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tv   News  RT  September 11, 2019 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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especially. on the dizzy end of a pretty steep slope from now the mountains of least only grow while. the u.s. president fires one of the most hawkish members of his team white house member john bolton who becomes the 3rd national security adviser to be dismissed by donald trump. also this hour memorials are held across the u.s. for the victims of the 911 terror attacks all survivors continue to question the way the investigation has been handled. they wanted to present. the geopolitical region 1st. the needs of the families and family members survivors. and germany and chariots china by rolling out the red carpet for
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a hong kong protest leader as he urges the e.u. to use human rights as a bargaining chip in trade talks with beijing. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our to h.q. in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. the u.s. president has sacked his 3rd national security adviser citing multiple disagreements john bolton's policies were seen by many as controversial and attracted plenty of criticism. i know everyone's talked about this for an awfully long time there were definite places that best and i told them i had different views about how we should proceed quickly and i simply put down the line simply and policy. for your young bolton comes out of the same group of advisors that led us into war in iraq and have caused america to put our
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troops in harm's way for far too often too little benefits john bolton is well known for his aggressive hawkish approach to foreign policy he supported the u.s. intervention in syria and was staunchly against easing pressure on north korea he also adopted a tough stance on iran and backed scrapping the nuclear deal done hawkins has been taking a closer look at his record. scandals resignations and dismissals are part and parcel of trump's presidency a few policy disagreements a swift tweet from the presidents and another administration official bites the dust it was clear from the outset that trump and his national security advisor would have their disagreements i'm the one that tempers him but that's ok i have different sides i mean i have john bolton and have other people that are a little more dovish than him and ultimately i make that decision we can speculate on which exact squabble lead to bolton's exit the failed talks on afghanistan the question of rush hour or perhaps iran but it seems the animosity lasted until his
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final day in office i offered to resign last night and president trump said let's talk about it tomorrow i informed john bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the white house i disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions as did others in the administration and views himself as a skilled dealmaker who talked tough were needed for bolton but wasn't enough he needed to walk the walk and actively consistently show strength on all fronts the middle east russia north korea latin america you name it he held out on compromising stance on sanctions military action and regime change. bolton was one of the key advocates of toppling the madeira government using any means necessary all options on the table ready to go this troika of tyranny this triangle of chair stretching from havana to caracas to managua is the cause of
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immense human suffering this is a time for action. trump showed he was willing to meet to negotiate with even the greatest perceived u.s. adversities even if it meant just for symbolic photo op the right intentions seems to be their bet it will make it clear that they won't go like sanctions because. this country i think they want to make peace i think it's time for bolton though this was unacceptable so it could be a long and unproductive meeting or it could be a short non productive meeting we have very much in mind the libyan model from 20032004 while bolton boiled that north korea had violated un sanctions off a missile test and may trump downplayed the incident saying he wasn't spooked north korea fired off some small weapons which disturbed some of my people and others but not me. taking on iran was perhaps bolton's priority number one
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within a month of his appointment in april 28th seen the u.s. had pulled out of the iran nuclear deal and advocate of preemptive strikes he pushed for military action against iran after a u.s. drone was brought down and as ever his thinly veiled threats centered around regime change we hope that these new measures directed at the arena in dictatorship will compel the government to re-evaluate its pursuit of terror at the expense of its people well i think he is on the verge of making a mistake i think his advisors are pushing him in the wrong direction ironically just as bolton prepared to depart speculations been rife on possible talks between trump and the rain in president rouhani it would have thought that possible after so much hostile rhetoric perhaps the final straw was trump's plan to wind down the longest war in u.s. history including hosting talks with taliban leaders at camp david it's speculated
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that bolton this was in comprehensible so what's next for u.s. foreign policy will troops words often have little correlation with his actions and the u.s. secretary of state reassures us not too much will change of leave to the present to talk about the reasons he made the decision but i would say this the president's intitled to the steps that he wants that at any moment this. staff person who works directly for the president states and he should have people he trusted values and whose efforts and judgments benefit him in delivering american foreign policy and seems that way though without bolton's presence u.s. foreign policy might have more surprises in store during trump's. we discuss bolton's dismissal with former u.s. naval intelligence officer steven rogers and former u.s. congressman ron paul. john bolton was rather more hawkish than any national security advisor that i've seen at least in my lifetime he was opposed to the
