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tv   News  RT  September 6, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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here the stupidest before you go to do the full to to your money and influence a new report alleges there's a covert a multimillion dollar scheme to be use the popularity of the left across the u.s. base is chong over inciting violence against and german must be boat captain don the tongue in she was rich dozens of mind words salvini describe the accusations against him as a medal of honor and the u.s. carries out in military exercises in south america to next to venezuela in lined with its apparent strategy of surrounding the enemy we break down why it deep tactic isn't anything new
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it's 10 o'clock here in mosque and you're watching ot international live from our studio with mean a do or tutor welcome to the program and you leave released report by a conservative watchdog alleges those a covert multi 1000000 dollar strategy to promote liberal values in the us the document on moss a scheme to push certain topics from supporting obamacare to slumming donald trump's border wall all tos eagle should donal of takes a closer look at how it operates what's more powerful in politics than money a strong candidate with a good program and idealist would see nothing a realist would say but a politician would say dark money dark money is the millions of dollars that behind the scenes donors are spending to send the political train down the track and
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according to the left leaning media it's a bad bad thing because the conservatives do it because others have made billions and want to ensure that government doesn't limit their ability to make more conservative donor david koch as one half of the koch brothers came to symbolize the influence of dark money in america but you know who's even better than conservatives that slipping the bills into their protegees pockets. democrats according to this research a group called arabella advisors l.l.c. has been in the vanguard of the leftist money holes they shelter under their umbrella for nonprofit organizations by their nature they do not have to disclose who they're getting their money from but this research suggests that they've gathered a huge number of very wealthy donors some of the nation's largest grant making institutions including the rockefeller packard and koch foundations the donors to
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the funds managed by arabella it remains unclear why such large and powerful institutions seek outside philanthropic consulting but presumably a significant part of our bill is appeal lies in its ability to obscure large financial transactions these for nonprofits have been showering and to conservative grassroots organizations with their money take this one with a name so noble calling our goal is to oppose in getting a term short list yes they get their pockets stuffed by 1633rd an offshoot of our bell advisors another group save my care has been pushing against republican attempts to repeal obamacare the president is sabotaging the system. will be another uncertainty in health care. remember this it led to this. war
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for again. well their financial bad bone is made up by bills coming from a nother arabella advisors sprout the new venture fund the dark money is not a trick exclusively from the democrat playbook yes it's been revealed they do outperform the conservatives when it comes to the amount spent by more than 20 percent in fact but pro republican donors. do that too and according to the research media coverage is way out of balance with most outlets reserving a good bashing for the conservatives when you look at the mainstream media which has deservedly declining part of a declining viewership both the editorial in the production staff is chiefly and the anchors are chiefly democrats or democrat leaning so of course out of the mainstream media you're going to get that narrative reality is the independents and the rising anti-corruption anti-crime only part voting populace the united states
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is against the use of dark body is against the use of corruptly having foundations the reality is that a lot of money comes in from unions from particularly from the public sector unions to their favorite politicians both legally and i think illegally but there has been a rise now of dark money and dark money is bad whether it's right or left leaning i mean the public has a right to know each individual's vote counts and that it can't be swamped by the activities of partisan. groups that are illegally sourcing and donating money so next time you see a nonprofit ban are stirring up a fight for yet another democratic staple remember regardless of what side of the political spectrum would comes from it's not just people but billionaires fortunes behind it to. at least new coalition government has sent prosecutors on to the
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heiress to form interior minister and. the anti immigration firebrand is accused of conducting a smear campaign and inciting violence against a german refugee ship captain correspondent charlotte benson is across the story for us. well salvini is facing this libel case where he's being accused of inciting violence against a cap in this is a captain of a charity rescue ship in the mediterranean karolyn a racket a german citizen now back in july she had rescued 53 migrants in the mediterranean and tried to dock ship this was the sea what 3 on a tally in soil she was told no you can't do that that was one of the the policies that any had when he was interior minister of italy and she then continued to try and dock that boat in doing so she actually rammed into a buddha control vessel and she was later arrested for that no salvini at the time
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accused captain rocket of trying to sink that patrol boat and actually had cues to her of an act of war she was later released then put on the house arrest and later court said that she hadn't done anything illegal or though she does still face charges of helping illegal immigration now salvini during that whole incident discussed it on twitter he said things that she's the captain was a criminal that she was a delinquent that poor woman had tried to kill 5 italian soldiers and this is why he is now facing this prosecution but salvini says he stands by everything that he said denounced by a german communist the drive for good immigrants. it's a model for me i'll never give up. well it's a nice former interior minister former deputy prime minister. is one of the
