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tv   News  RT  September 14, 2019 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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i. head line stories chinese tell a. key element. in falling g. technology with a view to addressing concerns. risk also ahead. i a peaceful. protest over declining living standards the sinews into violence with demonstrators damaging property riot police tear. a feud between south korea and japan casts a shadow over the upcoming 2020 olympic games in tokyo. over the use of
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a japanese military fly called war against koreans. the british army which 2 eco friendly technology. generation of new recruits people in london what they think of the. money. is going to go. live to the world this is r.t. international from the team myself you know neal hello and welcome. chinese telly
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come john while ways ses it's prepared to sell the core code of its 5 g. technology to any prospective western buyer firms or indeed nations could then reconfigure it prevent any possibility of a security breach now the news comes amid continued claims by washington that while way works in cahoots with the chinese government it's a quip meant could be used to spy on users don't you hawkins takes a closer look at the company's offer. it's one of this year's biggest spy scandals hallway the chinese telecoms giant accused of using cutting edge 5 g. technology not for the good of humanity but for spying for beijing the united states has also been very clear with our security partners on the threat posed by way as chinese law requires them to provide beijing's vast security apparatus with access to any data that touches their network for equipment so grave was the threat real apparently the risk that american citizens privacy could be in danger the
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president trump declared a national emergency then like wildfire concerns spread around the world courtesy of u.s. officials that any country cooperating with huawei on building phone or computer networks would jeopardize their security so how real is this danger not at all who always c.e.o. shore's us but he would say that right well here's the deal the company has come up with an unexpected offer to reassure its western clients when we transfer the tac they can modify codes on top of my tech once that's through it's not only shielded from me it's shielded from everybody else in the world u.s. 5 g. will be their own thing there is no security concern the concern will only be the us keeping the american companies who bought it in check so what does it all mean well who are we would sell its blueprints codes peyton's everything needed for the
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client to rewrite the code and thus prevent anyone being able to get back to iraq cess keyword anyone once you open the source code you can actually make changes to it that are actually going to keep you with all teach and make sure that even if there were that tools it would be very difficult and they wanted to persist with what was the absolute there is that they exist and i think we're going to see continued patching with all the abilities that we as people continually seeking. to take it won't. but if they don't open source code it's. going to be that the hackers are going to get a massive disadvantage to them about so if that's not enough always chairman even offered to sign a no surveillance pact with the countries in which the company operates no spying no back doors so with this unprecedented offer of compromise from the telecoms giant while the panic and harsh rhetoric well remember when we said anyone spying one act as the source codes will hamper beijing spying it will be an equal blow for
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other countries as well the united states for example who are really who are going to blow it all and whoever's take it all to their license who are the source. you need to be able to trust the organisation and there are any number of man of the actual result there or it working at this moment in time all of them have had vulnerabilities in the glass that existed and they've been patched to different elements many of them still how google is out there that they haven't yet and possibly haven't been discovered but the question is are there actively government entities that have engineered that goes into this equipment will remember all those times washington got caught in the act by whistleblower edward snowden revealed years of interceptions by the national security agency of servers routers and other network a quip meant made by cisco things were so out of control the company's management even went to the u.s.