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president taking steps to sit with foreign leaders across the table look when president trump suggested that lattimer putin be invited to the g. 7 summit was opposed to that the president recently want the taliban to come to camp david and talk and so it seemed to be a situation where the national security advisor john bolton was not respecting the wishes of the present united states the president is the duly elected representative in this country and mr bolton had an obligation to support the president's policies. also had a lot of disagreement with secretary of state might pompei oh and as a result we now see what this culminated in today every time i think is making progress bold you know but in any room is it so i think the timing is just too late i mean not too late bed later than it should be a should've been a long time ago. a lot of people here didn't even want his appointment because he's
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the only was able to take a position that didn't require senate approval so he had this position which is very very important but he's been a monkey wrench in donald trump's policies of trying to back away from some of these conflicts around the world and it's led to a lot of frustration. today marks 18 years since the $911.00 terror attacks in the united states a moral services are being held across the country and around the world for the thousands killed and injured. despite inquiries and investigations many facts still remain unclear with survivors and relatives launching lawsuits against the saudi government claiming it aided
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some of the masterminds behind the attacks parts of the legal action also demand the us government disclose as names of redacted and one of f.b.i. documents on the issue some survivors say the role of saudi arabia has been downplayed at the highest level and allege a senior intelligence official contributed to the cover up at the time of the attacks the man in charge of the f.b.i. it was robert mueller now of the russia collusion probe fame he oversaw the agency's $911.00 investigation and later testified he wasn't aware of any saudi links with more details he was killed. the 911 attacks that shocked the world took place 18 years ago on wednesday the cost in terms of human life was massive in response to 911 the f.b.i. launched a massive investigation and who headed up that investigation robert muller and that's the same robert mueller who recently led the probe into allegations of trumped russia collusion now the media portrayed robert mueller as a relentless crusader he was standing up to trumpet and digging for truth but when
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it came to investigating foreign influence into 911 he looked a little bit soft riyadh was an obvious target for an investigation into the 911 attacks the possible complicity of saudi arabia was brought up from the beginning osama bin ladin himself a saudi as are 15 of the 19 hijackers now saudi arabia of course denies any wrongdoing but now a victim of 911 is speaking up and saying that robert mueller appeared to be covering for saudi arabia in his investigation the saudi arabia was from the very beginning involved through the whole process and they didn't want to see information go wow that's a matter of fact even the obama administration the one. formation to be revealed the wanted to preserve. the geopolitical region 1st the. needs of the families and the family members survivors that were directly affected by the event so in that way it was. a way to digest the level of
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incompetence that we had in the government regarding to the 911 investigation i believe that all up to now we still don't know everything that happened on that day that the f.b.i. agents who did begin to look into saudi arabia actually collected all kinds of data but they weren't allowed to share any of it diplomatic and intelligence person know of saudi arabia knowingly provided material support to the 2 hijackers and facilitated the $911.00 plot another former f.b.i. agent says that prince bandar who was. at that point the saudi ambassador should have been a suspect he should be treated as a terrorist suspect as should other members of the saudi elite class who the u.s. government knows are currently funding the global jihad but the f.b.i. didn't question bandar instead $1.00 was assigned to a sport bandar as well as a whole slew of saudi officials and at least one member of the bin laden family on a plane out of the country for any arab the joint terrorism task force says that he
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was investigating a saudi cleric for his possible role in the 911 attacks he says that his warrant for this cleric was canceled and the cleric also got a special flight out of the country. lucky was a very high value target everybody wanted to wrap him up get him in a chair and see what he knew about the money then we got the word that they just wanted to rescind the warrant and everybody's like what do you want to do that for the justice department was afraid to be embarrassed by the entire lucky episode not only did robert mueller seem to have the back of the saudis when it came to his work at the f.b.i. but he also objected to the senate intel committee looking into a possible role in 911 by the saudis as well investigates and michael jacobson came across a stray reference to a bureau informant in san diego who had known one of the hijackers bob graham the former chairman of the senate intelligence committee said that robert mueller made
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the strongest objections to jacobson and his colleagues visiting send you go 18 years on many americans have lots of questions about 911 what forces could have conspired along with the hijackers and it seems like a lot of these very legitimate questions have not been answered caleb r.t. new york. we spoke to a former f.b.i. agent who was active during investigations into $911.00 she says failures in the process led to policy decisions that only cause more suffering. if they had gone through the truth about how the 911 attacks had occurred and how all these failures to share information to even read information if they had done that within a couple of months and i'm sure most of the agents would have told the truth of the the war in iraq for instance would not have been launched there probably would have been no guantanamo no torture no rounding up of innocent people in new york city robert muller did play
