tv News RT September 12, 2019 2:00am-2:30am EDT
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i want. an american t.v. networks to use one of them s n b c for describing them as a paid russian propaganda look at her track record when it comes to making claims about the kremlin. a group of independent u.s. journalists hit back after being criticised for a visit to government controlled parts of syria. any time anybody visits a government or the syrian government side and offers a realistic perspective they can expect to be attacked what we've been able to see and report already has threaten the narrative that's been conveyed by western corporate media and artie's video agency rope leader launches a special multi-platform project 3 weeks you can explore the mystery surrounding the deaths of 9 hike is in the ural mountains 60 years ago which. still being
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debated today. there she is called 9 in the morning here in moscow you're watching international senior u.s. journalists are once again fighting over russia with one t.v. network now suing the host of another for describing them as literally paid russian propaganda. is more on the story. here comes a familiar voice which becomes even more familiar if we hear words like russia or russian the most obsequiously approach trump right wing news outlet in america really it literally is page correction propaganda for those who still didn't recognize that that was really literally rachel maddow speaking about the one american news network on her miss n.b.c.
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show i'll get to the point of reminding you how she keeps seeing russia everywhere in a moment but don't you think there must be someone out there who won't just swallow what the m s n b c star anchor says without hitting back with a decent jab well oh a ed is filing a defamation lawsuit they want 10000000 bucks one america is wholly operated and financed by the herring family in san diego they are as american as apple pie they are not paid by russia and have nothing to do with the russian government this is a false and malicious libel and they're going to answer for it in a court of law to tell you about the reason for when rachel maddow said really literally which is supposed to mean definitely no doubt shares staff with the kremlin that's another thing she said it's just that a one america journalist did freelance work for a russian based news agency sputnik she got him busted so bad
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but as i've said earlier the number of times rachel maddow turned her show into a grand russian paranoia episode is just difficult to carry out. are about to find out if the new president of our country is going to do what russia wants. f.b.i. is under attack from the president and the president's republican supporters in congress and the president conservative media supporters and also from the ongoing russian influence operation that is still. around. what would happen if russia killed the power in fargo today and what would happen to all the natural gas lines that service and falls just on the coldest day in the recent memory and it wasn't in our power whether or not to turn them back on no wonder that when some folks decided to put the m s n b c hosts russia gate obsession into a mathematical perspective they found she spent more time talking about russia than
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all other topics combined over a certain period. now you know what it takes to become the most watched hosts in all of cable news she got to that milestone last year but when step by step it gets revealed that a lot of what you were saying was just a flow of blah blah you make up to win views the consequences do start haunting you 1st the ratings gradually went down and then the actual conclusions of the blood to wet is on air this is what the viewers saw when rachel maddow 1st realized the probe wasn't going to russia gaiters way and so we know the logistics of how we got the notification that it did and obviously right now we have mostly just a ton of questions as to what miller's report says how complete it is who gets to see it who gets to decide who gets to see it and when. now here comes the
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lawsuit the one i mentioned nothing's decided yet but probably even more people will think twice next on the here really literally in that familiar voice. more than a year off to the us poor that the iran nuclear deal president donald trump says that reaching an agreement with her on could actually be a good thing you also commented on the sacking of his whole national security adviser john bolton. they are a much different country right now than they were 2 and a half years ago when i came into office. and i do believe they'd like to make a deal if they do that it's great and if they don't that's great too he made some very big mistakes when he talked about the libyan models for kim jong un and that was not a good statement to make you just take a look at what happened with gadhafi that was not a good statement to make and it set us back and frankly he wanted to do
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things not necessarily tough for the jobs not as a tough guy so tough he got us into iraq. which on bolton was known for his aggressive policy approach to foreign policy he was strongly opposed to talking to iran where he wanted regime change and the same to venezuela iran's president reacted to bolton sacking urging america to put war mongers inside the professor of politics at the university of toronto does that from foreign policy is in disarray . because it is a good sign it's also a sign of chaos. we don't know iranians go. this is going to actually work out with regard to what there are talks they have a trump he's able to actually be a stick with whatever he says in a meeting or not so that's one problem the foreign policy establishment in the united states is in disarray. sometimes those things and he changes his mind.
