tv News RT September 5, 2019 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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i do interfere in anybody's area that is not our aim it is not out. and. and no one in the word is actually discussing our intervention in any negative manner. so mr putin what about russia's military presence because in soviet time it used to be the case. considering the development of our navy and our military forces this is not a problem forest but it's not about that we need to make all actions efficient and for them to bring about a peaceful resolution and a greater security and safety in the region and the strait of hormuz several years ago russia presented initiative to create an international mechanism where the participation of all the interested countries in the region. and all those one
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thing to. put those routes to function properly involving russia or the u.s. and asian countries. in future we could even create a special international organization to resolve any issues arising there we are discussing that with my colleagues including with our chinese partners and with our partners from other countries will see what it will lead to trash or is interested for the situation. to become less tense. and all actions should lead. to a calmer situation. and to resolve the issues around their iran nuclear program based on the previously adopted international documents which were confirmed by the relevant as additions of the security council of the u.n. . in this case. that last question regarding security there's an interesting change
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in the world. look at events considering there is us free countries because in nato you but there is also russia india and pakistan you never going to zation but a lot depends on various agreements when it comes to teaching stability. in your critical address to the federal do years ago you talked about new types of weapons the supersonic weapons hypersonic weapons hypersonic weapons. could they become part of a greater deal with the americans. which. yes we believe that the existing instruments and there's only one left the. new start treaty. and this treaty has
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indeed been signed between russia and the u.s. . and currently the u.s. has a new version of the treaty they want to also involved china in this treaty but china has been consistent in saying that chinese nuclear potential is much lower than russia's or the americans and that's why how could they lower rate if they have a low per se. this is what the situation looks like today but you should not forget that the u.s. did not even join. us but it really was that treaty on the comprehensive ban of nuclear tests. and what you know we also have a danger of placing weapons in outer space and those are all very celeste challengers that the humanity might face. and.
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now over our heads in space there would be some type of weapons present even nuclear weapons and a very short just a short time it would travel the distance. which is. so it would make defense options very complex. so it might just drastically change the security situation around the globe. as for now american partners. when we propose to continue talking about disarmament they remain silent there's nothing new about that because we have met with american partners so last time an oscar. and we discussed. but how. does more we can. forcibly account for our new weapons
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especially hypersonic. systems. and not. no country in the world has weapons like that even the us so i said maybe you could sell such weapons to america and then we could even the balance but they say that maybe they might produce such weapons themselves maybe but then why would they spend the money if we have already spend the money and we can gain something from them it would not be a breach of our security would help to create a balance. we can also see what could be accounted for when we need when we talk about. various types of weapons. and launch me cos russia is ready to talk about that but so far we have not received a response from the us our session has been going for a long time so maybe we should talk about the last major topic and there it is
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a common topic for us as a president and go they are asked to call you regarding the forest fires. you talk to the american president how where you might think of nature and the problem of them climate change there are different versions but we're not talking about that but we see some unprecedented changes around the world it's not about it's not about opening t.v. and. fast about say the forests and forest fires in brazil and elsewhere we can just observe that there are great changes i like to collect mushrooms and until last year i collected mushrooms in october. so maybe you actually set the fore. some fire no no no i only collect mushrooms in moscow in the moscow region. this is a very complex topic so i would like to apply it to the participants of the session
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russia like said to that the arctic ocean and gives more time for marine traffic doesn't have ice coverage but at the same time we know that on the shore the fact that we see snow is melting and perm permafrost melting. and i have witnessed that to rivers are not covered in ice and that's why there's a problem with derrius and they cannot cross the rivers said cetera et cetera. this is a common topic because russian arctic oil and gas will pass through new route which was named by the prime ministers of india and japan and to the problem with the safe. forest bias reaches mongolia so we have our climate agreement so maybe we should implement that but i guess we should do more let's start with the goal there . first addressed the topic what could we do together. seriously
