tv Watching the Hawks RT September 11, 2019 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT
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greetings and salutations. it's a this show hawk watchers everyone's favorite oval busy office chicken hawk john bolton is now out of a job while there is some confusion over whether he resigned or was terminated u.s. president donald trump says fired bolton claims he resigned either way poor johnny will be joining the unemployment lines until he lands that cushy foreign policy pundit gig at fox news c.n.n. or even e m m s n b c given their love of all things regime change but unlike bolton in the golden pundit parachute that awaits him what happens to the millions of other u.s. citizens facing unemployment or economic and social hardships all according to
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a new study on u.s. suicide rates published last friday for some a grim and tragic trend and b c news reports that from 1999 to 2016 the rate of suicide among americans ages 25 to 64 rose by 41 percent and that rates among people living in rural counties were 25 percent higher than those in major metropolitan areas. the study led by danielle steele smith a ph d. in the department of psychiatry and behavioral health out of ohio state university also found that in counties where there was little health insurance and were veterans represent a larger part of the population suicide rates were even higher over that 18 year period since 1999 more than 450000 adults here in the united states have taken their own life as the los angeles time notes that's an up to fill more than $1000.00 jumbo jets. so this tuesday as we celebrate world suicide
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prevention day let's take a deep look into just what causes these most tragic of losses as we start watching . what. the. real thing this week. as the plot of. the day like you that i got. was that we. would. be. welcome aboard watching the hawks i am i robot and that happened to wallace well i know i wish i could say that this this study surprised me or that any of it really surprised me but having grown up in a rural a rural town of like 1200 people in the middle of nowhere i can tell you this is
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not new it's just we're talking about it the depression rates are very high and depending on what kind of culture you're around most the time you don't talk about it you also don't have access to health care as much stress especially counselors who think you know the world's best psychiatry and psychologists are heading to small counties in the middle of indiana to that's not they're going to the big city you already have the failing health care system like you said you've got you've got you know underemployment was a big one not no employment under employment you know not having the right kind of jobs available to really give you a feeling of stability and a feeling of community in your job now and i think that's why you see it at a 50 year peak but i think it's the same things you saw during the depression it's the same psychological things that are happening but when you look at the maps it's very i mean you can see it with your own eyes you can renew those maps and play them all learn early or it's really incredible when you look at this i mean this is back in 20022004 where you know the concentration of. high suicide rates and things
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like that were found and then when you skip ahead to today you know close to 2016 look at the amount the read of or suicide rates is because trees i mean the biggest states colorado new mexico utah wyoming out west appalachian kentucky virginia west virginia the ozarks arkansas missouri these are this is this is like a growing up a democrat you see it spreading across the united states and it is an economic and a health care issue at the end of the day where you know what you're looking at is the research is actually tying you know the suicide rates to this what they call the on the raveling of the social fabric so like when your local sports team disbands when your hangouts like the beauty shops in the barber shops are closing your churches and say very civic groups are dwindling people are moving out is especially in this study had found that there is this huge link between suicide and economic deprivation it poor people who are sad but we only talk about rich people who are a sad and going to therapy but we don't talk about how this underemployment unemployment
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low levels of education and then reliance on government programs that you don't want to be on no nobody wants to do that but there's only so much bootstrapping you can do when you have severe depression because half our politicians more than our politicians tell you that there's something wrong with you when you're relying on her and the government that they're that sure you're not trying hard enough you know working hard all of that takes a psychological toll at the end of the day and it breaks my heart dr david brant the endowed chair in suicide studies and a professor of psychiatry at the university of pittsburgh told n.b.c. news but you can't make a dent in these kinds of public health problems without doing something to deal with those social detriments yes you can provide more services to improv people but there's nothing like helping people get out of poverty that's at the end of the day what will rise up and to me these numbers are more damning of statistics than anything that you could anything else you could throw at congress or the president driving like that when you have these kind of suicide rates yeah. and you see in