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country's most popular politicians riding high in the polls mainly due to his anti immigration stance and the fact that he closed ports to illegal immigrants while he was in that position now the current coalition which is a make up of the 5 star movement and the left wing democratic party is said to be a coalition that's kind of come together to form something out of nothing and as a result many people intended hooks at that government itself could collapse in the coming months if not the coming years but certainly many people expecting that before italy's next scheduled election as a result of that the popularity of materials salvini is seen as being thought on inside of the current administration so you can imagine that they're certainly rubbing their hands in glee at any attempts to neutralize material salvini and neutralize that popularity. there's anger at russia's embassy in the united
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states after a russian executive was detained in italy at washington's request he's been charged with suspected industrial espionage against an american aviation company alexander caution often is a director at a key russian engine manufacturer has claimed he conspired to steal trade secrets with an italian director. both men were arrested in naples in southern italy let's take a look at what exactly the men are accused of conspiring and trying to steal intellectual property belonging to g.e. aviation relating to aircraft engines production the us justice department says caution of hired staff from the company as technical consultant those employees then allegedly filed a report containing sensitive details glad to be of putin's hit out of the u.s. over the arrest saying it threatens to worsen relations even further. practica this is very bad practice it complicates our bilateral relations and i'm
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not joking we often see no reason for hostile actions of this kind moreover i have every reason to believe that sometimes these actions are connected with unfair competition including in the aerospace industry if there is some kind of criminal activity here then it's our law enforcement agencies that should cooperate it. states has made similar moves before arresting foreign citizens and a 3rd country the chief financial officer of chinese tech giant while they are with arrested in canada in december of a bank for at washington's request we've been getting reaction from political analysts about the ramifications often and. this is obviously titian i think all major powers now realize that competition for technological superiority in the future will be so we're almost be decisive in major power competition the united states certainly adopts the
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and america 1st strategy and that are not sounding ministration and it is more interested in seeking an advantage is position rather than gauging economic cooperation and the expansion of say less than it was and so on it emphasizes the fact that high tech is a serious problem for the no stage for china for russia for every country now because everyone is trying to gain actually has to every other country's high tech . and there's a tremendous competition going on and therefore the americans are saying right warning everyone you want prayer price if you in fact steal our secrets but from the american board of view it's quite difficult for them to prosecute someone. in a 3rd country or gain access. to the persian who they're accused of stealing their
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high tech secrets. washington seems to be improving its relationship with the latin american nation at the borders venezuela is launched a so-called humanitarian outreach program led by the air force there that provides some services to locals but also contacts training for military person now the move has now seen neighboring venezuela encircled by american bases just months after the u.s. backed opposition fail to achieve regime change in caracas our senior correspondent mark gauthier examines washington's tactics. u.s. military has returned to guyana after many years on a joint military exercise slash humanitarian mission there's nothing quite like a humanitarian mission led by guys who specialize in bombing things it's like having a drug rehab center run by drug lords but small details the important thing is that guy anna is important guy on a sits in
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a strategic location on the north edge of south america and on the caribbean and the look what a coincidence borders very i mean what are the chances of that the same venezuela that has us bases all around it here here here here brazil is in that it's open to hosting a u.s. military base a mile then israel is like the center of a dual none of us bases same venezuela that the us has threatened repeatedly where it is trying to spark regime change and which it is encircled with guns just in case trump decides to pull the trigger it's over even though frankly it could be toppled very quickly by the military or the military to do you'd think entirely surrounding nations you don't like might be a bit overkill but it's the pressure psychological pressure that matters. the promise is easier when the guys you're negotiating with always have something to
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fear specifically about their country being burned down if they say the wrong thing and it isn't just venezuela i mean look at iran there's nowhere to chuck a shoe in gum wrapper without hitting a u.s. marine on the nose which come to think of it they could well uses an excuse to invade iran a few months ago trump even sent more troops to the region just in case they left an empty spot at which iran could through a chewing gum wrapper and china or for the faint of heart one gets the impression that there are more u.s. troops around in china than there are u.s. troops left in the united states but don't have the map for you for america that isn't enough the us needs to develop alternative or pretty smooth cations the pentagon will continue to develop new concepts build a distributed and resilient force posture and field new capabilities to counter
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these threats honestly the drug metaphor seems remarkably apt the pentagon recently boasted that it has luke asians in more than 160 countries absalom sort of military presence in 84 percent of the countries on this planet and yet not enough they just need more crave more. time periods harsh cult climate isn't everyone but coupled with the region's cheap electricity it turns out it's a haven for the 21st century gold rush that is bit coin mining.