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president to complain we simply cannot operate this way our customers trust us to be able to deliver to their doorsteps products that meet the highest standards of integrity and security so who always seems to have made an offer that's hard to refuse no spine full control for the companies involved and seemingly no more security concerns the ball is now firmly in their critics court. what started as a peaceful picnic protest in the french city of not quickly switched to chaos this saturday with yellow vest protesters turning violent and smashing shop windows police used tear gas to disperse the crowd. i hundreds of people joined in the flow and demonstration against president among almost all his governments against what they describe us poor unfolding living standards according to the authorities 30 people have been detained so far the
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yellow face movement started in november against the hike in fuel 6 since the much broader against the french bushman it is the 44th consecutive weekend of protests in the country. and the demonstrations have also been taking place just outside the french orly international airport over the possible privatization of 2 reports and parlous unofficial online referendum block the seal although it's part of short of the call with opposition lawmakers needing 4700000 signatures to prevent the truth it's reported over 700 people given their support to the petition. the british army is mulling replacing its fossil fuel goals linking equipment with eco friendly versions according to the country's chief of general staff on this poly boy who explains there's a wider trend as well western armies trying to attract minority and green conscious
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recruits to. they might be in the business of killing but they don't want to kill the environment while they're at it the british army is going green general some mock up call tinsmith has said that british forces are going to be phasing out the use of. gas guzzling military vehicles and equipment in favor of plugging in take cleaner technologies it's all in a bid to attract younger and more environmentally conscious recur. yes not only will that give us considerable operational benefits reducing logistic drag but it will also get the army on the right side of the environmental argument especially in the eyes of our next generation of recruits who increasingly make career decisions based on a prospective employers environmental credentials. earlier this year the british
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army launched a new recruitment drive targeted at young people the campaign emphasise that the army could use the compassion of snowflakes the self belief of millennial zz the confidence of selfie take is and the focus of phone zombies and the push for a greener and more inclusive army isn't limited to the u.k. if us democratic party presidential candidate elizabeth warren gets her way the american army will be adding fighting climate change to its to do list we don't have to choose between a green military and in effect a one my plan prove all servicemembers readiness and safety and the chief cost savings for american taxpayers together we can fight climate change and doing military exercises are notoriously bad for the environment munitions can take
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hundreds of years to degrade and toxic materials like lead can spill out and pollute groundwater back in 2017 the u.s. government put out a request for the development of environmentally friendly training bullets both the u.s. and u.k. militaries seem determined to put the eco into warrior and recruit some of them at the same time that's great brilliant good for them i don't know if that's necessarily a thing that's going to attract young people necessarily i think. i dunno maybe where we were some people aren't. sure it would be better if some people. never thought about it. but i don't consider that right but i think to be in it for seems to be ignored but. what do. we know well going green is
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a good idea. young people at the end of it do you want to be put in a foreign mine and get killed you know it doesn't matter what you drink. it out of . where eco friendly. that but neither. kind of speaks to me and period sounds like a good idea about whether it would be really. really. who's going to go. and that's what we need to know. not where you live across. south korea has filed a complaint with the international olympic committee over japan's plan to use a military flight during next year's games in tokyo so insists the rising sun emblem is no better than the nazi swastika and represents japanese clonie rule and atrocities associated with it took it was top official in charge of the 2020
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olympic sees no problem with flying the imperial college. of takes a look now at the long running feud between south korea and japan. this flag is the thing setting apart south korea and japan for almost the whole past decade you might not see anything wrong with it but for more than a 1000000000 korean and chinese people it's no different to a swastika during the 2nd world war the japanese empire made this image of the banner for atrocities which rival the darkest crimes of adult hitler. the row over the flag largely dates back to 2011 when the nation's football teams
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met on the pitch to witness the image being literally waved in their faces and since then so has repeatedly asked tokyo to abandon the symbol the latest being their request for the 2020 olympics which japan rubbished the flag itself is not considered to be a political statement so it is not viewed as a prohibited item so now so has reached out to the international olympic committee directly we emphasized that the use of the rising sun flag during the tokyo lympics would be a direct violation of the olympic spirit promoting world peace and love for humanity and that the international olympic committee should have the tokyo organizing committee prepare strict measures to prevent it from being brought to stadiums just last week tokyo snubbed an international fleet review in south korea over the demands to abandon any hoisting of the controversial image symbols of nazi germany
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have been outlawed and to this day on solemn occasions berlin speaks of its continued repent at the same time the japanese flag on. old korean and chinese rooms repeatedly according to a lesser by south korea. * and plenty of south koreans agree with the official line one of the reason for doing olympics is he's so if you or anyone of his use of the news the pledge. to save or whatever doesn't like it i think it's a faith on the want to rebuild the relationship because they
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deny our forecasts i suppose. or even governments opinion by so for. that. you know little or other or. inferior out there to feel heard. the only one to receive their policy they should apologize sincerely to not only koreans but. to. the countries. which they affect or concord i think 1st of all people have to know about the history and the abbott government that made them forward. and maybe we can. get better relations.