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and that's happening to people who are in major groups that we don't normally see them and we usually receive teen suicides we would normally you see be saying say perhaps slightly older crowd more into retirement age but now we're seeing the middle aged crowd of saying look what else and when you spend 30 years 203040 years seeing the same things happen over and over and over it takes a toll because nothing changes you get promised something from washington or politicians it doesn't happen you're still struggling you're a man who says that's the promise there's a big winter because i think that those were people when you see degradation every day you know there's no there's no break you to leave the news you turn out over the road you know break from the looks truly are truly hopeless and you know it depending on what your your political slant is or what you like to watch as far as news goes on the one hand it's people saying you know as if you know there are literally bands of homeless people wandering the streets throwing urine on people
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every street corner in san francisco not true but does out there is a problem that people ignored our you're on the other side where it's this whole like democrats have never done anything to cause this it's all trump's fault it's all that ever he's either pointing fingers at somebody else and nobody's going these are human beings so if you're a good christian if you're this great person if you're this honest politician you're an honest broker broker some honest living for some people in the midwest that you say you want to vote for you know good good good. are friendly neighborhood gun lobbyist organization is back in the headlines once again hoff watchers but this time it's not for a hostile takeover orchestrated by oliver north of contra affair and if you don't know that this time of the national rifle association is so when the city of san francisco why oh why would the n.r.a. says san francisco us well it definitely has something to do over the city's decision to designate the n.r.a. as a domestic terror. i mean very often the n.r.a.
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calls the city's unanimous approval of the controversial revolution a fruit of insult by tamarac of our students on how he has more on the story from miami. the n.r.a. says that san francisco's board of supervisors is trying to discriminate against people quote based on the viewpoint of their political speech on the board of supervisors basically san francisco city council unanimously approved a resolution on september 3rd designating the n.r.a. a quote domestic terrorist organization and calling for the city and county of san francisco to reassess contracts with businesses that also do business with the n.r.a. the n.r.a. says while the designation as a terrorist organization is a frivolous insult a law makers action poses a quote non-frivolous constitutional threat and that san francisco is violating us free speech and association laws now the resolution was sponsored by supervisor
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katherine stefani a former prosecutor and leader of the group's moms demand action for gun sense in america she argues that the n.r.a. uses money political influence threats and even intimidation to promote its agenda the resolution is written along similar lines saying in part that the quote national rifle association musters its considerable wealth and organizational strength to promote gun ownership and incite gun owners to acts of violence and spread propaganda that misinforms and aims to deceive the public about the dangers of gun violence when the resolution was approved the n.r.a. said it was among other things a distraction from san francisco's real problems with drug abuse and homelessness and are a c.e.o. wayne la pierre added to that saying that this lawsuit comes with a message to those who attacked me n.r.a. we will never stop fighting for our law abiding members and their constitutional freedoms and the resolution as i said calls on the city county of san francisco. so
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basically reassess business contracts with any companies or business is or people who also do business with the n.r.a. that's really where the teeth lie in this in this overall resolution sometimes resolutions can be nothing more than a political statement but this is really going after kind of sanctioning businesses or people or companies that do business with the n.r.a. and san francisco isn't the only city that's taking aim at the n.r.a. either lawmakers in los angeles or new york state have also tried to pressure businesses to cut ties and curb any dealings with the n.r.a. as well and its lawsuit the n.r.a. does note that various courts have sustained 1st amendment claims in l.a. and new york whether or not that will be the case in san francisco remains to be seen but one thing is clear the calls for gun control in the united states continue as does the fierce opposition and resistance from the n.r.a. and are a sympathetic politicians in washington as gun control once again takes center stage in congress for our t.v.