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do together in order to combat this problem. if you've. already said we live in the same planet those are all our mistakes those are all our problems and today waste has become a truly global problem. just like air pollution environmental pollution. there are companies. with a certain status and they should make a contribution into an environmental protection perhaps they could do to kate one percent of their overall income in order to combat environmental damage and. we have a major company which contributed one percent of their revenue to the environmental foundation so perhaps we could create a global environmental foundation and to call upon the companies to dedicate
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a certain percentage of their revenue to this foundation perhaps within the g 20 or within the g 7 we do not have another planet to spare so we need to be responsible when we talk about our future. you have to ask to make india the 1st country to use electric cars by 2030 but then you have to make them more using call or oil or gas how can you combine that. i. understand that we are talking about. climate change and i congratulate you for bringing up this very important topic. hard to do. all that has happened
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in the world. but at some time our ancestors have you know done something good and save the world for us all that we have today is through the actions of our ancestors today. we also must think about our future generations and save something for them so that they can. inherit something good and live a life of happiness mahatma gandhi used to speak about the principle of trusteeship and he used to always say it is with that spirit that we know just think we are the trustees of this planet. we have to. not just think about what is required by us and we should not snipe from someone else
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just satisfy our needs if we can bring these principles into our social structures only then can we saw the problems we can think that technology will solve the problems or if we work together to be problems but it is really about the individual behavioral changes of each individual the individuals must be sensitized to no direction to go we need to develop technology for example in india during 21. we have a fixed target of creating $175.00 gigawatts of energy. through renewable energy so that we can contribution a positive manner towards ending climate change today i'm proud to say that after our target of $175.00 gigawatts we have to extend shifted to worse so his solar energy we have contributed in
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a big way already to this target and the target that we had set for 2020. 175 gigawatts we will achieve it as far as mobility is concerned the word needs to think about from now on. how do we move 2 words electric breakers but if i focus on. then we talk about markets and business but our focus is can india. use solar powered batteries that are recharged resources can make india become manufacturing hard for these solar powered batteries and all the plants that we are setting up nuclear plants etc. we are focusing on. production of
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batteries by phone is popular and becoming more popular because the size of the battery of the mobile phone has been coming down and its capacity as we know increasing it can work for a longer 24 hours to 6 hours and their mobile phones have become more affordable today the same way for electric week where the battery is very important and i have one other mission which is about clean cooking in our country about 250. homes 250000000 homes if we. really want to. insured clean cooking energy for these homes we want solar powered energy systems and. we want to develop a battery system so that. we can have a storage of these solar energy produced and also we can use it for good king so
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that we can be do a lot for the environment i have as a challenge invited companies working in this area to come to india you can imagine if we have 250000000 homes that need these batteries if we keep. this market in mind this can all create a cross subsidy for the car market focusing on this as well but for mobility this big change is absolutely necessary. prime minister thank you for the compliment because just to burning coal but there is no smoke have you seen call stations in japan you should probably disseminate it around the world the same question goes to you. hi so
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you don't like long island. for just very very very good. to. be put. together on a normal day cut across a table you know you can do. it you can you tell me about it. i did 3 d. oh yeah i've been knowing whether or not you're in the business if i don't look ok will depart about seems like the translations go a little a while you're looking for the last 45 minutes or so very interesting topics covered at the 5th eastern economic forum volleyball stalk you saw on stage there japan shinzo russia's president putin india's prime minister and their own the most the mongolian president and you didn't see him on stage he was there earlier in the lazy and. i believe we can go about now that he would be going to say the top of my climate change and what the country's going to do about it is go back in haitian
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and feel aliments by these reason the efficiency by another 40 percent. or so and from the point of innovation implementing the carbon free society. when it sounds breakthrough innovations to do that is. critical and and this is from your particular regard the key role will be played by hydrogen which will not animate c o 2 and in this regard and to refine this for the 1st time in the world you implemented this course based on fuel i meant and now in fukushima city. we are building a plant that will produce hydrogen that is a major plan the biggest plant possible coming and next year during the olympic games and paralympic s. we're going to use this hydrogen. between. control cars when you were to write the biggest issue with hydrogen as the high cost of it but on the right we have some