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thank. you for global currency analyst mark karr like the hunger for digital money comes down to trust he's been speaking to max kaiser is some of the interview that's online now at r.t. dot com. in crypto and big calling is a big word because it's trust. trust as unneeded the transactions are self verifying you don't need a 3rd party to apply that stamp of approval and in this in this report golden age of eroding trust you put coin right up there with gold it's especially gold and because in our together in your view of how to play this collapsing a world of collapsing trust. yes i think it's important to to
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not neglect generally the technological progress which is going on on the crypt or currency side generally which is obviously also being followed and tried to being taken advantage of from central banks when it comes to bitcoin. i mean this discussion is always interesting one of the riches of bitcoin versus gold gold is. obviously a physically metal it's an internal metal it's just never dying and bitcoin is is a man made system so so that would be one fundamental difference but then again from from a from a term of money bitcoin work and make the argument is even harder money than gold in the medium term so so it would be really an interesting measure of value so i think one needs to follow it closely.
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the influential us gun ownership lobby the national rifle association has been declared a domestic terrorist organization by the city of san francisco lawmakers unanimously passed a resolution against it which is 5 and a half 1000000 members and claims to be america's oldest continuously operating civil liberties open i thinking. the national rifle association musses has considerable wealth and organizational strength to promote gun ownership and inside gun owners to add to violence. live to texas in full not libertarian aponte executive director was benedict to discuss this coming out of the program that let's start with what you see is the dangers of political activism increasingly falling under the extremist radar in the united states has been some groups that they've put under this group domestic terrorism and threats conspiracy theorists to protest group what are your thoughts on this. first of all the n.r.a.
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is not a terrorist organization and there are many other groups that people now may want to call terrorist organizations and it's totally inappropriate when you label a group a terrorist organization in america and americans are so scared of terrorists here the effect is that chills political speech you should have the right to advocate for something you believe in peacefully of course without the government or any government where there's the same francisco city council or the united states government calling you a terrorist organization millions of people own firearms in the united states and they don't use them violently they don't commit crimes with them and certainly we should not take away the freedoms of individuals here in response to some killings that happen whereas white why do you think they are being branded as terrorist
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organizations then. well the word terrorism it's sounds great on t.v. politicians like to use that word they use it as an excuse to invade other countries they use it as an excuse to violate our civil liberties to spy on us to cut to crack down on organizations that are advocating for freedoms and liberties here in the united states so that's why they go out there and label them terrorist organizations and americans are just scared of that word terrorism and that's unfortunate because the the actual the number of deaths in america from terrorists is actually quite small compared to the total number of deaths that happen in most years it's been under 100 people killed by terrorists a year in a country this large enough where there's naturally 2 and a half 1000000 deaths every year so you know it's bad to label them terrorists
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labeling a group a terrorist organization gives politicians in the government the excuse they need to start spying on organizations and stopping their efforts and sabotaging their efforts do you think there's going to be an adverse effect that if these malda groups as you were describing them that's a not fade dangerous being branded as terrorists. is there a biscuit the it could be sensitized people about the dangers of of much more dangerous terrorism for example if it becomes a catch all term. it does there there is actual gun violence here in the united states you know just crime murders that happen there are incidents of actual terrorism that happen and when you start labeling everything a terrorist activity of course that just that does desensitize us to real terrorism but then again do you know the other fact i'm making is that actual terrorism is extremely rare in the united states and it makes no sense to try and throw everyone
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under that terrorism label nevertheless they have been branded terrorists haven't they why do you think in your opinion the authorities haven't tried to engage with these organizations about that concerns if they have any instead before branding them. well we when you look at the facts the facts are there are very few mass killings in the united states the number of deaths from mass shootings is a few 100 the number of deaths from gun crime is more like 20 or 30000 a year with over half of those be in from suicide so when you have a dialogue a real dialogue and look at the facts the facts don't call for new laws and call it calling groups terrorist organizations i'm a gun owner myself i support the 2nd amendment i'm not a terrorist if anything i'm more close to being