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john heidi. you know i totally get you know at are is definitely lobbying that how i'm trying to keep any gun laws or even a conversation about gun laws from congress a little bit but i don't know what the resolution i don't know of the n.r.a. is less surly out there you know telling people we're forcing people to commit acts of violence in their name or you know come on go out there and shoot some people really. really ok we just let's put it this way you have manifestos that up and written by a number of these mass shooters that take actual rhetoric straight from from an ira manifestos also you have the people who have their bread and butter the oliver north the dana laugh is and have the dandelions who have that whole video not even a year ago about how you know the liberals are all coming to take your guns and you've got to be ready to fight them and it's and james or and put them in the crosshairs the comment that fear does that that rhetoric. ok and interest honest
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because they're not of gun rights organization they're a lobbying organization for good manufacturer thank you let's be real clear about but i have but i appreciate the resolution and san francisco because the n.r.a. is their biggest thing is that it's violating the 1st amendment and that the city's take every reasonable step by you know that they said and it's also the n.r.a. courts have sustained 1st amendment claims about us and rules in new york or they have sought to limit the n.r.a. as an organization i say this just as the n.r.a. has that right so does the city of san francisco to make totally pointless useless resolutions to say something and say look we don't want to do business with you who's doing business the n.r.a. anyway so i think it's a whole lot about nothing and they're crying 1st amendment when hey they can call you that that's true that's true you know and i you know hey you know what we'll see all this plays out but it was definitely a passing corkers to go all right. as we go to break lock watchers don't forget to
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let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on our social media be sure to check out watching the hawks and cows and i'll be able to buy albums and everywhere this in the paper podcast coming up top of the wall us breakdowns in the recent scandals of some of the united states most sacred institutions of science and higher learning and that are to be american but i'll just read for the 2nd part of the 3 part series on the potential dangers of being discovered have been covered up in california water supply states with. thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the country's military decision little sheltered lives every banking to
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a complete. the day that i was right to be instructed oh you know i'll shut up but they'd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life and he screamed at me and he made me come in and you come my own and he write me just berthing if you take into account that women don't report because of the extreme retaliation and it's probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but i've never seen trauma like i've seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting brain is more likely to get the victim punished to be offended by hand and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether that's a man or when. the world is driven by shaped by
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one person with those words. thinks. we dare to ask. in the words of had restate over the president c.e.o. of the association of governing boards of universities and colleges you don't just say yes to everybody who comes in the door with a big check that's not good of ms that wisdom was not shared by universities great small over the last decade as the ties that bind the world. of academia seems to be
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made of gold in the wake of the absent arrest charges and deaths multiple major us universities have been called out for taking big checks from the convicted pedophile and then doing everything possible to keep it secret the new yorker and ronan farrow reveal that the massachusetts institute of technology is up to its neck in epstein money after he was forced to register as a sex offender the place most of the 7 and a half $1000000.00 from epstein when was the mit media lab a $75000000.00 arm of every t.v. developed in the eighty's and almost entirely funded by private and corporate underwriters who were ultimately deciding what and who gets into the colts of the tech so how bad was the cover up of epstein's continued access to college campuses in the world of the web and e-mails obtained by the new yorker and the then director of mit media lab joined email peter cohen then the director of development
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strategies for the mit media lab to say make sure this gets accounted for as anonymous to which cohen replied jeffrey money needs to be anonymous thanks in another e-mail it shows that epstein coordinated with bill gates to arrange yet another donation to mit and these are just the ones we see what is to wonder how a well funded monumentally connected place like the mit media lab and others were able to hide this for so long well harassment mostly was a blowers like boeing boeing zennie jordan was a very vocal about that threats and harassment she received even after the new york times failed to tell the whole story well why start and put it in the tweet i told the new york times everything so did whistleblowers i was in touch with inside and me and new york times printed none of the most damning truths why joy is on the board of the new york times which brings me to another major university with an ethics problem as of late liberty university one of the world. largest christian
