now it's going to
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decide what's real and fake yes they are that seems like no prob. or bad as in the beginning of every science section and stick opiate side effects like dark was also known only to the tweet about meeting underground tunnels apparently for some undisclosed project but they are you know now they're going to go into war pentagon's lacing up their boots and their scientists to help stop fake news. so just so you understand what the sum up for program is looking there of looking to develop a sense of the like 3 of them as that would be that would consist of semantic detection which would bigger out of media was generated or manipulated ok they would have an attribution algorithm who would conclude whether you know where media came from an organization or a person and finally they're going to develop a characterization algorithm tablet that would determine if media was created or manipulated with malicious intent yes
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a computer algorithm will decide if media is created with a malicious intent or manipulated with the militia malicious intent that's an i don't know that i get. in the computer is going to decide what somebody meant by their joke is that that's the thing you can't tell the difference satire joe. any of those things so it all sort of i mean i get the idea of it looking at something like fakes right where you have videos out of an altar and if you have images that have been altered if you have images that are purported to be of say with the amazon rain forest with the fires you had a lot of major outlets putting out putting out pictures that are from every dry season right not the ones that were actually related to a specific. story so i could be hopeful i mean it could be but you know it goes back to the thing is like you know there's still going to be programmers involved at some point how do you decide what is or is not malicious
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content or what is or is not news i mean the democrats or republicans accuse each other of big news all the time who is going to decide what actually is right you don't have the right and i don't know what's the problem with the u.s. military gets to decide boy we trust that's always worked out really well so i don't know why. so when you as i what will darpa's algorithm actually do with this officially sanctioned like what happens to it ok so it's there so one of the things that was look at things like fake identities and using online ones they're used to control unsuspecting what they call in suspecting individuals and to collaborating and fake f.b.i. terror plots so you can easily be used you know what are people going to do in that situation where it's suddenly discovered that it could not be. profiled as oh that's fake and you know we know it's there for a reason the government of the government itself including the pentagon has
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a pretty extensive history of running what you like you said fake social media profiles to collect data on persons of interest. m s n b c fox and c.n.n. have all run quite literally fake news stories given to them by law enforcement in order to catch a criminal but not part of the show to catch it you know that but their idea was so and we've had people on the show this is going on for years where they've literally had them put in false stories and propaganda major artist like you know the paris review of things like that so it's one of those things or a mike what happens when a bump up against some sort of special projects. comes back to the decides like oh well this is ok for news you know the algorithm will decide oh well this is sanctioned fake news. this is an extension get news so you would not be registered if the f.a.q. is a.j. i think if i had to read the job here 1st and tapper i mean and. rachel maddow
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probably did anyway i'm getting off track here. but really i mean the whole scourge of fake news and mild print to have a do you agree is that it really comes down to the way you stop it is through education is through teaching people to look for multiple sources for teaching people to question i mean syracuse university assistant professor communications jennifer gray deal told bloomberg that darpa's timeline does seem slow because it's not going to be done by the 2020 lection which everyone so afraid of big news influencing and she says i wonder if it's a bit of a p.r. move educating the public on media literacy along with legislation is what is important but elected officials lack motivation themselves for change and there is conflict of interest as they are though they are using these very platforms to get elected standard procedures put out fake news stories about your enemy of the hundreds of millions of dollars that are stand by all campaigns on facebook on twitter and that will say well thing. greater than $1440.00 in college in london has instructed and shaped the young
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minds of writers like ian fleming and george orwell to adventure their grills and even prussian philosopher and economist karl marx however it is their lineage of political heavyweights that has always kept the expensive school for boys $13.00 to $18.00 in the headlines 20 prime ministers including david cameron and alexander boris the facile johnson yes that boris johnson have attended his application process can take at least 3 years to complete a process that was discovered has 13 to 14 year old boys writing speeches to excuse government sanctioned violence in a question that begins with this passage from the prince by niccolo machiavelli begins concerning cruelty and clemency and whether it is better to be loved than feared and it states a prince so long as he keeps his subjects united and loyal ought not to mind the reproach of cruelty because with a few examples he will be more merciful than those who through too much mercy allow