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listing in asia pro and anti government protests have erupted in hong kong for yet another weekend the 15th in a row scuffles have broken up between the opposing sides of a shopping center in the city. god police were on the scene for some time dealing with the once was the initial demonstrations months ago were sparked by a proposed street to ship but with the crew in still wide democracy. while it was so low in stuff the bill will be withdrawn protesters to wait for their other demands to be met the includes the investigation into alleged police brutality during. the release of the it was that the protests began the end of march since then activists have been blocking key sites every weekend they
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have mostly targeted the territories or port subway stations as shopping centers and also major routes locals as well as foreigners are no avoiding that was areas on the additional note the arrests a severely hit hong kong's tourist trade there has been a 40 percent drop in visitors in august compared to the same month last year over the past few months the local social unrest particularly the continued vandalism and disruption to the airports and roads has damaged hong kong's image as a safe city the tourism retail and hotel sectors are suffering the most. finance minister we just heard from also noted that hotels have seen occupancy rates drop to about half in some places some of the city's busiest districts are no half empty you can indeed compare those pictures no to previous years when it was bustling on
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the right of your screen and very busy and on call local business owners say they have been hit hard by the on rest when it's a night this industry has indeed been he has all of us minds only medium sized travel agency but he still has quite a few to a graph to handle so the most important thing is that this is not will we don't want these rights to destroy our society we hope things are resolved as soon as possible and then we can work to try and win back the confidence of tourists to visit hong kong my drivers have made no money for 3 consecutive months and i hope things can be settled as soon as possible so peace can be restored to hong kong then our tourism industry can get back to normal we should promote hong kong and get it back to what it was before so that people feel hong kong is the safest city and the best this nation for tourism. program including fears for us water security bubble to the surface after donald trump drops regulations on where
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chemicals can be used near water source of that's coming. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. he was a cattle a republican because we thing. it would be fear to our people and we want to contribute to the wealth of europe into the european values of democracy of equality of dialogue of peace and we think that we are ready to contribute. to this new europe as part of the euro meet the european community and
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constituency of the big deal what's the problem why can't we accept that possibility in the 21st century. 20 minutes into the program welcome back the trump administration has announced the repeal of the clean water rule regulations that control the use of chemicals near water sources the idea is to ease the bureaucratic burden on firms but it's also brought to the surface fears that u.s. water security could become paralyzed. like most of us donald trump enjoys the occasional refreshing glass of clean water.
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but he doesn't seem as keen to keep the water clean as his predecessor trump has recently lifted obama era restrictions and regulations on the spraying of chemicals and pesticides near streams wetlands and other bodies of water in new wood is a definition that provides hardworking americans the ring the tories certainly the need to invest and develop and build new projects that improve lives in the environment so what has changed well during the obama era if you wanted to use certain chemical pesticides and sprays in your body of water you need a permit now you don't there's certainly going to be a lot of rejoicing about this from certain sectors many american farmers and manufacturers felt that they were being crushed by the obama era regulations intended to curb water pollution it would be great if farmers didn't have to hire
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an army of consultants and lawyers just to be able to farm now the new rules are being criticized as overly vague with the decision about what bodies of water get protected being decided on a case by case basis now the farmers are overjoyed but that feeling is not being shared by people in communities that depend on streams and rivers many see to some towns to live in with unsafe drinking water and it's very important to us that now it's not the time to cut back on clean water protections that the american farmers haven't been too keen on donald trump lately due to his trade war with china so perhaps rolling back these clean water regulations will help when i'm some point with the agricultural sector regardless environmentalists are up in arms but as many gamblers have said before you can't win them all up and r.t. new york ok time for a quick run through of some of today's other headline news. around the world starting in saudi arabia where there are huge fires 2 major state run oil facilities because the rebels in neighboring yemen sabeer deployed nearly