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colleges in existence and this president jerry falwell jr is alleged to have used his father's legacy to make some sweet sweet real estate money on the side in a new report from politico it's alleged that falwell jr has been using the university as essentially a real estate hedge fund according to contracts the falwell's personal trainer bought an entire sports center valued at over $2000000.00 from liver vivre university for only 580 $1000.00 all of which was financed at a 3 percent interest rate by liberty university in addition as a nonprofit liberty university is not allowed to engage in what they call political campaign activity or they'll be at risk of losing their i.r.s. tax breaks which is what the school is now facing as it was revealed again that they also sold t. shirts and hats with the liberty university logo and trump's logo and motto for a 20 $7000.00 trump speech at the university so hawk watchers if these 2 colleges
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don't make us rethink our love affair with higher education and it's on ethical ties to the very people who are selling off the value of education brick by brick i'm not sure what will. boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy while i even know where to begin and what i'm looking at everything that you laid out at these 2 major you know places of science and education high learning in the just rocks my mind to think that they just now will take the money you know when you look it up steam saying it's like oh mighty one homeowner's keep it secret you know don't mention the jeffries involved but let's just take as much money as possible out of a brokered deal then look at the other side and it's even worse you know when you think about overseas all those this idea that mit is a sort of liberal bastion of you know climate change science and tech and all of that liberty university is this ethical wonderful place and the truth is joy ito
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who is the one at the time who has obviously stepped down from from mit and the new york times because of this you know here's someone who literally counts of self as an expert in ethics when you go to is there a link there and range so you have to wonder these are the people that are making decisions these are the people who kept people like boy darden get it keeping her out of those kind of people like her out of these things because if you have a lot of women and people of color involved and close to what's going on chances are they're going to call you out and they're going to see these things where someone who's not in that demographic maybe a little more amenable to letting stuff that's very true that's very true because we've seen it time and again played out that way throughout history you know it's also interesting because it's like when you when you imagine these are true prestigious universities now you start looking at a bigger picture and you're right it makes you wonder are all of our institutions of higher learning they all have weird financial ties are they all funneling money
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to little pet projects to pay off the not only payoff the president in the longer it will pay off the president at school in the long run and i mean like that exactly i mean once you start pulling back the surface of things i will say of us do you know how much that the tuition at both liberty university and mit went up every year that i've seen was giving money so the question is why are you getting all this money and yet the students keep paying more great question. and now we present the 2nd part of our to america correspondent talks of swedes in depth look at the state of california is freshwater infrastructure should travel south to the california mexico border near the town of to your water mexico where according to several studies contaminated water may be the blame for people in the area getting sick including children and even u.s. border patrol agents here as the toss this week with the story. millions of gallons of toxic storm runoff are contaminating the southern california shorelines and beaches are continually getting closed as pollution is spilling over the border
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from mexico. you would know that through this bird sanctuary that millions of gallons of raw sewage runs through here all the way to the ocean in the last decade there have been more than 1600 beach closures off california's coast as a result of contaminated waste water but it's not outrage from environmentalists we're hearing from having kids exposed to vets hawkins is incredibly scary on so many levels bethany case lives in imperial beach with her family and also runs a restaurant in the area well case loves her home she can't help but wonder what the exposure of toxins will do to her children we live less than a mile from the beach and so were her this is where we recreate but we also breathe and the air comes from the river valley and the power of senate when it even when i tried it less than a year and let me bring back that same air is causing sickness among border patrol
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agents who work in the area we've had one agent nearly lost his arm after getting flesh eating bacteria when he was doing some training out at the ocean supervisory agent amber craig has been patrolling the area for some 20 years now she says while there was still a risk coming into contact with sewage back then the issues plaguing the area now are becoming downright dangerous in overwhelming population boom into you wanna since the nafta agreement. by and with an aging infrastructure not capable to handle such an increase our reasons enough to be concerned about what travels through here but a massive pike breakage in 2017 has caused a major health concern for everyone here you can see severe rashes on this border patrol agent coming into contact with the contaminated water c.b.p. has connected recent testing that revealed everything from eco light to fecal matter in the water this stands you can smell here as a result of the waste water remaining stagnant before being treated all while the border patrol is sitting here and failing the a fact while the south bay international wastewater treatment plant does capture