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a pacifist i think violence is gone is bad i'm a libertarian we advocate we are opposed to advocating or initiating violence to achieve political goals most gun owners are exactly the same they want to own guns they want to have that freedom too and they want the freedom to do it partly for personal protection and partly because we want to be a country where citizens have as much power as the government here so that if the government ever does become abusive and steps out of bounds we have the power to protect ourselves that kind of language someone could construe it as being a threat but it should not be a threat their right to self-defense is good in the long term is the best thing for america and we should not be calling gun owners and the n.r.a. a terrorist organization how likely is it whereas the other great phil campaign is
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who the authorities have concerned with are likely to get labeled as terror threats as well seeing a trend hand. oh it certainly could snowball and get outta hand again back to the terrorism thing when you know that maybe there's 100 deaths in america on average from terrorists and yet they have a terrorist watch list with over a 1000000 people on it if you want to label the n.r.a. a terrorist organization now we've got 7000000 so-called terrorists in the united states everyone becomes a terrorist it's absurd the vast majority of americans are not or are not terrorists the vast majority of people around the world are not terrorists. the vast majority of muslims in america and around the world are not terrorists and by by making a big deal out of these occasional small incidents we create mass hysteria and crew
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and politicians create a whole lot of bad new laws so you know what we need to do instead is have politicians and leaders who are courageous enough to stand up and whenever there is an act of violence that certainly hurts people any act of violence where there is death is a bad thing but we need leaders who are courageous enough to stand up and say hey we're not going to pass a bad new law in response to this tragedy in some cases the best thing to do is not to pass an english new laws keep the law says they are and and continue living life ok leave it. to direct to annotate thanks very much for coming on to the program. thank you for having me. the ongoing try to wall between the united states and china many battle lines have been drawn and boundaries set and now a former fox news host is being accused of colluding with the enemy after her line of patriot which she says stands for american values was found to have been made in
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china. absolutely we don't want to be. the chinese we don't want to be their servants. and again someone needs to make trying to play fair with the ongoing discussions about russia russia russia what we really should be looking at is china out there running them out of business so they can buy cheap foreign beef the american consumer deserves better. whether or not they're going to put it down in that way rather than put their phone in it really doesn't matter it's about freedom it's about the bill of rights it's about constitutional freedoms that's what this whole line is about that's what a lot so i was about and talking to support on this brand for a long time for the. news
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now i'll be back around 30 minutes time with more updates so do stay with us. after almost 2 decades of war and occupation american military involvement in afghanistan appears to be winding down a deal with the taliban will see majority of american troops leave while still
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allowing a sizable contingent to remain just what exactly does washington political interests . who america's longest ever. hello i'm sophie shevardnadze for 6 years enjoy its thoughtful and honest conversation with global leaders and their crunch issues but today the bigger picture what is a catalyst that makes us take what matters today and what we really matters tomorrow welcome to. visionary. the 21st century an era of mind boggling breakthrough but among all the solutions are there
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dangers lurking in the unknown how can we grasp all that science has to offer and still stay safe while i've talked to a lower march in greece astronomer royal than ever read as a professor of cosmology and astrophysics at the university of cambridge. martin rees pleasure having you on our program. so we have all of the questions you know. many of your colleagues are actually wording that technology may help human race advance and thrive and prosper but it can also. hinder many things and hurt humanity many horrible ways so why is it because where evil or technology or we're just too dumb to be interested with it well there is a huge and growing gap between the way the world could be and the way the world is we depend very much on technology indeed the population which is double.
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couldn't all be said without the technology that we can achieve a longer life expectancy much better health in cetera so all these things are due to technology and of course we have a connected world. the internet and technology is but of course. many of us is that these technologies get more powerful therefore not only can they provide more benefit but they open up new dangers. worried also about the downsides to take an example we know already that cyber attacks. new kind of terrorism can be very dangerous. biology biological advances they need to not have the exciting health benefits.
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ways of changing the human genome and also.


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