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a role he followed orders and he did not he did not allow for instance the joint intelligence committee looking into the. the 2 hijackers who were coming to california who were actually gain with an f.b.i. informant he required that he would not allow that f.b.i. source to be interviewed robert muller along with condi rice along with the bush administration were saying that they had no advance warning that the 911 attacks would occur and this was of course completely opposite of the truth there were many many intelligence warnings in memos that came from a number of different intelligence agencies. we approached the f.b.i. who refused to give us a comment on the story we've also sent a request to robert mueller himself will bring you his response as soon as we get it. the u.n. has issued a stark warning to benyamin netanyahu over his new plans for the west bank israeli
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prime minister is up for reelection next week and has again promised to annex large parts of the territory if he went. in the sudan for most we are on the eve of elections this year the president trumps of that after the elections he would presume his deal of the century for a permanent agreement for israel and the palestinians this offers us a great challenge and a great historic once in a lifetime opportunity to apply israel sovereignty over our settlements in judea and somare as a myth and also other areas of significance for our security our heritage and our future any israeli decision to impose its laws jurisdiction administration in the occupied west bank is without any international legal effect i think such a such a prospect would be devastating to the potential of reviving the goshi a sions regional peace and the very essence of a 2 state solution. of the council is considering this announcement of
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a series developments and a new israeli aggression through its intention to violate international law the un charter and the concerned resolutions of the international legitimacy the area is home to some 3000000 palestinians but increasing numbers of israelis have settled there and recent years with major international organizations labeling it occupied territory and there's concern any move by israel to seize the jordan valley will mark an end to a 2 state solution to the historic conflict. meanwhile one of netanyahu his challengers in the upcoming election benny gantz who himself was a former i.d.f. chief has suggested palestinians love living under occupation. this is.
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the 2nd this is the. this is the list. we spoke to jamal jim ahead of national movement against the border wall in west bank he draws parallels between netanyahu statements and the argument south african politicians use to justify their apartheid regime in the eighty's unfortunately this is just like the destruction of any possibility in the future for any peace with these people it's just remind me of the south african apartheid regime when he was telling the south african people you are living but to become countries people in the countries this is very very racist. just like this this is show us what kind of mentality that we are dealing with and this is from the guts to all this what it is showing as much as the photo to get to legitimize how much the art of humiliating palestinians how much the art of taking part in the palestinians and taking the
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palestinian conflict eliminating the identity this is their main issue is that. the main program in order to be elected by those legislate. still to come in the program diplomatic turbulence between china and germany as well and gives a high level welcome to one of the leaders of the hong kong protest movement we've got the details on that after the short break. the world is driven by shaped by one person with those great.
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thinks. we dare to ask. you know world a big part of the law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. welcome back the protests in hong kong are as passionate as ever even though the
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authorities have withdrawn a controversial extradition law which sparked the rallies that's the message from one of the protest movements figureheads joshua wang during a media conference and berlin the activists also called on europe to put economic pressure on beijing. withdrawal of the field is far from enough the protests in hong kong i'm not likely to stop because we are still fighting for our fundamental rights and democracy what i hope is apart from each statement to show his support on home calls to make when i say should we strongly hold. in the future european union when they need to make trade negotiation with china they could at human right cause related to hong kong protests addressing the media wasn't all josh what one was in town for earlier on tuesday he was given a high level reception in berlin by german foreign minister has lost in response the chinese foreign ministry some of the german ambassador in protest at the
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reception chinese officials described the meet and greet in berlin as disrespectful . of the china is extremely unhappy at germany for hosting hong kong separatists so they can undertake anti china separatist activities and a german foreign minister publicly admitting such people it is disrespectful of china's sovereignty interference in its internal affairs. go in quarter reports from berlin looking at what message the hong kong activists had for the west. berlin recently rolled out the red carpet for hong kong opposition leader inviting the 22 year old busy to a human rights a vent at the stock once there jumped at the opportunity to call hong kong's political situation part of a new cold war we are in a new cold war hold all. we heard everywhere to this day. is resisting the price rise it was time for wong to turn on the charm for germany's
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big wigs and foreign minister heiko moss was $1.00 of the 1st to be won over after hearing that one was detained in china for breaking bail and then released just a day before the event moss was overjoyed. we will come the fact that. he's free. and what could make a boy in the stock conference even better a photo shoot wong was pictured with the leader of the white helmets an organization often praised by western leaders and just as often accused by critics of staging chemical attacks and supporting terrorist groups by now wong's probably an expert at posing in pictures because just last month he was caught on camera meeting with an employee of the u.s. consulates political division in hong kong and although wong has been hustling hard for that western support he's also been very critical of the west and the fact that they haven't done enough of the food devolve i want the conflicts to be resolved