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long term strategy that will visit shares lowering the cost of hydrogen down to the level of nature of gas by 10 times harder if we also have some plans of introduced in technology for the c o 2 waste management board including out of fish artificial photosynthesis waste acknowledge choice with the more people work i don't wish on. the floor to paddle be one of the leaders in terms of innovation used in the current technologies and state of the art technology is. what your model just gets in that you have traced this issue up with her many times a day ago already rumors some mused things that you were consonant with about what is the most much you were promised and history in coworker in a share so environmental protection yes environmental protection is close the
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interlinked with an issue that is something that we've been talking about when we could be global warming. impacts russia amount of other countries i mentioned it to try to summit mushroom here in russia according to our data according to international experts to be. woman is more than 2.5 times weaker than it on the planet in general and this poses a certain threat to us to go 1st and foremost in the north where you were right to mention that settlements built on permafrost. and an issue over the coast of what we are to do about that we are usually imperfect we support all the international efforts in this area as you know we've supported the paris agreement if we assume drive it through so considerable obligations to reduce emissions. by. about 70 percent or from the base $990.00 level
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spoken from the baseline level by the way the e.u. countries assumed to be the most moved just allocation from the sea compared to the same baseline year tips if they assume to reduce emissions by 60 percent. expect a good it shows and by the way we were talking about electric cars. just now the again this is going to national organizations have you recorded for the 1st time in history is completely tress to the downfall of the sales of electric cars there are certain reasons for that as. you point to particular users but not only are we a global warming you know is responsible for all the environmental issues that we have your there's also an issue of gas motor fuel. because washington there are a lot of cars are used in big cities. they use this fuel
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for the phone use all sorts of fuel including car burns city michigan in the public utilities system this is all part of our program. go to a program that we have prepared to improve the environmental situation in the country and to help this is just part of the problem at the same time i would like to emphasize like globally the structure of russian is an energy is one of the greenest in the world. more than one 3rd measuring about an inch in them. accounts for how dear and energy and nuclear energy to be used to put more than 50 percent goes for gas which as it is well now is one of the most environmental kinds of fuel among all hydrocarbons and we're a country of reaching hydra hydrocarbon which is now a competitive advantage and we should never forget that. we should make the best of fish and use of this competitive advantage we should not. keep aside
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from the main trade trend we have to think about what will happen tomorrow. but we also consider alternative energy sources hydrogen energy for example over the recent years with introduced about $800.00 megawatts of capacity is based on renewable energy sources. we are working on that by 2024 you plan to introduce 4. point 2 or 4.7 gigawatts of this capacity. and if you get past. me just now together with our finish partners we have heard of operation and wind park we also work on solar energy you believe this is a very good trend and we'll do our best to make sure our environmental plans are implemented thank you very much thank you very much before thanking the disciplines
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of the session i would like to thank the people of the diverse star for the 1st of all this. has provided a lot of volunteers for this forum would like to thank them in particular. and let us talk has not only turned into a platform for this forum but it's been the place where we please dear delegate spend as much money as you can here for the tax revenues for the city but let us talk has also become an gate to rush to the far east so let's thank large of a star and his people in particular let's applaud them. and this is especially thanks goes to prime minister abbott prime minister more present the talk at present putin for participating. for the mediator there the moderator he's a well known t.v. anchor here in russia and you could see more of a discourse going on about the big issues of the day. i'm a changed with a rant what future personal transport could be
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a global arms control antiballistic missile systems being placed in japan and also in south korea and if that could have the worries that russia's got about all of it covered and the various voices on it represented their russian president putin the cause of japan and india malaysia earlier on and the mongolian president was there as well which is a little bit of what was happening at the 5th internet the eastern economic forum in vladivostok with an international set of audiences you could see how we enjoyed that for the last 40 minutes or so it continues the next day or 2 we'll continue to bring you the highlights of it but that was one of the big events that q. and a the various pressing questions of the day right 23 and a half minutes past one in the afternoon moscow time let's get on with it more news before i say goodbye for today a trove of leaked documents obtained by bulgarian journalists to seemingly expose the u.s. as a major supplier of illegal weapons with the uncorroborated paper suggesting millions of serbian weapons brought by america event did up in the hands of