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a visit by independent american journalists to syria has sparked outrage from some parts of the media after they travel to government held areas to assess the country's recovery my colleague new harvey spoke to the. i'm staying in the old city of damascus by the eastern gate sharkey and i walked across the street across a highway into a neighborhood about a few 100 meters away that had been controlled for 4 months by jaish al islam the wahhabi militia backed by saudi arabia which was operationally involved in september 11th and so i think it's significant today to talk about this and i met residents who had actually lived under their fear craddick rule who described kidnappings rape of women people being executed in the street for violating the theocratic rule and how happy they were to be finally freed from this gang and
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what's really so shocking is how close they got to the christian area of bob sharkey they were just a few 100 meters away what i was observing was a city and outside of the city that is much much safer since i last was there last and i was in syria was 2 years ago and the war was starting to wind down but obviously there was still fighting it was still on save there were checkpoints everywhere now that the government has taken back many areas especially around accidents baskets outside of damascus you can travel to the suburbs and beyond the suburbs without going through a 1000000 checkpoints not being worried about being kidnapped or being sniped moreover our life has gone to a reasonable degree back to normal for a lot of people. screaming fool and around you travel to the capital damascus with the aim of speaking to locals and deserving syria's recovery from my school and they say too they received no funding from the country's government and among those angered by the visit from were journalists from c.n.n.
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and the intercept who accuse them of white washing and government support here are some of their reactions. this is some goebbels prancing around syrian government luxury tour. centers and syrian refugees who could never return to their country with that fish can be sure. to death started to read a certain journalist's thread from inside damascus this am then found myself getting palpitations which progressed into spasms of rage how can anyone be so blindly credulous on a cot it's in volved it is such a disgrace. l m a o ron and mocks are in damascus neither of them speak arabic yet they claim to be talking to many syrians there why aren't they disclosing who's translating for them and helping them mount. this is to be expected and so they're trying to intimidate americans or europeans and people from the west from coming
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here they're trying to break our cultural exchange between us and average people who just happen to live in the area controlled by the syrian government where most syrians live and what we've been able to see and report already has threatened the narrative that's been conveyed by western corporate media and a pack of kind of dime a dozen correspondents acting as state department i mean i think the people attacking us have an agenda they're either convinced that they're right or they're working on behalf of somebody else or both this isn't something we're we're that's new to us we're used to it i think it's why we can recognize an operation when we see one and this is if it's very quantitative you know these people are talking in some d.m. group and coordinating against us and it's quite obvious and it's not surprising we expected it and i you know i think it's something that happens particularly any time anybody visits a government or the syrian government side. of syria and offers a realistic perspective they can expect to be attacked but more importantly i think
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the reason there are so outraged by me and max is because me and max tend to be quite effective in offering a different perspective an offering a reality on the ground kind of perspective. the war on terror launched in response to the 911 attacks 18 years ago changed not just america but the whole world to us according to pakistan's prime minister iran come in an exclusive interview with r.t. is some of what he said. well had we not participated in the american war you know after 911 we would not have been the words to risk untrue by participating in the war and i repeat i was against it because you see here we were trading these mujahedeen people to do a job against the soviet when they occupied of understand so these people were trained by pakistan funded by the american cia. and now
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a decade later when the americans government of understand the same groups all in pakistan are supposed to say that no not because the americans are there it's no longer job it's terrorism you know it was a big contradiction and i strongly felt the pakistan should have been neutral because by joining in these groups turned against us so we you know we lost 70000 people we lost you know as i said over 100 $1000000000.00 to the economy and in the end we were blamed for the for the the americans don't see succeeding in afghanistan i felt it was very unfair on pakistan. well the full interview does touch on a wide variety of topics thing from a potential nuclear war between india and pakistan to the prime minister's past a successful cricketer and what aspects of the sport helped him in politics you can watch it on friday on our channel as well as on r.t.