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a dozen drones to attack the sites the saudi interior ministry hostile unspecified whether there are any casualties seeing an investigation is ongoing the saudi led coalition intervened in yemen in 2015 to fight the rebels who would seize power in the country. for the world's 1st ruling nuclear power station has arrived in a far east russia the plant will supply electricity to 50000 people and businesses in a remote area in the siberian chukotka region replacing a lung based reactor uncalled powered generator named after the century russian scientist mikhail the last of it is longer than 4 football pitches and has 2 nuclear reactors on board. because the prime minister or her brother and his indian counterpart cowardly iran karen was speaking of a must rally against india's recent decision to change the status of the disputed kashmir region can more than pakistan would have to respond to any hostility coming from india and ses he would raise the kashmir crisis at the un general assembly
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later this year india insists it has full sovereignty over kashmir on the right to them and the region is called the church. a chef and food activist in canada is creating a stir over alleged racism in western table manners that's after a little girl was told she was not allowed to eat rice with her hands in a school cafeteria. suggesting that the child eats with their hands has no manners is an echo of european colonial powers looking to tame the wildness out of the people they controlled these european table manners were imposed on conquered people in an attempt to civilize them the idea of a single standard of acceptable table manners is just one of a host of strategies used to grow and promote racism. her thoughts being hard to digest in some quarters though the article above just was published in a canadian per until legacy she argues the table moment should be updated to be
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more diverse including in schools but it's left a sour taste with many another nail in the coffin of the word racism having any meaning left whatsoever shame of colonisation food activist secure for can this with done no wait not a fluke that's racist isn't a race when will people learn the difference between culture and race you know we all have different cultural norms and certainly if when you come from a certain from a certain country there are variations of customs depend on where you live children they learn their customs and culture a city in that their own table so when they travel someplace else especially young children they are not going to know now as adults we do our homework and if we are conducting business in another country we certainly want to learn customs and we all have basic rules of conduct at the table when you visit another country you always want to do your homework in advance much like the way that we drive much
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like the way that we tip in different society in different cultures because it all varies if someone comes to another country and they have a different a different mannerism or a different custom we don't want to berate them for using their customs we as as guests at a table always want to be accommodating to fellow guests and we want to treat everyone with respect and i think that's what it boils down to is being respectful of another person. it's time once more to get redacted to another un team are standing by in washington we cross there in moments. because it is for you for you seem like.
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a couple o. . dismissed. should . she. go to work.
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with. those laws on the course and i recall no calls are going to does it cause you know the false start or just like you risk on the use of a chum and you don't know the rules of thumb someone on some of the losses there was a lot still not something to come out of your going to video the condition of salted i mean she saw that you found a small follow have to keep it down to this time i don't talk. tough. looks to me. the wonderful quality this is due to the use of the police reports for the way. for. the ground thank you want redactions or not it is
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a comedy show or americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents the opioid crisis continues to rage on and nobody is doing about it on average one $130.00 americans die every day from an opioid overdose one of the worst perpetrators of this because awful situation is produced pharmaceuticals which created oxy cotton produce owned by the sackler family a group of individuals that would set fire to a children's birthday party if it meant they got to keep the president's. former purdue president richard sackler was forced to give a deposition 4 years ago on his role in the opioid crisis and just last week we finally got to see that video so so so now i want to force all of you to watch it so that we can wallow in disgust together ok because otherwise it's just me and then i will crazy do you know. whether our chief.
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is more powerful or less powerful a drug and more police. presence would you go a powerful. it depends what you mean by powerball. by powerball i mean. better tasting. oxic on have more of a roasted sesame flavor. isn't it funny how the moment our our our world super villains sit down for a deposition they suddenly forget what words mean mr sacco can you state your name for the record well it depends on what you mean by name. my friends call me back my gas. next the lawyer asked him about an internal e-mail from years ago and and you have to understand that at the time these emails were being sent.


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