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trash craig says the filtering process doesn't necessarily work when it's raining so it goes into these you know a lot of thank you to the inner grains it's going to come here because this is their home isn't really hits are working to defend national security they're also dealing with tactics from coyote's smuggling illegal immigrants through the border the smugglers will tell people to come through the polluted water purposely because they know that that's a potential issue for the safety of the agents do you think their mother had an idea that this is contaminated though without a doubt they know this is contaminated this particular case and especially because there's a lot of industry south of here in mexico and so we definitely find pollutants industrial and medical waste through here all medical waste alone is dangerous enough dave gibson with the san diego original water control the control board says there are even bigger health concerns to come possibly an outbreak in the making
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tires hundreds of them make it down the valley they are also breeding habitat for mosquitoes and those mosquitoes are the mosquitoes that carry jiko dainty and yellow fever and the immigrants moving into to you want to right now from central america they're coming from countries where those diseases are in demick gibson says while the issue of the runoff between tijuana and san diego needs immediate attention he says that's not the only source of. lucian raw sewage is also getting down further south into a mexican river which also eventually makes its way into the u.s. when they discharge it they're essentially discharging untreated waste water the oxidation ponds that they went through do not treat that waste water and so you have about 40000000 gallons per day of raw sewage landing on the beach and then the on shore currents often carry it north again across the border affecting all the beach communities from rosarito to imperial beach there are several lawsuits in the works all points into the international boundary and water commission violating the
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clean water act the state water board the surf rider foundation and the city of imperial beach have all filed similar litigation craig says both the u.s. and mexico need to be compliant in seeking a solution or people on both sides will suffer it's a terrible situation i've seen pictures and video of folks that are living in very small undeveloped areas and there's streams of waste water just flowing down where they are where they're living and where their children are playing it's a problem the community says needs attention at the federal level now as millions of gallons continue to run through this 5 mile primer this community is hoping to work with mexico so they can put an end to this contamination at the border natasha suites r t. we have smartphones smart cars and smart phones now the blind will have a smart came we walk is a company that developed a bluetooth enabled walking stick that utilizes voice assistant google maps in tandem with built in speakers to let the user know what is nearby and for help with
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directions by connecting the blind with the information most of us take for granted it allows those without sight to engage with that information on a level that many answers their life and makes them safer and while the that's a bit pricey a $500.00 the we walk will eventually pair with ride share abs transportation soccer also what users know when buses are coming where they're x. that is or even how to get to their favorite restaurant it's a lot of time but not. what was john still stick is a magic wand for those without sight that is also known as also loss of muscle everybody that is our show for you today remember everyone in the school the love the love so it's always wall i love you i am i robot on top of a lot of people on watching all those hawks out there that were great they're my favorite but.
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well you know the fire thing we kind of adopted because we were called pirates for so long. i mean they're in this small ball and sniffs it hard push it and it's still. coming down. the limo selves to big fish already 90 percent of the dot and it won't become their. contribution scoops $75.00 tons they do it several times a day with a big fleet so now you get an idea of why. we have to understand we can all stay still and just. be with them this will be deal going to the hours. i'm doing this because i want them for the future
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world to the future generations to have and enjoy the ocean we have. extenders but survival guide look stacey just like all i'm going to start simply. resurfaced. cliche it's still there you don't get it back the next day. oh it's no good says a repatriations look at the rest of 7 years. to build a separate kaiser for. was
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. the. u.s. president fires one of the most hawkish members some white house team john bolton he becomes the 3rd national security adviser to be dismissed by donald trump. and more is out across the u.s. for the victims of the $911.00 terrorist attacks will survive this continue to question the way the investigation is being handled. they wanted to impress a. big.
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