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dot com. now the ministry of what happened to a group of soviet high kids in your own mountains back in 1959 is still vexing minds today and now you see can explore the various theories surrounding the the atl of pass instant thanks to a special multi-platform project launched by our video agency replica. usually. you like. what the project is allow you to follow the tracking expeditions 10 day return for each day you can explore what the group got up to you via maps diary entries and
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also the letters they wrote for the morbidly inclined to you can even discover what state each team member was found in and the theory surrounding to what actually happened to them but you can also get interactive to you can have a look over here by following your own route through the pass as one of the team members plus having wired up all the evidence you can also vote on your preferred theory as to what actually happened and you can contribute your own new id it's. worth a look you watching are going to take a quick break morning. join
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come back now the german chancellor has called for a more proactive approach to climate change the topic dominated the debate in the german parliament on the country's 2020 budget but some experts warn that stricter regulations could actually put europe's biggest economy into the own course. if there's any country that could be the poster child of a green political agenda it's most certainly germany it's a noble pursuit no doubt but the green vanguard is learning the hard way that everything has a price that's in those 3 shows industrialized countries are also on the frontline we need to do something to overcome all of the caribbean food and stop changes in the climate the rise in temperature if you push for climate protection it will cost money this money is well spent if we ignore it i think it will cost us more money
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that's the truth doing nothing is no alternative the fact is that google didn't pay more the captains of germany's car industry responded to merkel's request with a resounding yes they unveiled their latest most futuristic electric cars in frankfurt after billions of euros of investment of course perhaps they were trying to take a step towards the flying cars of science fiction at any rate many are saying that paying for the future is only leading to the destruction of the present and i can include the green socialist ideology is running our country and taking away any chance we have for the future your so-called climate protection is nothing else than a monstrous industrialization program combined with veritable job destruction you waste billions to avert imaginary doomsdays in the distant future we're not just hearing this kind of talk from politicians though a new report says that renewables are threatening shortages in germany's energy
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supply and the country hasn't even come close to its energy transition goals germany is missing most of its self-imposed targets for the energy transition by 2020 at the same time energy supply security is being jeopardized in the medium term by the decision to phase out nuclear and coal emissions germany's over reliance on wind and solar energy has created a big deficit at times of little wind or sun the government has imported energy from neighboring countries to avoid blackouts and just. balanced $2900.00 energy budget germany had to foot a bill that skyrocketed to $38000.00 euros for a megawatt of power per hour as compared to just $64.00 euros in 2017 not to mention that every day germans pay the highest energy prices in all of europe we have to highest energy costs in the world the price for energy is the highest in the world because of this change of to supply system a situation is very ridiculous i mean they made
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a big fuss last year for $2200.00 hectares of forest for a coal mine at the same time they're cutting thousands of hectares of forest for wind mails killing hundreds thousands of animals i mean this is no green policy i mean right now the situation what we have in germany is that the green party started as an environmental party but now they change. their climate used climate paranoia party which sacrifice everything for the climate situation and you know it doesn't matter human beings nature animals and the losses are all losses are justified this energy crisis may have germany teetering on the brink of recession and to stay afloat it's going to need that world renowned powerhouse of an auto industry it's built instead carmakers are being pressured to produce expensive electric cars that don't even sell that well boats wagons chief already
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warned that perhaps this is all going to for the current campaign against individual mobility and conventional cars is reaching and threatening level instead of using petrol or diesel will basically use coal even if we're literally powered and in the worst case we'll even use lignite that thinks their idea of electric mobility to absurdity never the less environmental organizations are marching en mass on saturday joining them will be a brigade of cyclists calling for an end to the combustion engine hopefully it won't translate to an end to the gym. in an economy germany was very safe on energy supply and everything everybody's used to energy is always available but with getting more and more of the males into the into the system the system gets more and more in stable and we have seen in the last month several times that. energy supply system we passed by only very slightly governmental policy in germany is destructing our debate but one of our industry which is the car industry of
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course from germany and for example works they announced already beginning of this year that they want to go to reduce 20000 people just because of the mobility only in germany it's a big economic game for all competitors i mean plants are closing down here in germany because of their regulations and reopen in china where they can produce either to unlimited. top u.s. lawmakers are set to vote unlike here element of the impeachment investigation surrounding the us president the process still faces further complications while the $41.00 c panel is not focusing on impeachment itself but on the parameters of the investigation which supporters of the probe hope will strengthen their chances of gathering key evidence but democrats behind the idea have been sending increasing mixed signals about their intentions is now reports. democrats seem to be rolling ahead with their efforts to remove donald trump from office the house
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judiciary committee has just called for procedures related to its investigation of the president's wrong doing now for a lot of people that seems to put the smell of impeachment into the air their records on the house judiciary committee are expected to vote on expanding that impeachment inquiry into president trump democrats taking formal steps towards impeachment this is an impeachment inquiry in search of something to impeach president trump over so we've got 134 democrats voting to begin an impeachment inquiry but do they really mean it at this point the democrats can't even seem to agree on what's going on with the house judiciary investigation who have been in the midst of an impeachment investigation no we're not in an impeachment investigation. the house is investigating to determine whether or not there should be an impeachment investigation so why might the democrats seem to be a little bit reluctant well in 2020 it's not just the presidential race but there's