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disorders to override is it done posits a scenario that is it's $24.00 in the u.k. is experiencing riots to gas shortage that leads to the applicant the prime minister to call in the army who subsequently kill 25 protesters b 2011 application for this collar shipped to eton college then asked applicants to quote write the script for a speech to be broadcast to the nation in which you explain why employing the army against violent protesters was the only option available to you and which one which was both necessary and moral so who's excited to spend 40000 pounds a year to have their sons taught the proper way to crush the peasants but need their boots yet wow oh good. blow wow so you're talking about 1314 year old kid did most prestigious schools that spits out all of these great
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leaders and things like that leaders. great leaders. and one of the questions asked them to essentially. how do you do if the government killing protesters. just wow if that doesn't tell you a lot of what i don't know what leaders are. in this world i'm just i don't litter trained yeah i'm like that's how they get that how that happened in the schools so you understand the school is one of the original 9 sort of english public schools a little different than we have here. but they're somewhat independent but also don't pay like 80 percent of their gods or so it all works out for that that started with the public schools act of $868.00 so they used to actually require saying it takes 3 years they say now to get your kid signed up start at 10 a is better but a regionally for a very long time you had to sign up and register your son for even the possibility
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of application there at birth war that was so. specific and so that's prestigious now exclusive so this application was part of a scholarship application from 2011. and what's sad to think about that is a scholarship is probably somebody comes from a more middle class working class background and they're being asked like hey you know when unions are people who are like you and where you came from we don't they rise up against power can you explain how we can do that morally shoot them down for protesting if they don't have enough. and what really gets me about this too is when you really think about it it's just it just makes that it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up because i'm like wow you know it be one thing if the school had like write an essay either condemning it or just. as you are there are choices you say what would you say now that i can see it but when it's like no you
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only can justify it i don't know what that is like what are they trying to put as i mean it well what's interesting is the scholarship you're speaking of boris johnson was actually recipient of the king's scholar though it's not known of the application right this particular question of when he applied this was only found in the 2011 scholarship up with we don't know what actually more interesting questions you may have to do it i know i might assume the worst kind of god it is a very odd application to you because then it has this like made up language of the psycho. and it gets a little odd so there was a guy wrote to 2 individuals one of them it was adam nicholson he wrote a book called about it and about his time at eton and how they sort of private boarding schools sort of fact everybody and he described his experience there like this there was always a real sense that we were kind of the elite in every way socially intellectually educationally and financially. you tell me you know just google. you know
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it's one of those things where it's i heard a lot of jokes but i think it's a very odd situation when you look at this idea. yeah boy like just not a good question may have been a good come on all right as we go to break watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on our social media be sure to check out watching the hoxsey podcast which is now available on spotify apple music and everywhere you may wish and your favorite podcast coming up we delve into all things china in the united states and take an in-depth look at the protests the trade war and tech giant weiwei stay tune to watch the whole.
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says she stressed to make sure that the british and the bill of voted out that it will to. stop the show was to you she then taste a tasty dish she's a c.e.o. which quite a lot. to which she definitely implant now look what you've seen in investments dittrich i'm only a man for sure and. want to go to the show through my it's your bonus for trivia. it's a mystery was a word supporter of. spirit of earth or does it seem to be arguable that it's a studio actually the person to be vocal for should step up and spill. expressed. as.
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well you know the fire thing we've kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long. i mean they're in this small boat sniffs it hard pull it shifts and it's standing. on top of. the limo self to being told fish already 90 percent of it are not and he won't encounter. a condom 15 scoops 75 times true and they do it several times a day with a big fleas no you get an idea why should. we have to understand we can all still use to just. be witness of the deal before you go. i'm doing this because i want the future world to the future can generations to have out and enjoy the ocean we have.