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without violence and anything else would be a disaster and joining the law is a house but it's a country with 2 systems and the system in hong kong gives people more civil rights than does the chinese. i think chancellor merkel for speaking to hong kong in beijing but was fun less clear than the hong kong people wanted germany's business interest should not override the universal value we believe in if the chancellor wants to do something then she must help president she responds to the cool for free elections of course china is even more against. western officials stoking the flames of opposition in hong kong they've already labeled meetings with western officials as meddling and the root cause of violence in hong kong but based on this most recent rendezvous it seems the west is not listening the the main topics of the protests addressed the hong kong government has moved in the direction that they have asked for the bill has not just been declared dead it has been drawn and
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independence police commission 3 in work already exists and is in the process of putting together an inquiry on with regard to police activities so there really isn't that much to protest about but they have now escalated their demands and these sort of and meeting mr wong and the congress u.s. congress could do in the act it just provides that much more oxygen for the movement to keep going on even though their protests have been met which is in doubly then drifting towards violence. more than a 1000000 tons of radioactive waste water could be dumped in the pacific ocean that's the grave warning from japan's environment minister where authorities are still dealing with the aftermath of the fukushima nuclear disaster the only option will be to drain it into the sea and dilute its hold of the government will discuss this but i would like to offer my simple opinion groundwater has accumulated at the plant since the events of 2011 that's when i tsunami triggered multiple nuclear meltdowns officials have attempted to remove harmful pollutants but
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a lot still remain and they're warning the run out of storage space by 2022 meanwhile the government spent 300 $20000000.00 on a wall to slow the flow of water to the reactors but it's not worked as well as they'd hoped for the $100000.00 people were evacuated from fukushima after the tragedy which claimed the lives of more than 2000 according to japan's reconstruction agency we spoke to a nuclear expert about the ongoing dangers. people will be getting concentrated radiation doses and seafood this is extremely hazardous highly concentrated radioactive waste water that will bio accumulate in the food chain and humans are at the top of the food chain it's not just japanese people it's anyone who eat seafood from the pacific ocean that's why the south korean government is very concerned the united states government should be very concerned only now the japanese government is proposing to intentionally release a 1000000 tons of highly radioactive waste water that's
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a 1000000000 liters of highly radioactive waste water they should retain it they should store it for 125 years let the tritium decay away but there will still be other radioactive poisons and there that have to be filtered out and isolated from the environment for much longer periods of time that's a global news update for this hour but don't forget you can always had to our website r.t. dot com for the details on all those stories and many more. seem wrong. with just don't. let me. get to see. the consequences. and in detroit equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when she's to look for common ground.
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is this is a stick from the water bottle found in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. that seems cool sets their classes to seek a close ally and i need to stay on your own social projects funding me. on that i'm your best bet is the end of a footy team fun now the mountains of waste only grow. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line they get accepted or
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rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. have to go right to the press this is like the hopeful tree in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters and out. there should. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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follow in welcome to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle. with the so-called afghan peace process in tatters u.s. troops still in syria iraq more times than not agreeing with the rand maximum pressure on to rend failing and america's allies in the middle east at odds over yemen can anyone make heads or tails out of trumps foreign policy in the middle east it seems to be going from bad to worse. cross talking trumps middle east policies i'm joined by my guest sharmeen no one the in beirut journalist as well as a middle east geo political analyst in los angeles we have piii and he is an independent economic and geo political analyst former commodities trader and strategic planning advisor and in boy new series we crossed through shah he he is a senior lecturer in middle east studies at the university of bradford u.k. or across the uk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i
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always appreciate a show me let me go to you i mean you heard my introduction let me add some seasoning to the introduction we have this. point person for the trumpet ministration on. this brian hoke writing emails trying to bribe the captain of one of those tankers that we have mike pompei all saying afghanistan was a 6 to 18 years and then we have a 30 year old taking over the helm. the middle east envoy for the united states i mean this program is titled vaudeville politics is that an appropriate title go ahead in beirut. i mean it sounds like it has really is a comedy of errors i mean i think part of the reason for this though is. the trump himself is not particularly interested in the middle east except in the sense that he would like to support israel as best he can and he would like to make money so sell weapons to persian gulf countries he's not particularly vested in.


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