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also some local elections and it seems like impeaching trump isn't the best vote getter polls show that 72 percent of democrats favor impeaching donald trump but for the country overall 59 percent oppose and that seems like bad news for the new progressive socialist wing of the democrats that seem to have that their entire house on it remember this we're going to go in there we're going to use the mother from would love it if the different democrats tried to impeach him it's the kind of battle he loves the public is totally turned off it's not following this controversy at all so i think it would definitely play into trump's hands it will do the democrats very little good in the 2020 alexion and probably will actually wind up backfiring virtually impossible that he could be convicted in the senate and removed from office so it's just a it's a lot of hot air over nothing now the problem for the democrats in removing donald
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trump is that according to the u.s. constitution once the proceedings begin it would be the u.s. senate that would then vote to convict and remove the president the constitution requires a 2 thirds vote among the senators and the democrats don't come anywhere near that so what would the charges be and all the most common answer you'll get is obstruction of justice but there's a little bit of a problem with that we did not however make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime so obstructing an investigation into something that you did not do now you could certainly lock up an average joe for that but it's a pretty weak case for driving a president from office some democrats even think that it would be bad for the country to impeach donald trump it's important for us to think about what is in the best interest of the country and the american people. and continuing to pursue impeachment is something that i think will only further to tear our country apart speaker of the house nancy pelosi seems to be pouring cold water on the idea as
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well but she chooses her words very carefully take a listen when you go down a path like impeachment which is there is that they could divide the country whatever decision we made in that regard would have to be done with our strongest possible hand the democrats have accused donald trump of being a criminal a traitor and a fascist they've got their supporters out for his blood but it looks like if they actually go for it this might backfire in the long term caleb mopp and ard see new york thanks being with us this morning but back again with the headlines more stories and 35 pts. just a little twenties you know there were no laws really on wall street and the abuses
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were huge and the market one. and people began to look at the stock market as the proxy for the economy people are getting wealthy because their stocks are going up and they did they quit their jobs to just become speculators and so this is what happened now people are saying look the economy the real economy is terrible no jobs they've been shipped overseas and i'm nothing like the day trading and the market goes up therefore i'm being productive but it's obviously. this is a sticker from the water bottle found in the stomach of the fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad was there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste to company has long promised to reuse the plastic.
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special kind of funding. on the i knew that is you. know the mountains of moist only grow higher. welcome to the alex salmond's where we continue our cities. on the economic conditions against which the brics a political drama is being played out last week alex interviewed one of the world's leading kingston economists professor david blanchflower on his prediction of
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another international recession i don't think you could have picked a worse time to pick out and do breaks it it's unclear exactly what the short and the near and long term consequence of breaks of r. and separate them from the fact that there's a global trade war going on it's the end of a 10 year long recovery and all of those things happening together breaks it itself for the global economy says the i.m.f. is a downside risk entirely to the world and this week show we asked the commentators north and south of the border about the political economy of brics it from scotland economist and former m.p. george kevan spells out and alternative economic agenda to the prevailing wisdom across the liberal democracies what we need to do is to is to fundamentally change the economy scotland is creating a state investment bank and rather than rely on the ups and downs of of the free market finance we're going to use that state investment bank to invest against the
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cycle so if there's a downturn then it's through the bank will be to pump investment cash into the economy my prescription to rely on the on the on the ups and downs of of the free market invest long term to do that need the state investment bank from england leading taxation expert professor richard murphy detail some of the unintended fiscal consequences of brics it. cashflow is actually the biggest potential implication of bricks it but i can see no one including the government in its yellow hammer documents has talked about who is going to pay the cost of lorries sitting for 2 and a half days waiting to get through dover the point is that's going to impose substantial cost if it's the truck company that's paying they can't afford it if it's the customer that's paying the price is going up but it means that not just their own trucks in operation trucks are being paid to do nothing now that could drive literally every hoarded company who goes across the channel out of business in weeks because they won't be able to afford
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a new prime minister boris johnson's for 6 weeks in power have been nothing if not invent for his controversial decision to parole parliament has set off a chain reaction which has turned a bare majority of just one into what is in effect a minority of 40 the united kingdom is that heading for its 3rd general election in the last 4 years i'm boris johnson runs the risk of being the shortest term prime minister in british history however in addition to understanding the political twists and turns of westminster begs it should also be seen as a reaction to underlying economic conditions in today's show we asked 2 of the country's leading political economists on the extent to which the economics i dictate in the politics of the brics it alex speaks 1st to former member of parliament george kevin who advocates a new economic agenda to play 2nd.
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