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china has dominated the news cycles over the past several months thanks to 3 major stories coming out of and involving the people's republic 1st the controversy controversy surrounding the united states versus the number one telecom supplier in the world while way in a nutshell this involved the u.s. government accusing the tech giant of spying and of having malicious ties to the chinese government that story played a part in the bigger tale that was the ongoing trade war instigated by the trumpet ministration against china and now currently wreaking havoc on the economies of the 2 superpowers and 3rd has been the ongoing demonstrations of protests in hong kong over chinese government's push to change the extradition agreements that has with
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the region the protests began back in march and april and it's now continued into september r.t. america's michelle greenstein is in hong kong with news of what many think could be a potential breakthrough that could bring these demonstrations to an end after 3 months of protests violent clashes between the hong kong police and anti-government demonstrators $1100.00 arrests and what some are calling the biggest political crisis in hong kong since it was returned back to china in 1907 hong kong chief executive carrie lim finally withdrew that contentious amendment to extradition law today now she explained that this is a bill that had already been temporarily shelf and that it was scheduled to actually automatically be withdrawn next year in july however now she is officially withdrawing it today to remove any doubt about her intentions additionally she addressed the remaining 4 demands from these anti-government protesters were guarding the issue of police brutality she says that there is already an investigation into this alleged police brutality by the hong kong. and that she
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fully intends to cooperate with the complaints council investigation in this matter now regarding the riot designation the protesters had requested that the riot designation be removed and that the be called protesters instead of rioters she says that this will happen on a case by case basis and that there will not be a blanket and designation of these protesters being called rioters now regarding the issue of unconditional amnesty for all those arrested in connection with this so-called democracy movement she says that this is an issue about the rule of law and that again this will happen on a case by case basis now we're guarding democracy regarding universal suffrage she says that 1st we need communication between all parties that are based on the grounds of trust and in order to do that she says 1st there needs to be an end to the violence additionally she pledged that she and other government officials would be going out into the communities speaking to members of society from all walks of
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life she said and they would be working to combat some of these social inequities to work to eradicate some of these economic disparities including the lack of land availability for a lot of people in hong kong now she is stressing that dialogue is what solve these problems that violence is pushing hong kong to a very dangerous territory and that even though protesters may have legitimate grievances with both the central government and the hong kong government that the most important thing she says to do right now is to defend the rule of law now i witnessed the protester reaction just a couple hours ago i attended one of the press conferences given by some of these anonymous anti-government demonstrators and their reaction is unsatisfied to say the very least they say that this withdrawal quote has not changed a thing and they are stressing that this battle continues there reiterating their for demands and they're saying that they will continue this fight this is certainly been a violent movement we've seen last week and at the very least we saw rubber bullets
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tear gas and water. cannons being used by the hong kong police and the weekend before that one police officer actually fired his revolver into the air as a warning shot although no one was injured and it was the 1st time that hong kong police have actually fired a real weapon in this regard not including a gun with rubber bullets which some may say show a bit of restraint from the hong kong police although many say that this extradition law being totally withdrawn may mean that some of these demonstrations are going to and it's very possible that that is not the case given the reaction from some of these protest leaders the situation is very fluid additionally beijing has stressed and reiterated its unconditional authority to declare a state of emergency given the situation here in hong kong. joining us now is an interpreter was covered the ongoing trade war tensions between the united states and china extensively this year and recently returned from an in-depth visit to the wall we had orders in china are 2 americas sara months the
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oka sir will also be presenting a half hour special on the ongoing controversy in fallout from the trade war and titled battlefield markets me trade wars that you can see this thursday live at 2 pm eastern on r.t. america thank you for joining us thank you for having me you know is the trade wars been going on for over a year now and there's there's no end or deal in sight to it what is your take from from a different perspective during your time in china and hong kong what is what is your take from there and this well i think i've said this a few times before and i can repeat it once again that what i heard is as nobody wants to trade or i'm the united states i want to trade or china doesn't want to trade where hong kong is being affected not as much as mainland china but still they're being affected and you know wall way and other companies are being pulled in to this trade war and and really it's is it about trade that there's more to it there's tech now there's ip theft there's a lot that goes into this trade war and president trump has said it time and time again that this is something that needed to be done by previous presidents and that
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this was huge for him and and it's kind of become a big thing for his present presidency and now for his reelection campaign is whether or not he'll make a deal one minute they're close to making a deal the next minute they're not so the take i really really got from just being there was that they don't see an end to this trade where they're hopeful that it might end with some sort of partial deal but again when i come home and things i hear in the united states a lot of experts and analysts are saying we're close to recession this is affecting us in such a bad way long term we're already seeing some affects the consumer there was j.p. morgan a report recently that said that the consumer the average american family is going to see a difference of a $1000.00 additional cost for the average american family per year and that was with these newest tariffs. before that it was only $600.00 but i'm saying only as if it's nothing because $600.00 is $600.00 an hour 1000 right it's not as if it's going to get fixed and it's not it's really not and we've heard this time and time