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terrorists and rebels across the middle east now if those leaks are confirmed as genuine the u.s. purchase weapons from 2 serbian state owned arms companies apparently for the police in afghanistan but those arms were then seen on the islamic state propaganda video showing fighters in yemen where you watch that 4 report if you get a minute on our you tube channel meantime it seems yemen isn't the only destination the 2nd part of our report we started this year's day you may recall if you watch in the 2nd part today alleges washington is smuggling arms and ammunition from europe to syria as the accusations mount on t.-z. gorge down of takes a closer look at the evidence. from the start of the war in syria anti-government factions have been enjoying well a gun before all inclusive some pieces fell into their hands as spoils of war where the others came from nobody knew it seemed until now because apart from me de
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blowing hatred towards assad all these rebels i saw and self-governing jihadists they could have another thing in common a big wealthy arms dealer lurking in the shadows. able gary an investigative journalist has claimed to have exposed an elaborate network of private american companies which have been buying weapons from serbian manufacturers and shipping them to the middle east the journalist managed to get through a labyrinth full of fake trails and dead ends designed specifically to cover the tracks to the network's command center the pentagon. in one instance an american company 04 industries used a british broker as its middleman to buy mortar shells from serbian manufacture acoustic and this e-mail says a learner is
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a direct proof of that and it was business as usual up until the moment one crew sic was about to get paid because none of the companies that dealt with wanted to wire the money instead they wanted to finish the transaction and through a nother 3rd party british company and this raised all sorts of red flags. bearing in mind that the payment will be affected by the company that is not the buyer according to our law and foreign exchange operations we will need the consent of the serbian government i.e. the ministry of finance in order to be able to apply at the ministry of finance we necessarily need to try a part time agreement verified and signed by the buyer sierra 4 industries the seller holding corp crew sick and the legal entity that will affect the payment charles kendall and partners limited. it was so suspicious the serbs even questioned if the final destination for the armaments would indeed
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be the pre-agreed location which was no not the middle east but harmless innocent romania. the draft in jesus is to pick it states the following place of delivery. to china and a base rumania according to the above it should be clearly mentioned that the goods will be used in romania including the purpose of use and the goods will be shipped to romania they weren't used in romania it seems once the money was finally wired of washington's memory was clean instead the ammunition was flown to qatar and ended up in syria according to the journalist that they have gone so out there are private american companies or your company is. very far off to you from bikini if they feel so you know are they still think. these are me they really like you like.
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using different place after the websites like this that people are like you problem finding information because they are all using the things like number 8 let the scheme if you think you. and you might like their berthing their weapons buy up their proud. this nation would be syria or react to americans these 2 they even visited crusade to troubleshoot any potential insurgence on behalf of the seller i also can't buy for that you are and that i am of the visuals of the united states the european that are in what is not a government officials and proud that there is this is the serbia back in the or the letter box. and laying around. organizing their
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ship much less than a year on this same 2 men were awarded for. arming rebels in syria. the little affair with the serbs was far from a one night stand type of deal for the u.s. they shipped tens of thousands of munitions into syria drowning the country in arms for years we've worked to stop the civil war in syria and all the lead to human suffering we wanted to reach out to syria for industries remember the american company that initiated the deal with the serbs and imagine our surprise when we found out that the company barely even exists it has no listed phone number no email and just 5 yes 12345 employees not exactly a shock it was done of well apart from the company that igor just mentioned we try
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to reach out to the pentagon and also to the cruise a company for comment i'll go but yet to the do we'll let you know what they're going to say the final story we get in view this the u.n. has once again raised concerns over the humanitarian crisis in yemen where the conflicts been raging for 5 years now in a video released by the organization it calls out the international community for the lack of action and brown's yemen a collective failure got to warn you the pictures coming up are disturbing here according to the u.n. the conflict has left tens of thousands dead and even more injured over $700.00 children have died from landmines alone since 203024 1000000 yemenis are in need of assistance to survivors that country continues to struggle with in cholera breaks a crew for sister channel r.t. arabic visited one orphanage in the country's capital. and. will.
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