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again from experts and analysts there's there's no trade deal and it's interesting too when you say the number was a 1000 because when you think about it you know you see reporter purport this is americans get a $400.00 emergency happens a lot of americans can't pay for it and so when you suddenly an extra $1000.00 and everything that's a big number for people and it's a lot because we're at the end of the getting to the end of the year we're in that last quarter and there is again the end after sort of make up between now and christmas or you know people are going to buy less because they don't know what's going to happen you know any of us who are if you're around in our age you've already lived probably your adult life through one maybe 2. all right oh yes i remember. so ok and i already thought about it it was like i'm not going to travel actually i'm not going to save certain monday where you can because you just don't know where everything's going to go let me ask you if when you were there did you see impacts of the trade when you were in china and are you more or less confident
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from what you heard there that there will be an end to it even before the election less confident less confident after being there i sat down actually with 2 manufacturers a big leading manufacturer of businesses who had they were in hong kong but they had a lot of their manufacturing businesses in mainland china and i asked them really what their hopes were and some of that i hadn't been affecting it yet but again these were garment and apparel industries or sales so they're looking to see more of an effect next year they obviously are saying that it's affected their sales a little bit in the sense that because it's costing more they're going to have to try to take up most of the costs for these 1st terrorists but with these next set of terrorists. just implementers of time for 1st and you can watch this on my special tomorrow where i sit down with these manufacturers and they really are hopeful that at least a partial deal will be made but they also now understand that tariff is something
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that will always exist now going forward china and these new tariffs they said we won't see it hit us hard because now we know what to expect we're prepared for more tariffs but again now they're getting used to these terrorists being there all the time and not being removed there's always going to be some sort of terror so they're trying to prepare ahead of time and a lot of them are moving to some digital platforms trying to change their way of manufacturing also with their business model but just certain developments in the how they manufacture and garments especially so that they're not affected so much by this trade or because there's so many roles i mean if anyone who's ever who's watching you know has ever worked on that side of the apparel industry i have worked somewhere and there were no people who had it's very complicated and these rules i think people don't understand and take your average person's taxes in the us and just like multiply it by a 1000 and that's how complicated these things are and that's where it's hard for consumers and this is where clothing is going to be now affected with these new tariffs and there are more to come on december 15th so i got to catch it before we
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finish up you are also in the wall ways. china which is you know the biggest. one the biggest retailer in his world for technology in phones and if you've been covering this topic a long time where your expert expectations of going into their headquarters that what was it like well i think that's something that's interesting that hasn't been really said much is that there's really a cultural difference here too when you go into mainland china to a place like wall way the telecom giant that's grown globally by so much and as often it is looking like going to be a bargaining chip for this trade where i sat down with the v.p. of strategy andrew williamson and will will take you through that tomorrow on the special as well but he gave us. some clarity we asked all the tough questions it was it really was i didn't know what my expectations were really going into it going somewhere like this it was like a facebook or google their campus was amazing it was beautiful while at the same
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time we learned so much about this the telecom giant and that's caught in the middle of this trade war and has said you know time and have again that they are not a cyber security threat to the united states but it really was interesting just to see the dynamics of that play of the business will definitely check out your special tomorrow battlefield market's mood trade wars you can see that there's a lot of truth thank you all we are still growing our. business is in the front and the party is back that's right the once great mullet hairstyle by the likes of billy ray cyrus john stamos and carol brady is making waves again thanks to the popularity of the netflix had stranger things set me wonderfully get herridge challenge 1980 s. the rebirth of the mullet driven by the desire for more gender neutral hairstyles for both sexes has now seen the advent of the bushwick mollett the reverse mullet the photo hawk spiky and even him i would say however some say the trend which is seeing a major resurgent in australia especially never want to weigh as much as some of us
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would like them to rule that oh yeah look at that her and some young men there are right about her and some young men would have done tyrone right there i believe in mid western parlance that would actually be known as hockey where yes to do that is that of the. books in which would you think straight out of there is a hooper member of one of those world we're not so beloved of so tell you all i love you i am i roll with her i'm top of the i phone watching those logs never break but with the night everybody does it to. i. ready ready ready
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am sure there's a need to stop it from continuing to grow. i just never know very good about the idea of bringing children into the world because i didn't feel like things were in very good shape that a life was just going to be a lot of software program. there's no reason you're more. you take things that already made the there's no reason to make something else that you need to get to everybody's scared to talk about it certifiable is truly dependent on us addressing this issue and if we can even talk about it and we can even have a conversation about it then. we're in trouble. ready of the day there are good terrorists and bad evidence the bad terrorists and
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those in yemen who the united states deems to be a threat the look to those who work in syria the cia and the u.s. military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right wing military imposed funding an army just was there's not anymore because there's always a small for a really good. profit. look . i.
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am in moscow the headline this morning the united states could potentially be smuggling tons of weapons and ammunition to militants in syria according to leaked documents obtained by. busy bringing the. new phase of. nuclear research and development now into the 2050 nuclear field. to save the. planet the british prime minister. was then please also bill to look at no deal depart from the e.u. . the u.n. report highlights the potential role of the us britain and france in human rights violations committed to.


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